The Exsanguinator by beloved1949

Introduction: A Dolcett inspired story. Part one where I pitch a new machine to Merle and am invited to the death shop , If the word Dolcett is not know to you then have a look at his stuff online before your read this.

It's a work of fiction and should obly be viewed in that light. If any of the themes offend please do not continue.

The Exsanguinator

I dialled the number and a male voice answered “Merle Hill”, was all he said.

“Hi Merle”, I said, “I need a favour”.

“Don’t do favours,” he replied, “if a girl’s number comes up, she reports here, we kill her and her carcase gets butchered and sold in the shop. You can have the pick of the meats but you only get the standard family discount.”

“No, sorry Merle, that’s not the kind of favour I need. I have plans for a new exsanguination machine and I’d like to run them past you, see what you think.”

“OK John, we finish here about 5, maybe later if all the day’s intake of sows has not been processed. You can come over to the factory and we’ll have a look over a brew.”

I had actually gone a little further than planning and the first machine was almost built. But I’d humour him and take my plans over. It was a couple of minutes before 5 when I walked into the main shop and ran my eyes over the pretty, naked receptionist sat behind the desk.

She rose, and I took in her stunning body, long legs, shapely hips, narrow waist, superb full tits rising to a long neck and a pretty face framed by a large shock of dark hair. Her cunt was bare exposing details of her genitalia with just a hint of the inner lips poking through.

“Are you John?” she asked.

“Yes,” I replied.

“Merle is expecting you. I’m to lock up and take you through.”

She took a bunch of keys and walked over to the door, her only apparel a pair of high heeled shoes clicking on the tiled floor, locked the door and turned the sign to Closed. “The shop also shuts at 5 today”, she explained and beckoned me to follow her through a discrete door in the back wall. I followed taking in her rounded backside and long legs. She turned and caught me admiring her legs.

She smiled, a little ironically. “If you like them then you can have one of them for your dinner, I’m sure Merle will oblige. My number came up and I’m to be killed and butchered today. The usual girl’s number came up yesterday; those are her tits you can see on the meat counter, the only part of her we have not sold. Merle asked me to hold the reception desk until we closed.”

In front of us was a plastic draped curtain which we walked through into a large room where there were a number of machines and a distinct drop in temperature. “Can’t let the meat go off”, she explained.

I saw Merle across the factory floor washing blood off one of the shining steel machines. He saw me and waved us over. “Hi John.” He said and turning his attention to the girl he said, “Sarah, the guillotine is all ready for you if you’d care to go over and get yourself ready.”

“Come and have a look,” She said and took my arm walking me over to a corner of the factory where there stood a small guillotine. The bascule was strangely shaped with a large hole in the centre, only the shoulders, ribs and hips supported, leaving the belly and tits of the girl being executed were exposed. The bed was adjustable to allow for females of different sizes. In addition it was nowhere near long enough for the girl to lie out fully; her legs would dangle to the floor.

She noted my perplexed expression. “It’s so I can just bend over, that allows me to be fucked whilst I’m locked into the machine. If Merle is agreeable and you’d like to do the honours, there’s a remote release which will drop the blade, killing me just before you cum. My death throes should increase the intensity of your orgasm.”

I was amazed how blasé she was, just a few minutes from death and talking like she was just making a cup of tea. She looked at the expression on my face and explained.

“All girls grow up with this, you know, it’s just the luck of the draw. If we allowed every female to go on to reproduce the world would starve. This way, we not only help to reduce the world’s population, but increase the food supply as well.”

Merle had not said a word throughout this exchange; he just beckoned to Sarah with a nod of his head whereupon she bent over the machine, opened her legs wide, giving a perfect view of her inflamed cunt. She wriggled her body to get comfortable, the view from the rear causing my cock to twitch as she nestled her neck into bottom half of the lunette. Merle folded over the other half of the lunette and locked it in place holding her head firm so the falling blade would hit her neck true. Her legs were not allowed to dangle; straps were placed to hold her legs apart allowing unfettered access to her cunt.

“Would you like to fuck her?” Merle asked

“I’d love to.” I replied

“Well, you’d better remove your trousers and underpants. Then, if you go round the front and put your cock in her mouth, she’ll get you hard enough to slide it into her cunt.”

“I needed no second bidding, shucked my clothes exposing my already half hard cock. She opened her mouth and with skilful use of tongue and lips my penis was quickly erect and throbbing. She lifted her head and said, “You can put that in me now.”

I walked around the machine my cock bobbing in time with my footsteps and slid my hardened penis into her warm and very wet cunt. Merle had exposed his cock, one of the fattest I had ever seen, and replaced mine in Sarah’s mouth. He gathered up her long hair, bunched it up in his hand and started to mouth fuck her. As he did so, he pointed out a small switch at the side of the bascule.

“I’ve armed the guillotine now,” he said, “just throw the switch as you are about to cum and the blade will be released.”

This beautiful girl was about to die both for our personal gratification and to provide exotic meat for the burgeoning market in girl meat. I held on to her hips and increased the speed of my thrusts, gradually becoming aware that I now had a small audience of the male staff of the plant. All had their penises out and were wanking furiously. One guy approached the machine and came, spurting sticky, white semen all over Sarah’s back.

Another was fucking the torso of one of the girls previously processed, now minus tits, arms and legs. While I watched, his body stiffened as he came, injecting the lifeless cunt with his cum.

All around me cocks were being wanked and guys were happily spraying their cum over all and sundry. “End of shift high jinks.” Merle explained.

As I fucked her Sarah began to emit low moans signalling the approach of her own orgasm. I felt her cunt begin to spasm as she came and I threw the switch. I heard a distinct electronic click as the blade was released and gravity took over. There was a swish of metal on metal as the heavy implement descended, followed by a delicious thunk as the blade hit her neck slicing easily through flesh, arteries and bone, severing Sarah’s head from her body. The shock caused her muscles contract, her cunt clamping heavily round my penis as I came pumping my load into her now dead body. Merle held her severed head, his cock still inside her head as bright, red blood spurted over her head and him. I continued to cum as her body throbbed with the increased pace of her heart, not yet having had the signal to stop, pumped even harder to try to push up the blood pressure released when there was no head to pump into . It seemed like an age before I stopped coming, my cock began to subside and I pulled my semen and pussy juice covered penis out of her dead cunt.

Merle had caught hold of her head by the ears and continued use her mouth and throat to wank until he came, blood reddened semen spurting out of the severed neck. He handed the head to one of the guys who placed it on her back and took my place, pushing his engorged cock into her dead cunt.

“Let’s clean up,” he said, “and talk about this machine of yours. What makes it so different?”

20 minutes later, showered and dressed we were sat around a small table in the works’ canteen, sipping on coffee prepared for us by a naked female there had not been time to process. The door opened and a worker from the factory entered with a well-filled plastic bag which he handed to me.

“That’s one of Sarah’s thighs, lovely and tender, should roast up beautifully. Thought you might like her heart and head too. Brains are a much underrated delicacy and we can arrange for a taxidermist to preserve her head as a keepsake.”

“Thanks,” I said, “most thoughtful.”

“OK, let’s see this machine,” he said.

As I spread out my simple drawings, I said. “Well, you have heard of the Drink-O-Matic?”

Merle looked pensive. “I’ve heard of it. It’s used by some cults but only on volunteer girls. It’s a bit like a vertical guillotine that holds the girl so she can be fucked as it slices off her head and the supplicants drink her blood as it pours out of the severed neck. Not too much different to what we did to Sarah.”

“That was highly enjoyable and I really am grateful for that experience. Do the guys have sex a lot with the sows?”

“No, that’s then end of day high jinks. During working day, no-one stops a guy who gets aroused from having sex with the stock, alive or dead, but not whilst working, has to be on a break. When alive, the girl has to agree, some don’t so the guy just fucks her dead body whilst it’s still warm. It’s not surprising; the sight of all that naked female flesh is quite arousing. You quite enjoyed it. Actually it helps to fuck the girl before she dies as it raises the heart rate and she pumps out more of her blood.”

“I did,” I admitted. “But that brings me to the point of my machine. You see what happens when the girls head is sliced off so dramatically?”

Merle nodded and I continued. “Blood sprays out the severed arteries in a ferocious stream right up to the point where her heart stops beating, then falls to a trickle. There have been several attempts with the Drink-O-Matic to capture as much blood as possible for the penitents but that tends to obscure the sight of her death, enjoyed by the onlookers as much as the tasting of her blood.”

“Then, it’s inefficient; a huge amount of the blood is held in the lower part of her body by gravity. The only way to get at that is to lift the body out of the machine and hoist it up to drain the rest. The kids love it but it really takes the edge off the ceremonial aspect.”

Merle knitted his brows, “So what do you propose?”

Here my enthusiasm took over. “Basically the machine is a modified life-support unit. First of all we put a probe into the girl’s chest that can be used to artificially operate the heart when there is no signal from the brain. There’s also a sensor on the head so that the machine can monitor the brain to take over operating the heart when the girl is dead and all brain activity ceases. Instead of cutting off the head, the machine slices off her hands and her blood starts to run out of the severed wrists in a manner we can control until the whole body is completely drained. I call it The Exsanguinator”. I’d like to run a few experiments to see if we need to kill the girl first so we have complete control over the rate the heart beats, or we allow her to die of blood loss.”

“I see a problem here,” Merle replied, “Remember I told you about the regulations?” I nodded. “Death has to be instantaneous; the girl is not allowed to suffer.”

“I practice that won’t matter, volunteers can be killed as slowly and as painfully as they give consent to. With my machine she’d have a choice. The machine can render the girl unconscious so she feels nothing, not even when the machine removes her hand. Or we can control exactly how much she experiences. We can eliminate the pain when the hands are chopped off and she can die peacefully as the blood pours out of her. Or, she can indulge in her death, suffering the pain as the blade cuts through bone, flesh and tendon and blood starts to flow leading to her demise.”

“But you are going to need a good number of girls to experiment on before you perfect it. My stock are not volunteers, their number has come up. They’re going to be eaten but the law would not allow me to use your machine.”

“Could you not get some of the girls to volunteer? It could mean an extra day of life and the chance to participate in a novel experiment.”

“Never been asked anything like this before. Some cults have asked for girls to kill for their pleasure, but we always turn them down. This is not the same so I’ll check with our lawyers to see where we stand” He grinned,” I expect a royalty if this machine comes to fruition.”

“You’ve got it.” I said and prepared to leave collecting my notes and taking my Sarah meat with me.

A week later Merle phoned.

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