Teen Takes Two Cocks Pt. 01 by neverrefuses,neverrefuses

The festival had been the highlight of the calendar for Zara and Chloe. Zara, both just having hit there 19th birthdays Zoe was so into her music that her parents just gave her the money to buy her ticket but for Chloe she had worked her arse off to save and scrape the money together to be there. Chloe held a secret also from Chloe which was that she had secretly been selling drugs to get the money she needed, and she planned to sneak some coke into the festival to get her drink money. As they got to the gate and she saw the security she panicked but as she was with James and Jay she just played innocent like a little girl who didn’t know better and bitter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.

She held Jays hand as they got searched but with no female security on the gate Jay whispered, she was fine as the drugs were on her knickers and he was right. They walked through nice and easy and headed for their clamping tents.

The tents were large and comfy and with a big double bed she was relieved to not be slumming it. She didn’t mind sharing a bed with Zara as they were best friends, but her mind did wonder to the fact the joys would be doing the same. She stopped herself thinking sexual thoughts – afterall this was about the weekend having fun and the music.

As darkness dropped the girls went to the boy’s tent and had a few drinks, the main bands were hitting the stage at 9pm asp they had time and as Jay looked her up and down, she put her hand in her knickers and pulled out a bag of gear. He noticed that her fingers looked slightly wet. Was she wet down there he wondered? Both of them trying not to make eye contact and stick to the job in hand.

Jay was a tall handsome black guy. 6ft 5 and we’ll built. He always looked good, wore nice clothes, and smelt amazing. Chloe had only known Jay a short while and fancied him a lot. Her friend jessy had dated him for a short time and it was a common conversation amongst her girl group about the size of his cock, how thick he was and how heavy he came. Jessy once said that he fucked hard and rough and was relentless when he wanted a girl.

They stumbled out of the tent to the main stage and literally spent the next 3 hours dancing and drinking and having secret lines. As darkness fell the boys said they wanted to go back as they were wanting more booze and drugs without watching their backs. The girls kept dancing but as the stage fell silent and the band ended Chloe realised that she had lost Zoe somewhere on the crowd. She stumbled back to the tent, barely remembering where it was. She remembered a large red flag outside the tent and as she saw this on the hill, she made her way to the only spot she felt safe to go to.

Opening the tent, she sighed relieve to be back safely. “What are you doing” she heard a voice say as she saw two men. It was Jay and James laying on their sleeping bags in shorts and snorting fat lines of coke. Shit, sorry guys she said. She remembered just then that the flag was there’s and she had stumbled into their tent.

Fuck she felt pissed and unsteady as she sat on the floor. Sorry guys I’ll go soon she said. Hey, it’s fine don’t worry Jay said as he nudged James. Fancy a line baby he asked? Urm yeah of course she said. She lent down to sniff the line off the tray that Jay was holding. Taking it all she couldn’t help noticing as she lifted her head that Jay’s cock was hard. Clearly hard and poking through the bottom of his shorts. She paused as she looked and could see the head of his cock all shiny and wet. Quickly lifting her head, she asked for a drink nervously unsure what to say. Had he seen her looking?

She gulped her drink quickly as she chilled and sat back on a bean bag. They chatted for a while and drank some more and as Chloe relaxed, she lay back on the bean bag all content. She was only wearing her mini skirt and bra too as it was summer, and she wanted to look sexy in the festival crowd. Jay looked at Chloe. Can I ask you a question he said? Yes of course she replied. How come you are single?

Chloe laughed, because I have a high sex drive and one no man can satisfy me, she quickly replied. Mm well what about two men James responded, maybe you need two cocks to play with have your ever tried that?

Chloe smiled, paused….. well, no I haven’t she replied. Gently tilting back on her bean bag and opening her legs slightly to tease the boys. She drifted for a while wondering how they would react. She closed her eyes for a moment in her own little world. “Chloe open your eyes” she heard James say.

She opened her eyes and gasped at what she saw. James and Jay were both naked stood over her. Both looking down at her stroking their cocks. FUCK she thought. She looked at James and admired his cock, his shaved balls looked so smooth, and she couldn’t believe how thick his cock was. Watching him stroke his dick made her wet and as she looked to Jay she felt her hair being grabbed and pulled upwards. Jay didn’t even speak to her as he dragged her head down onto his huge cock. She had no time to think as he filled her mouth. She felt lightheaded as he fucked her mouth and dragged her hard. Pulling her back James took over and slide into her throat. Jesus these two are big she thought as she eagerly sucked and licked to impress them. She kept gagging and choking as she felt her bra being pulled down to release her massive DD tits. God, he felt good, James was big and she loved the smoothness of his cock. She tasted pre cum and liked what she swallowed.

Turn her over Jay said and as they pulled her bra down further James lay on the floor. Get on my cock he said you dirty little slut. As she slid down onto his cock, she let out a scream. Fuck he’s big she thought as she went down to kiss him. As they kissed, he slowly fucked her. Her totally wet cunt now dripping down his cock as she lost herself for a moment. As she rode him she felt Jay behind. No she said I don’t want that just yet but it was too late as he forced his cock into her arse. Stretching her wide he went deep, and she screamed loudly.

She now had two big hard cocks buried inside her and the gentle movement had stopped, replaced by hard forceful thrusting, both cocks pounding her hard. She could feel the guys pulsing in her and she could feel that both those cocks were rubbing against each other with just that tiny bit of skin separating her cunt from her arse.

You dirty fuck James said as they pounded her relentlessly. Dragging her hair back and kissing her neck and lips she was stuck between them both. You like it don’t you Jay said? Fuck he’s I do she said. I really do.

I love being used and I love being fucked by you both….

She felt them pulse, I need to cum she said. Yes, baby go for it Jay said. They felt her explode as she screamed, and her pussy erupted with so much cum she went limp. Now it’s our turn James said as he shot his load deep up her. Jay didn’t need any encouragement as he screamed loudly and forced his cock deep to fill her up.

They stayed inside her for a while just kissing her and making her feel special albeit used.

As they pulled out there cum dripped to the floor mixing as it formed a puddle for all to see.


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