Tennis in the Park by EmiTsuruta,EmiTsuruta

Hi. It’s me, Emi, again. Hope you are doing well.

Near the house I was staying in Oceanview, there was this park. I guess Brandon was the first one to tell me about it, the 19-year-old son in my home stay. Brandon is a bit of a gawky one, black hair, beady blue eyes, wiry arms, but I guess he has his charms. Yuuki from the mall says he’s cute.

Anyway, this park has a splash pad, so Brandon, his sister Jennifer and I would go there on hot summer days to cool down. Inside the park on the way to the splash pad, we passed a couple of tennis courts, and deeper in their park, there are even more courts. I had fun that day, and when I mentioned it to my boyfriend Ryosuke, he suggested we play some tennis.

I’m more of a swimmer than a tennis player, but I did play a bit of tennis growing up. There is a tennis court near my parents’ house. In Japan, tennis has a bit of a romantic reputation, a place where princes meet their future wives at courts with panoramic views high up in the mountains. In Oceanview, there are even more tennis courts than in Japan. There’s one near Kenta’s condo for instance. Tennis did sound like fun, so both Ryosuke and I bought some tennis wear and rackets and such, and went to go check it out.

This one park is quite beautiful really, fountains, picnic tables, a wading pool, a spider’s web for climbing and large fields of green grass with trees along the edges. Maybe it’s just my imagination, but I think the fresh air and greenery inspires people, gives them the freedom to kick back, relax and let loose a bit. This park was like a little oasis, a respite from the busyness of the town around it.

Brandon, Jennifer and I would go in our swimsuits, and run around, dashing through the spray from the fountains. The wading pool wasn’t deep, but there was a lifeguard there watching over everyone. Brandon seemed quite taken with her. She was Asian American, maybe 19ish, long black hair, brown eyes, a cute face I guess but a bit heavier set than me. She wore this fire engine red one piece swimsuit, normal enough from the front, but fairly high cut at the back, showing off her quite sizable rear end. Whenever she bent over to help someone, Brandon’s eyes would dart over in her direction, checking her out.

When I came with Ryosuke, we saw other strange things. One time we saw this American woman, maybe 25 or so, lying out in the middle of the grass sunbathing in a bikini. She was reading a book, but Ryosuke glanced over at her as we walked by. I was a bit annoyed, but let it go.

A bit later, we walked back that way. She’d taken off her top, and was lying face down. She saw us, and peered over at us kind of nervously. She was hiding her nipples with her towel, but we could definitely see quite a bit of her largish breasts. I was so shocked at the time, because there were like all these big apartment buildings just above looking down over where she was lying. Ryosuke gave me a toothy grin. After that, he was all over me trying to get me to go topless! Can you imagine? That would be so embarrassing.

A different day, we went back to that park. On the first set of tennis courts, we saw these two muscular guys playing tennis bare-chested. There were both kind of hunky-looking. Ryosuke was more interested in something at the side of the court. There was a woman lying there on a lawn chair, and I swear her swimsuit was so skimpy. It was a one-piece, but it barely covered her back at all. She was a petite woman, especially compared with her massive friends, and her pert little backside was sticking up in the air. It almost looked like she was naked. She had dark sunglasses on, but she noticed us, and gave us the most wicked grin. I guess one of the guys must have been her boyfriend. She seemed to be getting a real kick out of showing off her body. Ryosuke got all excited again. It took forever to get him to calm back down.

After that, Ryosuke kept trying to convince me to do the same kind of thing, lie out topless or naked by the tennis courts or wherever. It did seem like this park was a place where people feel free to shed their clothes, and enjoy the warm sun. I guess I can admit I did find the idea exciting… but I don’t know. At first, I thought it would be kind of weird if I up and stripped right in the middle of the park. I do try to please him, push things, maybe play into his fantasies a bit, but I kind of want Ryosuke to think of me as pure, innocent, not wild or anything. It’s sometimes hard to know how much is too much, you know?

When September rolled around, school started again, and Ryosuke had less time to come play. I decided to go back to the language exchange on campus. It was being held in a new place, this newish white building across from Satomi’s dorm. The room was long and thin, but had big windows letting the sun shine in. Ayumi, this girl I kind of knew, was sitting at a table with a tall handsome western guy, an Asian man in a wheelchair and another Japanese girl, so I went over, and joined them.

The girl was telling them that she stayed in a home stay in the Philippines before coming to Oceanview. In their house, the bath was outside, so she’d strip naked, and bathe out there in view of the road apparently. Both the handsome guy and the wheelchair man got these big grins on their faces imagining her frolicking around in the nude next to the house. I’m pretty sure she liked the handsome guy, and was trying to get him interested. (I later found out that the guy’s name was Paul. He’s British, and I met him again at the outdoor barbecue).

Break time came, and the girl ran off. I asked Ayumi what she made of this other girl’s story.

“Um… I guess I can see the appeal. In all the ads, Cebu has such beautiful beaches. Must be very freeing, exhilarating.” Now I think Ayumi was just kind of musing out loud, not really meaning anything by it, but I tell you I was quite surprised by how open she seemed to the idea of stripping naked outside the house she was staying at. I just kind of stared at Ayumi. She is a cute girl, hair dyed brown, long eyelashes, arched eye brows, adult lips, but not that different from the other girls here. She was different though, both of them were, from my friends like Satomi for instance. I always have to push Satomi to get her to dress sexy, tease the boys or whatever. Ayumi on the other hand, didn’t seem to see anything strange about this Philippines girl.

Ayumi noticed me marveling at her reaction, and rushed to change the subject.

“So… Emi, what have you been up to?”

I shook my head, and tried to snap out of it.

“Um, Ryosuke and I were playing tennis over the summer. We’ve kind of stopped though now that school has started again.”

“Um, Masashi and Eric are playing tennis, and looking for people… women to join,” she noted.

“Who’s that?” I asked. She pointed them out. Masashi had a deep tan, a funny face, hair dyed red, not handsome exactly, puppy dog nose, but was obviously trying. Eric was tall, black hair, Anglo-American.

“Do you want me to introduce you? They invited me to come play too, but I haven’t gone yet.”

“Um, sure,” I shrugged. We went over, and got talking with them about it. It turned out they played at the same park Ryosuke and I had been going to.

“Do you girls want to come?” Masashi asked straight away. I looked at Ayumi, and she seemed game. So that next Friday, we headed to the park, and met their whole group. Different people show up each week, but Masashi and Eric were the core. They brought rackets for the beginners, and tried to include everyone, get them up to speed.

A lot of us were Japanese, but one time this blonde woman came, Sally. She was something else. She came dressed in tennis wear of sorts, a pleated grey mini-skirt with a preppy sweater tied around her neck. None of it matched, and I didn’t know quite what to make of her. When we took a break, and went to sit on the curb, she sat with her legs wide open letting us all see her panties. In Japan, women don’t usually sit like that. I kind of wanted to warn her that we could kind of see the outline of her cooch, but I hesitated. Masashi’s voice went up an octave, excited I guess at the sight of her bare thighs. It was kind of funny.

In December, the weather turned cooler, so Ayumi and I stopped going, but then in March, it warmed up, so Masashi messaged me asking if we’d come back. I was kind of looking forward to seeing them all again. After class, I popped home, and grabbed my tennis whites, before heading to the park. On the way in, I passed a few cherry trees. The flowers were in bloom, sending this flurry of pink petals floating down, covering the ground almost like snow. It reminded me of Japan. There people often go to parks in the spring, and sit under the cherry trees, laughing and making merry. Hanami we call it, flower viewing.

Down at the far end of this park, I found Ayumi, Masashi, Eric and a few new people outside the courts getting ready. There was a guy named Taka and a girl named Rina and one other Japanese girl whose name I didn’t catch. I’d kind of seen Taka around at the exchanges, a big head, but kind of attractive, a bit edgy, streetwise, a hustler. Rina was just a slight willow of a thing, quiet, polite, wide-eyed, but maybe angling to be Taka’s girlfriend.

“Hey, you made it,” Ayumi smiled when she saw me.

I still needed to get changed, but when I checked the washroom door, it was locked up tight.

“I can’t get in,” I came back, and told them.

“It’s a civic holiday,” Eric noted.

“Maybe there’s a place to change near the station,” Masashi suggested. “I think there is a bar or something there… although that is a long way to walk.”

We didn’t have that much time, and I did want to get playing.

“Um… maybe I can just go around the corner, behind the washroom building, and change there,” I mused thinking out loud. Masashi raised his eyebrows, clearly picturing me stripping naked. Eric laughed, imagining the same thing. I hadn’t really planned to get naked, but now with them getting all excited, I began to wonder if maybe I should, just to tease them. Ayumi didn’t look as keen, but she herded the rest of them away from that side, and then came back around the corner to help keep me safe.

“I don’t know why they’ve locked the washrooms,” I complained. “They are usually open.”

Ayumi nodded, her lush lips pressed together, but the way she was looking at me, I think she could tell I was remembering the Philippines girl’s story of getting naked outdoors next to her home stay. Ayumi just looked at me, wondering I guess if I actually had the nerve to strip out in the open like this.

I looked all around. The wall of the washroom was blocking the view from the east. North were the empty tennis courts behind a chain link fence. West was grass and trees (not cherry) and beyond that apartments. South there was this little side street with houses on it. The leaves on the trees were kind of blocking the view from the houses, but there were cars parked on the street. It was hard to tell if anyone was over that way.

It did look fairly safe, so quickly, before anyone came, I pulled off my fluffy white crop top over my head. Ayumi laughed, surprised I was being so brave. She didn’t try to stop me though. I squatted down, and put that top away in my bag, and then undid my belt, and took off my beige shorts. I was starting to get all excited from being out here in broad daylight in just my undies. The set I was wearing was lace and a bit frilly, but I’d brought a sports bra and plain white panties, so I should probably change into those.

There was still no sign of people, so next I undid my frilly bra, and stuffed it in my bag with my other clothes. Here I was topless now, just like Ryosuke had asked. My face was flushing hot from the embarrassment. Ayumi kept glancing back to make sure Masashi wasn’t coming. Ignoring her, I took off my panties, and packed them away, squatting here naked now. The wind was whipping all around my body, tickling my skin, getting me even more excited. Ayumi squealed,

“Wow!” surprised I’d actually got naked.

“Yeah, exciting,” I admitted shivering a bit in the breeze. I dug my smartphone out of my bag, and held it out to her. “Could you take my picture?” I asked, hoping to get some proof that I’d actually had the nerve to strip naked out in the park here.

Ayumi rubbed her eye, laughing, but eventually, took my phone from me. I had to show her how to call up the camera app, and set it up. I motioned for her to move away with her back to the sun, so she could get all of me in the shot. She took a couple pictures, sexy, but the grey stone of the wall wasn’t that interesting as a background.

“Where are the cherry blossoms?” I mused, wondering if we could get them into the shots somehow. Ayumi shrugged, so I padded down the opposite way, peering out from behind the building at the street just a few yards away. There were lots of trees on this side, but not cherry. Those must be back east towards the entrance where I came in.

On the street, I could see a couple of people, but I think they were walking away, and hadn’t seen me. I looked down again at my naked body. The sunlight lit up my pink skin, really making me stand out against the greys and greens of my surroundings. It was still early in the year, so I didn’t really have a tan. I hadn’t trimmed my black pubic hair, so it was fairly thick, making me stand out more. Maybe if I’d shaved, I wouldn’t look so indecent.

Ayumi peeked out round the north corner, and then came back to warn me,

“They are still over by the entrance, but Masashi and Eric are acting strange. I think they know that you are naked.”

She was right of course. I knew I was taking a terrible chance. I was quite nervous, my whole body shaking, but I still kind of wanted to get a shot by the cherry blossoms. The street seemed clear now. I motioned for Ayumi to follow, and then rounded the corner on the street side, and walked all the way down to where I could hear Masashi and their voices. I listened trying to hear what they were talking about.

“Emi! Where are you going? They’ll see you!” Ayumi called after me. I waved for her to shush. It was true that I was kind of out in the open here. If someone came along from either direction, they’d see me for sure. There was something so deliciously naughty about the situation though. Masashi et al had wanted me to get naked, and now here I was just a few feet away from them. My heart simply would not stop beating away.

“Do you want them to see you?” Ayumi scolded.

“What? No…,” I countered. “I mean, that would be pretty funny…” I laughed trying to get her to see the humor. I felt for my lucky necklace only to realize I wasn’t wearing it. Was it back in my bag? I turned to go get it, but Ayumi made it to the corner first, and peered out.

“There’s a couple there, a guy on his bike and a girl with a dog,” she warned.

Oh oh. I hadn’t heard them come up. I didn’t want them to see me naked like this.

“What are they doing?” I asked Ayumi.

“Not much. Just walking the dog… but the dog is sniffing your bag… It’s so cute, a little chihuahua.”

“Can’t you just get my clothes?” I urged her.

“OK. I’ll try. Wait here… or hide or something.”

I tried the door of the girl’s washroom again, but it was locked up tight. There wasn’t really anyplace to hide, not here at least. Now what do I do? I can’t just stand here. I couldn’t hear Masashi and Eric’s voices anymore. I went back to the far corner, and peeked round at the entrance to the courts. It looked like Taka and Rina were playing tennis already, but Masashi had maybe gone with Eric to look for me. There were some trees along the fence, and up the hill, the cherry trees I’d seen coming in. But if I make a dash for it, Taka and Rina will see me. Hurry up, Ayumi. Bring me my clothes.

I waited, and listened, but back where I’d left my bag, I could hear a whole group of them talking now. I can’t just stand here. Ayumi had told me to hide. I glanced out again. Taka had his back to me, and Rina had run to fetch a ball, so I took a deep breath, and made a dash for the trees. This took me away from Eric and them, but as I rounded the last tree, I suddenly saw that up the hill there were other people playing tennis on the courts up there. This rush of excitement pulsed through my body, heating me up, enveloping me. It was getting hard to think straight. I could hardly believe I was out here naked with all these people around. I stopped, and tried to hide behind this tree from Taka at least. The players on the courts at the top of the hill seemed to be focused on their games, not noticing me yet.

Eventually, Ayumi came, and found me, but she didn’t have my bag.

“What happened? Where’s my bag?” I gasped, confused.

“Masashi got it before I could. You have to hide somewhere. I think he’s looking for you!”

If I went up the path, those other tennis players would see me, and there didn’t seem any other way out.

“Should I just give up, and go back like this?” I asked, showing her my naked body. She frowned, not liking that suggestion.

“No, you’d better not,” she warned. “You’ve seen them, seen how they act.” She looked around, and finally, said, “Here, just climb over these rocks, and hide in the bushes,” pointing towards the side street with all the cars and houses.

“OK. Just hurry, and get my bag!” I pleaded, climbing up onto the rocks. I hopped down onto the grass below, and then followed the bushes along till I found a place I could kind of hide. This was getting silly though. Is it really such a big deal that I’m naked? Those American girls we saw were almost naked. I had half a mind to go out there, and show Masashi and them, but maybe Ayumi was right. They’d probably freak out. Why does everything have to be so complicated?

While I was cowering here in the shade of the trees, the cyclist and dog girl came, and sat on the rocks where I’d just been. They were lost in their own world, so I don’t think they realized I was down here. The guy looked kind of cool, long curly black hair, black cap, cargo shorts. They’d probably be fine with whatever, don’t you think?

Before I could do anything though, Ayumi came back with my bag.

“Oh thank god. You got it. You are such a life-saver,” I gushed, hugging her for her help. I knelt down, found my clothes and my necklace. I took it out, and fastened it on around my neck.

“What are you doing?” Ayumi asked.

“It’s my good luck charm. Ryosuke gave it to me. When I wear it, nothing bad ever happens.”

Ayumi scowled.

“Masashi is right over there, looking for you,” she reminded me.

“Here. I just want to get one last picture… by the cherry blossoms?” I pointed at them up the hill. The couple was still there though. I was debating stepping out, and letting them see, but luckily, they got up and walked away. Ayumi was bouncing up and down, motioning for me to be careful, but the coast was almost clear now. I couldn’t see Masashi or them, but maybe if I just dash out quick we can get a picture, before anyone realizes.

I came out of the bushes, and beckoned for Ayumi to follow, but a more serious problem was how excited I was. The warm spring breeze was nipping at my naked flesh, setting my hello kitty all atwitter. There was this sweet rush of joy welling up inside me. I kind of knew I was taking an awful chance coming out here naked like this, but the cherry blossoms were just a few steps more. Doing my best to ignore the alarm bells that were going off in my head, I forged straight up the hill to this beautiful spot with an ornate wrought iron fence with vivid pink cherry blossoms just behind. Unfortunately, that was right next to where all these couples were playing. I tried to stay out of sight, hide behind the trees, but they were right there. I was so worked up I swear I was on the verge of coming.

Ayumi took a picture or two, but the people on those courts started turning this way, so I ran back down the hill to hide again. I think that Rina girl saw me, but I dashed into the bushes, and fished out my tennis whites as quick as I could. I pulled on the plain white cotton panties, the sports bra, a white mini skirt and a white short sleeved polo shirt. Ayumi caught up, looking worried, but it didn’t look like anyone was coming after me. She gave me back my phone, and scratched her nose. I knew she thinks I’m strange, but she didn’t seem that upset considering.

When we finally went into the tennis courts, Masashi asked where we’d been. I guess he and Eric hadn’t seen me naked after all. Rina was kind of glaring at me, but she didn’t tell them that she’d seen me running around naked.

I didn’t tell Ryosuke about that day, but he knew I wanted to play more, so he eventually made some time to come play. This time, I showered, and changed into my tennis whites at home, walking to the park from there. Ryosuke had on his sunglasses, but he was wearing white too, really short shorts showing off his legs. He was still working on a beard that never seems to grow, but he looked pretty dapper with his tan and gelled hair. He’s a handsome guy, cheerful, friendly, supportive most of the time. He gave me a big grin and a kiss.

We walked in all the way to the same set of courts. For some reason, seeing that cherry trees on that same stretch of path, the emotions of my streak came flooding back to me, getting me all excited again. I tried not to let it show. I trust Ryosuke of course, but I was a bit worried. When he gets worked up, he sometimes goes a bit overboard. I try to be the sensible one.

We went onto the court, and started playing, lobbing the ball back and forth. After we’d been playing a while, I got thirsty, so we took a break. I’d brought a bottle of water in my bag, so I went over by the fence, and squatted down to get it out. When I looked up, Ryosuke was peeking up my skirt at my panties.

“Hey, Emi. I’ve got an idea.”

“What?” I squinted, still trying to hide my excitement.

“Let’s play a game, but the winner gets the loser to do something.” He took off his sunglasses, winking at me. I of course knew why he was suggesting this. Just to be difficult, I made a frumpy face, acting offended.

“I can give you some kind of handicap, say a thirty point lead?”

I wasn’t sure if this was fair or not. I looked at him hard, and then looked around at the empty park. It was kind of quiet, peaceful. I was still trying to calm down, not all that successfully.

“OK, but give me chance, OK? Don’t hit them too hard or anything… and if I win, you have to take me some place nice.”

“OK, I promise.”

I didn’t really expect to win, but anyway, he let me serve first. I hit the ball as hard as I could, but I missed a couple of shots, and soon the score was 30 all. I made a really nice serve on the next one, but he hit it back hard, and I missed. In no time, I had lost the game. I walked over to the net pouting.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I knew you’d win. You’re too good.”

“I gave you a thirty point lead!”

I peered up at him through my long black bangs.

“So what do you want me to do?”

“Take off your panties.”

“What?” I squealed, pretending to be scandalized.

“Oh please, Emi. Just for me.”

“I don’t know, Ryosuke. This is like one of the shortest skirts I have.”

“You look great. Don’t worry. No one will be able to tell.”

I looked around. There was a hill behind us with some people’s yards at the top, but I couldn’t see anyone. It was a slow day. We hadn’t seen that many tennis players on our way in. I walked off into the shade of one of the trees, and set down my racket.

“OK, but only for a little while. And I get to put them on if anyone comes.”

Ryosuke came over, and gave me a kiss.

“Oh, Emi. You are the best.”

Looking all around, I slid my hands up my skirt, and carefully slid my panties down. There was quite a strong breeze that day. It was setting my hello kitty all atingle. I was already excited even before he suggested this, but this was just making it worse. I stepped out of my panties, and Ryosuke took them from me. I kept glancing around hoping no one was watching. I slid my hand down between my legs, checking to see if I was wet or not. I definitely was.

“Here, show me,” he said.

“What? Why?”

“How do I know you’re not wearing another pair underneath?”

Who on earth wears two pairs of undies? I made sure no was coming, and then briefly flipped up my skirt, showing him my pussy.

“Here, show me your ass.”

I glanced at him, but he seemed serious, so I twirled, and gave him a peek.

“God, Emi, you look so…” He was so revved up he couldn’t even finish his sentence.

I think both of us kind of wanted to have sex at that point, but we couldn’t very well do it here out in the open like this. The trees kind of shaded the court from the surrounding houses and apartments, but even so, that would be too crazy.

Ryosuke motioned for me to come back onto the court, but I felt terribly vulnerable. The feeling of the breeze was driving me crazy. We started volleying the ball back and forth, but neither of us could concentrate on the game. I tried to hit the ball lightly to keep my skirt from billowing up, but that didn’t really work. He looked pretty turned on, and I definitely was.

Before long, two big African American guys came to play on the court next to ours. I was a bit intimidated at first. They were tall and muscular, but well dressed and not that scary really I guess. I was nervous though, so I stopped playing, and walked over to the shade of the trees, trying to hide. They started playing. Watching them closer, I realized that they were really good. They had on real tennis wear and shoes, hit the ball straight and true, and returned each shot. They focused on their game, not really looking at us.

Ryosuke motioned for me to come back onto the court, and play. I didn’t want to, but eventually, I came out, and lobbed one over as softly as I could. I was so nervous. My skirt flipped up, so I fluffed it back down, looking to see if these other guys had noticed. They were still playing, smashing the ball back and forth. Wham! Bam! Bam!

Slowly, I began hitting the ball more normally, running for it, taking more chances. Ryosuke made a funny face, pretending to be shocked that I was letting them see my bare behind. I was getting pretty excited by then, but from the looks of it, I don’t think they’d twigged that I was commando. I guess they thought Ryosuke and I were bad players.

Eventually, one of their balls came flying over, and landed on my side of the court. They kept on playing, but I thought I’d better get their ball. I walked over, and then looked back at them to make sure they weren’t watching. I quickly bent over, reaching for the ball, flashing them my bottom in the process! I was so nervous. Ryosuke made this face, chiding me, but actually, I don’t think they noticed. I straightened back up, my heart pounding in my chest.

Soon a third African American man came. He sat down facing this way, so I signaled to Ryosuke we should stop. I felt really strange in any case, not used to walking around out in public with no panties on under my short miniskirt. I walked over to where we’d left our bags, and squatted down to fish out my water. Ryosuke came over squinting in the bright sunlight. To tease him, I spread my legs, showing him my pussy. He glanced over at the guys, a bit nervous, and then squatted down across from me.

“You are a little temptress you are,” he grinned.

“What?” I asked. He reached out to touch my pussy, but I quickly backed away. “We’d better go,” I finally said, worried that this was getting out of hand.

“What? You are not going to show them?” he teased nodding at the three guys.

I peered over at them, but I was all anxious now. The three of them seemed nice enough, spiffy, serious, kind of good looking in their way. I did wonder if I could get away with trying something. Still, my heart was pounding in my chest. I squinted at Ryosuke, worried.

“You have a gorgeous body. You know that?” he said, giving me another kiss.

“Thanks,” I smiled, squatting down with my back to the guys to put away my water bottle. When I stood back up, Ryosuke came up behind me, and started fiddling with the waistband of my miniskirt. I thought maybe he was trying to straighten it, or at least, make it so my bottom wasn’t showing, but when he let go, I could really feel the breeze between my legs now, setting my hello kitty ablaze.

“Um, I think they can see,” I warned, but he insisted,

“You look fine. Don’t worry.”

I spread my arms out looking down at the hem of my skirt. I couldn’t see my pussy from this angle, but I could really feel the wind on my delicate derriere.

“Did you pull it up?” I protested.

“Stop fussing. You look great,” he grinned. I was still quite worried about how high the hem was floating, but Ryosuke just motioned for me to go fetch the balls that had ended up on these other guys’ court. I glanced over at them, all nervous.

I waited until the guys took a water break, and then stepped out into the sun, signaling that I wanted to come over to their court to get our balls. One of the players waved that it was fine, but the third man watched as I strode out onto their court. I think he could probably see my bare behind, when my skirt bounced up with each step. I tried to pretend like this was normal. I felt so vulnerable though.

I wandered down to the far end, and found one ball. I waited until the guy who was watching me turned away, and then quickly bent over, and picked up the ball, flashing Ryosuke my bare bottom. I was so excited now, my heart literally pounding.

Another of our balls had fallen next to the net, so I had to come back closer to the men. One of the players noticed me, and came over.

“Hey, you know when you are serving? You should throw the ball straight up in the air.”

I was so shocked. He had been watching me after all! Surely, he must have noticed I was commando then! This wasn’t good.

“Um, what do you mean?” I asked, trying to hide my face in my hair.

He got me to hold the bright green tennis ball in my hand, my racket cocked over my shoulder, ready to serve. I tried to concentrate, but the breeze kept making my miniskirt billow up. The third man was staring straight at me, quite intent now. My heart would not stop.

“Yeah, like that, just throw straight up, an arm’s length above your head.”

I tried to throw it, but I was too nervous. The ball went flying off in a strange direction, and I had to go get it. A bit panicked at the strange situation, I leaned forward to pick up the ball, letting all four of them see my bare backside. This was so nerve-wracking.

I kind of wanted to run away, and hide, but Ryosuke was standing guard over by the tree, watching to see what would happen. These guys actually seemed pleasant enough. The one who was trying to teach me was well-spoken, maybe a pro player or coach or something.

The coach guy came around to this side of the net, making me nervous, but he kept talking, showing me how he serves. When he throws the ball up in the air, it really does go straight up. If I hadn’t been so nervous, I’m sure I could have got it too, but I couldn’t stop thinking about how sleek his skin looks glistening wet with sweat. I did my best to imitate his serve, but I was so worked up I couldn’t really focus.

“Here. Let me give you a ball band,” he said more kindly. I didn’t know what that was, but I followed him over closer to his two friends. The third man grinned as I walked up. It looked like he was getting a kick out of my antics. The coach guy dug something out of his bag. He held out what looked to be a really long rubber band.

“You attach it to the ball, so it will come back to you when you are practicing.”

“Oh wow. Um, thanks…,” I stammered not knowing quite what to say. Ryosuke finally came over, apologizing to these guys, signaling that we had to go.

“Keep practicing,” the coach guy told me. “You’ll get the hang of it.” They all kind of peered after me as we walked away. Once we were out of earshot, Ryosuke burst out,

“Wow! You were something else,” giving me another peck on the cheek. From the sounds of it, those three guys were still talking about me, even after we left the courts. It seems I did make quite the impression, this Japanese girl who can’t serve, but kept flashing them her bare behind.

Ryosuke and I walked all the way out, and crossed the street, going in to a convenience store to buy some drinks. There was a Korean girl working the cash. She was wearing an awful lot of eye make up. She cast an evil eye at my miniskirt, maybe not approving. I ran off, and hid in the back. Ryosuke came back, and found me, but he seemed so pleased.

“I don’t think she likes how I’m dressed,” I nodded at the cashier.

“Who cares? You look so sexy wandering around bare ass like that.” He came up, and tried to wrap his arms around me, but I slipped out of his grasp, checking the fridge. Before Ryosuke could catch me, an American man came in, and peered over at me, zeroing in on my bare bottom right away. I tried to hide behind Ryosuke, but I was so nervous. Ryosuke straightened up, shielding me, but a bulge had formed at the front of his trousers. I was pretty excited myself.

“Here. Just get a drink,” Ryosuke told me. We each pulled a bottle out of the fridge, and then slipped past this guy, heading to the counter. He turned, watching me now, fascinated by my bare behind. Ryosuke was kind of grimacing at him, trying to warn him off, but he kept right on staring regardless. Lord knows what he must have thought.

Ryosuke paid for our drinks, and we dashed outside. We waited for the light to turn green, and then I had to cross directly in front of these drivers. One guy’s eyes went wide when he caught sight of my derriere.

In the park, we walked over to this picnic table nestled in the shade of this big tree. There was another couple there sitting not too far off. I pulled a towel out of my bag to sit down on, but Ryosuke motioned for me to get up on the picnic table, and lie down. I peered over nervously at the couple, but truth be told, I was really horny too.

I spread out the towel on the picnic table, and then climbed up on top, embarrassed no end. I lay back face up, and Ryosuke stood between my legs. It looked like he was going to start playing with my pussy, so I grabbed his hands, and held them. He leaned forward, and started kissing me. I could feel the bulge in his trousers pressing against my gates of heaven. I swear we came pretty close to doing it right there.

Soon though, we noticed more people coming into the park, so Ryosuke backed off. I got down, and sat on the bench. I was still hot though. We finished our drinks, and then headed back into the park to this building with vending machines and washrooms near the first set of tennis courts. We went in. Ryosuke tried to pull one of the benches over to block the door, but it wouldn’t move. I peered out the small windows in the door, trying to tell if anyone was coming. Ryosuke came up behind me, and undid my skirt, and pulled it down, getting me to step out of it. It felt so weird getting naked with him here right in the middle of this busy park.

We both kind of lost it, caught up in the passion of the moment. Ryosuke kissed me on my neck, and shoulders as he stripped off my top next. I felt his crotch, and he was so hard. He stopped for a sec, and fished a condom out of his bag. I knelt down, and waited for him to pull down his pants. Ryosuke’s penis is not huge, just normal size, but it was standing up, twitching from the excitement I guess. I took the condom from him, and unrolled it onto his erect penis, giving it a little squeeze as I did. He made a funny face, fighting off an orgasm I guess.

I was shaking so much by then, worried that someone might come, and find us. Ryosuke pulled off my sports bra, stripping me naked. He got me to lie down on one of the benches. I still had my tennis shoes on, but I arched my back as he got up on top of me, teasing me with the head of his penis. I nodded for him to put it in, but held back, just rubbing the tip all around down there, trying to get me excited. I didn’t care. I was wet enough as it was. The suspense was killing me.

Eventually, he couldn’t hold out himself, and eased it in, making me flinch as I struggled to take his size. It did feel good to have him inside me. He started humping away. I tried to grab the bench to anchor myself, we were sliding all around almost falling off. Ryosuke slowed up, letting me balance, and then once I was ready, started thrusting again. I was so excited I felt like I was going to explode.

I pulled Ryosuke’s hands down onto my breasts, getting him to play with them. Eventually, without me even saying anything, he switched to my pussy, placing his thumb over my hello kitty, trying to get me to cum that way. I honestly don’t know what I was doing. I was just writhing around, rocking my hips, high on the feeling.

Eventually, we got a good rhythm going, the two of us in tune. I was breathing so heavily, right on the edge of coming, but he was careful, thrusting hard one minute, then slowing down, so we wouldn’t come right away. It felt so weird, doing it naked in this utility shed right be the windows looking out at the courts. I was a bit worried that someone might be watching, that guy from the store for instance, but that thought just got me hornier still. We both got overheated, and came much faster than we’d planned, the waves of pleasure washing over me, transporting me to another plane. Wow! That was amazing. It had been a while since we’d had sex.

We lay there for a while gasping for breath. Eventually, Ryosuke pulled out, and got off of me. I was so out of it, up on cloud nine. I slowly came down, and then got up to fished some wet-naps out from my backpack. I dabbed at my thighs which were soaked. There was cum and love juice everywhere.

I gathered up my stuff. I knew that the ladies washroom was just around the corner. I didn’t want to get my skirt all gooey, so I went to the door stark naked. There didn’t seem to be anyone on the tennis courts, but it was hard to tell from this angle.

I slowly opened the door, and glanced around. Ryosuke looked worried, but he didn’t try to stop me. I stepped right out into the sunshine, my head swimming at the sensation of being out here naked. I quickly ran around to the side, and ducked into the ladies room. I wasn’t sure if anyone saw me, but it was such a thrill running around naked out in the sun. I guess I was still a bit high from the sex we’d just had.

Eventually, I managed to settle down enough to get cleaned up, and dressed. I went back out, and met Ryosuke. He had this bemused look on his face. I was tempted to berate him for getting me into this, but I guess he can tell that I kind of like this kind of thing.

Emi Tsuruta


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