The Train Ride to Work by Pleasurecenterdesires

He wondered what she was doing for a second, then her hand came down between her and the bag to readjust his penis. He was between her lips now as her pussy gently road him through his clothes. The sway of the train gently building a rhythm.

He was fully lost in every movement until his phone started sounding off in his pocket. She stopped all movement and went deadly still as a carriage full of eyes focused on the noisy man. Daniel pulled her body into him with one arm as he lifted his butt off the seat so nobody would see that he was fully erect. His free hand found his phone in his pocket. Work. He wasn’t even late yet.

As he answered, he sat back down, pulling her down with him, hard. The vibrator switched to the next setting, three intense buzzes, followed by three low buzzes. Oh God, it was divine. He found his hips moving back and forth, pushing the dildo to exactly where he wanted it to be. Pleasure riffling through his body, toying and playing with him like it was his master. All the while, his little lap friend, ground her pussy down into him, wrapping herself tightly around his penis. His mind caught on if she was wearing pants.

“Daniel? Daniel are you there?”

“Yes.” He panted. “Yes, Marnie, I’m here.” Marnie, oh shit. She’d been in the dream too. Strict, mean, a complete and utter bitch. It was no wonder she had walked in as a dominatrix.

It played back in his head. He forced his mouth against Sandra’s only to find her forcing hers against his. She pulled them both towards a table and sat herself down, wrapping her legs around Emma’s gorgeous hips and by proxy, his as he ploughed his way into Emma. “Suck me.” She had said. “Suck me hard and good. My husband doesn’t give it to me anymore.” The logistics of it all should have meant that Emma did the sucking. But somewhere in the haze of the dream she had somehow managed to be doggie style underneath the table. He sank to his knees, pushed Emma further under the table and moved his face right up to Sandra’s clit. Jesus, he hadn’t realised this was everything he hand ever wanted. His hands played with Emma’s thick, heavy breasts as his tongue plunged into Sandra. She moaned, so very loudly. Emma too. “Spell the alphabet.” He obliged, until she was shaking, pleading, begging for Zed. “Oh Daniel, yes. Yes. Oh, fucking yes.” She squirted all over his face. Emma clenching and spasming her orgasm over his cock.

Sandra had passed out. Emma was thanking him for a great time, but he wasn’t ready to let her go yet. He sat back on his legs, pulling her on to him. Ravishing her neck, playing with her clit. “Oh, sto-stop, I already came, I’m too se-sensitive. Shhhit. Don’t stop. Shit. Oh fuck, fuck me, I’m going to cum. He pushed her toy further into her and watched as she came again. “I’m cuming, oh fuckin, Daniel, I’m cumming. Oh yes, yes, YES!…Daniel. Oh Daniel. I never want you to stop fucking me. Oh fuck. Oh fuck.”

Marnie, she stepped around the door looking fierce. He still had beautiful, angel looking Emma in his grasp. Knowing it was a dream and the only chance he would ever get with her; he wasn’t willing to let her go just yet. But Marnie, short black hair cropped wickedly around her ears to give her a demonic boss-bitch vibe. A tight as fuck latex suit on. A dildo strapped on and a whip in the other hand. “Oh Daniel, you’ve been so very naughty.” She smiled in delight as she always did when he fucked up. “Emma, mouth on Sandra.” The whip gently grazing Emma’s nipple causing her to shudder and do as she was told. Daniel shuffled along behind her, dick going in and out as he tried to keep pace. He almost lost it then and there.

Emma playing with Sandra, fingers and mouth. Daniel was fully invested in Emma. And Marnie… Well Marnie lubed that dildo up and stuck it right in him. It must have been two ended given the grunt of pleasure she gave as it went in. “Yes, you like that don’t you, you naughty boy.”

“I can barely hear you. Where are you?”

“I… Er… I got caught on the tube. I’m.” Just as he thought he would make a whole sentence the stranger on his lap was now unzipping him. Oh God, had it all been a trap to expose him? He wasn’t sure he cared.

“You? I’d love to hear your excuses.” The girl on his lap stood up ever so slightly pulling at her underwear. When she sat back down her dress covered his entire lap and he slipped across warm wet flesh. His penis slipped between her clit and jumped several times delighting in the joy it found. As she turned to look at him, he could see all that concealed pleasure laid right out there for him to enjoy. She faced forward, grabbing her bag once more and propping it on her lap. This time she simply pressed her thumb against the base of his penis and guided it into the safety of her vagina. Oh fuck, it’s so tight, so wet, so gooood. “I’m,” he struggled out. “Enjoying the MORN-ing tube riiiide.” Her bag was back on the floor. She was pretending to read a book as the jerky motion of the train did the rest of the work. Sparks of joy and pleasure ran through every nerve ending. He slipped one of his hands into her lap as close as he dared go. “So. So. So.” They hit a bumpy patch and the lights went out. Suddenly the stranger was bouncing up and down on his cock giving him all she had. “So-rry. The l-lights just went out. It’s terrifying. I. I’m going to be late. I missed my stop. It was too, way too crammed.” He hoped his voice was full of fear and worry and not the swathes of excitement he was feeling as he desperately tried not to come. He wanted this to last. At least until he was off the phone to Marnie. At least until he could figure out how to bump another setting on the vibrator. He was being built up only to be let straight back down. The frustration felt much like the desperation of the dream. Where his body fell so deep into sleep it forgot to stop humping the pillow. The horniness still there and craving for relief. Emma left unfilled.

“Sometimes, it’s like you don’t even want this.”

“You know I want this Marnie. You know I want this.” He held the girl tighter, pressing in as deep and as far as he could go. Balls deep. The smell of sex filling everything now there was no light to see. “I just got caught on the train. I’ll be as quick as I can.” She was playing with his balls now. Now the lights were out and no one could judge them. He hung up the phone and let that hand sweep lower, down, underneath her dress to play. Her breath caught. She leant back against him, pulling his other hand to the thin mesh of the top of her dress. How had he not noticed how close to the surface her nipples were. Unsheathed, no bra. He played. One hand on her vagina, the other on her nipple. She writhed, desperately seeking catharsis. “I’m so full.” She panted.

He used a rough corner to throw them both up out of the seat and to slam back down on the vibrator. Oh yes. Top speed. Any minute now the lights would come back on. He pulled his hands back to neutral, although holding her in place so he could make small subtle movements in and out. She quickly made sure her dress was down and boom, it was as if they had planned it. The lights shot back up. She was bent over, struggling to do up her shoe. Holey shit. She was groaning and grumbling under her breath. Made only passable by what she was saying. “Oh, oh damn, oh, oh, my shoelace. Fuck. Fuck, my shoelace”. She sat back with a lift and a heavy sit so his shaft came almost all of the way out and then all the way back in. Her hips shifted from side to side as she made some more excuses to be moving and bouncing and getting more than what the train motion could give.


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