The Train Ride to Work by Pleasurecenterdesires

Daniel looked at the men next to him, desperately trying to hide the pleasure inside “She’s a fidgetier.”

“Unlucky for you.” One of them said. The other simply gave her a judgemental look as she slithered and wiggled on Daniel’s lap. He was fucking loving it. Every movement. The heavy blast of the vibrator on his prostate, her now inability to sit still and the very obvious reason for it — the horniness not the fat cock shoved deep inside.

That’s when he saw the ticket inspector walking down the line. Thoughts blinking in and out of sentient existence. If he came now, he could talk to him just fine, if he waited it would be hit and miss as to whether he orgasmed or not. He pulled her back against his chest and whispered: “ticket inspect-oooor, stop, stop moving.” There was a devious smile on her face but she stopped fully, for about two seconds.

Then she moved forward suddenly, he almost cried out. “Sorry,” she said almost casually. Her hips wiggled and rolled, the sensation sending sparks up every intimate part of his body. “I need to find my ticket.” She rummaged in her bag, lifting, twisting, moving. He was aware of everything, every little rickety motion of the train, every silent sigh of pleasure she gave. She lent back against his chest. “It must, oh, it must be in my pocket. Mmm.”

“Stay still.” His arm clamped over her stomach like a seatbelt. Holding her down only allowed him to slip in further. His hips found a life of their own, he let out a quiet little groan and this time forced himself to stop moving.

Something was building inside of him. The vibrator seemed to be fully stuck on his prostate, vibrating shock waves into his very core. Every miniscule bounce or movement of the train had her bouncing hard onto his penis, giving him exactly what he wanted, the nearness, the desire to come, and the temptation driven from the full train full of people. And then there was a realisation. He wanted to talk to the ticket inspector whilst fucking. That’s why he didn’t just cum.

“Sir. Ma’am. Tickets?”

“S’in my pocket.” She slurred, rolling forward on his lap, revealing her cleavage to the tall, very handsome man. He stared; mouth wide open. His hand slipped into his pocket. Daniel’s eyes fixated on this movement.

He tried to get his own ticket out of his pocket. She lifted up to the very top of his tortured cock as he got his hands into his overly tight trouser pocket, the motion of the train meaning she was basically humping the top part of his shaft. Oh God, he couldn’t take too much more. It was fully wedged in his pocket, she kept going, each movement taking him closer and closer to the edge and then. “Got it.” He sounded too overjoyed. He peeled the ticked out of his pocket. In the same motion, without thinking, he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her down to the base of his cock. “Oh fuck.” No one else thought anything of the exertion of their joint pleasure, probably were too busy in their daily lives or assumed it was the motion of her heavily landing on him but the inspector blushed to the tip of his ears.

She was a wreck in his lap. Squirming, wiggling, moving. He tried to hold her still as she panted but it didn’t work. “My. My ticket’s in my pocket.” She was breathless. Completely and utterly breathless. He could feel the pleasure rippling through her. The inability to speak let alone think.

So he took action and did it for her plunging his hand inside her pocket. He told himself it was in search of the ticket but his hand still somehow managed to brush against her clit, playing and enjoying as she squirmed on his lap. Her breasts bounced, the ticket man continued to stare straight down her cleavage and Daniel did too. Her body was to die for. Nipples poking through the costume.

She was moaning quietly, enough for only Daniel to hear, but Daniel could tell the ticket inspector was listening hard enough to hear. “To the, it’s to the left. Yeah. That’s it, right there. It should be right, there.” She rocked back and forth on his cock as his fingers worked their magic, and suddenly she was cumming. Lips parted, hands clenched, vagina tightening around his cock as wetness dribbled out and she was rocking.

“Sir, the tickets?” The inspector said, struggling to keep in control of the situation. He was young, so very attractive, and looking at Daniel now with pure desire as the rest of the train went about their boring lives.

She was rocking back and forth, hard and fast. The vibrator kicked up an additional speed and Daniel realised he wasn’t going to make it. He forced himself deeper, as much as he dared. He grabbed her so tightly, hands still playing with her. Lips parting. Oh shit. He was cumming, hard and deep in her pussy. He was seeing stars. It was like he had reached the heavens above and was now falling down to the ground. His balls riding themselves of a night’s worth of teasing. On, and on, and on.

When he finally finished, he was exhausted. He pulled the ticket from her pocket. There was a little aftershock as she came back down. Daniel looked at the ticket inspector’s trousers and realised the erection had faded, all that was left was a big wet glob. “Th…Thanks.” He muttered, stamped them both and ran the wrong way back down the tube.


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