The Streak – Day 01

An adult stories – The Streak – Day 01 by sloppytyper,sloppytyper Day One – Monday

Amber didn’t know she would be starting a streak today. In fact, it wouldn’t become a conscious decision until several days later. For her, it was just another Monday, and it started the same way they usually did.

The alarm on her phone had to ring six times before Amber finally got out of bed. She lived near her work, so she was used to abusing the snooze button. Still, this was cutting it close. She sleepy brushed her teeth, applied some light makeup, and got dressed. As she pulled on a pair of jeans and a white top, her phone dinged.

“where are you??” It was Ryan.

Shit. She was supposed to be at work 3 minutes ago.

“almost there.” She texted back.

Amber flew down the stairs of her apartment and hopped on her bike. She was barely able to appreciate the warm morning sun on her skin and the cool wind on her face as she sped along the bike path. She gathered her long blonde hair from her face and tied it into a sloppy ponytail.

Amber worked at Veggies n’ More, a local grocery store. Ron Wallace–her boss–was nice enough, but strict about being on time. She took a shortcut through an alley between two houses, expertly swerving between a dumpster and a puddle of rainwater.

Ryan, a tall and thin man who must have only been a couple years younger than Amber, was waiting for her at the entrance to the store.

“Finally!” He whispered, as Amber hopped off her bike and tied it to the rack. He adjusted his skinny gray tie nervously. It wasn’t part of the dress code, but Ryan always wore a tie.

“I told Ron you were in the bathroom. He doesn’t know you were late.”

Amber smiled a silent thank you. Ryan was always looking out for her ever since she started working there. It was nice to have a friendly face to break up the monotony. She smoothed down her top and tucked it into her jeans as they quietly sneaked into the store together. Amber was able to get to the register before Ron spotted her.

“Amber!” He barked. “You were in the bathroom for a while. Everything alright?”

“Yes, sir.” Amber answered. “Just some stomach trouble this morning. Sorry.”

Ron grunted but left her alone.

The day went as days usually go. Amber entertained herself by making up stories about the customers based on the products they were buying. The couple who bought a variety of berries and whipped cream were probably planning to lick them off of each other. The single mom probably wasn’t going to use that cucumber in a salad. The guy buying a whole box of pineapples probably wanted his cum to taste better. Most of Amber’s stories were very dirty.

As noon approached, Amber had managed to work herself up quite a bit with these thoughts. This always happened. She inconspicuously rubbed her thighs together, confirming that she had gotten very moist.

Whenever she felt like this, Amber would usually use her break to masturbate in the bathroom. Not today, though. Her friend Leah was turning 20, and she had a gift scheduled for pickup at a store down the block. Amber sighed, and left her post at the cash register. As she walked out of the grocery store, she signaled to Ron that she was taking her lunch break.

The sun was higher in the sky now, the air felt thicker, and the streets were busier. Amber opted to leave her bike, and walk the short distance to the gift shop. It was a quaint little store that smelled like roasted hazelnut, but it had a deceptively large variety of products, with all sorts of stationary, postcards, and other knick knacks lining the walls and stacked up on tables. Leah collected little porcelain cat figurines, and Amber had custom ordered the perfect one.

The store was empty, except for the nice old lady who owned the shop and a young man–the only other customer–who was wearing gray shorts and a crisp blue t-shirt. He was paying for an assortment of pens and pencils while the shopkeeper packaged them in small brown bags. As Amber waited patiently behind the man, the lady dropped one of the pens. It slid off the counter and rolled down the floor to Amber’s feet. She knelt down to pick it up.

“Oh, thank you.” Said the man.

Amber looked up at him. He was standing closer than she thought, smiling warmly at her. She felt herself blush. This angle, looking up at him while on her knees, reminded her of something. Amber licked her lips, and felt her underwear get a little wetter.

“Oh! N-No problem!” She smiled back. He was really cute.

She stood up quickly and handed him back the pen, intentionally brushing her hand against his.

As the lady finished packing up his order, Amber tried to strike up a conversation.

“You really like pencils, huh?”

The guy laughed. “Yeah, I do. I like to draw.”

“Oh, really! That’s really cool.” Amber touched his arm affectionately. Now it was his turn to blush.

“It’s just a hobby. I’m not that good.” He muttered awkwardly.

“Oh, come on! I’m sure you’re just being modest.” Amber smiled.

The lady behind the counter cleared her throat.

“Can I help you, miss?”

Amber suddenly remembered where she was.

“Oh, yes! I’m picking up an order for Amber.”

As the lady left to get her order, the man grabbed up his things and started walking to the door.

“Well, it was nice meeting you.” He said, smiling.


Amber ran up to him, not really using her brain at this point but letting the warmth between her legs make the decisions. She put a hand on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.

“Wait for me, please.”

He seemed confused, but he waited. Amber paid for her gift, and also grabbed a small box of candies. She thanked the owner of the store, grabbed the man by the hand and led him outside.

“Where are we going?” He asked, amused, as Amber led him around the corner of the store and into a quiet alley. Tucked behind a large stack of boxes, she pushed the man gently against the wall and kneeled down in front of him again.

“Is this ok?” She asked, unbuttoning his shorts. “I just really need this right now.”

“S-sure!” He said, dumbfounded.

Amber felt a sense of relief as she put his cock in her mouth, as though finally scratching an itch she’d had for hours. She felt it grow hard as she licked it from the base to the tip until it was shiny with her saliva.

“Oh my god,” the man breathed, leaning his head back in bliss.

Amber swirled her tongue around the cock as she took it deeper and deeper. She moaned. She loved the way it felt in her mouth, and her throat tingled with pleasure as she took it all the way to the base. Amber paused there for a moment to look up at him, confirming that he was thoroughly enjoying this. She continued slowly deepthroating his cock, occasionally giving the head a swirl with her tongue, her eyes always glued to his.

While Amber knew she could have made him cum at any time, she wanted to savor it a little longer–she had always had a bit of an oral fixation. When she decided the man had been teased enough, she increased her speed until she was practically fucking him with her throat. At the right moment, she grabbed his hips and pulled him all the way inside. As he let out a deep groan, she felt his cock twitch and his warm cum shoot down her throat.

Amber gave it a final lick, stood up, and kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you, that was great.” She said as she walked away, leaving him out of breath but happy.

Amber smiled. The heat between her legs had been sated, for now.

As she got back to the Veggies n’ More, Amber checked her reflection on her phone. She would have to re-apply her lipstick, she decided, and noticed a small drop which had landed on her shirt. She wiped it up with her finger and licked it clean.

Amber went up to Ryan, who was re-stocking the tomato sauce.

“Hey, I got this for you.” She handed him the small box of candies. “Thanks for covering for me this morning!”

Ryan smiled.

“No problem, Amber. Thanks.”

Amber went back to work. The rest of the day was quite uneventful. She finished her shift, went home to change, and went to Leah’s birthday party. Leah loved the gift. Amber hung out with her friends, went back home, took a shower and fell asleep after masturbating. All in all, a fairly unremarkable day.

Although Amber didn’t know it yet, this day would actually turn out to be quite significant. It was the beginning of her longest streak ever. Some were quick, some were long and slow. Some were with people she knew, some were with strangers. But on each day, she would give someone a blowjob.

How long would this streak last? That’s a story for another time.

This is the first story I’ve published here, so please let me know your feedback. Also, let me know if you’d be interested in reading more from this series. Thanks for reading!


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