The Old Repairman Pt. 04 by Wifeyfetish,Wifeyfetish

“How was your meal?” A tall, skinny server said as he picked up the plates from the table.

“Huh… oh, it was… mmm… really great.” Vernon replied, having not noticed the server before he talked.

“Is there anything else I can get you?” The server responded.

“Uhh… no I’m… oh good!” Vernon answered, his breath quickly becoming more rapid.

“Are you ok?” The server asked.

“I’m cumming… huh, down with something.” Vernon told him. “I’ll take that check and get home.”

“I’ll be right back.” The server replied, then walked away.

“Is he gone?” Courtney asked from below the table.

“Ya, hurry up, no one’s looking.” Vernon responded.

Courtney and Katy both came out from under the table, adjusting themselves to try and look normal.

“Whose mouth did I finish in?” Vernon asked.

“That would be mine.” Katy answered.

“But she shared.” Courtney said, winking at the 2 of them.

It had already been an incredible morning for Vernon. He woke up to the sounds of Katy and Courtney moaning. When Vernon looked over, they were on the ground next to the bed scissoring. He could tell they’d been at it a while, as their skin already glistened with sweat.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” Katy said, looking over at him.

Vernon threw himself off the bed and joined in. After that, the 3 of them went and took a shower together. Vernon must’ve been the luckiest man alive as he soaped up the 2 girl’s incredible tits. By the end of the shower, it wasn’t clear whether or not they actually got any cleaner from it.

Katy knew the owner of a local Italian restaurant who served brunch, so the three of them headed over after the shower. It was an upscale place, and they got a booth in the back corner, away from prying eyes. They sat down, Courtney and Katy on either side of Vernon. There was a moment of awkward silence as nobody was sure what exactly to say.

“I think we need to talk about what this is.” Courtney said, finally breaking the silence. “As you know, Vernon and I are now in an official relationship. I think I speak for both of us, when I say that we want you to be a part of it.”

“Ya, of course, I want to be a part of it too.” Katy responded. “But how?”

“Well, I’m ok with you hooking up with Vernon. I assume you’re ok with me hooking up with her as well.” Courtney replied.

“Of course, although I will want to watch.” Vernon told them.

“What does that make me? A side chick? Or are we a throuple?” Katy asked.

“Why put labels on it.” Courtney answered. “We are 3 consenting adults who care for each other. Right?”

“Ok then. I have one request. It’s kind of weird, so I don’t know how to ask this.” Katy responded.

“What is it?” Courtney asked.

“Don’t judge me, but I want Vernon to impregnate me.” Katy replied.

“You were serious about that?” Vernon responded.

“Ya, I told you I want to have a kid.” Katy answered.

“Wait, you want to be a mother?” Courtney interjected.

“Ya, I always have. And now, I’ve found who I want to have it with.” Katy replied. “So, can I have a child with your boyfriend?”

Courtney thought about it for a second. “Alright, I’ll allow it. But I have a request of my own.” Courtney told Katy. “Every Sunday, I get to handcuff you to the bed and imagine you’re Skyler and you can’t judge me either.”

“Sounds like a deal.” Katy replied.

Brunch livened up afterwards, especially when the mimosas came. The 3 of them talked, laughed, and enjoyed their food as their new relationship began.


“You’re looking good, so what’s the occasion?” Vernon said, coming up behind Courtney as she put her earrings on. She had on a tight blue dress that was rather conservative for her.

It was a Friday evening. It had been 3 weeks to the day since Courtney and Vernon’s first outside date, and things had been going well. They went out usually twice a week, still often made dinner together and their sex life was better than ever. Courtney had even introduced him to her parents and some friends from home. It was awkward, but they all were supportive as long as he made her happy. She hadn’t told them about Katy yet, unsure how they’d feel about that.

Bringing Katy into their relationship also hasn’t hurt them. Katy, despite her outward demeanor, usually played the submissive role, as she loved being dominated. And both Courtney and Vernon are willing to oblige that fantasy of hers.

Courtney and Katy’s relationship has quickly evolved as well. They’ve spent a lot of time together outside the bedroom, they eat together often, workout together and have been going on walks and hikes on the weekend together. They genuinely enjoy each other’s company and have formed a deep connection to one another.

All things considered, their relationship has been very successful. Except Courtney still can’t get over Skyler. She feels her heartbeat whenever she’s around and she continues to have fantasies about her. Pretending that Katy is Skyler was not helping, which is why they stopped but Courtney still can’t help herself.

“Skyler talked me into checking out a new club downtown tonight.” Courtney told him. “You going out with Katy tonight?”

“Naw, she’s busy. She’s coming over early tomorrow morning, though, for the both of us.” Vernon responded. “I’m having a drink with a few old friends from college.”

“Really?” Courtney said, turning around to face Vernon.

“Ya, I looked a few guys up and 3 of them are living in Chicago, so I invited them out.” He responded.

“That’s great, babe.” Courtney replied.

“I guess I’ll see you tonight.” Vernon said, giving her a peck on the lips.

“Actually, I’ll probably stay over at Skyler’s condo.” She responded.

“Wait, you mean I’ll be alone tonight?” He replied, a look of sadness on his face.

“Oh, poor boy, won’t be having sex for all of 12 hours.” Courtney mocked.

“So when am I going to get to meet Skyler?” Vernon asked.

“I’m inviting her out for brunch on Sunday, where I’ll introduce you.” Courtney answered, turning back around and applying a little blush.

“Are you ready for that?” He replied.

“No, but I don’t think I’ll ever be.” She responded.

“We can postpone it if you want.” He offered.

“No, we need to do it.” She told him. “I’m a grown woman and I can do it.”

That night, Courtney drove over to Skyler’s before they headed to the club. Skyler was putting on the final touches of her makeup when Courtney arrived. Skyler had on an orange dress with a low neckline, held together by a few strings.

They made plans for brunch on Sunday, then took an Uber down to the club, where they met some of their other friends. The club owner had messaged Skyler about coming down. He had offered a free bottle for a few pics of them partying hard in the club.

The place was nice. It had a good size dance floor with a good surround sound system and a small stage for the performer or DJ. Couches sat around the outside for people to sit and have a drink. There was also an upstairs VIP area that looked out over the club. Their place was surprisingly busy, as it had only been open a few weeks.

They met the club owner, Tyrell, outside the club. Tyrell looked to be in his late 40s, he was still somewhat fit, but had a bald head and some clear signs of aging. Although he looked older, he had a vibrant and charming personality, with a slight caribbean accent.

“Skyler, it’s good to meet you in real life.” Tyrell said upon seeing her, reaching his hand out to shake.

“Nice to meet you too, Tyrell.” Skyler replied, shaking the man’s hand. “These are my friends.”

“Great, we’re a little busier than I expected, but we should be able to fit you girls in.” He told her. “Now, you said there would be another model with you?”

“Yes.” Skyler said, grabbing Courtney’s hand and dragging her in front of him. “Tyrell, this is Courtney.”

“Oh, wow. You did not tell me she was this beautiful.” He replied.

“I thought it would be a nice surprise.” Skyler responded. “Give him a twirl, girl.”

Courtney does an awkward spin as Tyrell intently stares.

“Yes, you girls will be perfect to post on instagram.” He said. “Now come, let’s head inside.”

Tyrell got them inside and set them up at one of the couches with a high end bottle of vodka.

“You girls relax and have a drink. I’m gonna check on everything and I’ll be back with our photographer soon.” Tyrell told them.

Skyler and Courtney took a couple of shots and then went out on the dance floor. They were acting kind of crazy, dancing around like no one was watching. Of course, many guys were and not doing it subtly. This wasn’t unusual for Courtney or Skyler, who easily brushed off the attention. Courtney noticed a young Asian girl staring. She gave her a wink and the girl’s cheeks turned a bright red.

Courtney’s attention was mostly on Skyler, though. She couldn’t help it. The way her blonde locks bounced as she dances, the jiggling of her tits and her beautiful smile. She wanted her so badly it was infuriating.

Tyrell eventually came back with a photographer. The 2 girls posed for a few pics on the dance floor. They then took a video of them dancing together. While dancing, Skyler turned around and began to grind against Courtney. Skyler bent over, putting her hands on the floor, and shook her ass against Courtney’s crotch.

Courtney’s pussy was on fire. The girl of her dreams shook her ass against her and that turned her on like crazy. She played it cool, laughing and smacking Skyler’s ass to the amusement of everyone around.

“Perfect girls.” Tyrell told them. “We just want a couple of pictures upstairs in the VIP section with me. Ok?”

“Great, let’s go.” Skyler replied.

They headed to the VIP section, which had its own private bar and stage, as well as a balcony that overlooked the dance floor below. The 3 of them posed on the balcony, Tyrell in the middle with Skyler and Courtney on either.

“Thank you, girls so much.” Tyrell said.

“It was our pleasure.” Skyler responded.

“How about I get us all a drink and we see where this night goes?” Tyrell replied.

“Sorry, I’m married, but Courtney is very single.” Skyler said, giving Courtney a wink. Courtney responded with a look that said ‘what are you doing?’

“How about 1 drink? I won’t hold you hostage.” Tyrell replied.

“Alright, I’ll have a martini with you.” She answered.

“Mmm, terrific.” He said, putting his hand on Courtney’s back and leading her towards the bar.

Skyler headed back down to the dance floor as Courtney stood waiting for her drink.

“So, tell me, how is such a beautiful woman like yourself still single?” Tyrell asked.

“Truthfully, I’m not.” Courtney told him. “Skyler just doesn’t know about him yet.”

“Why doesn’t she? You seem like very good friends.” He asked.

“It’s just, he’s not the usual guy you’d see with a model like myself.” She replied.

“Are you embarrassed by him?” He responded.

“99% of the time, no. But with Skyler, it’s different.” She told him.

“Ah, you care deeply what Skyler thinks, yes?” He replied.

“Yes, she’s my best friend.” Courtney responded.

“And does she care about you? Want you to be happy?” He asked.

“Ya, I think she does.” Courtney answered.

“Well, if your boyfriend makes you happy, and Skyler cares about you, then she should be happy for you, no matter who he is.” Tyrell told her as the bartender placed the 2 martinis down.

“You’re right. I know you’re right, but I’m still nervous.” She replied.

“If you ain’t nervous, it ain’t worth it.” He responded. “Now, cheers to new relationships, both romantic and friendly.” He said, raising his martini glass towards Courtney.

“Cheers.” Courtney replied, clinking her glass against his.

After her drink with Tyrell, Courtney returned to her friends and Skyler. They were all chilling around on one of the couches. Courtney walked up and punched Skyler in the shoulder, hard enough to feel but not hurt her.

“Hey, what was that for?” Skyler asked.

“For trying to set me up upstairs.” Courtney replied.

“Oh, come on, he was totally checking you out.” Skyler responded.

“But he’s like twice my age.” Courtney said, only realizing the irony once it was already out.

“So, you’re both consenting adults and he was really nice.” Skyler replied. “I just want you to be happy and not end up being a crazy old cat lady.”

“You know what would make me happy right now? Getting absolutely wasted with you.” Courtney said.

“I like the sound of that.” Skyler replied.

Hearing Skyler say that actually eased some of Courtney’s nerves about introducing Skyler and Vernon. Although, that would happen far sooner than she expected.


‘God, please kill me now.’ The driver of Courtney’s and Skyler’s Uber thought as they randomly sung Breaking Free from high school. They were both extremely intoxicated.

So was Vernon, as he crawled into bed after his night out. He hadn’t seen these guys in 40 years and they had a blast, reminiscing and talking about what’s happened since. The scotch was flowing as they remembered their glory days. Vernon was not one to brag, but he showed them a few pictures of him and Courtney together. Nothing explicit though. Those were for his eyes only.

Before they knew it, they were drunk, and it was past 1am. He took a taxi back to the condo. He lied in his bed, having a good time reconnecting that night.

Courtney called the Uber that was supposed to take her and Skyler to Skyler’s condo. But in her drunken state, accidentally ordered it to go to hers. The girls were too distracted singing to notice that they went the wrong way.

It was only once out of the Uber, Courtney realized the mistake. She brought Skyler up to the condo, Skyler still having not realized where they were.

“Here we are.” Courtney said, upon opening the door to the pitch black condo.

“Ssshhh. We have to be quiet. My husband and son are sleeping.” Skyler replied.

“Wait, we’re not at your condo. Or are we?” Courtney responded.

“Ya, we are. My condo is closer to the club, so you’re staying here tonight.” Skyler answered.

“That makes sense.” Courtney said.

“Alright, here’s the couch.” Skyler told her. “I’m gonna head to bed.”

Courtney, having been convinced she is not in her condo, lies down on the couch.

‘Isn’t this my couch?’ Courtney thought. ‘No, this is Skyler’s place. What kind of couch does Skyler have?’ Courtney wondered as she drifted off to sleep.

Skyler headed for the bedroom, where she expected to see her husband. Skyler was especially horny tonight. Skyler and her husband hadn’t had sex in a long while and being around Courtney made her feel hot for a reason she did not fully understand yet.

Upon entry to the bedroom, she should have noticed the figure in bed had a much larger stomach. But in her drunken stupor, she didn’t. Instead, she crawled under the covers and pulled his boxers down. Clue 2 should have been the much larger cock, but in her lust she didn’t think about it.

Skyler only gave her husband blowjobs when she was drunk, and she was very drunk tonight.

Vernon was still sound asleep when Skyler started to jerk him off while drooling on his cock. Vernon’s cock jumped to life as Skyler’s soft hands covered his cock in her drool.

“Ooohhhh.” A still sleeping Vernon moaned as Skyler opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around Vernon’s cock.

‘Wow, it’s much thicker than I remember.’ Skyler thought as she teased Vernon’s cock head. ‘Guess it’s been a long time since I did this!’

Skyler tried to bob her head lower, but had a ton of trouble. Vernon’s cock was much thicker than she was used to and it kept causing her to gag. She could barely get 4 inches down before her whole body gagged and forced her back up.

“Huh, what is…” Vernon said as he woke up.

“Sshhh, we got to be quiet. My friend is sleeping on our coach.” Skyler whispered to him.

Vernon probably should have recognized the voice wasn’t Courtney or Katy, but he was still just waking up. Plus, by the time he was fully aware, Skyler had returned to sucking his cock.

As he became aware, he wondered why they weren’t deepthroating him like usual. They weren’t even letting it hit the back of their throat. He could hear them gagging on his cock as they sucked, which wasn’t typical. Maybe they’d forgotten how in their drunkenness. He wasn’t going to complain; a bad blowjob is still a blowjob after all. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the warm feeling of Skyler’s mouth around his cock head.

Skyler was getting hot and bothered as she sucked what she thought was her husband’s dick. She thought she had forgotten how big her husband’s cock was and that’s why it felt bigger to her. She was on her hands and knees. Her right hand jerked the bottom half of the dick off, while her left index finger gently stroked between her pussy lips.

She then got her first taste of his pre-cum, and that only increased her horniness. The salty taste made her pussy juices flow as she imagined her husband planting his seed inside her. She loves feeling his warm cum explode into her pussy. They weren’t ready for their second kid, so she was on the pill.

Needing a break from gagging, Skyler teased Vernon’s head by swirling her tongue around it. Vernon’s sensitive head tingled as Skyler’s soft tongue gently lapped around it. Skyler’s jaw had grown tired, having never sucked a cock this big before. It was time to give it a break.

Skyler pulled back, threw the covers off and took her dress off over her head while turning her back to Vernon. She should have seen the large stomach on Vernon but because her dress was over her head, she never saw it. Vernon opened his eyes and saw Skyler’s smaller frame but it didn’t register in his sleep deprived brain.

Skyler positioned herself above his cock, holding it tight so that it would split her pussy lips open. She was on her feet when she slid his head inside her. Then Skyler made a mistake.

“AAARRRGGGHHH!” She screamed out as she still believed this was her husband’s cock and had sunk down all the way in one fast swoop.

Had she not done that, she would have eventually realized she wasn’t in bed with her husband. She would have felt that this wasn’t her husband’s cock. But because she went all the way so fast, and Vernon’s cock was so big, she got overloaded with pleasure. His cock was stretching her out like crazy, and hitting all her most sensitive spots, including her cervix. It was too much and her mind went blank, except with lust.

Vernon realized that this wasn’t Courtney or Katy. He wasn’t sure who it was. Her pussy was much tighter than them. He felt how much he was stretching it out and concluded he had never fucked whoever this was before. It also became apparent by how she screamed out in pleasure. Courtney and Katy had become used to his cock and would never scream out like that.

He wondered who it could be as Skyler began to move her hips slowly up and off his cock. Before his cock fully escaped, Skyler slammed her pussy back down, eliciting squeals of pleasure from her. Her pussy was squeezing Vernon tightly. Never had Skyler taken a cock this big before and it already brought her to the precipice of an orgasm.

Skyler slowed down as she felt the growing orgasm in her stomach. She went to her knees and leaned forward, giving Vernon a great view of her ass. He gave her ass a slap, then grabbed and groped it as Skyler continued to ride him.

Skyler did smaller thrusts, keeping his cock deep inside her. She loved the feel of Vernon’s rough hands squeezing her ass cheeks.

Skyler had her first orgasm when Vernon began thrusting up into her. With just a few powerful thrusts, Vernon had Skyler bursting out, her tight pussy cumming hard on him.

“Oh shit!” She screamed as she had the biggest orgasm of her life.

It was mind altering. Her husband had never made her feel like this. A radiating warmth emanated from her whole body. She lost control of her muscles for a moment as she shook and spasmed uncontrollably. She wanted more of this feeling. No, she needed it.

For Vernon, the tightness of this woman’s pussy reminded him of his first time with Courtney. Whoever it was had never had a big dick before.

Skyler got off and turned around to face Vernon. Finally, part of her brain clued in that this wasn’t her husband. But that was just a small minority. The rest of her brain just wanted more dick. She impaled herself back on Vernon’s cock, his thick member stretching her out again.

Through the darkness, Vernon finally could see who it was. To his surprise, he recognized the young woman as Skyler. He wasn’t sure what to do.

This wasn’t just Courtney’s best friend, this was the girl that Courtney had feelings for. Would she be mad at the fact Vernon got to fuck her first? Or would that turn her on? From everything he’d heard about Skyler, she wasn’t gay. So for Courtney, this might be the closest to fucking her she could get.

So, did she put Skyler up to this? She was already sharing him with Katy. Was it that crazy to think she’d share him with her best friend? Plus, as far as first introductions, this was probably Vernon at his best.

As Vernon tried to figure out what was going on, Skyler was having the ride of her life. The thickness and shear length of his cock were honestly too much. She hadn’t been stretched out like this since giving birth.

Her moans and the sounds of her tight butt smacking against Vernon’s fatty thighs are the only audible sounds. It was honestly a miracle Courtney didn’t wake up but her alcohol induced slumber was too deep.

Skyler was sweating at this point, and so was Vernon. Vernon gave off a grotesque smell, one of sweat and cheap booze. It filled Skyler’s nostrils but was just another clue her lust filled brain ignored.

Being very close to orgasm, Skyler thrusted his cock all the way in. She moved her hips in a small circle, letting Vernon’s cock explore every part of her insides. She could feel his cock tip brushing up against her cervix. Never had a man touched so deep inside her. It didn’t take much longer for her to have her second orgasm.

Skyler’s second orgasm was just as big, if not bigger, than the first. It felt like time froze as every nerve in her body fired at the same time. It was overwhelming, Skyler’s weakened brain completely gave up. Her body went limp, and she fell forward onto Vernon’s plump chest. She was panting and babbling incoherently.

Vernon still wasn’t sure why Skyler was in bed with him but as the saying goes, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, he figured. As Skyler’s mind reset, Vernon moved his knees up and started fucking her hard. He reached behind her and grabbed her perfect ass, feeling her soft skin and strong glutes. Vernon knew he was close and wondered whether or not he should pull out. He hadn’t pulled out with Katy or Courtney, as both enjoyed being filled up. But he knew Skyler was married, maybe she wouldn’t want that.

That decision was taken out of his hands though, as Skyler would soon cum a third. It was more of just a continuation of her second orgasm. But when her pussy seized up around Vernon, he couldn’t stop himself from cumming.

Skyler felt rope after rope of cum enter her pussy. It quickly filled her up like her husband never had. Its warmth was intoxicating, keeping her aroused as she slowly drifted off to sleep on top of Vernon.


“WHAT THE FUCK!” Is the first thing Courtney heard the next morning. It was early, and it woke her up.

When she opened her eyes and realized where she was. Courtney sprang off the couch just in time to see Skyler come out the room, still putting on her dress from last night on.

“Courtney, call the cops, there is a stranger in your bed!” Skyler told her.

“Oh ya him, umm…” Courtney said, trying to find the words in hungover mind.

“Did you know about him?” Skyler asked.

“Ya she does!” Vernon responded as he walked out of the bedroom in a pair of shorts and headed over to the kitchen.

“Ok, is he a family friend or something?” Skyler replied.

“No, Skyler, meet Vernon… my boyfriend.” Courtney said.

“Vernon, like your imaginary friend Vernon.” Skyler replied, a shocked look on her face.

“Ya that was a lie.” Courtney responded. “I was just embarrassed about being attracted to him so I lied.”

“Sorry, give me a moment, this is just a lot to process.” Skyler said.

“Ya, take your time.” Courtney replies.

Suddenly, Skyler’s eyes went wide as her face went pale. She looked over at Vernon, who was eating some cereal. “Did we… did we have sex last night?” She asked him.

“Ya, we did. Good sex, too.” He replied, as he chewed on his cereal.

“Oh my god. Oh my god. I cheated last night.” Skyler responded, clearly in a panic.. “I’ve never cheated before. And I did it with my best friend’s boyfriend. Holy shit.”

“Hey, calm down.” Courtney said, trying to console her friend. “Just breathe. It was a mistake but nobody is gonna find out. It’ll stay just between us.”

“Why are you being so calm about it? I had sex with your boyfriend. Shouldn’t you be mad at us, or at least one of us?” Skyler asked.

“Well, here’s the thing…” Courtney began to say but was cut off by the front door opening.

In walked Katy, in a white tank top and blue jeans. She was engrossed in her phone and hadn’t heard them talking from outside.

“Hey Vernon, I know I’m early but I was hoping to get a round in before…” Katy said as she entered, only looking up from her phone and seeing Skyler at the very end. “… Courtney gets home.”

“What is she doing here?” Skyler asked, a shocked look on her face.

“I can explain.” Courtney answered.

“This is obviously something between the 2 of you.” Katy said. “So, can Vernon and I just head to the bedroom?”

“Ya, I’ll be in, in a minute.” Courtney replied.

“What the fuck is going on?” Skyler asked, completely confused.

“I can explain.” Courtney answered, waiting for Vernon and Katy to have left the room. “It started a few months ago, when I met Vernon and we started hooking up. We weren’t official, but he lost his home and so he moved in. Katy then broke in, not knowing Vernon was here and they started hooking up. Then I caught them, had sex with Katy, me and Vernon became officially a couple and then we had a threeway with Katy. We then decided she’d also be part of our relationship. And now we’re all kind of a thing.”

Skyler has a shocked and confused look on her face. “I don’t even know what to say.”

“I get it. It’s a lot to find out at once.” Courtney replied. “I wanted to tell you slowly. I was gonna introduce you to Vernon at brunch but so much for that.”

“I think I… I think I need to go home and process.” Skyler told her, heading towards the door.

“Ya, I totally get it.” Courtney replied. “I’ll call you tonight.”

“Maybe give me some more time.” Skyler responded, opening the front door.

“Oh, ok.” A saddened Courtney replied as Skyler turned and left.

Courtney stood there for a moment, silently staring at the door, the only sound a distinct suckling noise coming from the bedroom. She eventually took a deep breath and headed to the bedroom. She stopped at the entrance and watched as Katy was sucking on Vernon’s cock. Vernon was lying down, legs open head on the headboard. Katy was on her hands and knees between his legs, lips around his cock while her right hand stroked his cock in unison with her lips. Courtney was still impressed watching Katy’s skillful throat take all of Vernon’s long dick, even if she could do it, too.

“Are you alright?” Vernon asked, snapping Courtney out of her trance.

“I will be.” She replied.

“Are you mad at me?” He responded.

“I’m not happy. How did it even happen?” Courtney asked.

“She just came in and started having sex with me.” He told her, Katy was still bobbing her head on his cock. “I didn’t know it was her until I was almost done and at that point I couldn’t stop myself.”

“I guess I can’t be too mad.” Courtney responded. “I mean if Skyler just walked in and started having sex with me I wouldn’t stop her either.”

“Come here and let me and Vernon make you a little less glum.” Katy said.

“Well, if you insist.” Courtney replied, a small smile coming across her face as she reached behind herself and unzipped her dress.


It’s been a day and half since Skyler left and Courtney has heard nothing from her. Courtney was lying on the couch as Vernon prepared dinner. She had on a blue blouse and black tights as she had just come back from the grocery store, where she picked up some ingredients for dinner. She was staring at her phone, specifically a message she had sent that morning.

‘Hey, I know all this might be a lot to take in but I’m still me and I wanna talk this through.’ She wrote.

Skyler had seen it but hadn’t responded yet. Courtney was legitimately worried she’d never hear from her again. This hurt her, she loved Skyler and never meant for this to happen like this.

“Dinner’s almost finished.” Vernon told her.

“Huh.” Courtney exhaled. She threw her phone to the other side of the couch and got up.

“Still no response?” Vernon asked.

“Ya, I’m not sure she ever will.” Courtney replied, tearing up.

“Don’t say that. Come here.” Vernon responded, bringing Courtney into a hug. “You girls have a special bond. I’m sure she’s not gonna throw that away.”

Courtney held Vernon close for a moment, then pulled back slightly. She went and gave him a passionate kiss on the lips.

“Thank you. You’ve been very understanding this weekend.” She said.

“I’ll always be here for you.” He replied, then gave her another kiss on the lips.

“Dinner could probably wait a bit.” Courtney responded.

“It can absolutely wait.” He answered, then went back down and kissed Courtney again.

Vernon lifted Courtney off the ground. She wrapped her legs around him while maintaining the kiss. With his hands groping her butt, Vernon walked them towards the bedroom, dinner a long forgotten chore.

Once in the bedroom, Vernon let Courtney down and they stripped their clothes off. Once nude, Vernon played with Courtney’s chest, stuffing his face in it and eliciting moans and giggles as he flicked his tongue across her nipples. Courtney reached down and jerked Vernon off as the 2 of them made their way to the bed.

Courtney lied down on her back as Vernon got overtop of her. He slid his cock into her, something he’d done a hundred times yet still excited him like their first time together. By now, they knew each other’s bodies like their own and yet still found sex exciting and new.

As Vernon began driving into Courtney, the reason was obvious for him. Looking down at the busty blonde, it would excite any man to be in bed with her. He was just the lucky man she chose. As he watched her tits bounce and heard the sweet sound of her moans, he knew definitively he’d never tire of this.

For any outside observer, the reason Courtney was in bed with Vernon wouldn’t have been clear. But as she looked up at his round belly, gray hairs just starting to grow back, she knew why. Beyond just his dick size, she loved him and never wanted to stop being with him.

Vernon put his hands down on either side of Courtney and leaned over to look her in the eyes. He did slow rhythmic pumps, allowing both of them to enjoy every inch of each other. Both of them enjoyed the slower, more intimate love making. Courtney loved how tender Vernon was with her while he did it. She wasn’t some random slut but his girl and he was gonna treat her right.

Vernon looked down at her crystal blue eyes and saw them start to dilate. He knew she was getting close to her first orgasm and started pumping into her hard. Of course, Courtney also loved when he powered into her, especially after being so tender with her. The contrasting feelings usually brought her to completion. This time was no different.

She soon felt a wave of pleasure beginning in her pussy and radiating up her body. No matter how many times it’s happened, each orgasm still felt like a new experience to her.

Vernon had stopped pumping his cock all the way inside her as he allowed Courtney to ride her orgasm out. He then leaned over further and began to kiss her lips, his fat body pressing her into the bed. Courtney wrapped her legs around Vernon as he did small pumps into her again. Courtney broke the kiss and Vernon started to kiss her neck.

“You know, you never told me what it was like being with Skyler.” Courtney whispered.

“Oh, you want me to tell you? You want me to go into details?” He asked, beginning to pump into her harder.

“Mmhmm.” She moaned a reply, closing her eyes and picturing it.

“Well, I was sleeping when she came in. When I woke up, she was already sucking my dick.” He explained.

“How was it?” Courtney asked.

“Not great, she didn’t know how to deepthroat. But her lips were plump and soft and she knew how to use her tongue.” He answered. “She had a way of swirling her tongue around that was incredible.” He said as he did a circular motion, stirring his cock inside of Courtney. “She then took her clothes off and got on me.”

“Did you see her face then?” Courtney replied.

“No, not yet. She turned her back so I couldn’t see her.” He explained, making sure to keep pumping into Courtney. “She must have thought I was her husband because she dropped herself quickly down onto me.”

“She took all of you?” Courtney asked.

“Yup, super quickly, she screamed out. I’m surprised you didn’t wake up.” He told her. “It must’ve been painful. Her pussy was extremely tight and I could feel it stretching out.”

“Did she orgasm?” Courtney needed to know.

“Not immediately, but pretty quickly. She hopped on it a few times, then had one.” Vernon explained, feeling Courtney’s orgasm starting to build. He slowed down because there was still more story to tell.

“After that is when she turned around and I saw who it was.” Vernon told her.

“What did you do?” Courtney replied, her eyes still shut, imagining the night the 2 of them had.

“I froze. I wasn’t sure what to do.” He said. “And if Skyler recognized that I wasn’t her husband, she didn’t care at that moment. She rode me even harder, slamming her pussy down onto me. I was pent up and close, so I just went with it.” Courtney was so close to an orgasm she could feel, but held off for the end of the story. “Soon Skyler had her second orgasm on my cock. This was a big one that nearly knocked her out. She fell forward onto me, and that’s when I took control. I started fucking her back as hard as I could. I thought I should probably pull out, but that unfortunately didn’t happen.”

“You came in her?” Courtney said shocked.

“I did. Her third orgasm surprised me and I couldn’t pull out. I came inside her hard.” Vernon told her.

Upon hearing her boyfriend tell her how he came in her best friend, Courtney had an orgasm. It was weird, but imagining them together turned her on. Her pussy tightened up around Vernon, causing him to cum as well. They kissed again as they rode out each other’s orgasm.

Vernon eventually pulled out and lied down next to her. Courtney snuggled up next to him, both their bodies still a little sweaty.

“Was that it?” Courtney asked.

“Ya, that last orgasm actually knocked her out, and she fell asleep on me.” Vernon replied.

“You lucky bastard.” She responded. “Now I don’t even know if we’re friends.”

“You girls will make up. Just give her time.” Vernon encouraged.


By the time Vernon even registered the sound, Courtney was already up and running towards her phone.

“Oh my god! She wants to talk!” Courtney exclaimed.

“See I told you.” Vernon replied.

“I’ll have to skip out on our dinner tonight.” Courtney told him.

“That’s fine. I’ll put yours in the fridge.” He responded.

“Thanks, babe.” She replied. “I got to go.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” He gestured towards her still naked body.

“Oh, ya.” Courtney giggled, feeling better now.


Courtney sat in her car outside of Skyler’s condo. She had thrown on a black sweatshirt and pink sweatpants. She was nervous. While the fact that Skler wanted to talk was a good sign, she still didn’t know what was going to be said. But she took a deep breath and exited the car. She knocked on Skyler’s door and Skyler answered in a black t-shirt and beige tights.

“Hey.” Courtney had a lot to say, but that’s all that came out.

“Hey. Come in.” Skyler said, moving out of the way to allow Courtney in. “Do you want some water?”

“No, I’m ok.” Courtney replied, walking in. “Is Ray (Skyler’s husband) here?”

“No, he took RJ (Skyler’s kid) to visit his parents.” She responded.

“Skyler, I’m sorry, I should have told you about everything. You’re my best friend and I should have shared everything with you.” Courtney blurted out.

“You don’t have to apologize.” Skyler replied.

“I don’t?” Courtney asked.

“No, it’s your life and you can share with me what you want.” Skyler answered. ” I’ll always be here for you if you want to talk. And to be honest, if I was in your shoes, I don’t know how I would have told you. I mean, Vernon is one thing but Katy of all people.”

“Ya, that one came out of nowhere for me, too.” Courtney responded.

“Is that why she’s been nicer over the past month?” Skyler asked

“Ya, it turns out if you get her off once or twice, she’s not a total bitch.” Courtney said.

Both girls got a good laugh. “Why didn’t I think of that?” Skyler joked.

She suddenly turned serious and looked into Courtney’s eyes. “One more thing. You have to promise me not to tell a soul about what happened the other night.”

“Of course.” Courtney responded.

Soon, the girls found their way to the couch and were talking away like before.

“I have to ask, are you with Vernon just for the sex?” Skyler asked. “No judgment.”

“You know it started that way.” She answered. “The first time was eye opening. But over time it’s changed. We started spending more time together, and I fell in love with him.”

“Why?” Skyler followed up.

“I feel like I can be myself around. It just feels easy being around him.” She told her.

“Interesting.” Skyler replied.

“I feel the same way with you.” Courtney responded.

“What are you saying?” Skyler asked.

“I’m saying…” Courtney started to say, but instead leaned over and began to kiss Skyler.

Skyler was, at first, surprised by Courtney. But slowly, she closed her eyes and kissed Courtney back. Courtney gently pushed Skyler onto her back as her tongue invaded Skyler’s mouth. Soon, their tongues were entangled as Courtney laid on top of Skyler.

“What are we doing?” Skyler asked as Courtney leaned back for a second.

Courtney took her sweatshirt off, revealing the silky black bra she was wearing. “We’re doing what we want.” She said before she went back to kissing Skyler.

Skyler didn’t protest, accepting her kiss and opening her mouth again. Skyler felt the soft skin on Courtney’s back as they made out. It was her first time making out with a woman, and Courtney’s soft skin was much nicer than her husband’s hairy back. Courtney’s soft, plump lips made her whole body jitter with excitement. This felt right to her.

Courtney was in heaven. She had finally gone for it and Skyler was going with it. Courtney’s hands explored Skyler’s body, starting by taking her shirt off, leaving her in a lacy white bra. Her hands then went down her sides, feeling her smooth skin, all the way to her tights.

“Mmm!” Skyler moaned into Courtney’s mouth, as Courtney’s left hand had gone under her tights and panties. Her left middle finger was rubbing between Skyler’s pussy lips, causing her to stir as they made out.

Skyler finally managed to push Courtney away a bit. “I’ve never done it with a woman before.” She told Courtney.

“Don’t worry. Just lie back and I’ll take control.” Courtney replied.

Skyler shook her head yes, prompting Courtney to kiss her left cheek and then down her neck. She kissed and licked Skyler’s neck, sensing a sensitive spot on her. She savored the taste of Skyler. She had wanted this for a while and was gonna enjoy every second of it.

Courtney continued to kiss her way down to Skyler’s chest, which she stuffed her face between. She pulled her hand away from Skyler’s pussy, so she could grab each breast with each hand. They felt perfect to her, not quite as big as Katy’s, but yet fitting perfectly in her hands. She pulled her bra down to expose her nipples. The small pink nipples were exactly as Courtney had imagined. She went and kissed her right nipple, then sucked it into her mouth. Skyler moaned as Courtney flicked the nipple with her tongue, ensuring it was erect before switching sides.

She made sure each nipple was hard enough to cut glass before continuing to kiss down her toned, flat stomach. She made it to her tights and pulled them and her panties down and off her body. Courtney got her first good look at Skyler’s pussy. It was a bright pink color and her lips looked wet from juices already.

Courtney took her first lick, and a shudder went down Skyler’s spine. Courtney could sense her excitement. She was gentle when licking Skyler, allowing her to slowly get more turned on. She licked between her lips and would find her hole, dipping her tongue in just half an inch, letting her feel what it would be like but not going far.

“Huh!” Skyler gasped as Courtney found her clitoris and licked it.

Her husband had never found it, and yet Courtney had in seconds. Courtney had the benefit of practicing on Katy and knew where the clit was, so finding Skyler wasn’t difficult. Skyler loudly moaned out as Courtney relentlessly sucked on her clit. Courtney reached up and grabbed Skyler’s tits as she licked her clit, taking her nipples between her fingers and gently tugging on them.

When Courtney felt Skyler’s clit start to pulse, she pulled away from her clit and went back down to her pussy. This time, Courtney stuck her tongue all the way inside Skyler as her left hand rubbed Skyler’s clit.

Skyler had never felt this way before. Her husband had gone down on her before, but it had never felt like this. Courtney’s soft tongue was doing an excellent job and Skyler could feel her orgasm building. It started in her stomach and had slowly grown. Courtney’s tongue suddenly hit a nerve, and it was like a floodgate had opened. The feeling in her stomach suddenly rushed down to her pussy and became an overwhelming feeling of heat and pressure.

“Oh, shit!” She screamed out as she arched her back and began to cum.

Courtney felt her pussy tighten up, and was just able to pull back before she started to squirt. Her juices covered Courtney’s face, who closed her eyes and accepted Skyler’s juices, licking them up as they came.

Once her pussy had finished, Courtney licked the cum off her face and saw the puddle left on Skyler’s pussy. Skyler released the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. It had been the biggest orgasm of her life, even surpassing the orgasm she had with Vernon.

“That was… incredible!” Skyler said as she caught her breath.

“Just you wait.” Courtney replied, Skyler just realizing Courtney had gotten up and taken the rest of her clothes off.

“We can stop there if you want.” Courtney offered, having seen a strange look on Skyler’s face.

“No, I’m ready.” She replied.

Courtney got back on the couch and lifted one of Skyler’s legs up in the air. Courtney straddled the other leg, scooting herself closer to Skyler’s pussy. She stopped just before touching, then looked down into Skyler’s green eyes as she thrusted forward, pushing their pussies together.

“Uh!” Skyler moaned, her eyes rolling back.

Courtney started rolling her hips back and forth, keeping that constant contact between the two. She was doing it; she was fucking Skyler. She could feel their fluids mixing and her pussy lips against her own. She had imagined doing this for a while and it was even better than she imagined.

Because of her excitement at doing this with Skyler, it was clear she was going to orgasm quickly. Skyler was no better. As she looked up at the busty blonde and felt the heat between their private parts, it was clear this was what sex was supposed to be like.

Skyler and Courtney would soon orgasm together. A simultaneous heat grew between them, feeding off each other as they rubbed their pussies together. Courtney grabbed Skyler’s right hand and brought it to her clit as Courtney reached down for Skyler’s clit. Skyler was not as knowledgeable about where the clit was and had some trouble. Courtney was ok with that, just her trying was enough.

They both bursted out together. Both threw their heads back as they climaxed together. Courtney slowed her rubbing down, gently brushing their orgasming pussies together.

Eventually, Courtney fell back and sat down on the opposite end of the couch. Skyler was shining with sweat and cum, lying back and enjoying the post-sex bliss.

“Wow, that was amazing!” Courtney finally said.

‘Bzzz.’ Skyler didn’t answer as they heard her phone vibrate.

“Shit.” Skyler said upon picking it up and looking at it.

“What is it?” Courtney asked.

“Ray’s gonna be home in 20 minutes.” Skyler responded.

“Ok, that gives us plenty of time.” Courtney replied.

“He texted that 22 minutes ago.” Skyler answered, both girls’ faces going white.

They both rushed to put their clothes back on and had just finished when Ray walked in the door.

“Hey, ladies.” He said, carry a sleeping RJ in his arms. “How has your night been?”

“It’s been good.” Skyler replied. “How are your parents?”

“They’re doing well.” He responded. “I’m gonna take RJ to bed.”

“I think this is a good time for me to leave.” Courtney replied, moving towards the door.

“Ok, it was great seeing you tonight. I’ll text you later.” Skyler responded.

Courtney had a jolt in her step as she made her way to her car. She couldn’t believe she had done it with Skyler.


“Shit, shit, shit, shit!” Courtney muttered as she paced around her condo.

It was really early Monday morning, and Courtney was already in a panic. She was walking around aimlessly, staring at her phone. She had thrown on a pair of small white shorts and a gray tank top.

“How could I have been so stupid?” She said to herself.

“What’s wrong with you?” Katy asked as she walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen in a purple silk robe.

“Huh.” Courtney said, momentarily taking her attention away. “Nothing, just…” Courtney trailed off, returning her attention to her phone.

“Are you gonna finish that sentence?” Katy asked, but Courtney was completely engrossed in her phone. “It’s too early to deal with this shit.”

Katy made herself an iced coffee and took a few sips before returning her attention to Courtney, who was still staring at her phone.

“So, you and Skyler had sex last night.” Katy point blankly said to Courtney.

“How did you… I mean, no!” Courtney replied.

“That was convincing.” Katy joked.

“Huh.” Courtney exhaled. “What gave it away?”

“Well, when I arrived yesterday, Vernon told me you went to Skyler’s to talk, and you came back in a really good mood.” She explained. “It could have just been you making up with her. But seeing you this distraught this morning and absorbed in your phone makes me think you guys did it and she hasn’t texted you.”

“That’s… exactly right.” Courtney responded. “You’re a good detective.”

“I’m more than a pretty face you like to sit on.” Katy replied. “Now, what did you text her?”

“Nothing, she said she texted me.” Courtney answered.

“Courts, she is probably confused and unsure of herself.” Katy told her. “If you like her, you gotta go aggressively after her.”

“But what if she doesn’t feel the same way about me?” Courtney asked.

“Everyone who meets you falls for you.” Katy replied. “Vernon loves you, I love you…”

Both girls stopped talking and looked at each other surprised.

“You… love me?” Courtney asked.

“Ya, I guess I do.” Katy responded, her heart now beating fast.

Courtney smiled at Katy. “I love you, too.” She replied, then gave Katy a passionate kiss.

“I love watching you girls get along.” Vernon said from the bedroom doorway, having eavesdropped on their conversation.

“You fucking creep.” Katy replied.

“Ya, but you love this fucking creep.” He responded, walking towards the kitchen to get a coffee.

“I hate that he’s right.” Katy said, turning back to Courtney.

“I know I’m freaking out about Skyler, but I want you both to know that even if Skyler rejects me, you’re both more than enough for me.” Courtney told them.

“So, what are you gonna text her?” Vernon asked.

“I’m gonna tell her I love and care about her and I want her to be in my life, in whatever capacity that is.” Courtney answered.

“Just know whatever happens, Vernon and I are here for you.” Katy told her. “And are willing to fuck your brains out.”

Courtney gave Katy another kiss before she started writing the message. She took her time, making sure everything was worded correctly and that the tone of the message sounded just right. But before she pressed send, they all heard a knock at the door.

“Who could that be this early?” Vernon asked as Courtney got up to answer it.

Opening the door, she saw who else but Skyler. She had just some white sweats on and her hair was a bit of a mess as she obviously came over quickly.

“Hey.” She said, her eyes looking like a deer in headlights.

“Hey!” Courtney replied, surprised she’s here. “Come in.” She said, moving out of the way for her to enter.

“Katy, we should go on a breakfast date.” Vernon said to Katy.

“I’m good.” She replied, intent on staying around.

“Katy, we’re leaving. Come on, let’s get changed.” He responded, putting his arm around her and guiding her to the bedroom.

“Oh, fine.” She said pouting.

“We’ll get changed quickly and be out of your way.” Vernon told Courtney and Skyler as they went into the bedroom.

There’s a long moment of awkward silence between the girls as they wait for Katy and Vernon to leave.

“How’d you sleep last night?” Courtney asked, trying to cut the tension.

“Good. I mean, I had a lot to think about, but I still slept well. Did you sleep well?” Skyler replied.

“Ya, I sleep really well. Was pretty tired after…” Courtney began to respond, but trailed out.

Luckily, Vernon and Katy came out of the bedroom at that moment, having thrown on some sweats of their own.

“We’ll talk later.” He said as he passed by Courtney, giving her a quick peck. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.” She replied.

“Good luck.” Katy said before giving Courtney a kiss as well. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” She replied again.

They watched as the 2 of them walked out the front door.

“That’s gonna take some getting use to.” Skyler joked.

“Ya, there was definitely an adjustment period.” Courtney replied.

The girls turn back to each other and look into each other’s eyes. There’s a long moment of tension, both girls unsure of how to proceed.

“I’m sorry.” Courtney blurted out.

“I love you.” Skyler blurted out immediately after.

“Wait, what?” They said simultaneously.

“You’re sorry, for what?” Skyler asked.

“Last night, I thought I might have pushed you into something you didn’t want to do.” Courtney replied.

“No, I’m glad you went for it. I wish I would have made the move sooner.” Skyler responded.

“You love me?” Courtney asked.

“Ya, I do.” Skyler answered. “At first, I thought my feelings towards you were just platonic, but they’re not. They never were.”

“Are you sure?” Courtney asked skeptically.

“Yes, I’m sure.” Skyler replied. “The thing you said last night about it being easy with Vernon. I never felt that way with Ray. It’s always been hard work to be with him, ever since we started dating in high school. But not you.”

Courtney grabbed Skyler’s hand and pulled her into a passionate kiss.

“I love you, too.” Courtney said before kissing her again. Courtney attempted to lift Skyler’s legs up to carry her to the bedroom, but Skyler stopped her.

“Sorry, I can’t stay. I have to be home before my husband leaves for work to take care of RJ.” She told Courtney.

“Sorry, I got caught in the moment.” Courtney replied.

“It’s ok.” Skyler responded.

“Before you go, I need you to know I’m not gonna leave Katy and Vernon for you.” Courtney told Skyler. “I love them, too, and you’d be joining our relationship, not breaking it.”

“I understand.” Skyler replied. “If you love them, I’m sure I’ll grow to love them, too.”

“Good. Talk to you later.” Courtney said, giving Skyler one last kiss before she leaves.

“Eeeee!” Courtney screeched in excitement after Skyler had left. She ran to her phone and quickly called Vernon.

“Hey, where are you guys?” She asked when he picked up.

“Coffee shop down the road, everything alright?” He responded.

“Everything is great. But we should all talk.” She replied. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

Courtney put on a white top, and jeans, then hustled down the road. Vernon and Katy were sipping coffee on the terrace when she got there.

“So everything went well?” Katy asked as Courtney sat down.

“Incredibly well.” Courtney answered. “She told me she loved me and she wants to be a part of our relationship. I know I didn’t discuss it with you guys beforehand, but will you guys be okay with Skyler joining us? I love you both and if you don’t want her in, I can live with that.”

“I’ll survive somehow.” Vernon joked.

“She’s not my favorite person in the world, but if you care about her, then I’m ok with her joining.” Katy told her.

“Thank you. I love you both so much.” Courtney replied.

“You know, with Skyler now joining and Katy basically living with us, we might want to start looking for a bigger place.” Vernon said.

“That’s probably a good idea.” Courtney replied.


“Is everything alright?” Vernon asked Katy after he finished parking the car.

It was late Thursday afternoon, and they had just returned from a day at the beach. Katy had worn a small black bikini with a white trim, while Vernon had worn orange swimming shorts. They had spent the day together, just enjoying each other’s company. It was a public beach, so they couldn’t do much, although Vernon applied sunscreen more than necessary. It turned them both on when he applied the sunscreen, thinking about what they could be doing if not in public.

“Ya, everything’s fine.” Katy replied. “Why’d you ask?”

“You seemed a little quiet on the ride home.” Vernon answered. “Is it about Skyler?”

“No. Well… no.” She responded.

“Come on. What’s bothering you?” He asked.

“It’s just… I’m a little scared I’ll become irrelevant once Skyler’s involved.” She answered.

“What, that’s crazy.” He replied.

“Is it?” Katy responded. “You and Courtney are the backbone of the relationship. You’re each other’s number 1. And Courtney already loves Skyler and has been spending a lot of time with her. Courtney and I have had no time alone since she started seeing Skyler. And now, she wants you 2 to go on a date, leaving me to babysit. I feel like I’m being pushed out.”

“I get it.” Vernon told her.

“You do?” Katy replied.

“Ya, bringing someone new into this was always gonna be tough. But if you don’t want Skyler in the relationship, tell me and she’s out.” Vernon responded. “But you should know Skyler’s not her to replace you, she’s new to the relationship and Courtney’s just excited to have her. Courtney and I both care about you and want you to be a part of this relationship. But if you’re still worried, talk to Courtney. I’m sure she’ll want to spend a day alone with you.”

“Thank you for understanding.” Katy answered, giving Vernon a kiss on the lips.

“Plus, you’re the future mother of my child. There’s no way I could replace you.” Vernon told her.

“Speaking of, you wanna go upstairs and try?” She asked.

“You already know the answer to that.” He responded. “Probably should take a shower before, get rid of this sand.”

“You mean during.” Katy said with a smile.

A few moments later, Katy found herself completely nude in Vernon’s arms, his dick deep inside her pussy. They had run upstairs, stripped their swimwear off and jumped in the shower. They cleaned the sand off. Then Katy jumped into his arms and Vernon inserted himself.

They made out, as Katy lifted herself up, then dropped back down, riding Vernon’s cock. His hands were on her ass, helping to lift her up. She could feel the still running water on her left side and the steam surrounding the 2 of them, making the sex even hotter.

Sex with Vernon just felt right to Katy now. It had always been good, but now that he had shaped her pussy, it felt like a key sliding into a lock. This key unlocked her orgasm as she felt it growing as she continued to suck on Vernon’s tongue.

Vernon wanted to do Katy right. He had heard her concerns and wanted to ease them. He wanted her to know how much they cared for her. He wanted her to feel how much he cared for her.

Katy soon had an orgasm, her pussy tightening up around its key. She had to break the kiss to moan out. Vernon’s kisses down to her neck only increased her pleasure. She sat down on his dick, allowing herself to ride the wave of pleasure out.

After she was finished, Vernon put her down and Katy bent over, putting her hands on the wall ahead of her. Vernon got behind her and inserted his cock, fucking Katy from behind.

Katy had an amazing body, curves for days, and Vernon was so happy she’d fallen for him. He gave her ass a slap, causing Katy to groan. He had tried to figure out who had a nicer ass, Katy or Courtney, but both were too nice to decide. He loved them both, and the only thing that mattered was that they were both in bed with him at night.

Their love making made a cacophony of sounds. There were Katy’s effeminate moans and Vernon’s manly grunts as he thrusted inside her. There was the sound of the shower hitting his back and falling to the floor. And of course the slapping sound caused by Vernon’s fat thighs hitting Katy’s tone ass. These sounds made it clear what was happening in the fogged out shower.

It took another few minutes for Katy to have her second orgasm. Vernon, knowing Katy didn’t want him to hold back, came with her. They both rode out their orgasms together, feeling as Vernon’s cum slowly filled Katy’s wound up.

“I love you!” Katy moaned as she neared the end of her high.

Vernon leaned forward and captured her lips in a kiss. “I love you, too. And don’t you forget that.”


“This is really weird.” Skyler said.

“Just pretend I’m not here.” Courtney replied.

“I don’t think I can do that.” Skyler responded.

“Just try for me, please.” Courtney answered.

“Ok, I’ll try.” Skyler said.

Skyler was seated at the dinner table in a long, light gray dress that didn’t show a ton of skin but framed her body nicely. Across from her, cutting her a piece of homemade lasagna, was Vernon. He had a white button-up shirt on with a pair of nice black pants. It was a Friday night. The condo was mostly dark, the only light coming from candles they had lit.

Courtney was sitting on the couch, watching Skyler and Vernon. They had decided to ease Skyler into the relationship. Courtney and Skyler had already spent a lot of time together, especially over the previous evenings, but now it was time for her to get to know Vernon. They set up a date for the 2 of them, Courtney wanting to watch as they hopefully got along.

Skyler was feeling a bit awkward. She had gone out with Courtney already, but this was a date with a man who wasn’t her soon to be ex-husband. She had dated no one else since high school. Not to mention the women she loved intently watching.

She also felt a bit of pressure. She wanted to be a part of this relationship. While Courtney had told her Vernon and Katy were cool with it, she still felt she needed to get along with them to ensure her place.

“So, Courtney tells me you used to work as the repairman here. How did that happen?” She asked, trying her best.

“It’s a bit of a story, but in short, after my fiancée passed, I drove away and eventually came upon this place. That had a help needed, and I took the job. Was supposed to be a temporary thing. But temporary quickly became permanent.” He answered her.

“I didn’t know about your fiancée.” Skyler replied. “That must have been hard.”

“It was.” Vernon responded. “And to be honest, I held onto my pain for a long while. But thanks in large part to Courtney, I’m finally getting over her.”

“Courtney helped me in that regard, too.” She answered. “She helped me get over my husband as well.”

“Yes, Courtney told me about your divorce. Did he take it well?” Vernon asked.

“Not initially. He was mad most of the week.” Skyler told him. “But then yesterday, he said I was right, that we were holding on to something that wasn’t working.”

“What did you tell him when you asked for a divorce?”

“I told him that our marriage wasn’t working anymore and that I wanted out. He accused me of cheating and I told him I did, but that I was in love with Courtney and wanted to be with her.”

“You didn’t tell him about me?”

“I skipped that part. But the good news is, Wednesday night he hooked up with a girl he worked with, which convinced him that I was right.”

“That’s good. What about RJ?”

“We agree on joint custody, and we’ll tell him once the divorce is completed.”

“So, what’s next for you?”

Vernon and Skyler are soon deep in conversation. Just as Courtney had before, Skyler found it easy to be around Vernon. She was relaxed and felt at ease talking with him. She soon forgot Courtney was even watching.

Courtney was excited to see them getting along. While she was confident they would, there was a small part of her that was scared they might not. But seeing Skyler giggle and smile made her feel at ease that this would work. She even got the sense that they were starting to flirt, which both made her jealous and turned her on.

“Would you ever go back to modeling full time?” Vernon asked her as they took their last few bites of lasagna.

“No, my career as a model is winding down.” Skyler answered. “I think it’s time for something new.”

“Like what?” Vernon replied.

Skyler thought about it for a moment. “When I was growing up, I used to love ballroom dancing. I don’t think I could do it competitively, but maybe I could teach it.”

“You know, in college, I took a ballroom dance class. Don’t think I remember much of it, but I could put some music on and try.” He offered. “At worst, it’s a chance for you to practice teaching.”

“Sure, why not.” Skyler replied.

Vernon and Courtney cleared some space in the living room, while Skyler picked a classical music playlist.

“Alright, let me teach you the basics.” Skyler said as Vernon came and faced. “As the man, you’re going to be the leader. Start by taking my right hand with your left. And we’re gonna hold it about here.” She told him, putting them in the correct position. “And your right arm goes on my back, just below my shoulder.” She instructed him, and he followed. “And I’ll lay my arm on top of yours.”

“Ok, now what?” Vernon asked as they stood there about a foot apart.

“Now, a few basic steps. As the leader, you’re gonna take a few steps forward, then one to your left, then turn us so you’re facing open space. Got it?” She explained.

“Ya, I got it.” Vernon replied.

Vernon does the steps slowly and robotically.

“That’s good.” Skyler told him. “As we continue, blend the steps together and get a little quicker.”

Vernon picked the steps up pretty quickly and soon looked seamlessly while dancing.

“Were you an athlete growing up?” Skyler asked as they danced.

“Ya, played football. Did Courtney tell you?” Vernon answered.

“No, you’re surprisingly light on your feet. Figured you were an athlete of some kind.” She responded.

“Ya, I was a quarterback. A lot of footwork involved.” He replied.

“I can see that.” Skyler said.

“When I was young, probably 8 or 9, I did ballet for a couple months.” Vernon told her.

“Really?” Skyler asked surprised.

“Ya. One Christmas my mother took me to see the nutcracker, and I loved it.” He explained. “I asked my mom to sign me up, and I did ballet for a few months until my father found out. He was a… traditional man, and didn’t want his son doing ballet.”

“That’s too bad. I think you could have been a good ballet dancer.” She replied.

“Thank you.” He responded. “Did you and Ray often dance?”

“No, he was never really interested.” She answered. “And when we met in our senior year of high school, I was already done competitively, so I kind of took a break from dancing.”

“Do you miss dancing?” He asked.

“Ya, I do.” She replied. “I wish I would have kept going, even just for fun, but life got in the way.”

“Well, if you ever need a partner, I’d be happy to learn.” He told her.

“That’s sweet of you to offer.” She responded. “Do you wanna learn a new step?”

“Hmm… I have a better idea.” He replied.

“Oh!” She yelped because Vernon had pulled her in tight so their bodies were now touching.

Her heart started to race as she looked up into his eyes. When she had first met Vernon, she had wondered how Courtney fell for him. He wasn’t very attractive, not the person she would think Courtney would be with. But in that moment, she felt the heat between them and felt herself falling for him.

Vernon noticed a twinkle in Skyler’s green eyes and leaned down to kiss her. Skyler happily accepted and felt herself melt into the kiss. Her lips parted, allowing Vernon’s tongue to meet her own. His breath was foul, but she didn’t care. Her hands connected behind his head, pulling him down, making sure their lips stayed connected.

Skyler was so focused on being with Vernon, she had forgotten Courtney had been watching. Courtney was thrilled as they got along throughout dinner, even more so when they started making out. She had hoped their date would end up like this. Seeing it happen in front of her, turned her on and made her put her fingers down her shorts.

Vernon’s hands were on Skyler’s lower back when he began to pull the bottom of her dress upwards. Slowly her toned legs came into view, then the bright pink thong she had put on. While she hadn’t expected the night to go this way, she’d prepared for it.

Once the bottom of her dress was around her waist, they broke their kiss for a moment. Skyler put her arms above her head, while Vernon quickly took her dress off over her head, revealing the matching pink bra she had on. He tossed it to the side and in an instant, their lips were back together.

Vernon lifted Skyler’s left leg up off the ground and began to grope Skyler’s amazing ass. The feeling of Vernon’s coarse hands on her ass was a new sensation for Skyler. It made her feel dirty, which weirdly turned her on. She could feel the juices in her pussy start to flow.

Vernon then lifted her other leg, and Skyler wrapped them around him, still sucking on his tongue. Both of his hands were on Skyler’s ass as he started to move them towards the bedroom. Vernon moved slowly, enjoying the moment with Skyler. He tasted the lasagna still on her tongue, smelled the gentle scent of her perfume, and felt the softness of her ass.

Courtney snuck into the bedroom behind them, watching 2 of her lovers make their way to the bed. She sat in the chair in the corner, took her shorts off and began to openly finger herself as they continued to kiss. They had set up a ton of candles in the bedroom for just such an occasion.

Vernon finally made it to the bed, where he gently laid Skyler down at the foot of the bed. He laid on top of her and they crawled their way to the head of the bed, maintaining their kiss the entire time. Skyler had memorized his taste by this point.

Vernon finally broke the kiss when they reached the end of the bed. He kissed down to her neck, which he sucked on for a moment. Skyler could feel his lumpy body pressed against her. It was unlike any she had felt before. Skyler started to get hot from being under him, which caused sweat to appear on her brow.

Vernon finally pulled himself away from her porcelain neck and kissed down to her chest. While not as large as Katy or Courtney, her chest was still a good size, perky and perfectly shaped. Vernon pulled her bra down under her chest to reveal her nipples.

“Huh, oh!” She gasped as Vernon had immediately moved in on her left nipple while his left hand squeezed her right breast. “Mmmm…” She moaned.

Vernon sucked on Skyler’s nipple, enjoying her taste as she squirmed underneath him. He flicked his tongue across her nipple, making sure it was fully erect before switching to the other. He could feel how turned on she was. He wanted to make sure she enjoyed herself and came back for more.

Once both nipples were sufficiently erect, Vernon kissed down her flat stomach to her panties, which were soaked at this point. Skyler put her legs in the air and Vernon pulled her panties off. He took a whiff of them as Skyler lowered and opened her legs. He got his first good look at Skyler’s pussy.

Skyler blushed as Vernon looked at her privates. A month ago, she never would have thought she’d be in bed with a fat man twice her age. And yet, here she is, horny as hell and wanting him to have his way with her.

Vernon went down on Skyler. He kissed up her right thighs, stopping right before he reached her pussy. Skyler was shaking with anticipation. Then he took his first lick, and Skyler was hooked. His tongue gently flicked her swollen lips, causing Skyler to throw her head back. It wouldn’t take much to make her cum.

Skyler moaned out loudly as Vernon dragged his tongue between her lips. He did small circles around the outside of her hole before finally diving in. Vernon’s tongue explored her insides, listening to her moan and groan to find a sensitive spot.

“Oohhh!” Skyler moaned loudly when Vernon had found her spot. He began to insistently lick that spot.

Skyler, already on the edge of cumming, was brought over the top by this. Her pussy tightened up as her body shook uncontrollably. Her body radiated heat as she rode out her orgasm.

Vernon sucked up her juices as she came. He loved watching these hot young models succumb to him. He kissed back up her trembling body, still coming down from her orgasm.

“You have too many clothes on.” She told him as he kissed her neck.

Vernon gave her a peck on the lips before leaning upwards. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt as Skyler laid below him. He took it off, and Skyler noticed his stomach hang over his belt. For most women of her stature, seeing such a thing would be an immediate no. But Skyler was already too far gone and her body remembered the previous Friday night with Vernon.

Vernon undid his belt and took his pants off, completely naked before Skyler. His cock hung just above her body. She reached down with both hands and began to jerk him off, ensuring he was at full mast. It was her first good look at Vernon’s cock. She bit her lower lip as it’s even bigger than she remembered.

“You ready?” He asked.

“Yes, I am.” Skyler answered.

Vernon scooted back and lined himself up. Skyler looked down with excited anticipation as she saw him slide his cock between her lips. She then felt his cock head stretch her opening up so it could fit inside her. He was so big, even just his head stretched her out.

“Holy shit!” Skyler groaned as Vernon quickly pushed about 3 and a half inches inside her.

She threw her head back as Vernon was already as deep as her husband, but Vernon was much thicker. She wondered how she took the entire thing last week. His size was immense, and it felt like he was touching all her sensitive spots at the same time. She knew she would not last long.

Vernon pulled back a bit, then thrusted forward, pushing a bit more into Skyler. He continued to keep that pace, thrusting in and out and slowly moving further into her. Being more aware this time, Vernon could feel all the details in Skyler’s pussy. She was definitely the tightest of the 3. He looked down at the beautiful blonde panting while taking his cock. He admired her flat stomach, perfect chest, and those beautiful green eyes full of lust.

Vernon finally stuffed his entire length into Skyler and she felt something she had only felt only once before; Vernon’s cock touching her cervix. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. With his cock already stretching her out, his cock hitting her cervix caused Skyler to start to uncontrollably cum.

Vernon held his cock deep inside her as she came hard on his cock. He felt her pussy spasm along his cock, trying to squeeze tight, but his cock stopped that from happening. He watched her chest rise and fall as she took deep breaths while coming down from her orgasm.

Vernon started to fuck Skyler at a steady pace. Her pussy was drenched, making it easy to pump in and out of her. Skyler loved the feeling of his cock going in and out of her. As he pulled out, she would feel empty, like there was a void inside her. That only lasted a few seconds, as Vernon would thrust back into and fill that void.

Vernon heard Skyler loudly moan. They were actually more like lustful screams. He watched her chest bounce as he fucked her, her nipples still stood up. Her entire body was covered in a thin layer of sweat, making it look like she was shining in the pale candlelight.

Skyler looked up at Vernon, his large stomach jiggling as thrusted. Not long ago, she would have thought he was hideous. But with how well he was fucking her, he looked like the most handsome man she’d ever seen. It would only get better when he reached down and rubbed her clitoris.

Skyler was forced to throw her head back and arch her back as a huge orgasm ripped through her again. Vernon continued to slowly thrust in and out of her while rubbing her clit. He watched her body jerk up and down as she rode out her orgasm.

“Come here.” She said once the orgasm was done, prompting Vernon to lean forward and kiss her lips. She hungrily accepted, her mind solely focused on Vernon.

Vernon squeezed his arms behind Skyler, then rolled over onto his back. He maintained the kiss and himself inside, as Skyler was now on top of him. Without saying a word, Skyler started to bounce on his dick. She went slowly. She pulled herself slowly off his cock and just before it escaped, she would slam herself back down onto him.

Vernon was very close to cumming and Skyler’s rhythm was only making it harder for him to hold back. He finally had to put his hands on both sides of her face to pull her away from him.

“Skyler, this has been an amazing night with you.” Vernon told her. “But I am very close and if we continue, I will cum inside you. I would like to cum in you, but I need to know if you’re okay with that.”

Skyler smiled at him, then went back to kissing him. Her hips returned to the same pace of fucking and she soon felt his cock begin to pulse. Vernon grabbed her ass and held it down as he sprayed his cum inside her. The heat and force of his cum hitting her cervix caused Skyler to cum again. They kissed and moaned into each other’s mouth as they came simultaneously.

Courtney had watched their whole session while fingering herself. She had given herself a couple of small orgasms as she watched. She was happy to see them get along so well and that they were clearly sexually compatible. She was also jealous of both of them as she thought about joining them on several occasions, but wanted them to have one session alone.

Now that they were done, though, it was time for her to have some fun. As Skyler got off and cuddled up next to Vernon. Courtney stood up and took her shirt off, so she was completely naked now as well.

Skyler and Vernon were still too absorbed in each other to notice Courtney had gotten on the bed and crawled towards Vernon’s cock.

“Mmmfff!” Vernon moaned and finally took notice of Courtney as she began to suck his cock.

“What?” Skyler asked, looking at his expression.

“Oh, Courtney’s sucking my dick.” He replied.

Skyler looked down and saw the last inch of Vernon’s cock sink into Courtney’s mouth.

“How is she doing that?” She asked, surprised at seeing Courtney deepthroat his entire cock.

“Practice.” Vernon answered, closing his eyes as Courtney’s tongue swirled around his cock as she raised herself off it.

“Come, let me show you.” Courtney said once his cock was out of her mouth.

Skyler crawled her way down to his groin, joining Courtney on her hands and knees.

“Let me see what you can do.” Courtney told her.

Skyler grabbed his cock with her left hand, while opening her mouth wide and wrapping her lips around his cock. She started by sucking on his head. Her tongue did circles around it, the taste of their 2 cums invaded her mouth. Her hand jerked him off as she went, doing quick motions up and down his length.

Skyler then pushed in further. The thickness of his shaft quickly filled her mouth. She tried to fight her gag, but it was of little use. After about 4 inches, she gagged, her entire body jerking around.

“Alright, not a bad start.” Courtney told her, once Skyler was forced to pull out. “But don’t let it hit the top of your mouth. That should allow it to get to the back of your mouth.”

“Ok.” Skyler replied, then went back down on Vernon.

Skyler sucked him back into her mouth, this time focusing on keeping it from touching the roof of her mouth. While she felt a gag coming, she was able to fight it off and slid his cock to the back of her mouth. His tip hit the back of her mouth, which caused Skyler to gag and pull out.

“Good.” Courtney said as Skyler coughed a bit. “Now I see you fighting your gag. That’s a battle you’re always gonna lose. You need to go with the flow. Allow yourself to gag. But hold yourself there and eventually it’ll die down.”

Skyler nodded and went back at it. She kept Vernon’s cock from hitting the roof of her mouth again. This time, as it hit the back of her mouth, she allowed herself to gag. Her body jerked repeatedly, tears formed in her eyes as her body begged for her to stop. Skyler stayed strong and eventually, just as Courtney said, her body slowly gave in.

“Good, now pull back just a bit.” Courtney told her. “And take a few deep breaths and focus on relaxing your throat.”

Skyler closed her eyes and breathed in through her nose, allowing Vernon’s cock to meld in with her mouth.

“Now, let his cock slide down your throat.” She told her. “Don’t force yourself down, just go with the flow.”

Skyler took one last deep breath, and then slowly allowed Vernon’s cock to go down her throat. It made a loud gurgling sound as it slid down. Skyler was shocked how easy it was once she was relaxed. She slowly went further down, her hand still jerking the bottom of his cock. She gagged again, this time about 3/4 of the way down. Skyler couldn’t ride it out this time and pulled herself off.

“That was good.” Courtney told her, as Skyler had to cough again. “With practice, you’ll get better and soon be able to do this.”

Courtney took Vernon’s cock and, in one quick go, sucked his entire cock down her throat. Skyler looked on in amazement as Courtney didn’t gag at all. She eventually came back up for air and Skyler took the opportunity to suck on him some more.

While Skyler sucked, Courtney began to suck on his balls, popping one into her mouth and using her tongue to circle around it. She’d then switch to the other as Skyler pushed herself further down.


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