The Boy Next Door by foryourheartonly,foryourheartonly

Roman stumbled through the door of his new apartment. He forgot how crazy happy hours got with Kevin and Priti. Roman almost tipped over as he tried to untie his laces, barely getting a hand up to brace himself against the wall. He managed to shuffle through the hallway and into his unfurnished family room. He collapsed onto his brand new couch and chugged water from his water bottle.

Freshly hydrated and sobriety slowly beginning to descend, Roman heaved himself off the couch and went about his nightly routine. After inhaling some leftover pasta, he sat back on the couch and read. Other than the couch, the only other furniture was a coffee table, an empty TV stand, and a plush red and black rug. Roman moved cross-country and sold most of his furniture, including his TV. He’d already ordered furniture for his bedroom and was making his way through the rest of his one bedroom apartment. Because of unforeseen shipping delays, Roman was still sleeping on an air mattress on the floor and had no TV to occupy the bare stand.

Roman was curled up under a green throw blanket on his couch, fully immersed in his book. The faint echoes of sirens and street traffic filled the silence as he devoured his book and sipped his chamomile tea. Before long Roman had lost track of time, and when the realization dawned on him he checked his watch and saw he was well past his usual bed time.

Roman groaned as he shifted uncomfortably on his old air mattress. He felt the mattress battling to keep him out of a comfortable position. He tossed and turned, remnants of the night’s happy hour making sleep that much more elusive, until he finally gave up and decided the couch might be the more comfortable solution. He flopped down on the couch and threw the throw blanket haphazardly over this body. He closed his eyes and felt himself start to drift off, finding just the right angle so neither his neck was too craned nor his legs too cramped. His breathing slowed, and before he knew it his alarm was blaring.

Roman walked into the office surprisingly refreshed considering the night’s ordeal. At lunch, he sat with Kevin and Priti and chatted about happy hour and the rest of their nights’.

“Ya man,” Kevin said, “I was out cold the moment I walked through the front door. Slept like a baby.”

Pritti nodded her head in agreement with a mouth full of salad. Roman replied, “I had the opposite night. I couldn’t get comfortable on my stupid air mattress and then when I finally fell asleep on the couch, I had this crazy dream where drums were beating wherever I went. I don’t remember the context of it all, but I distinctly remember loud drums. Weird stuff.”

“That’s definitely strange,” Priti said. “I wonder if it had anything to do with being tipsy. I guess you’ll find out tonight.”

Roman went straight home after work and was greeted by a giant package by his front door. From the branding on the outside of the box, he knew it was his new mattress. Just as he was getting in position to lift the box, a voice behind him said, “Need a hand with that?”

Roman turned to see his neighbour Will standing behind him. Roman had seen and spoken to Will a few times since moving in, but they’d only run into each other in passing more often than not. He was a tall, slim, Korean man with long, straight, black hair and a rugged jaw.

“That would actually be great, thanks,” Roman said as he made room for Will to grab the other side of the box.

After they dropped the box down into Roman’s bedroom, he gave him a beer and the two sat on his lone couch and talked. Roman learned more about Will, how he’d moved into the city only a year before Roman and that he worked as an assistant director on different productions. He learned that Will was single like himself, and they both commiserated on their frustrations with ‘the apps’.

Will finished and Roman thanked him again for helping him as he left. Roman spent the rest of the night cooking dinner and watching TV.

That night, he pre-empted a frustrated move from the air mattress to the couch and settled himself in the living room and as his head hit the pillow, he drifted off to sleep.

The drums returned. They were louder and Roman began tossing and turning, until suddenly he was awake. However, the drumming continued. Roman slowly sat up as he emerged from his slumber. Through the darkness he heard thumping. It was loud and rhythmic, echoing in Roman’s bare apartment. Roman awoke further and attempted to track where the sound was coming from. he followed the sound to the wall behind his TV. The thumping continued, and as he grew closer and placed his ear against the wall, he knew he’d found the source of the racket.

Roman stood with his ear to the wall trying to figure out what the thumping was. It didn’t clang like metal pipes, and the rhythm was too steady. It sounded like something was hitting the wall from the other side. Roman, who was now wide awake, realized he shared this wall with Will. As he stood there listening and thinking about whether he should text Will and ask him if he knew what was causing the sound, a faint chorus joined the beat. Roman’s eyes widened as he heard the faint sound of a woman’s moan. It was at that moment that Roman put together what was happening.

Putting it all together, Roman stood and listened. The thumping of the headboard against the wall continued steadily and the moans grew louder. The melody of was familiar, the experience elicit. The woman cursed and her moans turned to screams as the beat continued, undeterred.

Roman’s reached into the boxers and held his throbbing member. The beat got louder, the tempo unchanged. The chorus grew more frantic, the screams clearer as the the drumming threatened to break down the wall. Roman closed his eyes and stroked to the beat. He put himself in the percussionist’s place, sliding his fingers up and down his shaft in time with the percussionist a few inches away.

Roman felt himself get closer to the edge, climax within reach. He breath quickened, and, as if they knew, the beat against the wall quickened in kind. The force of every hit felt greater even as the pace hastened. The screams and pleads echoed as if they were in Roman’s apartment as he stroked, biting his lip and moaning as his cock swelled.

The beat guided Roman to climax and with a deep, hushed moan he released, shivers wracked his body as the orgasmic waves crashed over him. The thumping and screaming stopped as well, and Roman knew the musicians had finished their piece. He looked down at the mess he’d created and then at the microwave clock. It was late, but he knew he’d sleep more soundly than he had in days.

Weeks passed, and Roman listened, but he also grew closer with Will. Before long they were fast friends and Will often joined Roman on nights out with Priti and Kevin. One day, Will introduced his new girlfriend Kira to Roman and his friends. Roman felt his lump in his throat as he introduced himself, having heard her voice almost every night for the past three weeks.

Roman’s awkwardness subsided as he spent more time with Will and Kira. They often smoked together in Roman’s now fully furnished apartment. He finally got a TV and a plush recliner to match his couch.

One day, Roman, Will, and Kira were in Roman’s apartment smoking and talking. Roman took his usual seat in the recliner and Kira had her legs across Will’s lap on the couch. During a lull in the conversation, the faint sounds of a song grabbed everyone’s attention. Kira furrowed her brow and pulled out her phone as Will and Roman looked curiously around the room. Suddenly, Kira burst out laughing, falling backwards on the couch, her legs kicking up and almost hitting Will in the face.

After regaining her composure, she attempted to catch her breath and explain. “I accidentally played a song on my Spotify, and it somehow connected to the Bluetooth speaker in our room. I thought it was a ghost!”

Will chuckled, “Damn, that sounded like it could have been in this room.”

Roman gave a halfhearted laugh and his heart beat faster as he felt exposed and guilty.

“I didn’t realize my bedroom was right here,” Will said, pointing at the shared wall. “How much sound comes through normally?”

“Honestly, not much,” Roman lied, as he took another hit.

Will eyed him for a long moment, then looked over at Kira who met his eyes. At that moment, Roman knew his fears were realized. His heart raced and he felt flush as he waited for the other shoe to drop.

“Interesting,” Will said, his hands rubbed Kira’s legs still strewn across his lap. “I guess that’s kind of unfortunate, really. I think it’d be pretty hot knowing we were fucking for an audience.”

Roman sat, frozen. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Should he admit that they’ve had a loyal audience of one for weeks? Or should he try and change the subject and assuage Will’s suspicions?

Before Roman could make any decisions, Kira spoke, “Well, we have an audience now. Let’s put on a show.”

Roman couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He sat there and attempted to process what was happening. Were they mocking him? Should he stop them? Should he leave his own apartment? However, eventually, all that remained from his frantic thoughts was his deep desire to stay exactly where he was and take in the show.

Will caressed Kira’s leg, his fingers lingering on each stroke. Roman gulped, his eyes glued to the beautiful couple. Roman felt the bulge in his pants grow with every moment he took in the spectale of what he’d only heard for so many weeks. Kira straddled Will and they kissed deeply, Will’s hands sliding up Kira’s back beneath her shirt. She whipped off her top, and Roman watched her bare, muscular back work as she rode Will’s lap.

Roman’s hand slipped beneath his waistband and he held his hot, throbbing member, unable to control his urges. In an instant Kira and Will lay naked, entwined in each other’s bodies. Their hips thrust as their tongues wrestled, Kira’s petite body atop Will’s toned, pale physique. Kira’s petite breasts pressed into Will’s smooth rippling chest and she moaned against his lips, lost in her lover’s embrace.

Will’s imagination could not compare to the reality before him. Two perfect bodies, completely in sync. His pants had slipped around his ankles, bunched up on the floor, his monument throbbing in the palm of his hand.

Kira and Will untangled themselves just long enough for Will to sit up on the couch. As he moved, Roman’s eyes fixated on his erect cock. He bit his bottom lip and stroked a beat faster as Will’s predigious member beckoned for Kira’s warmth. Kira obliged, and once again straddled Will’s lap, her dripping pussy inches above Will’s towering erection.

Kira lowered herself slowly and Will’s bristling head parting her large, prominent lips. She gasped with her descent, every inch pushing deeper inside. Kira took Will’s entirety and she threw her head back, a deep, gutteral moan of primal pleasure echoed through the room.

She rode Will’s cock masterfully, her hips rocked rhythmically, extracting every bit of pleasure she could. Roman stroked in time with her hips, energetic pumps brought him closer to orgasmic bliss with every passing second.

Kira’s journey towards climax brought with it the familiar screams of ecstasy as she rode faster, pushing herself to the brink. Roman edged ever closer until suddenly Will’s voice broke through the slapping of skin and wails of desire, “Don’t you dare finish.”

Roman immediately stopped and his jaw dropped. His cock twitched violently, begging for release, but Roman was under Will’s spell. He sat there and held his cock as Kira came. Her legs shook uncontrollably as she kissed Will deeply. Riding out her descent from the peaks of euphoria, Kira climbed off of Will’s lap and sat beside him to face Roman. Their sweaty bodies glistened and their chests heaved as they caught their breath.

Roman sat still, waiting.

Will looked Roman directly in his eyes and said, “Now, give us our flowers.”

At Will’s command, Roman continued where he’d left off. He resisted the overwhelming urge to stroke immediately to completion. He knew he had to perform.

He quickly removed his shirt and started stroking his throbbing member, the bristled head eager, furious. He bit his bottom lip and thrust his hips into this hand, his abs contracting with every flex. Whimpers turned to moans as he thrust faster and with more force. His whimpers turned to moans and curses and he threw his head back, taking in every moment of his own journey to the peaks of pleasure. His desire to release was matched equally by his desire to please his favourite performers. He opened his eyes and saw Kira and Will touch themselves as they watched his performance with rapt attention.

Their lustful gaze pushed Roman up the mountain faster, and before he knew it he screamed out in ecstasy and orgasmic bliss washed over him in an unending torrent. His explosion painted his stomach and chest and he held his depleted manhood limp in his hand, taking in the euphoria of the moment.

The smell of sex permeated every inch of Roman’s apartment. He looked at the beautiful, glistening bodies across from him, and took in the sexual power they emanated. He noticed the glimmer in the couple’s eyes, and in that moment he knew they hungered for more, and they had those eyes set on him.

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