The Wedding by vestandbowtie,vestandbowtie

“Good for her,” I thought. “Get it, girl.”

I watched them for a few minutes, sipping my drink and gearing up to hit the dance floor myself. And then, another warm breath in my ear.

“Hey, baby girl. Why don’t you take off your panties and give them to me?”

Sure enough, there was Kent sitting in Single Guy’s chair just out of my eyeline.

“Kent, what the fuck?!,” I whispered.

“I want your panties. Take them off.”

“First of all, they’re pretty damp now. I hope you’re proud of yourself. Second of all, that should probably have been number two because what the fuck about Lisa?!”

He smirked and answered, “Lisa is a work friend of mine. I wanted a plus-one, and she agreed to come along. We’re not involved, but I also don’t want to ditch her or make her feel uncomfortable, hence what looks like me sneaking around. She’s in the restroom. I think you two would actually get along great, but I don’t want her to feel like a third wheel. However, I also want to take advantage of us both being here and have a little fun. Are you game?”

He smiled at me with the winningest smile in the universe, and I was putty in his hands.

“I’m game,” I said quietly.

He leaned in close and put his hand high on my thigh and whispered, “Then take off your goddamn panties.”

“Your wish is my command, but I can’t do it here. Too many moving parts.”

I excused myself as he stared back confused and intrigued.

When I got to the restroom, I just stood leaning against the wall breathing heavily and thinking, “How could my luck be so strong? Not only is there hookup potential at this wedding, but my one-time internet lover is here and unattached?!” If I hadn’t already been wet, it would have definitely started then. But as it was, when I took off my thong, it was leaving damp spots on my hands. I balled it up in my fist, used some toilet paper to try to dry my pussy a little, and went back out to the reception.

Kent and Lisa were sitting at their table and chatting with their neighbors. I was trying to figure out how to make this exchange when Kent caught my eye and excused himself. He motioned for me to head to the bar with him. In the bar line, I was able to pass along my panties to him without anyone seeing.

He grinned and asked, “Moving parts?”

I replied with, “How was my dress already driving you crazy at the church when I had my coat on?”

“I saw you the second you walked in. Apparently, you didn’t see me. But I enjoyed the progression of your being seated and then unbuttoning your coat. By the way, your tits look amazing.”

“Thank you. Moving parts means I had to undo several clasps to get to my panties. My intimate wear has had a serious upgrade since you saw it last on the screen.”

“Now it’s your turn to be proud of yourself. I’m finding it difficult to stay soft and presentable in public.”

It was our turn to order, so he tucked my panties into his pocket and ordered us a few G&Ts. He put his elbows on the bar and leaned on his folded hands, surreptitiously smelling them. Why was that so hot? When our drinks came, he asked me to carry Lisa’s for her.

“I’d feel kind of bad handing her a glass with where my hands have been. By the way, how’s your pussy feeling without its constraints?”

He guided me through the crowd with his free hand on my ass. His every touch was sending electricity through me. We had so much fun online, but I didn’t dare to imagine it would be this thrilling in person.

“It is still dangerously wet and yearning to be filled. I think I’m going to have to stand for the rest of the evening, thank you very much.”

He gave my ass a little squeeze in reply as we arrived to the table.

I handed Lisa her drink and stood nearby chatting with everyone. I really was not going to sit down and risk a mark on my dress. Touché, Kent. Your request left me feeling exposed, vulnerable, wickedly turned on, and unable to hide myself behind a table, so I was better on display for everyone at the party. Since I was standing anyway, I finished my drink and announced that I was hitting the dance floor.

I shuffled over next to Single Guy and Next Seat College Girl and joined their dance circle. NSCG and I sandwiched Single Guy, so he was having the time of his life. He was not as good as Kent at taming his boner, which I’m sure both NSCG and I felt a few times. I’ll take the compliment. We all got a little grindy on the dance floor. Good thing most of the older guests left before the dancing got serious. Eventually, Kent and Lisa joined us on the dance floor. Lisa got a little grindy with Single Guy, but I guess she and Kent don’t have that kind of work relationship, so that left me free to get a little grindy with him. I’m a little curious what everyone was thinking if they were paying any attention because his hands were all over me. He definitely enjoyed the bump of my nipples through my dress. He even gave them a pinch a few times. His hands were well-acquainted with my ass, but I was really hoping for more. I felt like if something didn’t happen tonight, it wasn’t going to. Neither of us was interested in a relationship when we used to speak, and I doubt anything had changed on that front. But he had to take Lisa home tonight.

When a slow song started, he shouted, “Let’s go get a drink,” loud enough for everyone to hear.

We made our way toward the bar, but he pulled me past the line and out a side door. He must have seen the staff heading out there to smoke at some point. It was cold out, but we were warm from dancing, and he pulled me into his arms anyway, where I forgot about everything but the feel of him. He kissed me deeply for the second time that night as we ran our hands over each other. I felt the muscles in his back and the curve of his ass. I longed to reach inside of his shirt, but he was tightly buttoned. He pinched my nipples and squeezed my ass, and then he remembered that my panties were in his pocket. He pulled back and said, “Let’s see those moving parts.”


I was finding it difficult to think. I would have done anything he asked but at the same time was so confused and wanted his tongue back in my mouth.

“Lift up your dress. I want to see this fancy new intimate apparel.”

“Kent. You know I want to show you, but not here. Come on.”

“It’s fine. No one’s around. Plus, it’s super hot to show me here.”

“We’re in a random side alley. Anyone could come out to smoke anytime.”

“So? Didn’t you say your pussy was yearning to be filled? Pull your dress up so I can get my fingers in there. I’m dying to feel how wet you are.”

“Fuck. I can’t argue with that.”

I pulled up my dress to about my hips. Kent ogled the little patch of hair below my garter belt. Then he pulled me to him and kissed me while he slipped two fingers inside me and made some mind-blowing “come here” motions with them. I heard the door open and slam shut, and I didn’t even care anymore. I’d been wanting him inside me somehow all night. But he also heard the slam and decided to stop. He kept me tight against him while he pulled down the back of my dress and then the front. My back was to whoever came out.


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