“Problem?” She asked. “nervous?”
“Not at all.” Her husband replied. “But like enjoying a gourmet meal, one should never enjoy art alone.”
Catherine grimaced and looked at the half finished painting on her easel, knowing that it would be one of her finest pieces, but only with her model’s cooperation. She unbuttoned the shoulder straps and at once the garment fell away from her breasts.
Her husband smiled and cocked his head in expectation and Catherine eased the denims over her hips and threw them aside, standing naked before her model. Her husband nodded his approval and removed his jeans, standing naked and erect so that he might be moulded into the pose she required. In her dream Catherine stirred. She was alone in her studio, paint covering the walls and floor and. She pulled herself to her feet; her body smeared in colours of every hue and she stared at her painting. Two writhing bodies in the height of passion, naked and hungry and she at once decided that it would hang above her bed at home.
The train shuddered and trundled to a halt and Catherine peered out of the window through half opened eyes. It was her stop! She jumped up and ran to the door, leaping onto the platform and looking up and down for the person sent to meet her. But the few alighting passengers quickly dispersed leaving her alone and Catherine dejectedly made her way to the exit. The station seemed to be in the middle of nowhere and as the remaining cars left one by one, Catherine sat on the wooden steps and wondered where on earth she might be.
“Catherine?” A woman’s voice asked. And Catherine spun her head around. This was not the artist that she’d expected and instead of paint stained overalls, the tall elegant woman wore an olive green business suit. “I’d intended to catch you on the train as we were travelling together, but I saw you sleeping and chose not to disturb you. I’m Alice Simpson. Do you know why you’re here?”
“I’m enrolled on your life drawing class.” Catherine replied awkwardly, though she now recognised the tutor from the university’s ‘about our faculty’ webpage.
“Yes.” She smiled offering her hand to help Catherine up. “I’ve been at a finance meeting with management. I don’t usually appear so formal.” She noted Catherine’s bare feet and in response took off her own shoes. “It’s a short walk.” She offered, picking up Catherine’s bag without asking. “Daniel’s told me so much about you.” She continued and has even shown me some of your work; you’re very talented.”
Catherine felt the need to compliment her too, but instead managed a feeble ‘thank you.’
As they walked Alice took her hand. “I run these workshops throughout the summer and they are generally quickly filled. Daniel begged me to hold this place open for you and of course having seen your photograph and your work I couldn’t refuse him. The group consists of a number of my 2nd and 3rd year students, many of whom I believe to have a great future ahead of them.”
They turned from the station road onto a dirt track and travelled a few hundred yards to a large stone cottage surrounded by trees. “This is my home.” Alice said simply, “and my workspace when I’m not at the university. I’m afraid we’re the last to arrive and we have to start the first workshop almost immediately. I have a room for you of course, but most of my students are staying in the village close by. We can leave your bag in the porch and I’ll take you straight round to the studio to meet the others. Catherine didn’t object as Alice dropped her bag inside what appeared to be a large conservatory rather than a porch and led around to the back of the house and towards a large barn set amongst a series of smaller outbuildings.
Inside it was open and spacious, the walls painted white and the north facing section of roof replaced with a huge window that allowed the light to flood in. The wooden boards creaked as they crossed the barn towards a group of perhaps 16 young men and women, most casually dressed, but two, a muscular young man and rather curvaceous woman, conspicuous in that they were completely naked and seemingly perfectly comfortable with this. The gathering was excited by their tutor’s appearance and the hub-bub increased in volume at her arrival. “Welcome everyone.” Alice called to them. “I’m sorry for the delayed start, but you’ll be glad to hear that my funding for the next five years at the university has been granted and indeed increased and so I’ll not be competing with you for space in the major galleries once you graduate.”
There was a rippling of laughter.
“As you know this weekend will focus on life drawing and as you can see our model’s Marcus and Jennifer are already suitably attired.” She took Catherine’s hand and turned to her smiling warmly. “This is Catherine who will also be joining us for the next couple of days. Those of you who are familiar with the university’s Chemistry department may know her husband, Dr Brychan, head of that facility.
Catherine felt a little uncomfortable at being singled out as the wife of one of the lecturers, but she smiled back at the gathered assembly before turning to Alice. But before she could speak Dr Simpson continued. “If you would each take your place by your easel, and check your equipment, we’ll begin with a few short neoclassical poses before deciding on a theme for the first of your major pieces.” Her eyes locked onto Catherine’s for a moment before moving down to her toes peeking from beneath her dress and moving slowly back up to Catherine’s blushing cheeks. “Catherine, please undress and take your place with Marcus and Jennifer.” Alice grinned, clearly she had been in collusion with Daniel all along.