
An adult stories – Trio by wajawhiii,wajawhiii If you’ve read any of my previous stories you might realize that recently I’ve been adding events to already published stories. It’s a strategy I’ve employed as the number of new ideas I have has slowed. How many believable ways can you imagine for two people to meet and have sex? It’s possible to write stories that start and end with raw sex, without preamble or reason but I refuse to submit to the temptation. I prefer to write stories with at least a slender justification for why the protagonists are having sex. Continuations are also a strategy encouraged by the number of comments to my published stories that requested (demanded?) a sequel. I hope I’ve done justice to my characters, my followers and the rest of you. And here I go again. This story is a continuation of my story “Sleepless” (, 5/17/2023). Read it if you want to know how James ended up living with two women.

Living in a two bedroom apartment with my sister and my fiancĂ© isn’t as difficult as it might seem. It’s not perfect but, since all three of us are students at the local university and Brittany’s parents are covering most of the costs of the tuition for all three of us. With additional assistance from my parents to cover the rent on the apartment, the arrangement is infinitely better than any alternative.

Britt and I share one bedroom and Jessie uses the other one. My sister is a liberal arts junior without a current major. Britt and I are sophomores, Britt in pre-med and me with a major in civil engineering. Jessie and I work part time at the university for money to cover some of the incidental costs of living in the apartment.

As the fall semester progressed, the three of us settled in to a casual life style, including a relaxed dress code that didn’t create many problems with our varied class and work schedules. It wasn’t unusual for us to move around the apartment in just our underwear or to share space in the single small bathroom, including showering and peeing.

Near the end of the previous summer, Britt and I realized the depth of our love for each other and agreed to an engagement with a wedding date sometime in the future, probably after graduation. Neither of us was reticent to share our bodies with each other and we had almost daily sex, usually after retiring for the night. The walls of the apartment were rather thin and it was impossible that Jessie was unaware of our copulating and emphatic orgasms.

Earlier that summer, in a fortuitous series of events, I discovered my sister, Jessie’s, proclivity for middle of the night snacks in the nude and her latent talent for seduction. I was a willing participant and we embarked on a relationship that included frequent sex in spite of the social and practical prohibitions. Our mother and Britt learned of our fucking without disapproval.

However, since Britt and I are engaged and we’ve all moved in together, I’ve become reluctant to continue sex with Jessie. I don’t have direct knowledge about how Jessie feels about my unilateral suspension of our sexual intimacies but I’m aware of some tension in our relationship and it may be due to my reluctance to fuck her.

That tension became real one Sunday, a day when all three of us were usually home. We had slept late and, at lunch, our casual dress was in full display. I was wearing just a pair of boxer shorts, Britt was in bra and panties and Jessie topless with just a bikini panty bottom. Jessie’s dress wasn’t unusual. Britt and I had discussed it, wondering if Jessie was just being comfortable since I had seen her breasts scores of times, or if she was sending a tempting message to me about the absence of sex in our relationship.

After lunch, I settled in the living area with a rare bottle of beer to watch football. Britt and Jessie retired to Jessie’s bedroom to do whatever women do when their men watched football. After watching an hour of pregame and the first quarter of the game of the week, Britt stuck her head out of the bedroom door. “James,” she called. “Could you join us for a moment?”

I looked in her direction and the only thing I noticed before she closed the door again was that she was topless. The game wasn’t very competitive and halftime banter on the television would be repetitive and boring. I could spare a few minutes. I got up and walked to Jessie’s door and knocked. Britt called, “Come in.”

I opened the door. The room was dim but the faint aroma in the air would have alerted me to the presence of women in the room even if I had been blindfolded. My eyes adjusted quickly and I saw both Britt and Jessie sitting on the side of the bed with a space between them. I also noticed, and appreciated, that neither of them wore clothing, their panties discarded somewhat earlier. Britt patted the space on the bed between them. I walked to the bed and sat where she indicated. “What’s up?” I asked.

“James,” started Britt. “Jessie and I have been having an interesting and emotional conversation. Jessie and I want to know why you haven’t had sex with her since we got here.”

I was stunned. The directness of Britt’s statement left me speechless. I was committed to Britt and I thought sex with Jessie was no longer on the agenda. Time dragged as I tried to think of an appropriate response.

“All right,” said Britt. “Let me try a different way.”

She took my hand and placed it on her breast. “You know what this is?” she asked.

I shook off my torpor. “I do,” I responded.

“Do you like it?” Britt continued.

“You know I do,” I confessed.

“You like to hold and play with it?” she asked.

“Without a doubt,” I answered.

“Do you like kissing and sucking on it?” she continued.

“It’s one of my favorite things to do,” I smiled.

Britt moved my hand to her pussy. “Do you know what this is?” she asked.

“I do,” I repeated.

“Do you like it?”

“Of course.”

“Do you like to hold and play with it?”

“I’m surprised you have to ask,” I told her.

“Do you like to kiss and suck on it?” Britt moved on.

“As often as you want,” I admitted.

Britt grabbed my cock, now almost fully erect. “Do you like to put this inside it?” she demanded.

“You know I do,” I said.

Then Britt surprised me. She took my hand and put it on Jessie’s breast.

“Do you know what this is?” she asked.

“It’s Jessie’s breast,” I answered.

“Do you like it?” Britt continued.

“As breasts go, it’s superior,” I confessed.

“You like to hold and play with it?” she asked.

“I always enjoyed playing with her breasts,” I answered.

“Do you like kissing and sucking on it?” she continued.

“Of course I did,” I confessed. “It always seemed to make both Jessie and me happy.”

Britt moved my hand to Jessie’s pussy. “Do you know what this is?” she asked.

“I do. Jessie’s pussy,” I acknowledged.

“Do you like it?”

“Of course.”

“Do you like to hold and play with it?”

“Jessie was always happy to let me,” I told her.

“Do you like to kiss and suck on it?” Britt moved on.

“I looked forward to her reaction when I did,” I admitted.

Britt grabbed my erection again. “Do you like to put this inside it?” she demanded.

“Of course,” I said. “I love Jessie.”

“Then, James,” Britt said with emphasis. “Why haven’t you done it?”

“Damn,” I thought. I should have expected where Britt was going with her demonstration but I was still surprised. “Britt wanted me fuck Jessie!”

“Britt,” I argued. “I’m committed to you.”

“That doesn’t excuse your ignoring other people important to you,” she stated. “Or me,” she added.

“But what about the vows we’re going to take together. You know, ‘in sickness and in health ’til death us do part,'” I reminded her.

“You left out ‘forsaking all others,'” said Britt.

“Especially that,” I said.

“And that’s the root of all this,” concluded Britt. “Let me remind you,” she said. “We haven’t taken those vows yet and when we do some parts may be omitted or irrelevant when it comes to some special people.”

“But Jessie’s my sister,” I tried again.

“Proof that she’s a special person,” smiled Britt.

“It’s incest,” I said. “It’s illegal.”

“An archaic law that seeks to prevent siblings having children with the possibility of genetic disorders,” stated Britt. “Do you plan to have children with Jessie?”

“Of course not,” I said. I turned to Jessie. “Is this what you want?” I asked.

“I never stopped wanting it,” she said confidently.

I looked at Britt. “And you want me to have sex with Jessie?”

“I want two of the most important people in my life to have the best and most satisfying relationship possible. If that includes sex, then I want you to have sex,” Britt stated. She leaned over and kissed me. “Do you want to have sex with Jessie?”

“Jessie is very special to me. I never wanted to stop having sex with her. I’ve resisted out of respect to you and I’m sorry that my reluctance upset both of you,” I confessed.

“I appreciate that,” Britt told me. “Respect is special and rarely offered. I’ll show you how much I appreciate it after you show me how much you respect Jessie.”

“You want me to have sex with Jessie now?” I asked.

“I do,” stated Britt. “I want to see your respect.”

“Without foreplay?” I asked.

“I’ll leave after you fuck her and you two can do whatever you want for as long as you want,” committed Britt.

I felt Jessie move. When I looked at her she was on her back on the bed with her legs spread, furiously rubbing her clitoris and a huge smile on her face. I hesitated. When she grabbed her breasts and waved them in my direction, I relented, stood up and stripped. I moved between her legs, placed my erection between her labia and pushed inside her.

Britt moved over and kissed me. Then she kissed Jessie. “That’s one of the most beautiful sights I’ve ever seen,” she said. “But I’ll leave you two alone to restore your relationship.”

“You don’t have to leave,” said Jessie.

“Maybe next time,” said Britt and she left the room and closed the door.

I started to withdraw. Jessie grabbed my hips and stopped me. “Where are you going?” she demanded.

“To start at the beginning,” I explained.

“Not a chance,” said Jessie. “Finish now. We can do the beginning at the end.”

Britt and I had had languorous sex before we got out of bed this morning and I didn’t expect I’d be finishing soon. However, Jessie was also hanging in for longer than I expected for someone who had been on a dry spell for months. Then I remembered the faint aroma in the room and that Britt and Jessie had been alone there for several hours before calling me to join them. That sent my imagination racing and my libido afire. I’d have to talk to Britt later about it later.

With renewed energy, I pushed inside Jessie and delivered a freshly minted volume of semen with several million ova seeking swimmers inside her. Jessie shifted her hips, squeezed me out of her and pushed my head between her legs. “Finish me,” she cried.

Jessie’s clitoris was huge, dark red and pulsing. A thin stream of milky white viscous liquid was flowing from between her labia. Never squeamish, I captured her clitoris between my lips and dragged my teeth over its peak. Jessie screamed, pushed me away and curled up in a ball on the bed. I got behind her and held her in my arms.

Several minutes later, her breathing returned to just short pants. She grabbed my hand, pulled it across her body and pressed it against her breast. “Hold me,” she asked.

A few minutes later, she squeezed my hand into her breast and whispered, “Thank you.”

“That was incredible,” I whispered back.

“Not bad for two months, one week and six days without getting laid,” she whispered.

I laughed and she laughed with me. “You’ll never wait that long again,” I told her.

“I plan to hold you to that promise,” she said. “Once a day should be sufficient.”

I laughed again. “With our schedule?” I asked. “Once a day with Britt is going to be a problem.”

“Double or nothing seems like a good schedule to me,” Jessie said.

“I’ll tell you what,” I offered. “If we miss a day we’ll make it up on the weekends.”

“Deal,” agreed Jessie and she kissed me.

One kiss led to another and then another. Seems we had kisses to catch up on as well as fucks. That ignited our engines and I got to play with, kiss and suck on Jessie’s breasts and play with, kiss and suck on and explore with my fingers Jessie’s pussy. We were deep into another satisfying fuck when Britt knocked on the bedroom door.

I paused. “Keep going,” Jessie ordered then she added, “Come in.”

A still naked Britt walked into the room. “Wow,” she exclaimed. “Still at it?”

“Second time around,” explained Jessie. “Hang around for the big finish,” she suggested.

Britt sat on the bed next to me. She kissed me and fondled my testicles. What could have been a long road to the top of the mountain suddenly became a shortcut. Jessie had been experiencing a series of short, but intense orgasms. When Britt squeezed my balls, my body lurched and I ejaculated inside Jessie for the second time. That triggered the final event in Jessie. Not as impressive as her first one earlier but not without its merits.

Seconds later, as Jessie lay on the bed shaking with her hands between her thighs; I realized that Britt was curled up next to me. I put my arms around her and kissed her neck. “What’s happening?” I asked.

“An unexpected orgasm,” choked Britt.

A short time later, the three of us were seated at the head of the bed with the women on either side of me. Both Britt and Jessie had a hand in my lap, gently encouraging my resting penis that needed rest more than encouragement. “Jessie,” commented Britt. “I can’t believe how much watching you and James excited me. I wish I hadn’t left earlier.”

“Next time,” suggested Jessie. “Hang around. I bet we can share him and guarantee happy endings for all of us.”

“What do you think about that?” Britt asked me.

“Sounds like a suicide assignment to me,” I opined.

“Really?” asked Britt. “I would have guessed you’d jump at the opportunity to have sex with both of us at the same time. Isn’t that a male fantasy?”

“Not this male and not with you two women,” I said. “I’ve seen both of you in action separately. I can’t imagine what you could get up to together. Something exponential I suspect.”

Britt bounced my penis in her hand. “This is not going anywhere soon,” she observed. She leaned forward and looked at Jessie on the other side of me. Jessie leaned forward to return Britt’s gaze and reached out to touch Britt’s breast. Britt closed her eyes and pushed her chest in Jessie’s direction. I imagined the direction their actions were heading, slid out from between them, moved a chair to beside the bed and sat down to watch.

Before I could get settled, Britt and Jessie had moved alongside of each other with their arms around each other and kissing with tongues invading each other’s mouth and saliva dripping on their breasts. I had visions of what they had been up to earlier while I was rooting for the wrong football team.

I watched as the women touched and stimulated each other with the sure knowledge of both the territory and what would produce the most positive response. I watched as one of them would bring the other to orgasm and then encourage them to return the favor. I watched as they orally pleasured each other, using their tongues and fingers to help suck fluids from inside each other and then kiss and exchange what they had found.

Like me, they grew tired with time but, unlike me, they never needed a pause to recover. Orgasms could be repeated indefinitely and without much recovery time. I sat, unconsciously stroking my reanimated erection, stimulated by their performance.

Britt noticed. Her eyes went wide as if it was the first time she realized that I had been watching. She distracted Jessie and pointed at me. Moments later, both women were slinking across the bed in my direction like a pair of felines on the hunt. Jessie got to me first. She sprung off the bed, straddled my legs and settled down with me inside her. I barely had time to get my hand out of the way.

Britt stood next to me, tapped Jessie on the shoulder and kissed her. I was amazed when Jessie lifted herself off me and was instantly replaced by Britt in what could have been a rehearsed exchange. “Ladies,” I said. “Give me some space. Somehow I don’t really feel part of what’s happening.”

“Oh,” expressed Britt. “You’re very much involved. In fact, we can’t do without you.”

“Based on what I’ve been watching, I have a problem believing that,” I told her.

“You have two things that we don’t have and can’t be complete without,” insisted Britt.

“And those are?” I asked.

“A large warm cock and a flood of hot, body infusing splooge,” Britt enlightened me.

“Splooge?” I asked.

“You know. Semem. Sperm. Jizz. Cum,” she explained.

“And you really enjoy having me push it inside you?” I asked. “In spite of the danger of pregnancy?”

“More that you’ll ever understand. Sometimes I think I can actually fell the squiggly little devils tickling inside me. And pregnancy? Both of us are on birth control. Pregnancy is something we’ll plan for in the future,” Britt explained.

They dragged me up on the bed with them and competed to see who would win my next ejaculation.

Excused when I was exhausted and limp beyond recovery, I stumbled back into the living area where I managed to catch the last two minutes of the Sunday night game.

I showered. The women came into the bathroom as I was finishing. “Recovered?” asked Jessie.

“Not near enough,” I told her. “My next stop is my bed, alone.”

“Ah. I’m disappointed,” Jessie said.

“Remember our deal?” I asked. “We’re deep into next week already.”

Jessie laughed. Britt looked confused. “Good night,” said Jessie.

I curled up under the covers and was nearly asleep when Britt crawled in next to me. She was freshly showered and smelled incredible. “Not tonight,” I mumbled to her.

“I wasn’t going to ask,” she laughed. She curled up behind me and we went to sleep.

Monday morning it was back to the schedule. Britt was off to an early class. Jessie and I had classes later in the morning. I walked into the bathroom as Jessie was peeing. She was still naked. She looked at me with that “I want you” look she does so well. “Not until Thursday,” I told her.

“Wednesday, by my calculation,” she countered.

“Maybe tomorrow,” I suggested. Jessie smiled and blew me a kiss.

I brushed my teeth. Jessie stood up for me to piss and then sat down again.

We walked to campus together, stopped in the student union for donuts and coffee and headed for class. I saw her once more when I was sitting at a table reviewing my notes with Roy, a guy in my class. Jessie walked in, saw me, waved and blew me a kiss.

“You know her?” asked Roy.

“I’ve met her,” I told him.

“She’s incredible. Could you introduce me?” he asked. “I’d love to get in her pants.”

“I don’t think you’re her type,” I told him. “Anyway, I think she’s committed,” I added subconsciously protecting her.

“What a waste,” said Roy and we went back to reviewing our notes.

Late in the afternoon, I waited for Britt to finish class and we walked back to the apartment together. We had a light supper from the leftovers in the refrigerator and moved to the living room to watch television. Jessie was working in the library and wouldn’t be home until late.

The Monday night football game was on with two teams neither of us was particularly interested in. I turned down the volume and we sat in the randomly blinking light from the television.

“Britt,” I ventured. “Yesterday was like nothing I’ve ever experienced before and never imagined. What was that all about?”

“I’ve been thinking about it myself,” admitted Britt. “I can’t explain it.”

“You weren’t like the Britt I’ve known for years,” I told her. “None of us were.”

“True,” she agreed. “Maybe it’s a reaction to the sudden freedom we have living alone without our parents looking over our backs. Or maybe it’s the influence of the pre med courses I’ve been taking.”

“Or maybe it’s just that we love sex that much,” I suggested.

“I do and I assume you do,” agreed Britt. “And there’s not much doubt that Jessie does too.”

“Do you think it’s a new normal for us?” I asked.

“I don’t think so,” she opined. “I think it was a one off, stimulated by Jessie wanting to fuck you so much.”

“I hope you’re right,” I told her. “But we now know what we’re capable of. It’s inside us and we can’t deny it. It may raise its head again sometime.”

“That’s okay as long as it isn’t too often. Otherwise, I think we’re pretty much the same as we’ve always been.”

“I agree except for the promise Jessie had me make,” I said.

“Promise?” asked Britt.

“Jessie wants to have sex with me every day,” I admitted.

“Ah. The deep into next week comment,” concluded Britt. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Only that it’s beyond normal,” I worried. “And only if I can have sex with you every day too.”

Britt punched me in the arm. “You’re bad,” she said. “Sex with you every day is normal,” she corrected.

We proved it and fell asleep on the sofa with the soundless television on.

Jessie woke us up when she came home and we went to bed.

Britt was off early the next morning. Her premed curriculum was more intensive that either Jessie’s or mine. Jessie was standing in her bedroom doorway, naked again, when I came out of my bedroom, also naked. “It’s Tuesday,” she said.

I walked the short distance to her and kissed her. “I have a class in an hour. We don’t have enough time now. How about this afternoon?” I asked.

“Three pm?” she asked. “Here?”

“Here,” I agreed. “Three pm.” I kissed her again and tweaked her nipple. She squeezed my cock and I headed into the bathroom. Jessie followed me into the bathroom. “Three pm,” I reiterated.

“I have to pee,” smiled Jessie. “Three pm.”

I had two classes with a break for lunch. At half past two, I headed back to the apartment. I knew Jessie would be waiting for me and Britt was working in the bio lab as a lab assistant and wouldn’t be home until at least six.

Jessie met me at the landing at the top of the stairs to our apartment. She was naked and jumpy with anticipation. She hadn’t had sex for almost forty-eight hours while Britt and I had fucked three times since then. “Get inside before someone sees you,” I admonished her.

“I was hoping someone would,” she confessed. “I almost had an orgasm just thinking about it.”

It wasn’t three o’clock yet so I took a shower. Jessie was at the side of the tub with a towel when I pulled the curtain back. She dried my body fastidiously and I had an erection before she was done. She tossed the towel on the floor, knelt on it, took my erection in her hand and surrounded it with her mouth. My legs weakened and I sat on the toilet lid.

After a few minutes, I said, “Jessie could we take this into the bedroom?”

She lifted her mouth. “Are you uncomfortable?” she asked and returned her mouth to my erection while she waited for an answer.

“No,” I told her. “I thought you might be.”

“I’m fine,” she insisted. “Let me finish here and we’ll go to the bedroom.”

“Finish?” I asked.

“I want you to cum in my mouth,” she informed me.

Jessie was good, very good. I didn’t think I could have stopped her if I wanted to and I didn’t want to. I tensed trying to prolong what was a very pleasurable experience but eventually she overcame my resistance and I came in her mouth. She kept the head of my cock in her mouth while she milked my cock with her hand and sucked everything she could into her mouth. When she was done, she leaned back, opened her mouth to show me her treasure and swallowed, twice. Then she straddled my hips and kissed me. “I’m ready for you now,” she said.

We headed for the bedroom.

She wasn’t asking me to fuck her. She’d already insured that wouldn’t happen for some time. I settled for the alternative. Laughing, I pushed her off me and on her back. I leaned over her and kissed her. I kissed the nape of her neck. Still giggling, she tilted her head to give me improved access. I kissed her neck again, her shoulder and her chest at the top of her breasts. My next obvious target was her nipples and I didn’t delay. I palmed and kissed her nipples until they stood out from her breast, stiff, hard and pink in color.

I routed my kisses through her navel, she spread her legs and I ended up with my lips on her clitoris. Actually, I started with her clitoris. I dragged my tongue between her labia and sucked the folds of her inner lips between my lips. My tongue touched her perineum and she rolled her body up until I could tease her anal sphincter with my tongue and fingers.

Viscous liquids were flowing from her vagina. I tasted what I discovered. I found it pleasantly flavored and the aroma arousing. I slid a finger into her vagina and I pushed another finger against her ass. Entrance into her vagina was smooth but her rectum offered resistance. I added another finger to her vagina until it was well lubricated and pressed it against her ass again. This time her sphincter relented and I began to stroke her with both fingers in separate openings.

Jessie moaned. Breathlessly she cried, “God, James. What are you doing to me?”

I didn’t respond. Instead I began to slide up on her body until the angles forced me to remove my fingers and I replaced them with my newly resurrected cock.

“Damn James,” moaned Jessie. “That feels wonderful but my ass feels neglected.”

I slowly move backward until I was no longer inside her. She moaned sadly. “Turn over,” I told her.

Jessie turned over and I helped onto her knees with her hips high. I moved behind her and slid my erection back into her vagina. This time she moaned happily and moved back against me with urgency. I responded with the same energy. Unbeknownst to her, I added lubricant to my finger. Easily done with the thick liquid my cock was pumping out of her while I was pumping into her and pushed my shinny finger into her ass.

She lurched forward with the surprise, almost losing both my finger and my cock. I grabbed her hips. We recovered and continued, neither of us near an orgasm.

“Fuck, James, that feels wonderful,” Jessie commented. “But next time give me some warning.”

“You knew it was coming,” I said as I continued to entertain both her openings.

“I did,” she admitted. “And I wanted it but I didn’t know when or how.”

“Okay. Next time I’ll warn you.”

“Thanks,” said Jessie.

A few minutes later, she said, “I can’t tell you how good that feels. You have a talented finger but do you think something larger might feel even better?”

“Are you suggesting…” I started to ask.

“I am,” Jessie interrupted.

“I don’t know it that’s a good idea,” I speculated. “There’s a real possibility of damage not to mention sanitary issues.”

“I’d risk both,” stated Jessie. “Just to find out if I’d like it.”

I wiggled my finger in her ass. “Oooh,” she said. “You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?”

Just the thought of fucking her in her ass had an effect on me. Before I could answer her, I exploded in her pussy. Jessie squealed with delight. “I guess that settles the question for a while,” she laughed.

We lay alongside each other for a few minutes. Jessie leaned over me and kissed me. “You owe me one,” she said.

“I do,” I said assuming she meant fucking her in her ass.

She knew what I was referring to. “Yes, that and another thing. We can take care of my ass later but right now, you owe me an orgasm.”

I flipped my limp penis and looked at the clock. “I don’t think we have enough time before Britt gets home,” I pointed out.

“Not if we wait for your talented penis to recover, but you have an equally talented mouth and tongue. I’m already close and I guarantee a quick finish,” Jessie promised.

Jessie kept her promise and we were showered and in the kitchen getting supper ready when Britt came come.

That evening, after a languid and very satisfying sexual tryst with Britt, she asked me about our conversation the night before. “I’m still thinking about last weekend and what could be our new normal. I don’t think we can build solid relationships on sex alone and there’s a lot of sex between all of us.”

“Britt,” I said. “You’re right. We do have a lot of sex. I’ve been thinking about it a lot too. I think the amount of sex we have with Jessie will taper off after a while, maybe sooner if she connects with someone who can contribute. But, I hope the sex between us never slows down.”

“Still,…” started Britt.

“I wasn’t finished,” I interrupted her. “I believe the sex we’re having now is built on a solid foundation of the love I have for both of you and I believe you both feel the same way. And, before you ask, the love I have for Jessie is different from the love I have for you. We only have one word in English to express a strong attraction for people, places, things and even God. It’s an overused word and insufficient in most situations to adequately express true feelings.

“For example, my love for both you and Jessie. Jessie is my sister. I was born to love her. She was there at the beginning, she’s still here now and I love her. She’s part of my past and my present and will be part of my future. I didn’t choose her. She’s a decision our parents made for us when they decided to have children. We’re bonded together as family. Sex wasn’t part of the relationship until recently. I’d do almost anything for her including taking a bullet for her or even having sex with her if that’s what she wanted. Sex is just something we do, like breathing, eating and peeing.

“My love for you is different. I chose you and I’m overjoyed that you chose me. You’re my present and my future and I want you to be there with me at the end. We’re bonded together to create a new family with kids that I hope love each other as I love Jessie. Sex is an important part of our relationship. Our bond is more emotional, more intense and will exist even without the sex but that’s not something I want to test. I’d take a bullet for you too but I’d love you without the sex if that’s what you wanted. With you sex is life affirming, something beyond breathing, eating or peeing. Every time we have sex, I sign a pledge to you that includes a piece of my heart.”

“Ahhh,” whispered Britt. She rolled on top of me, kissed me and we had sex again before we fell asleep in each other’s arms.

A year later, Jessie graduated. Along the way, she met a guy who swept her off her feet. Jessie told us that it was love at first sight. The first time I met Roy, the shock on his face was obvious. “I guess you are her type,” I said when we shook hands. Sex with Jessie has been sporadic ever since.

Britt and I graduated a year later. We got our own apartment and Roy moved in with Jessie.

I spent several hours wondering how I would end this story before I realized that it had no ending, only a future. A future that remains a mystery to me.

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