Heart//Beats: Music, Sex, and Emotion – Coming Soon by Literotica,Literotica

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An open story challenge exploring songs, love, and passion.

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Get ready for the

heart//beats: music, sex, and emotion Author Challenge

[ Read all the heart//beats 2023 stories (link active after 6/22)! ]

This event is an Open Challenge! It is not a contest or competition. All authors are welcome – new and established, all categories of stories welcome.

Here’s more from organizer EarlyMorningLight:

Songs for sex and love.

Musicians exploring passion.

Intimate moments defined by sound.

heart//beats invites writers to explore the relationships between music, sex, and emotion, the intrinsic sensuality of rhythm and melody, and the ways in which the art of organised sound interacts with meaning and memory.

If that sounds open-ended, that’s intentional. As long as your story involves music and interpersonal relations, it has a place here, regardless of category. Be bold. Be experimental. Be funny. Be dirty. Be heartfelt. Just do it with a killer soundtrack.

Please read all the rules and guidelines to make sure your work is included in this special anthology/author challenge.

heart//beats: music, sex, and emotion

Open to all authors provided they read and understand the concept.

organizer: EarlyMorningLight

submission your story: June 1st-17th

challenge date: June 22nd

Rules & Guidelines

• Your story must be about music and sex.• You must include the phrase “HEART BEATS 2023” in the “Notes to Admin” field so that Lit can find the stories and add them to the challenge.

Please visit the heart//beats: music, sex, and emotion Official Support Thread if you have questions, need clarification, or just want to discuss the event with the participating authors.

If you’ve got an idea for a themed writing challenge, feel free to contact us anytime! We’re open to anyone organizing a new event.

And if you’re looking for a fun way to stretch your skills, check out our list of current author-organized challenges!

From all at Literotica a big thank-you to the readers who have supported the site and the writers by way of views, votes and comments.

And a special thank-you to EarlyMorningLight for creating and organizing this fun event for the fourth year in a row.

We look forward to reading you!

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