The Supplement Pt. 01 by WritingwhatIlike,WritingwhatIlike

Figuring it could wait, Jean went to change into comfier clothes. As she did, she lamented the fact it had been months since she’d undressed for any reason except changing or showering. Chuck had no time for her anymore. Didn’t she deserve to be desired? Lusted after? Knowing the answer was ‘yes’, she watched in the mirror as her naked body came into view. First, her loose blouse, deliberately chosen to hide her figure, and then her bra. The restrictive garment let loose with a snap, releasing her breasts. She was proud of their heft and lack of sagging, despite her age. She groaned as she smoothed her hands over the sensitive flesh, rubbing away the pressure lines from her bra. It had been too long since anyone but she had done this. Damn Chuck!

They had started their marriage on a fairly even footing in terms of their sexual desires, even if it was very vanilla sex, but lately his had faded while hers swelled. She made use of vibrators and dildos, but they weren’t the same thing as a flesh and blood cock, were they? A flesh and blood body, holding, thrusting, kissing – stop it, she ordered herself.

Jean knew if she let herself, her lust would grow until she was craving to be fucked. The last time it had happened, Chuck had grudgingly given in to her demands, saying it was the last time he’d be pressured to perform.

Jean snorted at the thought. His performance had been pathetic and unsatisfying. Still, the thought had her body prepping itself for sex, blood flowing to engorge her nipples and labia. She pushed at her crotch, trying to satisfy her hungry vagina long enough to get to bedtime, but it just made her hornier.

Josh would probably be home soon but for now, she was alone. She looked at her bed, contemplating bringing out one of her toys. Then she imagined Josh barging in on her, and she shook her head. It was only faintly possible, but she’d be mortified if it happened. Thinking of someplace more sacrosanct, Jean made her way to the bathroom, bringing her comfy clothes with her.

If he heard her showering, he’d never barge in, and she would have the privacy to satisfy her needs alone, yet again. Stripping the rest of her clothes off while the water warmed, she shivered as her nipples contracted. They were as big as pencil ends, and her areola coned and pebbly as well. She tweaked one, shivering at the pressure.

When the water was warm enough, she jumped under the flow, getting her tits wet, and her pussy wetter. A shiver of anticipation ran through her as she brushed one wet hand up her bare labia. She enjoyed being smooth down there, as it looked cleaner and felt sexier than having hair. One finger slipped between her lips, the warm, slick moisture coating her digit.

Jean breathed in deeply as tingling spread to her pelvis, and she clenched her inner muscles. She needed to be fucked! As she pushed one finger into her vagina, she breathed in again, through her nose, and detected a strange berry-like, artificial scent.

Mystified, Jean paused in her ministrations and tried to imagine what it could be. She was sure they didn’t have anything that matched the smell in the house. Looking around, she spotted a strange bottle labeled ‘wash’.

Opening it up, she got a waft of the same berry smell as what was in the air. The smell went right to her head, making her feel… good. Energized. She took another deep whiff and looked at the bottle closer. Just a generic no-name brand body wash.

Jean was fond of trying new shower products, so she poured a generous pool of the wash into her hand. It was milky white, and the smell intensified as she brought her hand to her upper chest. Her mouth flooded with saliva at the smell, a normal indicator of extreme arousal. Or hungry, she allowed.

Careful to stay out of the spray of the shower, Jean spread the wash over her body, moving down to her tits. When she ran her hand over her nipples, she gasped aloud. The cool liquid caused them to start tingling, and they hardened even more. The smell was in her brain as she took large breaths to feel the energizing effect over and over.

Whatever this stuff was, they had a hit on their hands, she thought. She covered her stomach next, down to her pussy. When a finger skimmed across her full outer labia, she groaned out loud. How did it know to make only the good parts react? It wasn’t heat or a burn, it was an actual lightning bolt of tingling shivers sent to her core.

Jean was never really vocal during sex. She knew it happened for some people, but mostly it seemed to be a porno thing. When her finger slipped between her lips, stroking across her clit, she couldn’t help it. “OHhhhhhMMmmmmmm…” she moaned, mouth open.

Her legs trembled, and she almost fell over in the shower at how good the wash felt on her body. She put her hand out to steady herself, and rolled the ‘wash’ finger over her clit, strumming it to get as much pleasure as she could. Within moments, her inner tension had wound up to the breaking point.

“Ohh fuck! OHhhhhnnnnnggg!!!” She couldn’t help it, it felt too good, and her orgasm was too strong to stay silent. Hot water beat on her back as she rubbed her clit, moaning and twitching.

The orgasm drove all other thoughts away, letting her wallow in the pleasure. This had been her easiest orgasm in years. Jean pulled at one nipple, stretching the rubbery skin out to feel the jolt of pleasure she loved. The berry smell filled her nose as she stood in place, water cascading over her body, which quivered with each contraction of her vagina. When she was eventually able to stand up straight, she went straight to the bottle of wash, looking everywhere for a list of ingredients, or a manufacturer logo. Nothing.

Perplexed by the mystery wash but feeling like a million bucks, Jean finished her shower and stepped out on weak legs to grab her towel. As she dried herself, she hummed and sashayed in place. Even she would acknowledge the goofy grin on her face if she saw it.

When she went to put her bra on, she looked in the mirror. Her nipples were still standing out, hard as rocks. For years she had been concealing her bust, downplaying her figure, preferring to avoid the attention she inevitably drew. For some reason the thought of binding herself and hiding her firm, full tits just made her sad. She decided against putting her bra back on. Let her girls have some breathing room for once. When she slipped a soft t-shirt on, she shivered at the rare feeling of cotton rubbing over her sensitive nipples.

Another check in the mirror showed her nipples were busting through her shirt. She hadn’t dressed like this in two decades. A feeling of being naughty crept over her, but she was in the comfort of her own home; it was allowed.

As she left the bathroom, she almost ran into Josh as he came out of his bedroom.

“Oh! You’re home. I thought I was here alone,” she stammered, suddenly self-conscious of her nipples, her confidence draining rapidly.

“I was just napping…um, had a long day I guess.” Josh looked a bit sheepish, but she just chalked it up to teenager stuff.

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