Take Me, Tom Pt. 71-72 by Boo96,Boo96

My thumb pressed onto her hard nub, pulling the little hood back like an uncircumcised cock. I teasingly rubbed her clit, as my tongue flicked it unmercifully. I could feel her tiny tremors building as her muscles contracted around my fingers, as she gushed her juices into my mouth, and my face. Chrissie tried to push me away, but I would have none of it. I sucked and fucked this remarkable woman ’til I knew she was sated. She deserved this, from myself, and her brother.

I finally relented, and moved my face from her slippery pussy, my wet face smiling up at her. I tenderly kissed her sodden cunt, my tongue needing one more taste. I kissed my way up her nimble body, my now excited pussy leaving a trail of my excretions on her leg. I slid one leg between hers, and pulled her to me, scissoring her, for all intent and purposes. I slowly moved my hips and pussy against hers, Chrissie adjusting her position so we were connected, and I readjusted myself to get comfortable, my hands on Chrissie’s stomach and we moved with each other, sliding, and grinding with each other. Chrissie looked adorably wasted,

“Cum with me, baby,” I urged her. “Cum on my foo-foo,” I giggled, hoping I wouldn’t ruin the moment. I couldn’t help it! Ever since she told me about her faux pas with Tom, I’ve been waiting to tease her.

But, of course, I had blown it! Damn! Chrissie looked at me, and broke out laughing. I had only myself to blame. I tried to get the rhythm back, but she was in stitches, all romance, and impending orgasms vanished.

Chrissie was still giggling as I fell on top of her. I wiped the tears of laughter from her face, apologised, and kissed her.

“Sorry, darling. I don’t know where that came from…but it did. At least you had an orgasm! Humph! You owe me!” I faux moaned. “You should have never told me that!”

“I…I think it was YOUR fault, sweetie. But I’ll still do you later, okay?” she laughed.

We laid together, tenderly embracing, and covering each other with light kisses. We could smell breakfast, and knew we had spent too long in here, so clambered out, dressed in our robes and headed out to face the day, finally! Chrissie and I kissed the kids, then wrapped our arms around Tom. The kids let out a loud, “Ewww!” and went back to their pancakes. Chrissie and I just stuck our tongues out at the kids, Chloe doubling over in laughter. David just smirked at us.

We both thanked Tom for his help. [Where would we be without him, I thought.] Would Chrissie and I be here, right now, without him? I thought not. This only works because of the three of us. As much as I loved and adored Chrissie, I so needed a man in my life, too. I needed the strength that only a man could bring to me. As much as I was lost in Chrissie’s femininity, that was only part of my equation. I hadn’t realised that until a few weeks ago. It wasn’t ’til they had broached the idea of a throuple, and looking into what exactly it entailed, did I give it any rational thought. Oh sure, sexually, my God, yes! But it was the emotional side that attracted me so much. The idea that three could work together so much better, and have a rewarding life. As this developed, I asked myself the same question every day. How would I feel if I never saw them again? That was an eye-opener for me! Yeah, of course, there were the usual obstacles like jealousy, but with three, there was more support, and less likely that any one person would slack off. The other two wouldn’t allow it. We would all be responsible, but having that extra person to calm the waters, and speak sense when two had a disagreement or argument, seemed to make sense. I saw this for myself a few weeks ago. Tom and Chrissie had their first ( I think!) argument. Both overreacted, and both were unhappy. I heard most of the raised voices, so had an idea what was going on. I talked with Chrissie, and urged her to make amends and sort out the misunderstanding. Sure, I had to spank her to see sense, but it worked! I’m so happy I was able to overcome my initial reticence. I was willing to walk away from Chrissie otherwise, and let them live the life they both needed, together. Now, for whatever reason, they had chosen ME to join them. My life seemed so much more complete now.

Anyway, Tom’s pancakes were marvellous! From what I had seen so far, his repertoire wasn’t that varied, but he had time yet. Chloe asked if they could go swimming at the local pool, David seconding the fab idea. Chrissie and I balked at the idea, and were met with glares. Oops…Looks like Chrissie and I were digging out the suits!

We talked about our favorite house again. The kids loved it, as did Chrissie and me. Tom was going to call them tomorrow and put in an offer! Wow! This was happening!

“You okay with that, Chrissie?” he asked, her face ashen with shock.

“Are you…sure, Tom?” she asked.

“If you two want the house, then yes, that’ll be our home,” he said, adamantly.

“Emily?” he asked me. “Are you certain? Is this the one?” he asked me.

“Tom, it looks perfect for us, so yes, let’s get it. I still want you and Chrissie to see it, though. I know that’s a given I…I trust your decision, all right?” I answered.

Later, Chrissie pulled me aside.

“Em, I’m thinking it may be better if you go with Tom. We promised David I wouldn’t go anywhere without him. I think, with his father just passing, and everything we’re going to be putting them through, it may not be fair. Would you be willing to go?” she asked. “Even without that, I think you should go, sweetie.”

“Chrissie! This should be between you and Tom. I think you should reconsider. Really. I love the idea, but I can take care of the kids, you know that. Go with Tom, sweetie,” I said, truthfully.

“You’re wrong, Em. Remember when we had our first meeting? Tom and I talked about privilege? Well, that’s what you’re doing right now. You are just as much a part of this as we are. Leaving us to make this decision isn’t fair on you when you could so easily go, too. I’d like you to go, darling,” she explained.

“What does Tom say?” I asked. “Is he okay with me going, and not you?” I asked.

Chrissie began to laugh. It took me by surprise, actually.

“Em, believe me, he’d absolutely love to go with you! I haven’t mentioned this to him yet, but trust me, he’ll do what WE want, okay?” she laughed, and smiled. “Seriously, he’ll love your company. God, Em. The guys in love with you, with both of us. I need you to go, sweetie. Do it for me?” she said, with those puppy dog eyes. “And…you don’t have to worry about abstinence!” she giggled. “Please?” she pouted.

“I’d…I’d love to, Chrissie. Thank you…for everything,” I sighed.

“Behave, Em. You’re part of this family. We decide together. Well, except for this time. I decided!” she laughed, and we hugged.

“We’ll tell him tonight at our meeting, all right,” she said, looped her arm through mine and we went back to the kitchen.

Tom looked at us and asked, “What are you two up to? I know those faces!” he smiled.

“You’ll find out later, darling,” Chrissie said, with a smirk. Let’s keep him guessing, we thought.

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