The Camgirl Pt. 75 by taylorstorms,taylorstorms

LXXV: What If I Just Stayed?


As Blake ran her hands over Liam’s naked body, massaging his muscles as he’d massaged hers just a few minutes ago, a naughty idea popped into her still-horny mind. She shifted back a bit, straddling his calves instead of his thighs, giving her better access–and a better view of–Liam’s wonderful butt as her hands worked their way down his back, fingers kneading as they went. She still didn’t think it was entirely fair that he had such a round, juicy booty when she had to kill herself in the gym and down gross protein shakes twice a day just to make the progress she had. Her own butt wasn’t bad–she was actually quite happy with it lately.

Liam’s is just…

She gave it a little squeeze, making Liam twitch.

Fucking incredible.

“Enjoying yourself?”

Blake’s cheeks grew hot, but she gave his cheeks another squeeze, then began kneading the firm flesh, “Yes, actually.”

Liam just chuckled, relaxing back into her bed as she continued touching his wonderful butt. She didn’t miss the subtle arch of his back or the goosebumps that broke out on his thighs and back as she varied her touches. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth when she felt Liam press his ass back into her hands.

That’s promising.

Blake continued kneading his ass for a bit, just enjoying herself. Once she felt Liam was comfortable enough, she moved her hands down and a bit inward. With her thumbs, she separated his cheeks a bit as she kneaded, gripping his thighs with her other fingers, giving her a nice view of the puckered skin of his asshole. Blake grinned at the lack of reaction on Liam’s part and continued to knead like that for a bit. She “accidentally” let her thumbs brush a bit close a few times, but other than a little twitch, Liam didn’t seem to mind.

Oh, that’s going to be fun.

Blake’s moved down to Liam’s thighs, though her eyes stayed fixed on Liam’s juicy bubble butt as she thought of the fun she could have with it.

She was still wet enough from earlier that another time, Blake might have nipped at his ass or reached underneath him to grab his cock. Even as she thought of it, her pussy twitched.

For the moment, however, Blake just wanted to touch and be close to Liam.

When she finished massaging him, Blake cuddled up next to him in a position that allowed her to rest her head on one of his butt cheeks. It made for a wonderful pillow.

“That’s going to be a thing now, isn’t it?”

Blake snorted, “As long as you have an ass like this, yes. Don’t act like you haven’t wanted to do that with my ass.”

Liam chuckled, “Fair enough.”

They lay there in silence for a few minutes. Blake smiled to herself, enjoying the closeness and their comfortable silence. After a while, however, she felt the desire to be closer to Liam.

Sitting upright, Blake scooted over alongside Liam, then laid herself down next to him on her back. He looked over at her, grinning, then moved a bit closer, resting an arm between her breasts and cupping her face with that hand.

He kissed her. It wasn’t chaste, but languorous. Content. It made Blake feel as though she was curled up in a blanket next to a roaring fire. She whimpered a bit when he finally pulled back, but his eyes soothed her, bringing a contented smile back to her face.

“I was a little nervous when you agreed to be mine, you know.”

Liam raised an eyebrow, “What did you have to be nervous about once I said yes?”

Blake bit her lip, “I was worried I might have over-hyped you in my head. I thought about you–what things might be like–well…a lot before I even told you how I felt.”


Blake almost rolled her eyes at the hint of worry in Liam’s tone. Instead she stuck out her tongue, “Turns out you’re awful in bed and no one ever had the heart to tell you.”

Liam rolled his eyes, “Thanks.”

Blake surprised him with a quick kiss that made her cheeks grow warm, “If anything, I under-hyped you. I don’t know how, but I managed to find a way.”

The cocky grin that split Liam’s face almost made her regret her words.


Still, she flicked his forehead, “Stop that. You don’t have a magic cock or a magic tongue.”

Liam rubbed his forehead, then held up his hand, wiggling his fingers as his grin returned, “Magic fingers, though, right?”

Blake narrowed her eyes, “Don’t make me flick you again. I just–”

She paused for a moment to think, “I didn’t take into account the ‘us’ part of it in my head. Does that make sense?”

Liam nodded, the cockiness fading from his expression. What remained was his usual sweetness that threatened to make Blake melt into a puddle.

“Did you really get off thinking about me the day we met?”

Despite all she had shared with Liam so far, not to mention their current state of undress, Blake found herself blushing. She nodded and had to try very hard not to look away.

“What did you do? Come over to your bed and grab one of your toys? Or–”

Blake stuck her tongue out him, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? It’s wasn’t nearly as planned out as that. I just rushed into my room after making Marie a little jealous and telling her to go have some fun with you and I started thinking about how cute you were and which of my shows you might have seen. Then I got wet, so I decided to take care of it. I went over to my bed, but I just used my fingers. Thinking about how you’d probably watched me play with myself the exact same way got me really turned on, and…”

Blake trailed off as she rubbed her thighs together.

Maybe thinking about that right now wasn’t the best idea. But I want to know.

“Did you think about one of my shows when you met me?”

Liam’s cheeks darkened, and Blake cackled, leaning in to kiss him. He tried to deepen it, but she pulled back, waggling a finger at him, “Uh-uh–you’ve gotta tell me first.”

Liam sighed, “It was one of your shows with the cat ears and the tail buttplug.”

Blake cackled, then grinned like an idiot when Liam’s face turned even redder.

“I still have those, you know. I wouldn’t mind putting them on for you if you promise to make me food and give me scritches all day.”

Liam’s eyes widened, and Blake laughed so hard she clutched at her belly. Liam’s further reddening face didn’t help at all.

When she finally got control of herself, Blake gave Liam a peck on one of his bright red cheeks, “You know you don’t need to be embarrassed about that, right? I’ve definitely done way weirder shit. Did you think of that show because you were super into it? Or was it just the last one you’d seen?”

Liam swallowed before answering, “It was the most recent one I’d seen. Though I did like that cat ears a bit.”

Grinning, Blake purred.

It was only slightly successful, as Liam’s eyes bulged halfway through and laughter bubbled forth from her.

“This is gonna be so fun,” she managed between laughs.

Liam just groaned burying his face in the pillow.

A moment later, Blake’s phone started buzzing. With an exasperated sigh, she rolled over, reaching toward the nightstand.

Her mirth faded almost immediately.


Liam moved closer to her as she brought her phone to her face, opening the lock screen and dismissing the notification, “What?”

“I’ve got my show in an hour.”


Blake held back a frown at the uncertainty Liam’s voice.

“I don’t want to kick you out,” she said, laying a hand on his arm as she met his gaze, “But I can’t just cancel.”

Blake expected to see hurt in Liam’s eyes. A small part of her expected judgement. He was silent for a bit, eyes flickering somewhere else as they took on a distant cast. When they returned to her own, they were curious.

“What if I just stayed here?”

Blake blinked, “What?”

He shrugged, “I won’t make any noise or step on frame or anything. I just–” he paused for a moment, then smiled, “I just want to be with you.”

Blake couldn’t help the smile that slid across her face upon hearing those words.

“You’re really okay with that?”

Liam shrugged again, “Like ninety-five percent sure. I don’t think I’ll be completely okay with it unless I sit in on a few shows and just get used to it.” He grinned at her, “Though I don’t think I’ll be okay with having to wait until you’re done to do anything to you.”

Blake returned his grin, “Oh, right. What was that you said about beating down my door that one time?”

Liam laughed, “I think some of that was the anticipation of wanting you without being able to have you just yet. I’ll still need to control myself, though.”

As she gazed at Liam, Blake thought she felt her heart flutter. She knew it didn’t actually do that, otherwise she’d need Liam to drive her to the hospital, but the idea of it came along with the warmth that spread through her at Liam’s words.

Fuck, I don’t deserve him.

She would do everything she could to make sure that she came close, though.

“Plus, what will we do if we ever figure out how to work around Marie?” He asked, rolling onto his back, “You cam most nights, so would you just kick me out into the main room whenever you have a show? Or just tell me not to come over until later? With the former, I’d probably become pretty good friends with Sophie, but I’d rather spend time with you, even if you’re doing something else. Plus, I’d probably have way too many awkward run-ins with Marie that way.”

He thinks that far ahead? Not just about his future, but about us?

Blake swallowed a lump in her throat. She had to take a deep breath to keep from losing it.

“You’re sure?” she asked, still not entirely believing it.

Liam nodded, “I told you–I may not be yet, but I want to be.”

A smile spread across Blake’s face as she nodded, “Thank you. I’ll show you where the safe-zone is to stay off camera. And I’ll have music on in the background, so you don’t need to be completely silent, but just don’t laugh or shout or try to talk to me or anything.”

Liam returned her smile, “Okay. Does it really only take you an hour to get ready?”

Blake blinked and looked at the time on her phone again.


She rose to her feet, almost leaping off the bed, “You’re distracting me–go sit in the chair. I only have fifty-four minutes left, and I need to make my bed look all pretty and then make me look hot.”

Liam did as she said, rising off the bed, and Blake caught a glimpse of his mostly hard cock as she made for her closet. Her pussy quivered, and she had to shake herself to remember what she’d been doing.

Fuck…maybe I’m the one that will need to get used to this.

At the very least, she was going to be horny as fuck during her show.

A/N: How do you think this is going to go? And what does Blake have planned for Liam’s ass?


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