The Freyja Club Ch. 15

An adult stories – The Freyja Club Ch. 15 by Billspen,Billspen Authors Note: Every chapter in the Freyja Club saga is written to stand alone, and you can puruse them in any order, however if you want a good detective story along with the steamy sex, reading the chapters in order will reveal how I came to know what I know about this secretive organization that has successfully operated in anonymity for the last ninety years. Additional clues and insights are also found in the companion series titled “Other Voices.” Check them all out, and let me know your impressions.

I usually start my day with a quick five-mile run, and indeed I had packed expecting that I would, but based on the surprising way the evening went, I was having some second thoughts. I didn’t have a key to Tom’s condo and there was a code for the front door that I also didn’t have. I couldn’t hear any rustling and assumed Tom and Charlotte hadn’t yet risen. With all of those practical obstacles, it was an easy decision to snuggle back in with Kelly and satisfy myself by first cupping and then fondling her delicious naked breast. When she felt my touch, I heard her murmurmur a soft “ummm,” but she didn’t open her eyes, so I didn’t know if I’d awakened her or not. With the matter of the run settled, I had no trouble falling back to sleep.

I awakened the second time to the sound of the shower running and no Kelly by my side. I sat up and tried to avoid a wet spot on the bed. Soon Kelly, now wrapped in a bath towel, was just coming out of the bathroom as I walked in. She paused long enough to give me a quick kiss and said that she’d saved me some hot water, then I watched her cute butt swish toward her suitcase. I turned and headed towards the sink and took a quick look in the mirror. The face that looked back at me needed some definite work, a twenty-four-hour beard and still bloodshot eyes were an appearance that wasn’t ready for prime time. The needle blast in the shower was exactly what I needed, and twenty minutes later, I was dressing when I smelled frying bacon.

Tom, Charlotte, and Kelly were sitting around the circular table in the kitchen drinking coffee when I finally made an appearance. Charlotte had made some kind of egg casserole and was ready to dish it out. We filled our plates and adjourned to the deck to eat. As we walked, Tom nudged me and inquired if I had a pleasant night. I knew his question was spurious and required no answer, so I just smiled and nodded. Behind us, Charlotte and Kelly were engrossed in a private conversation that I would bet centered around the fact that only one guest room appeared to have been used the previous evening.

After breakfast, Charlotte announced that she and Kelly were going shopping for a few hours, and, out of courtesy, she asked if Tom and I wanted to tag along. I looked at Tom, and he looked at me, and we both broke out laughing. I’m sure it was exactly the reaction that Charlotte expected, but she had to put on a little show of how exasperating men could be. She grabbed the keys to the El Dorado from a hook by the door and both girls threw us a kiss as they departed. Tom and I went back out on the deck and just chatted about a lot of inane topics, but mostly about politics and our respective businesses. A little after noon, we walked about a quarter of a mile to the Fisher Island Beach Club and had lunch on the patio that overlooked the shipping channel. So, it was there that I broached the subject of the Auction.

Tom told me that the Miami Club had used the Auction for years as a fundraiser for the United Way, but that he and Charlotte had only begun to participate the previous year. During the event, ten men and ten women would be ‘auctioned off,’ to the highest bidder, and they would be required to do whatever they were asked, either in private or in some cases, in public. Tom wasn’t aware of any instances of men buying men, but the bidding for some of the women got pretty hot with bids from both sexes. The grand finale was when the club’s Executive Director, Marley, and her lover Edward, were auctioned off as a pair for a threesome or moresome. The previous year’s auction had raised a little over two-hundred thousand dollars. When I heard this, I said that, based on my research, I doubted that the sum was donated in the name of the Freyja Club, Tom laughed his agreement. No, it would be an ‘anonymous’ donation.

I knew that, according to club rules, the women to be auctioned would be naked, but what about the men? Tom confirmed that they would be naked too and then said something that I hadn’t considered. I had assumed that when it became time for an individual to be auctioned, they would stand on some kind of raised das while the bidding was taking place, but Tom informed me that they did when first introduced, but during the actual bidding, they moved through the crowd, where prospective buyers could ‘sample’ the merchandise. Tom said that he fully expected that his cock would be ‘tasted’ at least twice and probably more if the crowd was what he expected. Of course, the women would all be fondled multiple times, by both men and other women.

This whole process was becoming more and more interesting.

I wanted to know more about this mysterious “Carl” that Charlotte was so paranoid about. Tom told me that he was a local politician in South Miami, who had come on to Charlotte a couple of times at the club. Both times he’d been drunk and abusive and Charlotte understandably wanted nothing to do with him. However, the last time they’d been at the club, the participants in the Auction had been posted, and apparently “Carl” had let it be known that Charlotte not only would be bought, but publicly humiliated. From Tom’s description. I could obviously see why Charlotte might be terrified by the prospect. I did ask if the club management could do anything about the situation, but Marley had said that her hands were tied. She couldn’t take any action based on rumor and innuendo. That’s when Tom thought to give me a call.

At about four in the afternoon, the girls returned with shopping bags on both arms, and Tom and I were forced to endure a display of each and every item purchased along with additional narratives of how the decision was reached to buy that particular item as opposed to other choices that were considered. Tom and I exchanged knowing glances that were fortunately missed by Charlotte and Kelly. I had been subjected to this recently by both Karen and Jennifer and like Tom, we knew when to listen attentively and keep our opinions to ourselves.

Once each and every purchased item had been displayed, commented on, and discussed, Charlotte and Kelly took their booty and got dressed for the evening activities. I did ask Tom why women made such a fuss, given that, once at the club, each would end up being dressed only in heels and jewelry. Tom just shrugged his shoulders at such an inscrutable question.

The Miami Freyja Club is located in the Belle Mead district of the exclusive Upper East Side of the city fronting on Biscayne Bay. That district is almost exclusively residential, and from the outside, the Freyja Club looks like many of the homes in the neighborhood that are located behind high fences, but once inside the compound, it’s anything but. Unlike Paris, New York and Washington, the Freyja Club in Miami is a sprawling mansion exhibiting classical Miami architecture. From the driveway, it appeared to be only a two-story structure, but once inside, I discovered that it was terraced into a small dune and had three levels that were stepped, not stacked on each other.

A wide circular drive led to a covered portico where valets took the car to some area that I couldn’t see. When we got out, there was a three-step rise to a wide tropical porch with circular fans turning in the ceiling and large double doors open to the foyer. Just inside, there was a beautiful marble statue of the goddess Freyja and an oval reception area that had two murals that I could instantly recognize as reproductions of famous paintings that I’d seen in the National Gallery in Washington. To the left was

John Maler Collier’s “Lady Godiva,” and to the right, Jean-Leon Gerome’s ” Venus Rising.”

A rich turquoise rug custom fit the room’s oval shape. Near the back, was the security desk which was manned not by uniformed security, but by an attractive blonde woman in a low-cut dress, and behind her were the familiar Viking Ship and Swan doors which were the entrances for men and women respectively. Off to the left was a third door which Tom told me led to a small ten-room hotel in a separate structure.

We all extended our left hands and the ID chip reader ‘bleeped’ its acceptance of each of us. Then Charlotte and Kelly smiled at us and headed for the Swan door, behind which was the women’s ‘dressing room.’ Tom and I entered the club directly through the door carved with a Viking longship under sail with the initials F.C. displayed. Immediately inside, we were greeted by name by an attractive blonde whose name on her tiara said, “Melody.” As with all Freyja Clubs, the female staff wear their names on the ornate silver headbands for the simple reason that since they’re otherwise naked, there’s no place else to put them.

I knew that Melody knew my name because it came up on her computer monitor as soon as I had checked in, but it appeared that she had little need for that with Tom. She gave him more than a casual welcome, and I immediately wondered if there might be some history there. A quick glance around confirmed for me that the Miami Freyja Club was unlike any that I had yet been to. Up until now, all of the clubs conformed to the style of the Gentlemen’s Clubs of yesteryear with rich paneling and subdued lighting, but Miami was open and spacious with large plate glass windows that revealed striking views of Biscayne Bay. The entrance foyer, which is what I chose to call it, was relatively small and was dominated by a U-shaped sitting area adjacent to the interior Swan door from which, I knew, the ladies would be emerging momentarily.

Next to the couches was a small bar and Tom led me there and ordered two Heiniken’s. Truthfully, I didn’t know if he just decided to join me with my favorite beer, or if he chose it on his own, but we got served and then we sat down and waited for Charlotte and Kelly. There were two other men already waiting and Tom nodded in their direction but didn’t say anything or introduce me, so he began to talk about how he and Charlotte had become members.

About four years ago, Tom had been working with a client in Dallas, when he got a call in his hotel room that there was a package for him at the front desk. He had no idea who might be sending him anything, but he went and got it anyway. Once back in his room, he opened the box and discovered an invitation to join the Freyja Club in much the same way as I had received mine on a red-eye Air France flight over the North Atlantic, except in his case it was an invitation for both he and Charlotte, and he was to present it to a woman named Marley in Miami. As with me, the mysterious nature of the invitation was enough that his curiosity was piqued, and after a long discussion with Charlotte, they decided to investigate.

Tom was about to tell me more of what happened, but just then, Charlotte and Kelly walked through the Swan door. Of course, I had already seen Kelly naked and she looked lovely as ever in her altogether, but I had not seen Charlotte that way, so my eyes were immediately drawn to her. For someone so diminutive, she had a perfect female body. Firm ripe tits capped by pink nipples and large areolas and a slim waist that rounded into womanly hips. Like Kelly, her delta was adorned with sparse dark hair, and when she saw us waiting she gave us a broad smile. Neither woman seemed to be bothered by their nudity, and I would venture that they loved the ability to exhibit themselves.

Tom took Charlotte’s arm and I extended mine to Kelly and we walked down a wide staircase to the second level which was obviously where the restaurant and bar areas were located. I grasped almost immediately that the Miami Club’s layout was the opposite of the other Freyja Clubs. Instead of entering on the first level and working up, we entered on the third level and were working our way down. The restaurant faced Biscayne Bay which could be seen through large windows which curved around to the bar which faced outwards to a beautiful turquoise pool surrounded by palm trees. There were about twelve bathers and not a swimsuit among them. Tom led us to the bar and we settled around one of the high tables. A beautiful redhead took our drink order, and I began to learn some more things about the Miami Club.

As I suspected, the lowest level contained both the public room where the auction would take place, but also about fifteen ‘activity suites,’ that I thought would be like those in the other clubs. The pool was a nice addition and I learned that because of that, the club opened at noon instead of six o’clock. Of course, I wondered how being open for fourteen hours a day versus the eight-hour days in the other clubs was handled, but Tom knew that Miami used two shifts; the first came in at 11 a.m. and worked until six p.m., the second from then until the 2 a.m. closing. So, at least for one club, I had to almost double my staffing assumption.

As I gazed out to the pool area I noticed a young man in turquoise swim trunks emerge from a side door pushing a towel cart. Tom caught my gaze and said that was Juan, one of the “pool boys.” To me, “Juan” didn’t look much like a boy. He had a well-sculpted body and the gregarious good looks and ever-present five o’clock shadow that some Hispanic men seem to always have. Though I hadn’t thought of it before, the sight of Juan triggered the realization that the presence of a pool required pool maintenance, hence, “pool boys.” I idly wondered out loud if the “pool boys” had other duties as well and a glance at Kelly was enough to answer that stupid question. So, at least for clubs like Miami, “stewards” weren’t the only options.

I had witnessed “public sex” on numerous occasions in all of the clubs I’d visited so far, but nothing like Miami. Poolside, there were plenty of cocks being fondled or sucked and one woman was moaning her pleasure while hanging on the side of the pool as her partner fucked her from behind underwater. Whether he was in her vagina or her ass was unclear, but based on the grunting and grimacing that I could see, the pleasure was obviously mutual. Two tables away, a long-haired blonde had scooted to the edge of her stool and wantonly spread her legs as the man she was with fingered her hole to the beat of the music that was playing in the bar. Closer to home, I noticed Tom had placed his hand on Charlotte’s naked thigh and his fingers had slipped into the gap between her legs.

From our table, I had a clear view up the staircase to where the Swan door was located, and I noticed a steady stream of wonderfully naked women emerge. Some were greeted by male members waiting for them, but several obviously lesbian couples walked out, as well as a few seemingly unaccompanied women. In general, the women I saw, irrespective of age, appeared tanned and fit, with only a couple showing the onset of tummy flab that women seem to acquire as they age, but none qualified as “unattractive.”

I don’t know if it was because I was watching the parade of newcomers, or she just wanted my attention, but I felt Kelly’s soft breast press against my arm and her hand squeezed my thigh. “So, what are you thinking?” she whispered in my ear. Truthfully, I told her that I wasn’t really “thinking” of anything since my poor brain was currently being overloaded in such a highly charged sexual environment. “I know,” she responded, “I’m already wet, are you aroused?” Not waiting for an answer, Kelly’s hand covered my crotch and squeezed me through my pants. “Oooh, you feel good! If we had time, I’d suck this and let you cum in my mouth. Would you like that?” It’s hard to imagine the answer to such a blatant invitation could ever be “Nah, I don’t think so.”

Just then, we heard three chimes interrupt the music and I guessed that it was the signal to convene for the auction. In other clubs, I had learned that when announcing scheduled events, chimes were universally used in place of verbal notices and when Tom slid off his stool and announced “show time,” I knew my assumption was correct. Another wide staircase led to the lowest club level and once there I saw that it split into two wings. To the right, I saw what I recognized as the ‘board,’ where members posted their availability and desires for ‘meetups’ and where the keys to the private activity suites were dispensed. Behind the ‘board’ I saw a short hallway that opened into a foyer that I assumed was where the rooms were located. To the left two ten-foot-high double doors opened into a large room which went by different names in the various clubs but was universally called the ‘orgy room.’

The room had been arranged around three plinths that had been pushed together in the center to form a raised dais. Around the dias were cushioned folding chairs arranged in a circle with plenty of space between them. I notice several men heading to a door with a cut glass ‘stag’ window inset. From other clubs. I recognized this as the men’s locker and since Tom has said that the male ‘slaves’ would be naked, I assumed the men I saw were some of the volunteers. There was also a Swan door, but I knew it was just the ladies’ bathroom, as their clothes had been dispatched two stories away. In any event, Tom waved and headed to the ‘Stag’ door and Charlotte and Kelly headed to the ‘Swan’ door to do whatever women do. Left by myself, I took a chair next to an aisle and watched people continue to file into the room.

Soon, Kelly returned and took a seat next to me. I had been watching a couple in front of me. The man had reached across and was squeezing and fondling his partner’s not insubstantial tits, and so when Kelly sat down I reached and filled my hand with her softness and she gave me a rewarding “mmmm” in response. Soon, her hand was back in my lap and I sensed taking her own pleasure. Our mutual fondling was interrupted however when a drop-dead gorgeous blonde stepped up in the dais and used a hand-held microphone to ask for our attention.

“Greetings everyone, and welcome to our annual Auction. My name is Marley Cain, and for those of you who don’t know me, I’m the Executive Director of the club and your host for the evenings’ activities. For the past ten years, we’ve hosted this event to support the local United Way campaign and over that time we’ve donated almost two million dollars to charity. Please give yourselves a round of applause.” To their credit, the audience suspended the mutual fondling that was prevalent to applaud.

“Okay, thank you. Now here are the rules. We have ten men and ten women who have volunteered to be available tonight. Most are members, but a few staffers have also volunteered, so I want to recognize their willingness to support such a worthy cause.”

(More Applause).

“Starting with the men, and then alternating between the sexes, I’ll ask them to come up on the dais, where they’ll be introduced. Then as I start the bidding, each participant will walk around the room where you can sample the merchandise and hopefully motivate you to bid. Touching, fondling, and sucking is not only permissible but encouraged, however, for this event, we ask that you refrain from digital penetration.”

(This was met with groans of displeasure).

” So, without further ado, let’s meet our first participant, please welcome Juan.

Juan was the selfsame “pool boy” that I’d seen earlier, except, of course, sans swimsuit. Naked, he was even more striking than I had observed. I think he had applied some oil to his body which accentuated his bronze skin and the tautness of his muscles, but I’m sure that most people’s gaze was drawn to his semi-erect penis that jutted out from a nest of jet-black pubic hair and a pair of fair sized balls that dangled beneath. Juan stepped up onto the dais and raised his arms over his head and pivoted his body in a circle to allow everyone a complete view. Kelly leaned forward and whispered in my ear, “He’ll go for twenty-five thousand.” I just turned and gaped at her.

Marley announced that the bidding would start at one thousand, and before Juan had even stepped down off the plinths, the price was already bid up to ten thousand. It seemed that Juan was in high demand by at least five female bidders, and as he began to circle the room, two more entered. Virtually every woman in the audience reached out to touch, grasp or fondle Juan’s cock which I had to admit, was impressive. It was a good seven inches with a commensurate girth, and the oil that Juan had applied to his body made his penis shine as well, much to the obvious delight of the ladies. Three of the most active bidders took him into their mouths and the last one almost refused to let him loose until she had to in order to up her bid. When he got to us, Kelly unapologetically cupped and weighed his ball sack before letting him go, then looked at me with an impish smile.

A few minutes later it was down to only two women bidders, both in their late forties and each shooting daggers at each other as one after the other upped the bid. Juan finally went to the nice-looking brunette, who won him for forty-five thousand. I was speechless and was privately wondering what I had gotten myself into. If Juan was indicative of how the evening was going to go, I began to consider how I might begin the process of filing for bankruptcy. A woman who I recognized as Melody from the hostess station appeared and was taking down the woman’s name. I assumed that her forty-five thousand dollar bid would be deducted from her bank account via a wire transfer as were all of our monthly dues. Later, Tom confirmed that such was the case.

The second person to be auctioned was a woman who was introduced as “Patty.” She was a slim brunette woman in her late thirties or early forties whose most distinguishing characteristic were two cute dimples, not only around her smiling mouth but on her hips just above her womanly butt. The bidding for Patty was muted when compared to the raucous melee that had transpired with Juan. When it ended, Patty sold for “only” fifteen thousand to a man who she openly smiled at, so apparently there wasn’t any “Carl” in the picture. When she’d come by us, I had slipped my hand between her legs and found she was decidedly damp. Then I turned to give Kelly the same smile she’d given me but found she was busy feeling Patty up herself.

One after another, first a man, then a woman were auctioned off at various prices. The younger staff volunteers. and especially the men went for the highest bids, but by the time Marley called for a brief intermission after number ten, I noted that the lowest winning bid had been nine-thousand, but another staffer, Burt, had fetched a mind-blowing sixty-thousand price, and by my count, the auction had already raised over two-hundred thousand dollars and we were only halfway through.

Neither Tom nor Charlotte had been auctioned, so we’d have to await the second half to see how they would go. I walked Kelly out to the bar to refresh our drinks, where we waited in line behind all the other members with the same idea. We had both taken the opportunity to fondle the volunteers as they passed, but while I had confined my groping to the women, Kelly had been indiscriminate, which allowed me to ask about her experiences with women.

“Oh, it’s a totally different experience,” she gushed. “Charlotte was the first woman who I ever had a sexual relationship with and it was eye-opening. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I love sex with men too, but with them… with you… I’m very conscious of my femininity because it is emphasized by the physical difference between us. I love your hardness thrusting into my softness, but with women, the connection isn’t as much physical as it is emotional.” Kelly had to pause as we found ourselves at the head of the line, but after I got her a Mai-Tai and myself a Bourbon & Ginger, she continued. “With Charlotte, or with any other women, we have the same feelings at the same time, so we can kind of mutually share the same experience in real time. Sometimes we bring each other to an orgasm, but that’s just a cherry on the sundae. As you can appreciate, it’s different with men.”

Indeed, I could.

Just then I heard the chimes that the auction was ready to continue and we headed back to our seats. I noticed that a few of the auctioned participants were already with their masters in the audience and engaging in public fondling and in one woman’s case, digital penetration. I also noticed that the women who had successfully bid for Juan and Burt were no longer in the audience, but I had little doubt about where they were now. Marley took the stage and announced that the auction had already raised two hundred and seven thousand, which was met with a round of applause.

Interestingly, the first participant to be auctioned off after intermission turned out to be Tom. I had seen Tom in a swimsuit, but never totally naked, so as males are wont to do, I checked out what he was packing. As it turned out, it was as if I was looking in a mirror. Tom’s penis was a virtual twin of my own, but at the moment, his hung flaccid while mine was becoming uncomfortably stiff in my pants. When she saw Tom step up on the dais, Kelly squealed with delight and hugged my arm against her breasts. When Marley called for bids, she was the first to bid the opening thousand dollars. Tom began to circle the room as the bidding progressed and true to his prediction, his cock found its way into a full half dozen female mouths and as a result by the time he passed by us, he’d firmed considerably. Kelly took her customary quick feel and Tom just smiled.

In the end, it came down to three women including Kelly, but when she upped a ten-thousand bid to fifteen-thousand, the other two got the message, and Tom was her’s. When Melody came over, I was treated to the sight of two pairs of hanging and wobbling tits as the women leaned over while Kelly was confirming her information for the donation. Once, Kelly looked up and noticed my gaze of fascination, but just shook her head and went back to talking with Melody.

Charlotte was the next to the last woman to be auctioned, and as she stepped up onto the dais, I got my first good look between her legs. While Charlotte sported the same raven-colored bush as her hair, it was sparse enough that it did little to hide the delicious split that she revealed in that first step. I could immediately see that her labia were of the “innie” variety as were Kelly’s, and which were much preferred over the hanging lips that some women had. As she stood, I saw her look around nervously, and unlike every other volunteer to that point, she did not appear that she was enjoying herself. I decided to wait to see if “Carl,” whoever he was, would make the first bid, but I was surprised when it was a short ginger-haired woman that initiated the proceedings.

Whether it was because of her obvious nervousness or simply because the big-money players were already out of the game, I could tell that unless something drastically changed, Charlotte was going to go at a ‘bargain’ price. There were only two bidders, both women and I was wondering when “Carl” was going to make his move. My gaze scanned the audience looking for some clue as to his identity, but I was coming up ‘crickets.’ The bid stood at only four thousand. with Marley imploringly the audience to bid more with no takers. When she finally sighed and said, “Going once… going twice… ” I piped up and bid five thousand, which, as it turned out, was the winning bid. Charlotte had barely begun to walk around and hadn’t even experienced much in the way of fondling, but when she heard the word “sold.” I saw her immediately head toward the Swan door. Kelly hugged me and I was treated to another visit from Melody.

The final man and woman were auctioned off at a price twice what I paid for Charlotte, then it was Marley and Edward’s turn. Marley auctioned themselves off to spirited bidding. From what Tom had told me, Marley had a ferocious reputation as a tigress in bed and Edward was similarly regarded, however, they rarely participated in the club’s carnal offerings, so the Auction was one of the few opportunities most members would have to sample her delights. It came down to two couples in the end, both of whom seemed to be letting the lady make the bid. To me, it looked like a foursome was in the offing. A fiftish couple finally won with a bid of seventy-five thousand dollars and with that, the Auction was over.

As people began to file out, Tom emerged from the ‘Stag’ door, now fully dressed, and came over and shook my hand and gave Kelly a big hug. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two keys which I assumed were to the activity suites. He gave me one and led me and Kelly in that direction. After passing the ‘board,’ and navigating the short hall, Tom pointed to one of the rooms and said that Charlotte would be along in a moment and to make myself comfortable. He had ordered some wine and cheese and said he knew that I was in for a treat.

Actually, I was having some misgivings. The thoughts running through my mind were far from lucid. I had not come to terms with the idea of having sexual relations with the wife of one of my best friends, and the image of Charlotte standing nervously on the dais wasn’t helping. Plus, I was mystified by the apparent absence of the dreaded “Carl,” whose intention to buy Charlotte was the reason for the trip to begin with. I started to express these thoughts to Tom, but he just laughed and waved me toward the door, saying that I’d have a great time, but that he and Kelly had some things to ‘discuss.’

I sighed and found my key and opened the door. The room was similar to all of the other clubs I’d been in, except for the glass door that opened onto the pool deck. I thought that was a nice touch; go for a cooling swim after a hot fuck. If Washington was located in a more hospitable climate, it would be a nice addition.

I left the curtains open as well as the sliding door to the pool and took off my clothes. My cock expressed its gratitude for being released from captivity and I switched on the music and opened the bottle of Pinot Grigio, then I sat in one of the two lounge chairs on the deck and ogled a great-looking blonde who was laying on her back a few yards away with her legs open and her pussy staring me in the face. It was early evening and lights illuminated the pool and the palm trees that encircled it and provided a privacy screen from a highrise condo building not far away. The scene, the blonde, the music, and the wine were combining to lull me into a languidness that I found so pleasant, that I didn’t even bother to wonder what was keeping Charlotte.

I must have dozed off, but I suddenly felt a wonderfully wet warm tingling feeling in my penis that continued to grow as consciousness began to return and I became aware that I was no longer alone. The realization that my cock was being expertly sucked by a woman with strawberry-blonde hair, unfortunately, came after I’d already uttered “Charlotte, I… ” The words died on my lips as it dawned on me that I couldn’t be looking at the back of Charlotte’s raven-haired head, but rather my dick was being superbly attended to by Kelly. As if there might be any lingering doubts when she heard me, she applied that unique swallowing technique she had used earlier, and I knew, for sure, there was only one woman who had that perfected.

As I raised my head, I heard several people laughing. The blonde woman whose naked pussy had drawn my attention earlier for one, but a couple behind me as well. But I didn’t need to turn around to recognize that one was Tom, and Charlotte’s was unmistakable because she even laughed with a southern drawl. I struggled to make sense of what was going on, but nothing was registering. From what I remembered, Kelly was supposed to be in with Tom wrapping her ankles around his thrusting hips while I waited to screw his wife in the room I now occupied. Plus, I had no idea who the blonde woman was.

I could see Kelly’s head bobbing in my lap and her naked body was half on and half off the lounge chair I was lying in. I could reach her back and follow the curve of her body down to her hips and I found my hand moved under its own volition to caress her. A good thing too, because I was busy dealing with the utter confusion of the situation. When I heard a voice say, “Someone want to tell me what’s going on?” I realized that the voice I heard was my own. By twisting my head, I was able to see Tom and Charlotte, both naked, standing just outside of the sliding door of the room next to mine, both were smiling like Cheshire cats and as they turned to go back inside, I heard Tom say, “Kelly will tell you.”

When I sat up, Kelly was forced to relinquish the lip lock that she had on my cock, and she turned around, still licking her lips. “Take me to bed and I’ll let you in on our little secret.” And with that, she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips and helped pull me to my feet. I noticed that the curtains had been pulled closed in Tom’s room and the blonde had gone back to tanning her already attractive body. Kelly closed our curtains as well and we were soon cuddled together under the bed covers. “It’s funny how everything happened,” Kelly began, and for the next twenty minutes, I just listened in amazement as she recounted her tale.

In consideration of the sanity of anyone who might be reading this, I’ll not try to relate Kelly’s stream of consciousness verbatim, but here’s the gist.

As I had suspected from previous conversations, Kelly and Charlotte had indeed become lovers while in College but had lost touch for a while after graduation. Kelly had gone into advertising and had become a brand manager for a pharmaceutical company in Raleigh and Charlotte had gone home to Savannah and got a job in the city Treasurer’s office. Both girls kept in casual contact and both married about ten years ago, Charlotte to Tom, but Kelly’s marriage only lasted about three years and when it failed she quit her job and moved to South Florida. Thus began her renewed sexual relationship with Charlotte which eventually included Tom as a threesome. From there it was an easy step to bring her into the Freyja Club.

The last little bit of background that Kelly told me had to do with Tom and Charlotte’s marriage. When they wed, Charlotte was well aware of Tom’s reputation as a womanizer, after all, she’d been one of them! But, being a southern girl from Georgia, faithfulness was important to her. To reconcile this issue, Charlotte decided to redefine the term “faithful” to fit their situation; For Tom, it meant that he needed to be discreet. He couldn’t embarrass her, and he needed to be honest about his affairs. For her, it meant that she wouldn’t allow another man’s cock inside her body, but she loved the hungry looks from men when she was naked at the club and, of course, she wanted to continue to have sex with women.

Fast forward to a month ago. Tom, Charlotte, and Kelly had been sitting around at the Beach Club discussing the upcoming Auction. Originally the plan had been for Kelly to purchase both of them, but then the conversation took a different tack. Independently, Charlotte thought that Kelly needed a man in her life, and Kelly herself was coming around to that conclusion as well. When Tom had asked her what qualities a man would have to possess to be perfect for her, she said, “sexy, insightful, intelligent, patient, and, of course, a great lover.” Tom supposedly said that he knew someone that might fit that description, but he didn’t think he could call him and just say, “Hey, I found the perfect woman for you, how about you hop down here and meet her?”

It was then that Charlotte suggested that they try to kill two birds with one stone. They decided Tom would call me with the story about the Auction and Charlotte’s concerns about “Carl,” but when I arrived, Kelly would “just happen” to be visiting for the purpose of buying Tom. Kelly’s seduction of me was carefully scripted and we know the rest. Of course, there never was a “Carl” and Charlotte never considered having sex with me, and as it turned out, it worked like a charm.

When Kelly finished, she turned to look at me and said, “Please tell me you’re not angry.” The look on her face reminded me of a little girl who had just disappointed her mother, and I admit that I was touched by her apparent sincerity. “No,” I answered honestly, “I’m not angry, but I am impressed. I’ve seen Tom’s ability to manipulate situations numerous times, so I know he has a talent, but if this really was Charlotte’s idea, he has to take a back seat to a true master of the art.”

Apparently, I must have said the right thing, because my arms were suddenly filled with a crying and very emotional, naked woman. Kelly took my face in both hands and covered it with wet kisses, and I was aware of her soft tits pressing against the hair on my chest. When she finished the kisses she slipped a leg over me and pulled herself up so that she held my head tight against her heaving bosom. I buried my face between her mounds and inhaled the aroma and licked her salty skin as she embraced my head. She was too choked up for words, but her desire was transparent. When I reached between our bodies and grasped my cock, I felt her raise her hips enough that I could position the head at the entrance of her vagina.

Unlike the previous time we’d made love, Kelly wasn’t wet, but she pressed down on my shaft anyway. I felt her body clench as I penetrated her but only about an inch. She stopped and again raised her hips until I was almost out, then she pressed down again. This time she took a bit more but again stopped. I couldn’t help but think that it had to be uncomfortable for her, but she seemed determined that I fill her completely. It took several more times before I felt my hard penis hit bottom and Kelly let out a long gasp as she sensed that she had seated me fully inside her.

She took another deep breath and pushed on my shoulders which allowed her to look into my eyes. The grimace on her face and the wrinkles on her brow signaled that completing our union had not been painless, but just as these thoughts registered, Kelly took another deep breath and a broad smile lit up her face and she whispered almost to herself, “Mmmm, you feel good, it was absolutely worth it.”

With all of her weight pressing down on me, I knew that I wasn’t in control of our coupling, but I decided to see if I could spark a response by flexing the penile muscles along my shaft, and when I did, Kelly moaned a long *ummm,” and used her vaginal muscles to clench back. For several minutes we did this little dance together until I became conscious that she had begun to lubricate. I pulled her body against me which allowed me to withdraw a couple of inches. When Kelly felt the movement, she let out another gasp and tried to press me back inside. So, for a few more minutes, I’d slide out a way and then lever my way back until I felt her juices had coated her tunnel and my cock as much as needed.

When I determined that nature had done its job, I flipped Kelly onto her back with a slow rolling motion that didn’t dislodge my cock from her vaginal embrace. When we finished, Kelly gave me an approving smile and we began to fuck in earnest. Several times, Kelly adjusted her position or urged me to alter the angle of my thrusts, and each success was gratefully acknowledged. I have always liked active lovers, women who understand that sex is a team sport and take charge of their own pleasure. In that regard, Kelly was superb. She let me know what I could do to make our union special and I tried to do the same. Sometimes it was as simple as a touch on a hip, or a gaze through fluttering eyelids. Other times, urgent demands to thrust harder or faster were used, but always we tried to stay together.

The end came, as it always does when the body shuts off the moderating signals from the mind and just does its thing. My cock firmed to the maximum as semen boiled up from below and coursed through my shaft as the thousand nerve endings in the head of my cock screamed for a release from the intensity of my arousal. When Kelly felt me raise myself and arch my back, she understood that insemination was only seconds away, and her female instincts kicked in and I became aware of her pulling with her legs to ensure that I would cum as deeply as possible into her waiting vagina.

The moment of ejaculation is one of those times when pain becomes indistinguishable from pleasure. The eruption of semen is accompanied by spasms that center in the penis, but rapidly course through the body. I knew I possessed no effective means of control, so I just rode the waves of pleasure until my spending was finally and absolutely placed where nature intended.

I didn’t have a sense that I’d brought Kelly all the way along at the end, but it was far too late to consider doing much of anything other than try to calm my racing heart and gasp for air. I collapsed by rolling off Kelly’s body onto my back and my deflated penis slipped from her and slapped against my thigh. I lay there for a moment before I felt Kelly snuggle into my arms again. I was forming the words to tell her how wonderful she was, but she beat me to it. “That felt sooo fucking good,” she cooed.”You were like a stallion… you have no fucking idea…” Her words trailed off, but I wanted her to know that I felt the same about her.

“No, it was you. I know you weren’t ready when we started, but you were determined…” Kelly hushed any more words from me by placing two fingers on my lips and then kissing me.*it’s not you and it’s not me, it’s us together,” she said, and of course, it was true. For the next few minutes, we held each other silently as we became lost in our own thoughts. Somehow, I suspected that we were both asking ourselves the obvious question…

“What next?”

Indeed, what next? For most of my flight back home the next day, I kept turning that question over in my mind. There was no doubt that the initiation into the Freyja Club had opened a whole new world for me and I was suddenly developing a problem of how to accommodate it with the women in my life.

Jennifer, with whom I had a steamy four-year affair, and one of the people who sponsored my membership, was sexually available, but married to her husband Steve, and even though after our last meeting she’d signaled a desire to rekindle our affair, it was clear she could never be a life partner.

Karen, who I had just spent a two week vacation with, qualified in many ways with my desires, but I had some serious doubts about her willingness to adopt the hedonic lifestyle of the Freyja Club. I strongly suspected that a long term relationship with her would result in a choice of either one or the other, but not both.

Kelly was a wild card. She was already a member of the club, sexy, adventurous, and an easy companion, but I knew so little about her that I knew I couldn’t yet seriously consider a long-term relationship. We needed more time together before I felt comfortable making that kind of decision. We had talked about her coming to see me when her schedule permitted, so we’d see.

As the plane descended to land at Dulles, a glance out of the window revealed only clouds and I suspected that the pilots would be depending on instruments to make the landing. I thought it was a perfect metaphor for the thoughts racing around in my mind. What lay ahead for me seemed as murky as the overcast sky we were flying through, but unlike the fellows up front, I was flying with only dead-reckoning to guide me, and presently, I was feeling a little lost.


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