The Tale of Ugly and Christmas by Bazzza,Bazzza

“Ohhhh, that’s sooo nice.” she whispered and then dangled her breasts into his face.

Sex is always different in the daylight; Benny was amazed how naturally beautiful Joanna was. Her smooth oval face already shiny with her efforts, her breasts full and soft to touch; her body was curvy but lean under the eye. Benny had always been a leg man, his eyes feasted on her ample thighs and what lay between them. He watched as her pussy slid up and down his shaft, her warm juices leaving a shiny tide mark at the base.

She grinned mischievously down at his wandering eyes, “You know, I think I might get to like fucking.”

Benny laughed, “I think you might too.”

Over the next few days, Joanna’s new found interest showed little signs of waning, her sexual demands were soon taking their toll and Benny was starting to feel his age. A bedtime romp was expected and taken each night, his body exploited and ravaged by her beautiful body. Then around lunchtime, she would get into the mood and would tempt him with her wares by parading around in her underwear or topless. She proved to be a good student and became an avid provider of a good blowjob. Her natural inquisitive turned to the large screen TV and DVD player in the bedroom, and Benny was forced to confess to owning a few adult DVD’s.

“Let me see.” she insisted.

Joanna was soon sitting nude and cross legged on the bed watching a handsome and very well endowed male satisfying a grateful brunette. She glanced over at Benny’s appendage and grinned.

“Makes yours look inadequate, maybe I’ve been short changed.

Benny, without hesitation left the bedroom and returned with a thick wooden long handled broom handle.

“Okay, lets see how you go with this; it’s about the same size as your friend on the TV.”

Joanna took one look at the implement and snapped her legs closed.

“You can keep that thing away from me.” she said while crawling under the covers for protection.

He waved it threateningly at her as she watched with mock horror from the safety of the bed.

Another day she returned home to find Benny on a business call in his office. She kissed him on the head and then sat on his desk facing him. Soon she began to slide her skirt high up her thighs; her panties eased aside displaying her curls and her pink lips below. When that failed to entice him away from the phone, a manicured finger was parting her lips and teasing her clitoris. Benny closed his eyes to concentrate on the call, but her wet finger was soon penetrating his lips, her arousal evident to his taste buds. She removed her panties and slipped them over his head before retiring to the bedroom, he ended the call soon after and joined her.

Like all good things, they eventually come to an end. On the morning that Joanna was to fly out, Benny woke to find her sitting up in bed watching him, her tears running down her beautiful cheeks.

He sat up and took her in his arms, “What’s up?”

She cuddled into him and took a deep breath, “I hate goodbyes.” she said. “I don’t want you to come to the airport; I want us to say our goodbyes here.”

She leaned back and looked into his eyes, “I want you to know that I’ll always think of this time with you as something really special. You’ve turned me into a woman, and you’ve made me a good lover. I have no regrets about what we did. You’re a wonderful man and I’d marry you if I was ten years older, but, it’s not to be. So, let’s make love one last time and then I’d better get ready to go.”

For the countless times they had made love, the last time was special. It was of tenderness and tears, of commitment and parting. It was slow and meaningful, the kisses long and passionate, the end exquisitely pleasurable. And not long after, Benny watched her cab disappear down his driveway on the way to the airport. Minutes later, Benny was alone and lonely, he could still smell her scent as he walked into the house and its emptiness.

As the months came and went, Joanna’s e-mails declined as she travelled her own path in Europe. Christmas 2004 came and then went; Benny received an e-mail titled ‘Thinking of You’ on Christmas day, the attachment contained several photos taken with a digital camera. Images of lovely thighs, tight panties and a familiar looking pussy flashed across his screen. He grinned and saved them on his hard drive for future prosperity.

In early 2005, Benny had entered into a relationship with a lady named Hannah. It all started when he was invited to join a business mentoring group, the aim to provide direction and support to up and coming small business ventures. Hannah was an unlikely partner for Benny; firstly she was a highly qualified psychoanalyst, secondly she had a preference to wear old fashion clothes, and thirdly seemed to be a man hater. To be honest, Benny thought she was a pain in the arse and avoided her. But they began to work some projects together, and what was soon clear to Benny was that god had provided her with one of the sharpest minds that he’d ever encountered. He struggled to keep up with her quick thinking and sharp tongue; she in turn didn’t appreciate his casual approach to anything and everything. But they worked hard, tolerated each other, and in the end produced some very good results.

It was on a Friday night that things changed for them. Benny was invited to her apartment to work on a project that was falling further and further behind. He was surprised at her sudden change in appearance, gone was the hair pulled tight on top of her head, and gone were the drab clothes. Instead, a main of thick red hair hung to her shoulders, a jade green top showed off a bust line that was normally hidden. A pair of tight jeans hugged shapely buttocks and legs. There was a little makeup where there was usually none, and for the first time, Benny got a glimpse of the real Hannah.

They worked for a few hours before stopping for a coffee break, he then watched as Hannah curled up on the couch opposite. They talked aimlessly about nothing as they sipped at their hot cups.

“You should dress like this more often.” he commented after a while.

Her eyes suddenly flashed and bristled with hostility, “Why?”

“Because this is the real you. You’re a different person in the office.”

“That’s because I choose to be. How I look isn’t important, it’s what I do that is.” she replied forcefully.

“But there’s no need to be different at work, why can’t you just be you?”

“Because that’s how I want it, and it’s none of your business.”

Benny knew he shouldn’t be angry but just couldn’t help himself. He stared at her unwavering glare and decided he shouldn’t be there anymore. He gathered his things and left her apartment without another word from either party. Benny avoided the mentoring group after that. To be truthful as time went past, he was more than a little embarrassed that Hannah had got to him the way she did, and after all she was entitled to dress and behave exactly the way she wanted to.

It was on a cold windswept afternoon that Hannah sought him out in his city office. She strode into his office after intimidating his secretary and planted herself in the chair opposite his desk. While Benny was surprised at her audacity, he smiled at her across the desk while taking in her dishevelled appearance. Her hair was wet from the rain which dripped onto her black leather jacket, her tight jeans and leather boots all soaking.

“Okay, you win.” she commented with authority. “We need you back, so you tell me how you want me to be and I’ll play the game.”

Benny looked into her big eyes but couldn’t break her steadfast stare, “I don’t want you to be anyone else but you. I really like working with you, but I can’t put up with the bullshit. So you decide who you want to be, and I’ll decide if I still want to carry on.”

“How about discussing it over a coffee?” she asked. “I’m cold.”

“Is that because of the weather, or are you still frigid?” he asked.

Hannah sort of smiled, “Don’t push your luck.”

So that’s how it started, Benny and Hannah spent more and more time together, the personal side soon over shadowing the business aspects of the relationship. They enjoyed each others company, the café meals and the interesting and sometimes heated discussions, neither side would surrender a point of view. But the physical side was almost too hard to contemplate, Benny was very wary of Hannah knowing that she had a feisty temper lurking waiting to pounce on him. As for Hannah, well she was fully aware of his prowess with the opposite sex, and she had no intention of being another notch on his bed post.

The first time that Hannah visited Benny’s house was a turning point for her, she took in seclusion, his collection of music, the artwork and the books. The house had a tranquil and calming affect on her, and she liked being there from the second of walking in the front door. She liked sitting outside gazing across the rural landscape, a far cry from her city apartment. When it was chilly, she still enjoyed sitting outside and would pull up a chair close to the spar pool to absorb some of the heat radiating from the water. Benny appreciated her liking for his home and was happy for her to visit when ever she liked, for she was very good company.

On a cold but clear frosty evening, Hannah and Benny shivered as they walked out onto the deck and gazed up at the star filled sky.

“It’d be great to sit out here in the spa and take in the view.” Hanna suggested.

“Sorry, but I’ve got nothing for you to wear.” Benny advised.

She turned to him and smiled, “Well, why don’t we get the sex thing out of the way first? Then we won’t have to worry about what we wear.”

Hannah laughed at the shocked look on his face, “C’mon, it won’t be that bad.”

They soon stood toe to toe in the bedroom, Benny slipped off her windbreaker and top as she undid her jeans and let them slip to the floor. He took in her smooth pale skin, her large breasts straining in her bra; her waist was narrow, her hips lean. Frilly French knickers sat perfectly over her buttocks, below her legs were slim but still shapely and toned.

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