The Supplement Pt. 01 by WritingwhatIlike,WritingwhatIlike

It was so patently ridiculous Josh couldn’t help but laugh. Clicking the back button, he didn’t leave the site, instead, a popup said, ‘Wait! 50% off if you buy now!’ The price listed was only $20.

He wavered. He hemmed. He hawed. Finally, he caved and clicked the button to take him to the checkout page, a purchase of 1 bottle of pills for $20 with free shipping. He clicked buy with the Paypal account his parents had set up for him and went to bed, being sure not to jerk off.

The next day dawned, and Josh woke feeling silly for falling for an obvious scam. Chalking it up to a bad call and being horny after one day of not jerking off, he forgot all about it.

To his surprise, the following day he was surprised to see a package on the front step for him. It was in a small brown box, discreetly labeled as ‘health supplements’. Thankful he got home before either of his parents, Josh took the box to his room and opened it. Inside was a bottle of pills, a second large bottle, and a note.

The note read: ‘Thank for buying max load pills. For more joy in life, give free bottle of extra clean wash to wife. She prepare each day for more love.’

He looked at the large bottle and it was just labeled ‘Wash’. He opened it and sniffed it, getting a noseful of a strong berry smell. Ugh. Way too strong for him, and he didn’t have a wife or even a girlfriend. Josh put the bottle on his desk and examined the pill bottle closer. It was labeled ‘Max Load’, with the words ‘once daily’ below them.

Okay. Seemed straightforward. Josh popped the lid open and got the same scent of berry the bottle had, but stronger. He popped one of the pills into his mouth, noting it tasted like a children’s vitamin. Suddenly sure he had been scammed, as expected, he looked at the bottle of ‘wash’. Maybe his mom would use it?

He went to the bathroom and placed the wash bottle into the shower. Just as he came out of the bathroom, he heard the front door close.

“Josh, I’m home!” came the voice of his mom.

He went to greet her with a hug, another part of their routine she insisted on. After a brief clutch, she let him go and said, “How was school? One less day before grad?”

“Fine. Yep, almost there. How was work?” he asked, watching her slip her shoes off and put on slippers. She was wearing her regular work clothes: slacks and a loose blouse which did nothing to show her figure. Normal mom stuff. No wonder his friends didn’t rate her higher.

“Oh, fine. Same old. Any plans tonight? I was thinking we could order pizza and watch a movie.”

“No plans. Where’s Dad?” They only ordered pizza when he was going to be absent, as he hated it.

“He has to work late.”

“Is this in place of working this weekend?”

His mom shrugged. Josh could tell she was fighting it, but there was an undercurrent of sadness in her voice. She was tired of playing second fiddle to his work.

Mother and son chatted while they waited for the pizza, and picked out a movie to watch. Josh did his best to keep her spirits up and take her mind off of his dad. By the time they were full of pizza and halfway through a comedy, he felt like she was back to her old self, laughing and smiling. Josh was happy to see it, as he hated when she was sad.

After the movie, they headed to their rooms, not discussing the fact his dad wasn’t home yet.

The next day, Josh was on the fence about taking another of the fake pills. He hadn’t felt any kind of a change, but it had only been one day. Maybe it was better to at least try them for a week? There were 29 pills left in the bottle, so it was only a month’s supply anyways. Shrugging, he took another pill.

He had successfully avoided jerking off last night, three nights running, and had downed even more water. His friends were getting used to seeing the bottle with him but still hadn’t gotten a straight answer from him for why he was drinking so much water. He wouldn’t tell them. The last thing he needed was to be told they all came buckets of cum, or for them to suggest a cum measuring contest.

Figuring three days of abstinence was enough to see a change, and being almost constantly horny, he could try the effect of the pills. He dropped his pants and fell back onto his bed, feeling his dick get hard in anticipation.

Josh thought back to Jenny and her tight shirt while playing with his dick. Somehow she had managed to get away with wearing one that showed her belly, even though it was against the rules. Josh didn’t mind one bit and thanked his lucky stars they had shared a class that day. As his excitement grew, he took himself fully in hand, stroking while imagining kissing Jenny. He was primed. Just as he was speeding up, an image of him spurting everywhere popped into his brain. The porn actors always had a woman’s face or tits to jerk off onto, but he didn’t. He didn’t want to make a mess on his bed.

Jumping up, he opened his door and listened to make sure his mom hadn’t come home yet. Hearing silence, he trotted to the washroom, jumping into the shower stall. He grabbed his still hard cock and gave it a few more strokes. He felt harder and more sensitive. As he approached his climax, a pressure built in his groin, bigger than any he’d felt before.

Josh groaned out loud as he pumped, his knees going weak. He put a hand on the shower wall and faced it, eyes closed and mouth open. For the first time in his life, Josh felt as if his cock was too hard, he was too close to orgasm. Powering through, he gave one final pump, and then he was shooting his cum at the shower wall. What would normally be a few spurts was five or six full ones, painting the shower wall. The air was filled with the same berry smell as the pills, and it seemed to enhance his pleasure.

He wasn’t up to the porn star amount yet, but it had only been a few days and he could already see an improvement. Maybe the pills did work? Or maybe it was his abstinence.

Drained, Josh felt weak and decided to lay down for a bit. He quickly washed his spunk from the shower wall and stumbled from the bathroom to his room and collapsed on his bed, sleep taking him instantly.


Jean grabbed her purse and lunch box from the passenger car seat and made her way to the house. She’d had a good day, not too busy, some nice gossip time with coworkers. Even a long lunch with her boss, discussing her performance.

A good day which had been ruined by the text she’d just gotten from Chuck, telling her he was working late again. Damn him. If he had a whisper of libido she’d accuse him of cheating on her, but she knew his last thought at any time was of sex. Knew it quite well.

Trying to push thoughts of her husband to the back of her head, she focused on spending time with Josh again. More pizza? Or Chinese? There was that new superhero show she might be able to tempt him with.

Coming into the house, she yelled out her customary, “I’m home!” No answering cry came back, indicating an empty house. Maybe Josh was out visiting friends? She’d hoped he was home, as he was great at making her forget her woes, and she felt like she’d need his help tonight. Maybe she would text him to come home?

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