The Story of Prince Michael Ch. 05 by Mikkeybboy,Mikkeybboy

I had a bad, stressful dream again that night of my father.

I dreamed of his long hair and beard, his strong arms and kind eyes. He looked at me with a trusting smile. But even in my dream I knew my intentions were to continue making a fool of him. I was fucking his wife. I was betraying him. I was being evil.

Even in my dream, I didn’t care. Gwen was going to continue to be mine.

I was sure one day I would have to confront him about these things. But I thought back to all the times he’d told me to always keep my heart pure, and chase my dream of finding love. If only he had realized back then the consequences of giving me that advice.

Perhaps I was more evilly inclined than I realized, because all things considered? I couldn’t give a fuck about his feelings. I just wanted to fuck my mom. Badly.

I awoke to the smell of bread baking. Toasted bread and coffee was one of the Queen’s favorite breakfasts.

For a brief moment I paused to savor some of the delightful memories I had made last night with the elves. I looked around to realize I was alone in my room. That seemed strange. I had expected the elves to be there waiting, but they were gone. I was still naked; I’d neglected to put on my clothes after sex last night.

Sleeping naked is the way to go, anyways, I thought to myself.

I got up and checked the clock. It was already time for me to get changed and ready for breakfast. Naturally, just after waking up, my cock was hard. I paid no attention to my hardon, and I rang the bell for my servants to come dress me. But instead, the very second the bell went ‘ding,’ both Oasis and Madelina burst into the room.

Much to my surprise, my new companions were both wearing a sexy pair of maid outfits, trimmed with white lace and finished with a black bow around each of their necks. Their bosoms were pinned up and bursting from black corsets. It felt like my eyes might bug out of my head at such an incredible sight.

A naughty smile flashed across Madelina’s face, and she closed the door behind her. Before any of us could get a word out, suddenly a voice was audible from behind my closed door,

“You have a very busy day ahead of you prince,” A voice that could only have been my mothers said, “and your schedule is non-negotiable. I will be at the breakfast table in five minutes.”

She often came to my door in the morning to give me a gentle reminder. I held my breath, waiting to hear footsteps. Once I did, and they grew fainter, I exhaled.

Thank God she didn’t come in, I thought. She wouldn’t have been pleased to see the elves. She surely wouldn’t have given them, or me, any credit for the fact that they were wearing quite a lot of clothes, all things considered.

My cock twitched slightly at the thrill of keeping these girls a secret from her. I was learning something about myself at that moment. Apparently, I didn’t mind the challenge of managing multiple women.

Surely, though, if the girls kept testing my morality by dressing provocatively, I was going to ultimately keep failing their tests. My sexual desires had been freshly awakened over the course of the last few days. Even having had Oasis as recently as last night, I could already feel the anticipation of wanting to fuck again. And with whom? One of the elves, or with my mother?

So many choices! I thought.

But any fun of that kind would have to wait. For now I needed to get dressed.

“Oasis? Madelina? Would you come and dress me?”

They both nodded and commenced my morning ritual. I realized I was enjoying it, and decided it was something I would have to make a habit of doing with my new elves. I wondered what was happening with my other servants, especially Jennifer. But she was a mere peasant, and mortal at that. I decided I could have sex with her later, when or if I pleased.

“Time for breakfast?” Madelina asked, buttoning my trousers.

“Yes, I think so,” I replied.

“Before we do that, Prince,” she said, “Why don’t we take a few minutes to appreciate our surroundings? *Ahem*”

Madelina seemed keen on reminding me that I was being attended by two incredibly sexy elves, all dressed up just for me.

“Yes, you’re right,” I said. “You two stunning elves are undoubtedly worthy of my erection – er, attention. But we have a busy day ahead of us.”

“But don’t you worry, Madelina,” I continued with a wink. “I know it’s your turn next.

“We’re in this together, Oasis and I,” Madelina replied. “We’re a team… but I really do want to feel that cock.”

“You’ll both have plenty of me in due time,” I assured her. “For now, let’s eat.”

“Food,” Oasis cheekily clarified, bumping Madelina with her hip.

We made our way to the dining room and sat down. Gwen was at the table as usual, but was avoiding my gaze. It didn’t bother me, but only because I was so excited to be with my new elvish friends – though that wasn’t quite the right word for them. I supposed I felt bad enough to resist admitting to myself what they actually were – toys for my pleasure.

I definitely didn’t feel bad enough to lose my appetite. I devoured my food.

Thankfully, the elves’ maid outfits weren’t causing a stir. I guess any servants in the castle were, by this time, accustomed to seeing women in all sorts of lingerie nearly everywhere in the castle. That was, without a doubt, thanks to my father. I was sure he’d had his fill of scantily-clad women before I’d been born. I wasn’t entirely sure he still didn’t.

As breakfast dragged on, though, a problem emerged. I was horny.

And for Gwen! I thought. Why can’t I stop thinking about my mom’s pussy?

I’d had sex with an elf last night, but that wasn’t my heart’s – or my cock’s – truest desire. It was Gwen – always Gwen – and she was right there, mere yards away. I still so desperately craved to be laid up inside my mothers pussy. Naturally, my cock was beginning to harden and grow in my pants underneath the table. I hoped I wouldn’t have to stand up before it died down.

I took some time to finish my meal, and abruptly stood, my mind in a haze. The elves were still eating. They looked at each other, confused.

I paid them no mind. I was obsessed with my mother’s body; I couldn’t stop thinking about it, or looking at it. I needed to either storm over to her, strip her naked, and fuck her right there on the dining room table, or retreat somewhere where I at least couldn’t see her, hear her, practically smell her.

I didn’t even realize, or care, that I’d left my elves behind. I was in the kitchen, then in the garden courtyard. I’d brushed past three or four servants without a word, and without hearing anything they might have said to me.

After a single breath of fresh, morning air, I heard a familiar voice cry out for me.

“Prince Michael! Hold, please!”

My stomach tightened. It was my mother.

Uh-oh, I thought. Here we go.

“Michael!” Her voice was shaky, and she was slightly out of breath after having hustled and bustled in her morning attire to catch up to me. It wasn’t as cumbersome as what she wore for audiences and whatnot, but it was still far less practical than my own clothing. Her wardrobe was quite expansive. She was the Queen, after all.

“Why are you leaving breakfast without even trying to speak to me?” she demanded. “And why did you leave the… elven women at the table?” I didn’t meet her gaze. Instead, I stared into the large diamond she wore around her neck. I could see my own reflection. I didn’t really like the way I looked, all distorted.

“I just… my mind is a mess,” I admitted. “I had to sleep in a bed with those two elves last night, when I really wanted to be sleeping with you, enjoying your presence and sharing in our newfound love…”

It was close enough to the truth. I’d thoroughly enjoyed my first night with Oasis and Madelina, but there was something special about my mother’s attention and affection. I knew I would never be put out of sorts by either of the elves the way I just had been in the dining room by my precious Gwen – so close, and yet so far out of my reach. My body ached for her touch; Oasis’ and Madelina’s – and any other woman’s, I supposed – could be delightful, sexual, sensual, and perhaps even romantic. Gwen’s touch was love, and I needed it. I wanted to lose myself in it.

“Even now, Mother, I am driven to distraction,” I continued.

Out of nowhere, my passion compelled me to do something risky. I didn’t care if we were in the public garden of the castle. I knew that if I looked up into my mother’s eyes, I wouldn’t be able to stop myself – and that I couldn’t stop myself from doing just that. I met her gaze, and I felt my eyes flash fire – desire that simply would not be denied. Without bothering to check if there was anyone around, I pulled the Queen, my mother, in close to me and locked our lips together in a passionate kiss. It felt like it lasted forever, and I was in heaven while it did, but when we pulled away, I saw shock and panic on Mother’s face.

She recoiled from me. I plummeted from heaven into hell.

“Michael, what is wrong with you?!?! Why are you acting like this?!?!?”

“I… I love you…” I said to her, my voice wavering. “You’re my everything. If I can’t have you, I think I might go insane!”

She replied, “I love you too, but I can’t be your wife at this time. I don’t belong to you. You’re my son, I can’t be your wife! It would be disrespectful to my husband, your father!”

“Fuck the King, then!” I exclaimed. “I’ll kill him before I let someone stand in the way of our love!”

“Michael, you’re not thinking clearly,” she said in a low voice. “Your words are rash, and you should well know that they alone could doom you – never mind if you were to actually try to make good on them. How reckless and irresponsible, to risk your entire life just to impress your affections upon a woman.”

“Not just some woman!” I insisted. “You are my mother, and undoubtedly the love of my life.”

My voice was strained; I had indeed been yelling. Mother’s eyes had been darting everywhere since we’d begun to converse in earnest, and I finally spared a glance around the garden. I didn’t see anyone. That made me feel even bolder.

“Michael,” Mother said, “If you lose your life over me, I’ll lose you forever. You know your father will never let us be together. I’ll never be able to be with you.”

My heart and my cock rejected every word. My mind, however, screamed at me to take heed. I knew the truth of it already; every day in the castle would be more of the same, as in the dining room. I would yearn for her, in every way. I wouldn’t be able to think straight. I wouldn’t be able to focus on my duties. Sooner, rather than later, my luck would run out. An ear would hear; an eye would see. An ambitious tongue would wag to Father.

At that moment, deep in my soul, I knew exactly what I had to do. I had to leave – really leave.

I told her as much. It broke my heart. I think it broke hers too. We stood in silence for many long moments. The air was thick and heavy. We felt it upon our shoulders and our brows.

“I understand,” she finally said.

Still, we did not part company. The air was thick with something else – something yet unsaid. She turned her head and gazed off into the distance.

“I have a dream, you know,” she said. “We’re on a ship together. You’re older. Somehow, I’m not. The sea air is bracing. It makes me feel alive. It’s freeing. We’re free.

“We’re sailing away – away from here. Away from everything, except…”

She continued, this time with tears welling in her eyes.

“It meant everything to me, Michael,” she said. “Everything. It always will. Come what may, even the many years – that, unlike in dreams, will not be so kind to me. I fear that in love undying, hope, which ought to perish, shall ever remain… and it will hurt.”

“I will always love you too,” I whispered in response, “and I will find a way back to you.”

Still, she kept her eyes to the distance. It was for the best. I was on the verge of tears too, and I had to leave.

“Farewell, sweet Prince,” she said.

I turned and hurried away, leaving her in the garden. I rushed into the hallway, my mind racing in every direction at once, only to find Oasis and Madelina with their ears pressed to the wall. They sprang to attention and sheepishly grinned. Normally, if I had caught anyone else listening in on a secret conversation between myself and the queen, I would have had them jailed; or worse. But for some unknown reason, it seemed to me the girls weren’t embarrassed I had caught them eavesdropping. I would have to talk to them about this incident later though, because right now I had to get my shit together.

My plan was hasty and threadbare. I ordered a servant to send a vague letter to Princess Ophelia, that would imply – but not explicitly declare – that I was making preparations for our date, which would therefore, logically, be happening very soon. My chief task for now was avoiding my father; I could only assume that my web of deceit held, and my mother would never tell… Only time would tell if I could travel fast and far enough to evade my father’s men, once he and King Alexander both realized that I’d truly abandoned my responsibilities.

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