The Older Woman – Final Chapter

An adult stories – The Older Woman – Final Chapter by waddie,waddie Part III


That last weekend was kind of the peak of things. The next weekend was sort of a repeat of the previous. I spent more time fucking her in the ass and making her lick it off my cock. But, really, nothing different happened.

The week after that was about the same except this time I brought rope with me. Handcuffing her and using her like a slut in every way I could think of was fun. But, a couple days before I went over I reasoned that it might be more fun to tie her to a chair. And, it was. Having her sitting on a hard wood chair, naked, bound to the chair with thick rope was a much better visual.

The first time I had her all bound up on the chair, rope wrapped around her, criss-crossing the rope above and under her naked tits, in a very tight figure-8 pattern, which made her tits stick out straight as they glowed in a very pleasing shade of red was cool. It took more time to actually get her bound up, which added a new element to having her restrained. And, when I made sure to bind her tits tightly and bite on her nipples — not too hard, but hard enough to make her squeal was a hell of a turn on.

But, other than that, I was out of ideas. Don’t get me wrong, doing what I’d done to her for the previous weeks was pretty much an unimaginable turn on for a very inexperienced 18 year old guy.

I raced out of town the following weekend and didn’t see her at all. By then I had her phone number so I called her the next week, TELLING her that I’d be over on Friday — crassly reminding her that It’d been two weeks and she’d better brace herself.

When I showed up that Friday, to my surprise, she was dressed in that thigh length button front, nearly see-through bathrobe looking thing. She now had on a very sparsely built red bra that was visible under the partially unbuttoned top. I was still kind of wondering what was going on — she’d NEVER been ready when I’d come over before.

But, she strained up onto her tippy-toes and gave me a soft, lingering tongue kiss. We walked through the little kitchen and she handed me a freshly made Long Island Iced Tea. When we walked into the little front room, I stopped in my tracks. There was a guy sitting in the chair — the same chair where I’d previously found the handcuffs, blindfold, paddle and the harsh little nipple clips.

He was maybe 5’8 or 5’9. It was hard to tell because he didn’t stand up. He just raised his drink to me, like some sort of salute. He wasn’t really greasy or anything — but he had that weasely look about him. His hair was pretty long and looked dirty, like he’d forgotten to wash or comb it for a couple of weeks. His t-shirt and jeans gave off the same aura; slightly dirty and wrinkled. He was maybe 145lbs and, honestly, just seemed like a creep. Which was enhanced because he just sat there, a stupid grin on his face, without saying a word.

I roughly grabbed Pam by the arm and led her back into the kitchen, not caring one whit if I was being rude to that dude. I asked her “what the fuck is he doing here?” Her reply was: “oh, he’s a friend, I asked him to come over — it’ll be fun.” It only took me a few seconds to realize she wanted us both to not only fuck her, together, but treat her the way she liked being treated — which was like a dirty, submissive slut.

I was fine with treating her that way. I knew she loved it and, I have to admit, my time with Pam set me on a path where I’d come to love treating my girls a little dirty and nasty — the more they liked it, the dirtier I got. I went on to learn that most girls liked being treated a little nasty, liked being talked to dirty, liked getting fucked a little rough — mostly, but not all of them.

But here was some weasely little guy that I didn’t even know and I had absolutely no interest in double-teaming her with this creep. SO I just told her “I’m not doing this with him.” I was kind of pissed. But, mostly I just didn’t want anything to do with it or HIM. I told her “he’s going to have to go — or I’m leaving.”

She snuggled into me, got up on her tip-toes again, kissed me lightly and said “I don’t want you to go.” I took that as her answer, walked into the front room and told him he needed to leave. He looked at me kind of funny, snickered a little and just sat there. I got up close to him and told him again “Time for you to take-off dude.”

I was done fucking around and I wasn’t happy with the situation. So I reached down, grabbed his wrist with one hand and grabbed his upper arm with my other and jerked him to his feet. He bristled up for a few seconds, like he was thinking about taking a swing at me. I stepped in close, making sure he could feel that he was a lot smaller than me and, more importantly, crowding him so he had no room if he decided to try me.

He made the right choice, deflated himself, and looked right at Pam. She just shrugged her shoulders. I put my hand in between his shoulder blades and gave him a little shove “Time for you to get!” By then I was kind of hoping he’d take a swing at me, but he didn’t. I walked him toward the door and when he passed Pam he said something that I couldn’t hear, but I could tell he was not being nice.

I took a few big steps, grabbed him by both shoulders and marched him toward the door. He opened it and I shoved him out — hard enough that he stumbled and fell. I walked out behind him and said “If I even hear of you giving her any trouble or hurting her, I’m going to fuck you up.”

As I’d mentioned in previous stories, I grew up on Camp Pendleton Marine Base — My Dad was Sargent and a combat veteran. When you grow up on a military base, disputes are almost always settled in a fight. I may have only been 18, but by then I’d been in dozens of fights and had been taught how to fight by Marines. So, I wasn’t bluffing and he seemed to understand that this was a line he didn’t want to cross.

I let Pam know I wasn’t happy about that and she promised me it’s never happen again. After we’d settled a little and finished a drink and a half while talking about things, we had very aggressive sex. There was nothing different than what I’ve described previously – just rougher, more demanding. I was dominating her like never before. And, I have to admit, treating her like that was a real high!

I made her drop her robe and look at me, while she stood there, nearly naked and obviously embarrassed. She was still sort of frozen, not knowing what I was going to do to her. She knew I was pissed about the little weasel and I think she was slightly afraid of what I was going to do.

‘Stick your fucking hand in your panties and start banging your pussy!” She quickly spread her legs, stuffed her hand in her panties and started banging her cunt, furiously. All the time she was staring at me, looking me right in the eye.

She was trying to get more fingers in her pussy but her panties were holding her back. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I finally said, “Go ahead, take those off, but don’t you sit down — do you understand me?” She nodded her head quickly, bent slightly at her waist and pulled her panties down. She had to wiggle and strain to get the thong over her fat ass, but she finally managed to drop them on the floor and step out of them.

She stood, looking at me, wearing nothing but a very thin red bra with straps that crisscrossed across her chest before disappearing over her shoulders. She still had a look of fear on her face. In a high, shaky voice she managed to squeak out “I’m sorry.”

I stared at her for a few seconds, watching her twitch and squirm and shiver. Then I said “well?” She looked confused, not knowing exactly what to do. I just let her squirm while I stared at her. After about 30 seconds I said –‘Well, what are you going to do?”

She seemed to get it and her hand slowly drifted down, toward her pussy. She rubbed it with a few short, soft rubs — her eyes never drifting from my stare. I nodded my head, twice, slowly and waited. She spread her legs a little and quickly slipped two fingers into her very wet little snatch. I nodded my head again and she began banging her pussy — a little slowly for the first 10 seconds or so, then something happened. She moaned loudly and at the same time jammed two more fingers in her pussy and started banging her cunt furiously.

In less than a minute she’d spread her legs as wide as she could and had most of her hand in her pussy. It seemed like she was trying for all she was worth to bury her whole hand into her closely manicured little snatch. Even after all of the slutty dirty things she’d done — or I’d done to her — this was different.

So, I just let her do it, every 20 or 30 seconds I’d bark at her “go on slut, go on, stick your hand in your cunt — do it! Of course, that set her off. She grabbed a cushion off the couch, tossed it on the floor, so it was leaning up against the base of the couch, and flopped her back up against it. She looked me straight in the eyes and went back to banging her nasty little cunt with all of her fingers (and her thumb).

Our eyes were still locked. Without breaking our stare, I reached down, popped the top button of my jeans open, and released some of the pressure on my cock. When I did that she shuddered — hard! So, I just pulled my pants open and let them drop almost to my knees, fully exposing my rock hard cock.

That sent her the rest of the way over the edge. She began banging her pussy furiously and, within seconds, her whole hand disappeared into her red, swollen, cunt. She was small and her hands were small — which allowed her to bury her hand all the way up to her wrist. Once it was all the way in she let out a very loud moan, here eyes glazed over, she started breathing in fast little breaths, more like puffs — Fuff FUFF fuff FUFF.

She banged her pussy faster and harder for a couple of minutes. Then, like somebody had thrown a light switch, she rolled into a loud, shuddering, screaming orgasm! I watched in absolute amazement until she was finally spent.

When she pulled her hand out of her pussy, after fucking her wet, swollen cunt so furiously, I half expected it to be bloody — but it wasn’t. “lick it clean” I demanded. Without hesitation she started licking her hand and sucking her fingers into her mouth — sort of like a cat licking it’s paws — but cats don’t have fingers to suck on. When she was done, she reached up, found her drink and leaned against the couch gasping for air.

I kicked off my cowboy boots, dropped my pants and stepped out of them (no underwear, of course). My cock was rock hard but I was still pretty pissed at her for thinking I was going to double team her with some slimy fucking weasel of a guy!

So, I got down on my knees, leaned forward on my elbows and growled at her “lick my ass — SLUT!” She was on me so fast she must of just lunged to the floor. She was trying to make amends and she was clearly ready to show me how sorry she was.

She licked around the edge of my asshole for about a minute, slowly, her tongue very wet and slippery. Then, instead of just slipping it into my ass, she just plunged it in all the way. I could feel her nose pressing against the top of my ass. She was moaning and trying her hardest to fuck my ass with her tongue.

I have to tell you, not all girls will do that, but you’d be surprised at what you can get even the most “proper” girl to do if you take the time to get them really wound up and horny (a little booze and smoke always helps too). But, my point is, at least from my perspective, the first minute or two of a girl riming your ass is the most erotic feeling ever. The sensitivity goes away after about the first few minutes. But, that’s OK because by then the chick has gone over the edge and is ready for just about anything…

After a couple minutes, I rolled around and sat on my butt; leaning against the couch, right next to her. I gave her a minute or two to have a couple swallows of her drink and kind of come back to her senses. Then I reached up, grabbed a big handful of bleach blonde hair and dragged her head down to my crotch.

Within seconds of her mouth touching my cock she was sucking it like a woman possessed! I pushed her head down with both hands and demanded “swallow it bitch, swallow it.” And, she did. She took it down her throat until her nose was pressed against my pubic hair. I let her have it for awhile, but didn’t want to cum in her mouth. It’d been two weeks and I wanted to be fucking her hard when I came for the first time.

After a minute or so, I pushed myself to my feet and pulled her up onto her knees – “don’t you fuckin’ move!” I stepped around behind her, got to my knees, kicked her legs apart and pushed my big index finger into her ass. She squealed — half surprise — half pain. I banged it in three or four more times, hard, then I scooted up close, positioned the head of my cock against her brown hole, and with one fast jerk buried about half of it in her ass.

She screamed! I pumped it in a little deeper. My cock wasn’t completely dry. She’d been sucking it like a crazed slut just seconds earlier and it was covered with saliva. I took advantage of that wetness and started fucking her ass, deeper and harder with each stroke! After I’d jammed my cock into her ass a dozen times or so, she started to relax and began fucking me back.

I fucked her like that for 3 or 4 minutes. Then I pulled out, crawled up to the couch and sat with my back against it. I grabbed a big handful of her hair, making her scream again, and in a deep growl told her “get on your knees and suck my fuckin’ cock, SLUT!”

I pulled her hair and drove her head right down to my cock. She was almost having an out-of-body experience. She was there; she knew what was happening, sort of. But mostly, she was just reacting without thinking. I grabbed two handfuls of hair, pulled her head down to my cock and demanded “lick your ass cum off my cock — lick it all over slut!” I slowly fucked her mouth while licked and sucked my cock clean. When she was done, she paused, looking around for, I guess, a place to spit the nastiness out. In a low growling voice I demanded: “swallow it, swallow it all — swallow it SLUT!”

And she did. That chick could suck a cock like few I’ve ever experienced. She’d take it all the way down her throat, hold it for a few seconds, come up, gasp for air, and go back down for more. She couldn’t breath with my cock down her throat. After a couple of minutes, when she came up for air, snot was running out of her nose, she’d gasp three or four times, then swallow it again.

About the third time she swallowed it I knew I couldn’t take it much longer. I pulled out, got up on my knees, pushed her face down to the carpet saying, “don’t you fuckin’ move — SLUT.” And, she didn’t move an inch. She just kneeled there gasping hard for air, half crying, half moaning.

I got back behind her. Her ass had already been fucked, so it was sort of ready for my next assault. Plus, my cock was covered with saliva. So, without hesitating, in one hard stroke, I buried my very hard cock into her ass. She screamed. I pulled out, most of the way, then buried it in her ass all the way to my balls!

She cried out “owww fuck!” I slammed it in again and again. Each time she screamed louder and louder. I couldn’t tell if she was screaming in pain or because it felt good. I’m pretty sure it didn’t feel that good. Her ass was pretty dry, my cock was very hard, and I had both of my hands on her shoulders, pulling her back each time I slammed my cock into her ass.

I only lasted two or three minutes. When I felt it cumming and I knew I couldn’t hold it back anymore. I pulled my cock almost all the way out, jerked her shoulders back and at the same time I slammed my hips forward. I came in one huge jolt, a rumbling moan blasted out of my throat and it felt like an electric shock all the way down to my toes. I pumped her about six more times. Then I pulled out, jerked her hair so hard her body involuntarily turned toward me.

I yelled at her “suck my cock — suck my fucking dick slut — suck it!” She was totally in a daze, wild-eyed and disoriented. I scooted a little closer raised up on my knees, grabbed her hair and demanded “start sucking slut!” She dropped forward; her mouth open wide, and she almost fell onto my cock.

At that moment she was almost out of her mind with wanton lust. My cock was covered with cum AND her ass juices. She moaned and swore and sucked my cock as deep and hard as she could, sucking out the last few shots of cum left in me. She swallowed as fast as she could, still choking.

Before she was even close to done sucking my cock, I pulled out, stood up, sat on the couch and grabbed my drink. I was done with her — for a while anyway. But, she wasn’t done. I wouldn’t let her have my cock anymore — at least not right then — so she contented herself licking my balls and managed pull my hips down just enough to slip her tongue into my ass a few more times.

Finally, I made her stop. She started to get up, but I barked at her “just sit right there, slut.” I wanted her to know I was still pissed at her and made her sit at my feet, like the submissive slut she was. I handed her drink to her. She drank most of it in a few big swallows, choking a little on the last swallow.

I needed a different position. The cushions on the couch were all askew, one of them on the floor. So, I moved over to the chair, where I’d first discovered her “toys” a couple of weeks earlier. I wasn’t surprised to see that all of them were, once again, neatly arranged on the side table. Except there, partially on top of the handcuffs and next to her paddle was a big dildo.

Of course, I’d seen those before, in a couple of very raunchy magazines my Dad had brought back from his very frequent business trips, to who knows where. But I’d never seen one in person. It wasn’t really like the ones that we have now. It wasn’t semi-soft, with big veins and a very real looking cock head. It was just big and hard and red with a black cap that held batteries.

I didn’t touch it. I just sat there, sipping my drink, regaining my strength, letting my cock recover for the next round. I looked at Pam. She was still sweating, everything was smeared on her face and she almost looked like she’d had enough. But I hadn’t had enough. I was 18 years old and could easily go 4 or 5 times in a night. I told her “get over here!” She jumped to her feet much more quickly than I expected. She held up one finger while she scurried back to her bedroom saying “I’ll be right back, I’ll be right back.”

Well, she didn’t come right back. She was a girl, after all. She needed to clean up, put on fresh make up, and something new to cover herself. But, I have to admit, she was gone no more than 10 minutes, which, for her, was pretty damn good – I was proud of her. When she emerged she was wearing a very sheer white top that had a scoop neck that was all elastic. She had on a new, black bra and the cups were almost completely transparent. I could see everything, quite clearly.

She wasn’t even wearing a thong — her pussy and ass were bare, exposed, and ready for more. She had on a lot of dark blue eye shadow, with black lines around it and was wearing very red lipstick. She almost looked like one of those “blow-up” fuck me dolls that looser guys sometimes buy.

She sat at my feet, took a big drink of her 3rd long Island Iced Tea then paused, produced a joint, and lit it up. As usual she took a couple big long drags, handed it to me, I took a couple puffs, much bigger than usual and as I handed it back I held my breath. Things had kind of settled and I knew I was going to get pretty aggressive with her one more time, so I figured a couple big long drags might be a good idea.

It was! After finishing the joint and about 10 minutes of recovery, I handed her the big red dildo. She just smiled and blushed a little while she looked up at me. Somehow, she could make her face look semi-innocent just before she did very dirty nasty things. I’ll admit, it really turned me on.

To my surprise, she started sucking on it. At first she just barely sucked a couple inches into her mouth. Then she licked it slowly on the way out. She gradually started working it in a little deeper and deeper, while looking straight into my eyes. It was unbelievably erotic and in no time I had a very hard cock.

As I was watching, thinking about what I was going to make her do next. I was still acting like I was really pissed. But, by then, that had completely passed. Part of me wanted to grab her and make her do something as dirty and filthy as I could imagine. But I was mesmerized watching her slide that big dildo in and out of her throat.

Then she slid down onto her back and spread her legs. With a quick flick of her wrist she turned the switch on the dildo and it started buzzing. She immediately started rubbing it on her clit and in no time she was moaning loudly. I should have jumped down there and done something to her or made her do something to me — but I was just frozen in my tracks. All I could do was stare, like a guppy looking through the bowl of a small aquarium.

She quickly slid it down and without hesitating she slid half of it into her pussy. In about three strokes she had the whole thing buried in her pussy — pulling it in and out faster and faster while she alternated between moaning and swearing.

Without even realizing what I was saying, I told her to stick it in her ass. She just moved her feet up close to her butt, arched up a little, and slid it right into her ass — in one slow deep motion, it was buried all the way in her ass. I couldn’t imagine how it had gone in that far.

This wasn’t a small dildo. It was considerably bigger around than my cock and long — maybe 10″, not counting the cap. After two strokes she had it all the way in and was moaning like she was completely lost in it.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. My cock was so hard it was turning purple. I thought about putting her on her knees and fucking her ass again. But I quickly realized that sticking my cock in her ass (as big as my cock was) it would be kind of lost in there. It was shockingly big in circumference and 10 or more inches long.

So, I made her stop. Which wasn’t all that easy. I think, for a few minutes, she’d just about forgotten that I was there. When she finally pulled it out of her ass she turned, faced me, and sat back on her haunches.

I reached out and slowly unbuttoned her see-through shirt. Then I made her take off her bra. She hesitated, not wanting to release that last bit of her modesty, for whatever that was worth, after everything she’d done that night. Still, she hesitated, looked me right in the eyes and with a flick of her wrist released the clasp on her bra. She held it there like that; teasing me, then leaned forward and let it fall into her hands.

She straightened up, tossed the bra aside and arched her back. How a woman could be so fucking nasty and filthy dirty and still look so erotic amazed me for many years thereafter. I made her crawl right up to me. She wanted to start sucking my cock but I made her just sit there — leaning back on her haunches, with her shoulders back and her tits sticking straight out.

I told her to get as close as she could and she scooted in between my legs until she was almost touching the chair — but not quite.

I grabbed the blindfold, reached out and slipped it on her. She moaned but leaned her head forward a little so I could get it all the way on. When it was on her and I was sure she couldn’t see out. I told her to sit up straight and put her shoulders back — which shoved her tits straight out.

I grabbed the alligator clips and quickly opened one, positioned it over her hard purple nipple and just let it snap onto it. She jumped and went OHHHHH! But she quickly resumed her position, knowing what was coming next. I attached the other alligator clip the same way, letting it snap shut onto her nipple.

She was so close to me that I couldn’t really get out of the chair. So, I made her bend forward at the waist. Again, she thought I was going to feed her my cock, which I was, but not just yet. When she’d leaned forward as far as she could, with her forehead on the cushion of the chair, I reached around, pulled her right arm up behind her, almost to the point of being in a hammer-lock. Then I snapped the handcuff around her wrist!

She moaned very loudly — she loved being cuffed, and blind folded with alligator clips on her tits — not knowing what I was going to do to her and ready to take ANYTHING. It all made her into a trembling mess of anticipation.

I told her “get up on your knees and scoot close — closer — as close as you can get.” Which she did. She was raised up on her knees, arched in front of me with her tits sticking straight out, bound and blind folded. I just had to stop and take a deep breath. I jerked the chain that connected the two alligator clips. Not very hard, but hard enough to make her wince pretty good. “Open up.” I said. She was pretty well trained and she immediately opened her mouth wide. I pulled on the chain that was clipped to her nipples and led her down to my rock hard cock. When she got close, I grabbed her hair, turned her so the tip of my cock was touching her lips and I let her go.

Instead of just swallowing the whole thing, like I expected her to do. She started sucking slowly, gradually taking more and more into her mouth. I let her suck it like that because the whole thing was almost too much. Watching her all bound up, kneeling there, gently sucking on my hard cock was such a visual that I almost just shot, right then and there.

I let her suck on it until I just couldn’t stand it anymore. Then I made her stop. She was confused, but kneeled there, quietly, in front of me — all bound up and blind folded. Without her realizing what I was doing, I grabbed the big paddle off the side table and told her to lean forward. She opened her mouth and was searching for me cock — but I told her to stop, right where she was, leaned over, her hot breath on my cock, but not touching it.

Then I slapped her on the ass, HARD! She screamed, then stopped and leaned forward, waiting for more, wanting more. In a lot of ways, she was kind of a pain slut. But I wasn’t a sadist, I never wanted to really hurt her — I wanted just enough to make her wince and wine and shiver — sometimes making her scream, when she was taken by surprise.

I had her now and I know I keep saying “she was all bound up” but she was, and THAT was what made this whole thing so fucking hot and erotic and just plain ass nasty and dirty — all at once.

I’d whack her ass two or three times, then stop and watch her and give myself a chance to settle. I wanted just a little more before I let myself cum. I made her lean forward, she immediately found my cock and started sucking — nice and slow, swallowing most of it.

I let her have it for maybe a minute. Then, without warning I spanked her round ass, hard. She screamed, then moaned and I spanked her ass again. Every time I spanked her ass she’d scream and suck my cock faster and deeper into her mouth.

This quickly degenerated into me just spanking her ass, pretty damn hard and pretty damn fast. She had tears running down her cheeks and by then she was swallowing my whole damn cock every time she went down.

Finally, I just couldn’t take it anymore. Pre-cum was dripping out of the tip of my cock and I just couldn’t hold back anymore. So, I made her sit back on her heels. I stood up, and worked my way out of the chair. I got behind her and pushed her forward, so she was kneeling before me — except I was behind her and she began shaking and whining.

I knelt down behind her and kicked her legs open with my knees. Without any warning I stuck the head of my cock up to her pussy and just jammed it into her — hard! She screamed and I fucked her really hard for about 6 strokes. I had to stop. I wasn’t ready to cum, not just yet.

I scooted up a little closer and rose up higher on my knees. My cock was now lubed up with her pussy juices and I was going to fuck her ass while she was handcuffed with her hands behind her back, and blindfolded, her nipples swelling and hurting from the alligator clips being on her for so long.

I couldn’t wait any longer. I placed the tip of my cock against her asshole and pushed it in, just enough that the head of my cock was inside her. She was visibly shivering and she was whining loudly. I reached around, found her tits, worked my way up to her nipples and squeezed the alligator clips with both hands. When she screamed I buried my cock in her ass all the way.

I knew I wasn’t going to last long, even though I’d taken a little break. My cock was twitching and hard as a rock. I grabbed the dildo. Found her wet little cunt with my fingers. I positioned the dildo and just shoved it in. She let out a half scream and a half moan as the dildo filled her wet pussy. Of course, shoving the dildo into her snatch had the effect of making her ass tighter around my cock. I banged her pussy with the dildo about a half a dozen times. I did it hard and fast and mercilessly until she was screaming.

Then I started fucking her ass, keeping her pinned up against the chair. I was already over the top. There was no more holding back. I pounded her ass six or eight times, my thighs slapping against her ass while I called her a dirty slut and a bitch and every other dirty word I could think of. I paused for a second, holding it as long as I could. I left the dildo buried in her pussy, grabbed her shoulders, jerked her back just as I slammed my hips forward and I came harder than I’d ever cum in my life. It just seemed to never end.

She was screaming, like I was hurting her, but she was fighting her way through a huge orgasm at the same time. I kept pumping her ass until I was soft and my cock just slipped out of her ass. I fell back onto my side and she fell back onto her knees, the dildo slipping out of her pussy and onto the floor.

When I was done, I rested for a minute or so. Then I stood up, went around to the front of the chair, scooted it back enough so I could sit down and I made her suck the cum and ass juices off my cock. She licked and sucked it slowly, almost lovingly, while moaning softly. Damn, it felt so good. She licked it and sucked it softly, lovingly, like she was never going to stop. So, I leaned back and let her have it. How she kept going so long, in that position, I’ll never know.

But she did keep going, sucking slowly, moaning and humming vibrations down my cock and to my balls. I hadn’t even noticed that my cock had gotten hard again. After another couple minutes I was very hard again. I opened my eyes and the image of her kneeling there, now in front of me where I could see her clearly, all bound up, swallowing my cock all the way down her throat, hoping for one more load of cum.

So I grabbed her head, and started fucking herback. But she moaned and shook her head until I stopped. Then she started sucking me, taking my cock all the way down her throat each time, holding it there, then slowly coming up to the tip and working back down. She didn’t just have my cock in her mouth, she was milking it.

After what seemed like a very long time, I could feel it coming, I could feel it coming up out of my balls and my cock hardened that last little bit. She sensed it moaned loudly, swallowed my cock all the way down her throat and just held my cock there, contracting her throat while she moaned and shook her head side to side, slowly, until I exploded in her mouth, one last time.

I think I saw her twice more after that. But, I kept wondering about her and that greasy punk. Knowing she was going to let him fuck the shit out of her that first night — assuming that he or others like him had been doing that to her for a long time. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I lost interest in her. I’ll never forget that last night. But, after awhile, I just quit going over.

I continued to race until I graduated from High School. I saw Pam at the track a couple of times — up to her usual tricks with various guys. She came up to me the first time she saw me, wanted to snuggle in and, I imagine, get me into the van. I gave her a soft, slow kiss on the lips, held her tight for a minute or so, then told her I needed to get going.

I moved out to California the week after I graduated and had a pretty good run as a professional. Over the course of two years I worked my way up to the elite class, earning the right to race as a Grand National Professional Expert. Now, I was running with the fastest men in the world. And, they were FAST and aggressive. The speed and closeness of the racing was almost terrifying — except it was such a huge adrenalin rush, it was like a drug and I couldn’t stop.

As I started my second year as a professional expert, it became obvious that I’d gotten too big to race at that level — size and weight were a big problem and even though I was almost starving myself, I was still giving up 40 or 50 lbs to the other guys. At that premier Expert level, everyone was very fast and trying to keep up with that sort of weight handicap became futile.

So, after crashing out at the San Jose National (one of the last big races of the season), and pretty well totaling my bike, my sponsors told me to take the rest of the season off. They’d get my indoor bikes ready and we’d head to places like the Cow Palace and the Astro Dome.

A couple of weeks later, I followed an off and on again girlfriend up to Mt. Shasta, where she’d enrolled in a Junior College in a town just to the north. I can remember vividly, sitting on the lawn, at the college, just sort of assessing my life. I slowly realized — I needed to get a better plan together. My pro-racing career was over and I knew it.

So, I enrolled in college, taking fun classes with little substance, until one day I stumbled into a Biology class. The connection was immediate and, as strange and almost unbelievable as it is, I went on to accumulate multiple degrees and, for a while, was a semi-famous research biologist. I’m still living a life of adventure and excitement — just at a slower pace.

I have to admit, I sometimes still think of Pam. However, if you’ve read any of my other stories, I’ve had lots of other experiences and I still think of a lot of them; but only occasionally. I probably have two or three more stories to tell. And, I’ll probably get around to them, sooner or later. If you guys (and girls) wanna here the stories I have left, lemme know.


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