The Cure by janon314,janon314

The Cure

I saw it was an unknown number when my phone rang. I answered it anyway. I was hoping it wasn’t another telemarketer.


A woman asked if that was Mark, Mark Wilson.

“Yes, who is this?”



“Pauline Dyer, or Pauline Crook, that was.”

The name was familiar, but I was struggling to remember her. Then it hit me.

“Dave’s ex, from like ten years ago?”

“Oh, thanks. You only think of me via him?”

“It was ten years ago. So let’s skip how you got my number and right to the chase. What are you after?”

“Is that what you think of me?”

“I did know you for more than a year.”

“Fine! I need a favour…” I sighed. Of course she did.


“I’ve got a big family wedding in a couple of weeks and I need to come back home for it, as I’m one of the cousin’s bridesmaids. And mum badgered me to book a hotel months and months ago, and I procrastinated and never got around to it.”

That was very much like her. Unless it was drinking or sex, everything else could wait for tomorrow.

“Now, I’ve left it too late and everywhere is full.”


“OK, not everywhere, but money is tight and I can’t afford to spend £100 a night. I’ve tried calling all my old friends, but they’re all married with kids, and I hate kids. You’re my last chance. Can I crash on your sofa? Unless you’re married with kids?”

“No, to the married with kids. And I’m not sure about…”

“Please? I’m begging and you do owe me.”

“Excuse me?”

“All those times I let you get a peek at my goodies when I was dating Dave.”

“I seem to remember you tormenting me for your own amusement.

“Tomayto tomahto. Please Mark, it’s only for a couple of nights. Pleasey wheezy?” She finished in her little girl voice that used to annoy the heck out of me.

“Fine! But my place is tiny. When is it?”

“The wedding is a week on Saturday. But my train arrives at 6:30 on Wednesday evening. Could you pick me up? Love you, bye.” She hung up before I could object.

I sighed again and remembered her back then.

Dave and I were 20 and sharing a flat. One night we were trying our luck looking for girls, with limited success. He’d gone outside for a smoke while I minded our drinks. He must have been gone 20 minutes, and came back with a huge grin on his face. A girl had offered him a blow job for a cigarette, and to his surprise, she actually did it.

That was Pauline. She was into sex and drinking, and she was into Dave. Or more accurately, he was into her almost every night. Multiple times. Whatever he was doing, she was keen. Sometimes, she’d be waiting on our doorstep, waiting for us to return from work. As Dave worked later than me, I’d let her in and offer her a coffee.

Sometimes we’d chat, others she’d let herself into his room to prepare for Dave. Frequently that preparation came with a low buzzing noise, that was a familiar sound with her about. When we chatted, she’d tease me about my lack of a girlfriend and joke about throwing me a pity hand job sometime when Dave wasn’t about.

I knew she was joking, but you could never be 100% with her. She seemed insatiable, and sometimes when the three of us were watching a movie and she got bored. She’d wander off and return in sexy underwear and inquire if Dave wanted to do something more interesting. Quite happy to parade around in front of me like that.

I knew she got a kick out of it and would sit on his lap and push her boobs into his face. She was attractive with shoulder-length brown hair, great tits, but a tiny bit overweight. On one occasion, when Dave was watching the football, and he was too slow to respond to her. She upped her game by slipping the bra straps off her shoulders, leaving her tits almost entirely on display.

Dave objected and pointed out I was only feet away. She looked at me in a slutty way and said that she didn’t mind if I saw her tits. It would give me something to think about as I wanked later. Dave dragged her to his room and the sound of sex was louder than usual. But she was right. I did think about her tits as I wanked later.

They dated for just over a year, but I saw the writing on the wall before she did. Dave started to duck her visits. On one night, she turned up when he was out and asked if she could hang out with me. Her flatmate had her boyfriend over and she hated the sounds of them fucking. Which I thought was payback for all the times I’d suffered it.

We were friendly enough as we got drunk. She told me a load of personal stuff about her and the relationship with Dave. She told me she was beginning to think he was cheating on her, and I shrugged. But I felt bad, as I knew he was. She looked sad, and I wanted to comfort her. But I knew if I did, she’d either think I was making a pass at her or worse. We’d end up fucking, and I didn’t want to fuck my flatmate’s girlfriend. Even if she was going to be an ex shortly.

They broke up days later, and I was introduced to Julia, Dave’s new girl. God, she was a pain in the arse. Posh and snooty. Hated to have to share Dave with me and she was quickly dropping hints about them getting a flat together. But Dave had rose-tinted glasses with infatuation with her. I could see it coming, so Dave and I sat down and agreed to go our separate ways.

The more I thought about it, the more I realised that I really must be the last apple in the barrel for her to contact me. I wondered how she got my number.

I waited at the station for Pauline to emerge, checking each of the women walking out. I saw a skinny blonde with curly hair walking towards me, but I dismissed her until she called out my name. It was Pauline. She’d shed the puppy fat and looked amazing. The curly short blonde hair really changed her look.

“Wow, you look amazing.”

“So do you. Workout much?” She said, poking my stomach.

“I never would have recognised you. Come on, let me carry your bag and show you the car.”

“Does the Indian takeaway still exist around the corner?” She asked as drove through town.

“Yeah, but it’s changed hands 3 times. And I don’t live anywhere near there. Remember Cooper town.”

“That area of old factory worker’s houses?”

“I heard they tore them down?”

“They did, but rebuilt modern versions for first-time buyers and retirees. I got a place there. But I did tell you my place is small.”

I parked the car, took her bag, and opened my front door. You step directly from the street into the living room with an open staircase against one wall. The whole house was only 15 feet wide and the only other room downstairs was the kitchen. Upstairs above the kitchen was the bathroom, then at the front of the house was my bedroom. Leaving just enough storage space on the landing between the two.

“Cosy.” She said,

“Tiny, but it’s enough for me and I own it rather than renting.”

We got a take out and chatted. It turned out she’d got my number from my mum. A few times Dave and Pauline had come to my parent’s frequent BBQ parties and Pauline had remembered the address. It turned out she’d been married, but it hadn’t worked out. I told her about Dave and her replacement. They had married, and he was miserable for 5 years before running out.

Pauline asked about my love life and I admitted it was patchy at best. But I tried to move the conversation on to the wedding and she said her entire family was descending on the town. Her mum had Pauline’s cousins even sleeping on the floors. The only way she could stay there would be to sleep on the living room floor with her two teenage cousins on the sofas. Which would be awkward when she changed.

“I seemed to remember you quite liked showing off?”

“That was ages ago, and besides my cousins. Ew! Can I ask you something a bit personal? Do you remember that night just before Dave and I split? We got drunk and talked for hours?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Just something stuck with me from that night. I got the impression you wanted to kiss me?”

I blew out a long breath. “Yes, and no. I knew Dave was seeing another girl, and I tried to get him to tell you. But he kept putting it off. I felt bad for you and wanted to reach out to comfort you. But I thought you’d freak out or…”

“Or we’d end up fucking? I’ll admit I thought about that a few times. One time we were doing it doggy style in the living room and I imagined it was you.”

“I know.”

“How do you mean, you know?”

“I didn’t mean that. I meant that I caught you two a couple of times naked and fucking in front of the telly, watching porn. It’s just you two were so caught up fucking you never heard me.”

“Did you stay to watch?” She asked cheekily.

“Of course not.” Which was true, but I’d seen enough of her bouncing breasts as Dave pounded her from behind. “How about you tell me your plans?”

She told me she had the hen party on Thursday, rehearsal Friday, and the wedding was on Saturday. So she’d be out of my hair sometime on Sunday.

When I left for work on Thursday, Pauline was still curled up asleep on my small sofa. I left her my spare keys and tried not to wake her. When I got home, she was in the bathroom getting ready for the hen party, and I waited as long as I could.

“Pauline, I really need to use the toilet. Can I get in there for a minute?”

The door opened to reveal Pauline in a pale green bra and panty set and nothing else. Except for curling tongues in her hair.

“What? You’ve seen me in less.”

“Yeah, but I gotta piss.”

“Who’s stopping you? Do it. I just can’t leave the room with this in my hair.”

I stepped to the loo and lifted the seat, glanced at her. She grinned at me in the mirror. I unzipped and pulled my dick out, but then couldn’t go.

“What’s up? Bashful bladder, or worried I’ll sneak a peek.”

“Something like that.” Then my bursting bladder overcame its nerves, and it started to flow.

Taking careful aim, I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. The simple pleasure of relieving myself.

“Sounds like I’m in the bathroom with a pissing racehorse.”

“You’re only jealous.”

“Not bad.” She replied, and I jumped and looked at her.

She was standing at my shoulder, looking down at my dick in my hand.

“I always wondered what it looked like.”

“Hey!” I objected and managed to splash the top of the bowl as I finished.

Pauline reached past me and tore off a few sheets of toilet paper.

“Here, to dry off with.”

“Guys don’t do that.” I replied, giving my dick a shake and putting it away as quickly as possible.

She shrugged and bent over to wipe up my splash, then flushed the paper away.

“Done? Can I finish getting ready for the hen night?” She asked.

“Of course.” I replied, and closed the door behind me. “Just for the record. You look better now than you did 10 years ago.”

“Thanks, but wait until you see me in my glad rags and full war paint.”

When she came downstairs, she looked amazing. Like she’d stepped out a glossy magazine. Short dress, that showed off a lot of cleavage, and had tiny sparkling gems sown in. She blew me a kiss as a taxi with other women picked her up.

I had a quiet evening and went to bed early. But around 1 am my phone rang. I swore and let it ring, but it didn’t stop. Then I wondered if it was mum or dad and something had happened. So I got out of bed to check it. Unknown number. I nearly cancelled the call, but answered it tersely.


“Mark, It’s Pauline.” She was really drunk.


“I need you to come and pick me up. I can’t remember your address for a taxi. I’m at Pattersons.” She hung up.

Fuck! Patterson’s was a night club about 10 minutes drive away and in a rough part of town. Not a good place for a single woman this late and that drunk. I slipped on jeans and shoes. Not bothering with underwear or socks. Then swore to myself for forgetting my laundry was at my mums.

It’s a bit cheeky, but a few months back my washer broke and I couldn’t afford to replace it right away. So I asked mum if I could use her machine. Naturally, being mum, she not only let me, but did both my washing and the ironing. A job I hate, and I’d been accidentally on purpose delaying replacing my machine. Only problem was I was out of clothes.

I ran down the stairs and slipped on a leather jacket and zipped it up. It felt kinda nice on the skin, and I rushed off to find Pauline. I found her just in time. She was outside the club with a few guys milling around, looking like they were waiting for her to walk away and jump her. She saw my car and came rushing towards me. Only to trip and fall onto her hands and knees.

I helped her up, and she was crying in pain. Her hands were scuffed and so were her knees. The left one looked the worst and was bleeding. I brushed any gravel from it and helped her into the car. At home, I closed the toilet lid and had her sit on it as I found disinfectant and a tube of arnica.

Her hands weren’t bad, but I disinfected them anyway, then knelt to inspect her knees.

“What am I going to say about my bloody knees? My dress will show them off.”

“Don’t worry, you can just say that its carpet burn. I’m sure your cousins will believe you.”

“Not funny. Ow!” she gasped as I cleaned her left knee.

“It’s not that bad, actually.”

She leant forward to look, and I was greeted with a massive cleavage shot. Right down her dress and halfway inside her green bra. I could see her areola, but not her nipples.

“I can’t see like that.” She lifted her foot up to rest on the toilet seat.

In the process, it pushed her dress all the way up.

“I’m pretty sure you left wearing panties.” I said more calmly than I felt. Staring at her naked and shaved pussy.

“Yeah, but it was part of the hen night. Each girl had to find a guy to take her panties off for them. Right in the middle of the club.”

“Whoa, that’s wild.”

“Yeah, I felt sorry for Carrie as she was in trousers and worse for Stella. She was in a jumpsuit with no bra. She was fully nude. I thought we’d get kicked out.”

I noticed Pauline had done nothing to cover up. If anything, she’d moved her legs wider apart.

“What’s up? I thought you said you saw me and Dave naked and fucking.”

“I did, but he was sort of covering that area up. And I wasn’t expecting to see yours from this close. Here is some arnica. Don’t get it in the cuts. I’m off to bed.”

I had a bit of a chub as I undressed and crawled back into bed. The image of Pauline’s pussy only two feet from my face was burning in my mind. If it wasn’t so late, I might have had a wank. Luckily I didn’t, as ten minutes later there was a knock on my door.

“Mark, I really can’t sleep on that tiny sofa. Can I sleep in here? I promise you’ll hardly know I’m there.”

In typical Pauline style, she didn’t wait for my reply, but slipped into my bed. She was wearing a long t-shirt that came down to her mid thighs, and presumably panties. While I was naked. Ten minutes later, with her snoring filling the air, I slipped out of bed and put some underwear on.

I woke at my usual time of 6:30 and found myself spooning against Pauline. Not an unpleasant sensation, but I realised something was wrong. I felt her bare back against my chest and my morning wood had escaped my boxers and was nestled between her buttocks. Which meant she wasn’t wearing panties.

OK, I fantasised about sleeping with her ten years ago, but taking advantage of her now seemed wrong. Like I was charging her to stay by fucking her. So I pulled back and slipped from the bed. Standing next to the bed, I looked down at her and tried to remember the sight. Her blonde hair was messed up, and she still had her makeup on, even if it was a little smeared. The duvet was low on her chest and if I went around her side of the bed, I was sure I’d see her breasts in their entirety.

But if I did that, the temptation of her open mouth would be too much for my achingly hard dick.

Instead, I tucked it away and slipped into a dressing gown. Used the bathroom and got coffee and OJ. Then I grabbed some pain killers and went back up to check on Pauline. She woke up as I entered the room and looked around, confused.

“You insisted on sleeping here instead of on the sofa.” I explained and handed her the OJ.

“Ow, my fucking head is killing me!”

“That’s why I brought you these.” I rattled the pills in the bottle.

“You know I never take them.” She downed the OJ in a single gulp. “What I really need is The Cure.”

I frowned, then remembered what she meant. Back in the day, both Dave and she drank a lot. And while Dave and I were happy to pop a pill to get rid of our hangover. Pauline had her own method that she called The Cure. Basically, the human body had its own methods for dealing with pain and she believed she could beat a hangover with a good orgasm.

Some people refer to this as the horny hangover. Sex, provided it was not too vigorous, fixed most of the hangover without man-made chemicals.

“You mean The Cure, as in orgasm? OK, but try not to make a mess of my bedding. It would be too hard to explain to my mum.” She frowned. “Never mind. I’ll leave you to it.”

“You know that never works for me?” She replied.

The night she’d confided too much about herself to me, she’d admitted she’d never got off with her own fingers.

“Really, still?”

“I’ve never had to worry about it. I’ve always had a boyfriend or a toy. I’ve neither with me now. So you’re gonna have to do it.”


“Come off it Mark. I’m sure you know how.”

“Of course but…”

“But what? Are you seriously telling me you never thought about the chance to finger me at least?”

“But that was ten years ago.”

“Didn’t you say I look better now than then? Please! 10 minutes of your time. 5 maybe, if you’re good.”

I thought about it and then sat on the edge of the bed and reached under the covers to touch her leg.

“Oh for god’s sake. If you’re gonna do it, do it properly.” She flung the covers aside to show her nude body. “You saw my cunt last night, and you’ve seen my tits before. Get over it and get on with it. If I don’t cum in the next 10 minutes, I’m gonna puke. So please help me and don’t jostle me around.”

She threw her legs and arms wide and closed her eyes.

You don’t get an invitation more clearly than that. So I moved closer and caressed her breasts. She opened an eye to look at me.

“What? I thought I’d start here, then work down.”

“You can, but I’m already wet in anticipation. I promise you can play with my titties when my head isn’t trying to kill me.”

I moved my hand between her legs and felt the damp heat emanating from her. She jumped as my finger touched her, then settled down. Her pussy was very wet, and my fingers slipped between her labia and found her opening.

“Are you a clitoral stimulation only girl, or do you need something inside you as well?”

“Definitely the latter. Hurry up.”

I worked one, then two fingers inside her, then moved to kneel between her legs. Giving me the option of using my other hand on her clit. Pauline grabs her tits and moans.


“More what, fingers?”

“No, more stimulation. Lick me, please.”

I hardly had to think about that. I flopped onto my stomach and brought my mouth into play, while my fingers still probed her opening.

Pauline started moaning more and was quite rough on her own nipples. Pulling them alarmingly. But I needed to stay focused. Her hips were moving, and I knew she was getting close. I pressed my lips about her clit and hood, then sucked it into my mouth and flicked my tongue against it as quickly as I could.

Pauline cried out and climaxed hard. Pulling my hand free, I saw it was soaked. I knew mum would certainly ask me questions about who my new lover was. She opened one eye and grimaced.

“Give it a minute to kick in.” She said, and I stood. Looking for my clothes for work.

But in doing so, my dressing gown opened enough for my erection to escape.

“God, Mark! I think I chose the wrong flatmate. You must have an inch on Dave.”

“Sorry.” I put it away.

“Don’t be sorry about that. It’s nice. In fact, I think this hangover might need more than one climax if you get my gist.”

She rolled over onto her stomach and then knelt on the bed. Presenting her bottom and pussy to me.

“Do I need to hang an invitation on it?”

“Are you sure?”

“To be honest, I’ve thought about this for years. I figured it was a scratch I’d never itch. Just not too rough.”

I was naked and kneeling behind her in seconds. My dick seemed to know the way, and the head slipped inside without guidance. I pressed all the way home, knowing how wet she was.

“Fuck! Give me a moment. If my ex-husband had a dick like that. The sad sack and I would still be married. OK, do it, but…”

“Gently.” I interrupted.

I was conscious of the time, as I should really be leaving for work any minute. But I wasn’t going to miss out on this.

While we both wanted it long and slow, we both gradually worked up speed. Until I was sweating and Pauline was grunting with every thrust,

“Fuck, Mark! I really got the wrong flatmate. You know what? After Dave and I split, I was really tempted to come back one last time when he was out. Drag you into his room to fuck me every way we could. Feeling this inside me, I kick myself for not doing it. I’m gonna cum!”

As I felt her clench down, my balls erupted and spurted what felt like a pint of cum inside her.

When I pulled out, cum dropped onto my sheets and Pauline flopped down.

“That was amazing, and I feel so much better. Thanks.”

“I should be thanking you. But I’m already late for work and I’ve got to go.”

“OK, I’m going back to sleep and dream happy thoughts of that great dick you have there.”

My boss was pissed that I was late and demanded an explanation. I told him everything, and he grinned.

“Do your fucking on your own time in the future?” was his parting comment.

That night Pauline was out at the rehearsal and got back late. I was already in bed and after she used the bathroom, she slipped into my room.

“Mark, are you awake?” she whispered.”

“Yeah.” I reached over and flipped a light on.

“I figured after what happened this morning. You’d not object to me sleeping here again?”

Again, she didn’t wait for my reply, but stripped naked and slipped into the bed.

“I’m a little cold. Can I cuddle up against you for warmth?”

I turned the light off. “Of course.”

She cuddled against me, then rolled over and asked me to spoon her. My hand automatically gravitated to her breast, and she chuckled.

“I did promise you could play with them, but I’m too tired to do anything tonight.”

So I just held her breast until she slept, then rolled over and slept myself.

I woke to find her gone, and so was my dressing gown. Wandering downstairs in only my boxers, I found her pacing the kitchen with a coffee in her hands.

“What’s up?” I asked. Flicking on the kettle.

“It’s the wedding. I was only told last night that each of the groomsmen and the bridesmaids need to give a quick speech at the reception. I’m terrible at speaking in public. And I’ve nothing to say.”

“Everyone hates speeches at weddings, so keep it short as possible. One or two jokey jabs at the bride. Like if she’d had a lot of boyfriends, pretend you contacted a few to see what they had to say about her being married. Then you bring out a piece of paper, and let it unfold into a huge long list.”

“Perfect. Sarah was a bit of a slapper when she started dating. Could you help me with the prop? But what about public speaking?”

“No booze. That only makes it worse. You’ve heard of the technique of imagining the audience naked?”

“Yeah, but most of the audience is my family. I don’t want to imagine my uncles and aunts naked.”

“So do the other version. Acclimatise yourself to the worst-case scenario and then it won’t seem that bad.”

“What do you mean?”

“When is the wedding?”


“How brave are you, and do you trust me?”

“Why have I got a sinking feeling about this? Go on.”

“What’s worse than standing up to make a speech? Standing up to make a speech naked.”

“Excuse me?”

“You’re naked under that robe, right? Come here.” I opened the back door.

There was a short sloping garden down to the tow path next to the canal. I positioned Pauline just inside the door and reached around for the belt.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to open this robe and you’re going to stand there and imagine the audience watching you as you give your speech at the wedding.”

I took the robe off and stood close behind her, to stop her backing away from the open door.

“How are you feeling?”


“Your nipples are hard.”

“It’s cold.”

“Not that cold. If I was to check lower, would I find you wet?” I reached around and fondled her breasts.

After 20 seconds she said “OK, a bit.”

I pressed against her back forcing her to step outside.

“What are you doing?”

“Increasing the pressure.” I glanced up and down the terrace, hoping none of my neighbours would be in their gardens at that time of day. But I did hear the low slow familiar thud, thud, of a canal boat.

“Hear that noise, that’s a canal boat that will emerge under that bridge in less than a minute. I want you to stand there as long as you can. Then step back inside.”

I stepped back inside and closed the door. She glanced at me through the glass, looking nervous.

I ran up to the bathroom and looked out. I could see over the bridge and saw the boat was a little further off than I thought. So I ran back to the back door and opened it slightly. To see Pauline where I left her but her shoulders were heaving with deep breaths.

As I saw the prow of the boat, emerge I opened the door and touched her shoulder. It seemed like she’d become frozen to the spot. My touch broke the spell, and she was inside in a flash.

“Bastard.” She panted. “My heart is beating at a million miles an hour. Feel.” She grabbed my hand and pressed it to her chest.

“And how scary does a 3 minute speech sound now? Especially as most of the audience are people, you’ve known all your life.”

“OK, it might not be that bad.”

“Should we try some more treatment?”

“OK, but there is something I need to do first.”

She dropped to her knees and yanked my boxers down.

“You’re not going anywhere until you cum in my mouth.”

I’ve no idea where she learned it, but she was good. No wonder she and Dave were at it all the time.

Her mouth was so soft. She didn’t use her lips but to barely kiss it. It was more like a vagina, and she used her tongue to caress more than anything. Only after at least 15 minutes, did she become more aggressive, and she wanked me with her hands until I shot off over her tongue.

I refused to tell her what I had planned. Only that she needed to wear trainers and my long leather raincoat. I had a girlfriend who was obsessed with the Matrix movies and had bought me the Neo black coat. It was pretty impractical, but I wore it to get her excited.

With my pockets full of a few props, I led Pauline down the tow path about 1/2 a mile from my place. At this time on a Saturday morning, you’d get the occasional dog walker, jogger or cyclist. There are no houses overlooking, but a scrappy hedge in front of a tall Victorian metal bar fence over 8 feet tall.

“OK, I’m going to toss this bean bag down the towpath and you’re going to retrieve it.”

“What am I, your dog?”

I grinned, the bean bag was for when I walked an elderly neighbour’s dog.

“No, a dog would run when you can only walk and you’ll be naked.”

“What?” She said looking around. “What if someone comes?”

“If you cannot walk back to me in time, you can hide in the hedge.”

“I’m not sure Mark.”

“This is to make the speech later today easier. If you can do this, you can do that without breaking a sweat.”

“Fine. Toss the damn bean bag?”

I threw it about 15 feet and pulled the coat off her. Her first inclination was to hunch over and cover up. But she moved quickly to the bag, picked it up and came back to me. She gave me a fierce glare, but I sensed excitement in her eyes and tossed the bean bag 30 feet.

This time she strode with more confidence, and almost a swagger in her stride. I pulled out my phone and took a few pictures. She paused at the bean bag and looked back before picking it up. And made a show of bending only from the waist with her legs apart and her back to me to pick it up. She turned to face me and her face dropped. She darted off the path and behind the hedge. I looked back to see a cyclist coming towards me, so I stepped aside.

He called out thanks as he shot past. I walked up to the hedge Pauline was behind.

“He’s gone.” I said calmly.

“Thank god! I very nearly wet myself. Is that it?”

“Do you want it to be?”

“I don’t know. It’s scary and exciting at the same time.”

“OK, one more. Then I suspect you’ll need time to get ready for the wedding.”

“OK, how can you top that though?”

I think she regretted those words. I found a gap in the hedge about 6 feet long that revealed just the old iron fencing.

“Reach out to each side and grip a bar, then stand with your legs as wide as you can comfortably stand.”

Pauline looked pale, but did as I asked. But gasped when I pulled a pair of shoe laces from my pocket. I looped around her wrist and the post.

“What’s that for?” She asked nervously.

“It’s the illusion that you are bound. When you can easily get free.” She could see I’d tied the shoe lace loosely, that her hands would easily slip free.

“It makes you vulnerable, and so does this.” I placed an ex-girlfriend’s woolly hand on her head and pulled it down to cover her eyes and most of her nose. “Now I’m going to set a timer for 5 minutes and you’re not going to move no matter what.”

“Oh fuck. I’m going to get you for this.”

“Promises, promises. I’m going to step behind the hedge. But I’m here to protect you if needs be.”

“Oh god!” She kept muttering for the first minute. Then she went silent listening for any sound.

We could hear nearby traffic and the sounds of a kid’s football match nearby. I checked the timer and 3 minutes had gone by.

“Fuck me what’s that?” A voice said, and I looked out to see three teenage youths standing open mouthed on the footpath. One took a step towards Pauline. And I stepped out between them.

“Take it easy lads.”

“What’s this? Is she your bird, and it’s a free use thing? Because I’d welcome a go.”

“No, this is an extreme form of therapy.”

“What?” Another asked, coming closer.

“She had to overcome the fear of public speaking very quickly. By going to such extremes should desensitise her to everything else.”

“That sounds like bollocks.”

“Tell me about it.” Pauline piped up, and the youths chuckled.

“Isn’t she attractive?” I asked.

“Fuck me, yeah. I’ve never had a girl as good looking as that. Can we take a photo?”

I thought about it, thrown off a little. But I didn’t want this to turn ugly.

“Tell you what. One photo each. So you can brag to your friends. But no sharing it and no posting it online. This woman still has a private life.”

“Can we be in the picture? So we can prove we didn’t just find it on the internet.”

“OK, but no touching her.”

They grumbled.

“Actually, they can touch me anywhere above the waist but only for the moment they take the photo.” Pauline said, and I was shocked.

“Cool, me first.” He handed his phone to me and stood next to Pauline.

Placed one hand low on a breast and grinned like a lunatic at me.

I took the photo, and he cheekily tweaked her nipple before coming away. The second guy was emboldened. And he covered one breast with his hand and locked his lips over her other nipple. Pauline gasped, and I asked if she was ok. She said she was, just a little surprised.

I deliberately took a few extra seconds to take the photo, and he grinned and walked back.

The final guy whipped his dick out to stand next to her.

“Don’t worry I’m not gonna try anything. Just make it look like I could.”

“OK, but do you really want your mates to make fun of your dick in this photo?”

His two friends teased him and he swore and put it away. The pushed himself behind Pauline, and gripped both tits rather hard, and grinned around her side. I took the photo, and he played with her a few moments longer than came out, and kissed her breasts.

“Hey, I didn’t get to do that?” The first guy said.

“I’m OK with it.” Pauline said, and I chuckled as the first two guys rushed over and took a breast each in their mouths,

I gave them about 30 seconds and called a halt. Sending them on their ways.

“You OK?” I asked her.

“No. We have to get home at this instant. I need to get off.”

I chuckled as she grabbed the coat and was hurrying down the tow path before she’d put it on. I abandoned the shoelaces and hurried after her. I only caught up to her as she reached my back door,

“Hurry up.” She said as I inserted the key and opened the door.

“Upstairs, and no talking.” She ordered and shed the coat.

She was on her back with her legs open by the time I walked through my bedroom door.

“Fuck me, and don’t even think of foreplay.”

I took her hard and fast, looking down into her eyes as I did. She urged me on. Begging me to be harder and faster. I gave it my best, and in minutes she was cumming over my dick.

“Oh god, oh god. I don’t think I’ve ever cum that quick or that hard. Your sheets are going to be ruined.”

“It’s ok.” I gasped. “I gotta do more cardio.” I pulled out, but was disappointed that I’d not cum.

Pauline chuckled. “Or a lot more fucking.”

“I think that would make me think of exercising more. I gotta shower. I’m dripping with sweat.”

“I know most of it is dripping on me. After you showered, can I have the bathroom for a long time?”


I went downstairs and carefully cut up some paper into long strips and taped them together, then folded it to make it a regular sized card. But if I held it right, it would unfold about 4 feet long. Then I wrote random guys’ names until it was full. I popped next door to the neighbour I walked the dog for and borrowed a magnifying glass.

Then I wrote a little script for her to use, including how after she let the paper unfold. She should get the magnifying glass out and pretend to squint as she had to write extra small to get all the ex-boyfriends in.

I showed it to Pauline, and she chuckled and thanked me. Reading off the script I’d done to memorise it as she applied her makeup.

She looked like a million dollars by the time she left and I told her she’d outshine the bride. Pauline beamed at that.

I’ve no idea when she got home, but when I went downstairs, she was asleep on the sofa.

“You OK?”

“Yeah, but I danced too much and my feet were hurting so much I couldn’t face the stairs. But I’m regretting it now. I ache all over.”

“How about I make us a coffee, then we go upstairs and I give you a massage?”

“I’d love that.”

It wasn’t hard to imagine that with us both naked for the massage. That after I’d pummelled her outsides, with my hands, that I’d do the same to her insides. She loved doggy, and without a hangover this time, she was super aggressive.

When she climaxed, so did I and we staggered into the shower to clean up. Which only initiated round two. She sucked me hard in the shower, then we took turns on the bed going down on each other. Then she surprised me and asked if I had any lube as she wanted me to do her bottom. It was the one thing she’d never got Dave to do to her, and she loved it.

She wanted it to be special, and we took out time. Slow, gentle, and even loving. When I climaxed inside her, she finished herself off with her fingers on her clit and admitted we’d better clean up as she’d have to go soon.

I drove her to the station, and she gave me a kiss and thanked me for everything. Promising to call me next time a cousin was getting married. I can only say I’m glad she has so many cousins, so it won’t be ten years until the next one.

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