Vodka: Caramel & Green Apple by JimBob44,JimBob44

“What do you like?” Kelli asked, pulling her mouth off of his desperate erection.

“Swallow,” Jordan groaned, trying to hold back the flood that threatened to break at any second now.

Kelli just had her mouth over the tip of his cock and Jordan exploded into her mouth. She swallowed rapidly and accepted the next mouthful. Taking a moment to sample the taste, Kelli determined that Aunt Mony was wrong and Aunt Briah and Aunt Brooke were right; the texture wasn’t very pleasant, but the taste was nice enough.

Kelli was nervous as Jordan insisted on returning the favor. She again reiterated that intercourse was not on the table, or in this case, on the couch. To allay her fears, Jordan tucked his cock back into his jeans. Reassured, Kelli wiggled out of her snug jeans and lacy panties.

Kelli was highly embarrassed at how much she secreted. Her excitement was running down her thighs as Jordan knelt on the floor between her splayed legs.

“Mm, augh, oh, oh my God,” Kelli gasped out as Jordan placed his mouth over her puffy pubic mound.

Within moments, Kelli was gasping and grunting loudly. A moment later, Kelli clamped her thighs around Jordan’s head and shrieked in orgasm.

Jordan hoped his neighbors didn’t call the police; Kelli’s shriek was ear piercing. He backed away from her thin clitoris and found her tightly crinkled anus and tongued her for a few moments. When he returned his oral attention to her puffy lips and clitoris, Jordan wormed his index finger into Kelli’s rectum.

“Augh, oh Jesus yes!” Kellie shrieked, bucking wildly.

She drank all of her drink, then gulped what was left of Jordan’s drink. Then, still shaking, Kelli dressed again.

“I, I’m afraid we’ll go too far,” she weakly explained. “You better take me home.”

Their fifth date was to Manny’s Mexican restaurant, then bowling at the Bowl-O-Rama. Jordan tried to let Kelli win, but she was horrible at the sport. But he did enjoy watching her cute backside as she bent and wiggled, trying to throw the perfect strike instead of the imperfect gutter ball.

“I, up the butt; that, that’s not intercourse, is it?” Kelli asked when they got into Jordan’s car.

Jordan was very tempted to say ‘No.’ But he did say, his penis would be entering a part of her anatomy.

“But, but I’ll still be a virgin, right?” Kelli asked hopefully.

“Well, you’ll still have a hymen, if that’s what you mean,” Jordan agreed. “Clark’s for a sundae?”

“Your apartment,” Kelli demanded.

In his bedroom, Kelli stripped and knelt on his bed. Jordan could feel his crisis approaching as he gazed at her pale buttocks, at her light fringe of carrot orange hair beneath her tight pink anus and her puffy lips, dripping her excitement down her shapely thighs.

“Um, oh, oh yes,” Kelli hissed as Jordan’s greasy index finger pressed against her rosebud.

Jordan again felt his excitement ready to bubble over as Kelli’s anus flowered open, accepting his index finger. His middle finger joined his index finger and Kelli grunted then began thrusting back against his fingers.

Jordan put a condom on and greased his cock. He pinched the base of his cock and lined himself up with her greasy anus.

That first jab, that first jolt of pain when he pushed into her caused Kelli to buck and shriek in orgasm. Jordan felt her excitement spray onto his balls and upper thighs.

“Mm ack, augh, oh God, God damn it! Yes!” Kelli screamed out as Jordan fed his cock into her willing ass.

Jordan clenched his jaw muscles tightly as he could feel Kelli’s rectal muscles squeezing his cock. He could feel her trying to expel the intrusion. Her anus was squeezing his cock in a vise grip as he pushed into her.

Within moments, both Kelli and Jordan were grunting and thrusting, fucking one another very vigorously. The sounds of Jordan’s hips slapping forcefully against Kelli’s haunches filled the small bedroom. When Jordan reached around and cupped her small breasts, Kelli screamed out in a powerful orgasm.

“Fuck!” Jordan whined and pumped his seed into the latex sheath.

“Fuck is right,” Kelli giggled, slumping onto his bed. “Shit! No wonder my mom and dad use up so much KY. Jesus!”

“I, damn, it too soon say I love you?” Jordan wondered.

“I hope not; Jordan, I love you,” Kelli admitted.

Labor Day promised to be a sweltering hot day. Kelli called Jordan and informed him that her Grandpaw and Caitlin were having a barbeque and the whole family would be there and she really really really wanted him to come.

“Oh God,” Jordan moaned to himself.

Pulling up to the address Kelli had given him, Jordan saw a Rolls-Royce, a Porsche three Mercedes and a few other very expensive looking automobiles.

“Hey!” a very cute blonde girl answered the door. “You Jordan? I’m Luna; I’m Kelli’s cousin.”

Turning, Luna screamed into the mild bedlam, “Kelli! Your boyfriend’s here! He IS cute!”

“Like I’d go out with someone wasn’t cute?” Keli asked, pulling Jordan into the house.

Jordan was introduced to Aunt Anita and Aunt Toni, an attractive Latin woman and a very striking blonde with long curly hair. He also met their son Jake, who was Kelli’s favorite big boy; he was already a second grader. Star and Luna were very attractive blondes, both already beginning to develop. Their mother, Aunt Brooke did not look much older than her thirteen and fifteen year old daughters. Uncle Ed, however did look old enough to be the father of two beautiful teenaged girls. Jordan again greeted BJ and Heather Delacroix, then met Aunt Harmony and Uncle Patrick. Aunt Mony was sporting a seven month pregnant belly and Uncle Patrick could not keep his hands from his wife’s belly.

“He’s blind, isn’t he?” Jordan asked as Kelli pulled him past the two.

“Mm hmm,” Kelli said, unperturbed by her uncle’s lack of sight.

This is my Aunt Briah and Uncle Michael,” Kelli said, introducing Jordan to a handsome blond man and an African American woman. “And these are my goddaughters, Mikayla and Maleah.”

“And this, this is Michael Junior,” Uncle Michael smiled, rubbing Aunt Briah’s slight paunch.

Grandpaw Barry Delacroix was a handsome blond man in his late fifties or early sixties. Grandmother, Caitlin as Kelli addressed the slender red head, however, did not look a day older than Kelli.

“She’s twenty eight,” Kelli assured Jordan. “And this is my Aunt Shirley, and my Aunt Janice and my Uncle Henry.”

Kelli’s Aunt Shirley was seven, Aunt Janice was four and Uncle Henry was nearing eighteen months old.

“Grandpaw, I’m going show him my car,” Kelli informed Barry as she pulled Jordan toward a side door.

“It is not your car,” Barry laughed as Kelli opened the door.

“Uh huh,” Kelli yelled back as she closed the door.

In the garage, Kelli showed Jordan a 1965 T Series Bentley. She explained that, when she’d been nine years old, she and Grandpaw had worked on this car together. She also explained that she could have obtained employment with her father, being a hostess at Side By Side Steakhouse. Kelli could have secured employment with her Grandpaw at Superior Motors, selling or servicing high end sports cars. She could have gone to A & A Soaps, her Aunt Toni owned that company. Or Aunt Anita could have hired her; Aunt Anita owned the St. Elizabeth Brewery and Distillery, as well as several other concerns in and around St. Elizabeth Parish

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