She began to move up and down, gently gyrating her hips, gripping and relaxing her muscles as she slowly drew out of him this final fuck of the night. Long before he came near to cumming she began to cum again and again. At last with a earth shattering heave he thrust his hips up and again she felt his fluid fill her.
All but one of the lamps had run out of oil dying with a smoking wick. By her side he snored. Why was it that men always fell asleep after sex, could no man stay asleep to hold her. She looked at him – tonight he would sleep alone, the next day his life would depend upon the speed of his wits. If he died no-one would ever know of their love. She rose from the bed, picked up one of the lamps, from her bag she took a little knife she used to shape her nails. Upending the lamp she scratched on the base “VERACUNDA ACTRESS . LUCIUS GLADIATOR”. Now there would be a record of their love.
ii Ampitheatre, an oval arena where Gladiatorial Games are staged. The largest and most famous being the Forum in Rome. A number of ampitheatres with earth embankments survive in Britain. iii A company of Gladiators was known as the Familae Gladiatoriae. All Roman slaves called the to which the belonged their familia. iv Nemesis Roman God of fate Gladiators prayed to. v Following the slave rebellions Gladiators were only allowed sharp weapons in the arena, they trained with wooden swords the RUDIS. vi Although Gladiators were slaves they were contracted to fight a fixed number of fights. vii Lanista owner and or manager of a Familiae of Gladiators. viii Doctore trainer of Gladiators. ix Slaves in Ancient Rome practiced many occupations from field or domestic slaves to the professions such as Architect and Physician. Although legally all their money belonged to their owner in practice and common law they were allowed to retain tips and other extras. Gladiators retained their purse for winning and presents from fans. x Manumission freedom. xi A Roman wife was in the potestas – power of her husband. xii Gladiators lived the lifestyle of a Rockstar or pro sportstar. xiii Habet Hoc Habet – He’s down he’s had it. xiv Charron the boatman who carries the dead into the underworld. xv Porta Libertinas literally Freedom Gate – The exit from the arena used for the dead. xvi Bestarii Animal handlers. xvii Saccus Bag xviii Unctoria Masseuse. xix Hasta – throwing spear on a strap xx Ratas – Roman name for Leicester xxi Eburaco – Roman name for York. xxii Ludus – Gladiator training school and barracks. xxiii Trinqui – a condemned person destined to be sacrificed in the arena. xxiv Londinium – London