Swap&Watch: Nancy’s First Time

Nancy and Adam were lying on the bed, the dim moonlight dancing on their bare skin.

Adam was cuddling her from behind, his chest against her back, caressing her slick legs with his left hand.

Nancy was horny, and when she was horny, her brain stopped working correctly, turning her into a naughty slut. She had blown Adam some minutes ago, received and swallowed his cum, which meant she could not be fucked now. However, the sucking and wanking had turned her on, and, regardless of longing for a cock inside her, when her husband of one year asked about her first time, she conformed by starting a very descriptive narration.

“It happened quite late, a month after I turned eighteen.” She started temptingly. “I was dating this boy for almost a year, and even if we had done things before, he wouldn’t allow full intercourse until I was of age.

I had a few opportunities with other guys, but something always got in the way. Anyway, his parents were out for the weekend, so we used his house.

I wanted it to be perfect and make him realise I was not a kid anymore. He was not a virgin, or so he told me, so I had a bit of pressure on that department.

I painted my nails and lips blood-red, just how he liked, and combed my eyelashes, adding some mascara to enhance my big brown eyes.

I picked up my naughtiest dress: white with really thin straps and a rounded neckline that barely covered my bobs. It was also short, ending way above my knees, my pink high heels making it look shorter and my legs longer.

I sneaked out, avoiding my parents seeing me in such an slutty outfit, and I walked to his house drawing tons of attention to my breasts. It was like going naked, but I enjoyed watching men turning around to stare at my bobs or ass, so I arrived quite confident that my appearance was right for the purpose.

He was wearing a tracksuit, which was a bit disappointing, but that wouldn’t stop me. I drove him to his room and pushed him to his bed, my dress so tight that I had to raise it before sitting on his lap with my legs to either side of him and my butt offered to whoever entered the room.

His hands reached for my ass instantly, knowing that I liked it grabbed, and kissed me quite passionately.

After a couple of minutes, he started turning to my neck and down, until his head was buried between my tits. The kisses felt nice on them, so I put down the straps through my arms for him to press the dress neckline down and unleash them.

He did. And started sucking my nipples, making them, and his cock, hard.

I felt his bulb pressing against my crotch, and the rubbing was turning me on. I wanted to give my whole self to him, for which I stood up and pushed his pants down, releasing, what at that time seemed like a huge dick, and I wrapped it in my hand like so many other times before.

I wanked him from there, standing up and with my back bent forward so I could kiss him at the same time. Then, I knelt slowly, pushing him to the edge of the bed so his cock was level with my face.”

Nancy felt Adam’s cock stiffening against her back, encouraging her to continue with the story and to tell every detail she could remember. She didn’t know her husband could get hard again so fast, and she appreciated that her story was turning him on instead of filling him with jealousy. On her part, her right hand, the one hidden from view, had found her wet pussy and was toying with her clit, which was more than ready to receive the fingers.

“I didn’t know swallowing a cock would feel so good. I first used my lips only, pushing down with them, but after a couple of shoves, some natural instinct told me to also use my tongue, and I did it for the first time.

I licked his shaft from balls to head, and he moaned, filling me with arousal and happiness. I did it again, and once I was licking its head, I took it in my mouth tasting his seed for the first time.

I released it with my tongue stretched out, and swallowed again, taking his whole shaft inside. It was so hard, stiff and tasty that I forgot about myself and gave him oral for minutes, my tongue ranging every inch of his erect cock, swallowing it all and dampening it with saliva.”

Adam’s imagination had gone wild, and he was picturing his wife sucking another man as clearly as he was watching her now. His dick had unexpectedly wakened up and was standing firm again, arousal and jealousy fighting to take over until Nancy reached back, wrapping it with her delicate and long fingers. She worked gently and slowly, pleasure sprinting through Adam while she kept talking.

“I would have loved to make him cum in my mouth then and there. I was making him moan so loud, and he was so hard that a rush of satisfaction ranged my whole body. You know I love cum, and I had had his in my hands and belly plenty of times before, but I was curious about swallowing it.

However, I was not there to suck him off but to lose my virginity. I stood and took out my dress, leaving me naked in his room, with only my blue g-thong and the pink high-heels on. He stood motionless, watching my nakedness for the first time, his gaze stopping at my full and rounded breast, where the nipples stood hard. His gaze darted around my whole body, stopping at my crotch and the stream of cum that ran through my legs.

This is when I realised he had lied and was actually a virgin. I was not staying a virgin myself anymore despite it, so I sat on him, telling him not to use a condom to fill his ejaculation inside me.

I had licked him so much, and my pussy was so ready that his cock slid inside me in a single motion making him raise a loud moan and making me gasp, too. ”

Nancy was dripping while recalling the story, aroused over the top by the hard cock she was wanking and that she longed inside her. She needed to be fucked, her body ready for Adam’s manhood. His husband’s cock had started quivering in her hand, and she felt his breath fast on her nape. He was a bit shy, but he could not hide he was enjoying the experiment; she raised her leg and pushed Adam’s cock down between her ass cheeks and into her waiting pussy in an explosion of pleasure.

Adam entered her from behind, sensing the warm dampness of her groin. She moaned when his dick parted her lips and pushed her muscles aside carving space for him. When she lowered her leg back, her pussy tightened against his manhood, but it was so wet that the strokes worked their way easily inside Nancy.

“Thank God I kept my high-heels on because I used them to reach to the floor and push myself up and down his cock’s length. It was amazing how the first man inside me felt, but also the rubbing on the outsides of my cunt. He put his hand on my waist, but he merely moved. I trotted for a while, sensing his shivers inside me. Like yours now.” She added, her voice faltering and heart beating hard.

“I knew what those spams meant. I had made him cum so many times before, and he would do it soon, and so would I. I was so tight that his cock brushed all my inner walls with each shove and filled me with delight.

He was moaning and barely breathing, and I sensed his cock swelling inside me. It trembled for a few seconds, until he came inside me, his warm seed mixing with my own cum. I had an orgasm then, reached when I sensed my first man unloading deep inside me.

I felt happy because I alone had made a boy moan, cum and shiver with joy, and that felt great and exciting. ”

Adam twitched like Nancy’s boyfriend had done all those years back. His stroking had accelerated while his wife was accompanying his thrusts with a movement of her hips. She was close to orgasm; her arousal greatly increased by the remembrance of her fist cock and her husband’s approval of the story.

“It felt so good to feel the cum inside me. I was a woman now, but it was not enough. I felt his cock deflating inside me, so I let it go, leaking cum down my legs and his dick shining. I told him I needed a shower, but what I really needed was to masturbate.

There I was, in a shower that was not mine, massaging my clit after being fucked for the first time, cum still streaming out of me. I was so excited that it only took me a moment to cum. Like I’m doing now.” She half gasped half moaned.

Adam felt Nancy’s insides trembling, then tensing, and then relaxing, and his cock spasmed with it; the story, his imagination, and his loved one cuming added to the ecstasy of fucking her from behind.

He finished with a deep trust hard inside her, spilling warm seed inside Nancy, who grinned and stayed still.

“I had a family dinner that day.” Nancy followed, gasping, and at last, satisfied. ” So, I left his home and sent him a message breaking up with him.”

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