Who Could Resist Dr. Marti? by grafexguy

Who Could Resist Dr. Marti? by grafexguy

“You may enter the room now, sir.”

A pause.


I was off in my own little world, oblivious of the kind voice speaking to me.

“I’m sorry,” I offered, snapping back into the current reality. My eyes focused on the receptionist, a warm, middle-aged woman, smiling understandably at me.

“Martha’s ready for you now,” she motioned to the open examining room as an elderly woman stepped out and offered her goodbyes to the doctor. She proceeded to the reception desk as I stood to make my way from the waiting room.

“Thank you. I’m sorry about that. I’ve just been very preoccupied lately.”

The receptionist gave me another warm smile

“Hi Martha,” I offered, smiling at the doctor as I entered the room.

“Hi, Dan,” Martha returned, “I’ll be just a minute. Please have a seat.”

I sat on the adjustment table as Martha left the room and closed the door. I heard some garbled conversation taking place between the receptionist, the doctor and her recently completed session patient as I removed the set of keys from my front pocket and placed them on the counter. Turning towards the door, I heard some laughter as the woman was apparently leaving. I removed my eye glasses, placed them on the counter next to my keys and returned to the examining table and took a seat. Just then, the door opened and Martha walked in.

“Hello, Dan. How are you?” she smiled.

This was the highlight of my visit…always was; probably always will be. There she stood in the doorway, looking like a statuesque goddess. Although she didn’t have much endowment, in terms of breast size, she still looked good consistently. Martha appeared to be in her mid-to-late thirties. She stood at about five feet, six inches tall. Martha was skinny, but had meat on her bones in all the right places and she had curves and legs to boot. I loved looking her over, like salivating eye candy. Martha’s shoulder length mid-toned brown hair was straight and hung nicely, framing her chiseled square line jaw face. Her inviting smile gave a welcoming glow to her soothing brown eyes. Martha’s neck was slender and long and gave way to her square shoulders, like her jaw line. Following down her long slender torso, were a set of incredibly perfect curvaceous hips and long, thin toned legs. I admired the fact that Martha always wore loose-fitting button down shirts and extremely tight chino pants that hugged every curve of her lower half.

I smiled, looking up at her toned figure as she closed the door behind her.

“I’m fine. And yourself?”

“Pretty well. Things are busy around here, as usual.”

“I can imagine, but I do like coming here as your last appointment, so I get special treatment,” I winked at her.

Martha smirked and took hold of my shoulder as she guided me to lie on the table.

“How has your back been this past month or so?”

“Oh, it’s been all right. A few twinges here and there, but for the most part, it’s been much better.”

“Good. Good to hear,” Martha replied.

Not only did I like seeing her for her no-nonsense natural beauty, but Martha had a great way of personally connecting with her clients as people, not just as patients. The fact that she insisted on everyone calling her by her first name and not by ‘Doctor,’ or some other formality spoke volumes in my estimation of her friendly, laid-back caliber. I had been seeing Martha now for just over a year and was continually amazed at her continued cheeriness and demeanor, not to mention her perfect bodily structure. What I really loved to see is her backside. Man, oh man, when she bent over, it was like looking at a piece of heaven. Martha’s ass was as tight as they come with perfection written all over it. Although she was well into her thirties, she had the body and the ass of a twenty year old college gal. Her ass was the perfect handful shape and protruded just enough as if to say to the interested eye, “go ahead a grab hold.” Tight and firm are not adequate descriptors of her hind side, but her taught seat is exactly that: tight, firm and undeniably squeezable.

Martha’s healing hands went to work on my shoulders as she massaged and pushed into my muscles, working them into quick submission. I was like putty in her hands, as the old saying goes. With each grinding rub, I was falling deeper into submission as my body seemed to melt into the structure of the chiropractic table.

I recalled one instance that just about took my breath away that I witnessed during a previous visit. While I was waiting to be called into the examination room, Martha came briskly out of the room and jogged over to a bookshelf on the opposite side of the waiting room. She bent over to get a manual from the lower shelf and my eyes about popped out of their sockets. As she bent down, Martha’s ass formed a perfect double-U shape as her pants hugged her seat in skin-tight fashion. As many tricky women do, Martha wore thong underwear to hide any potential panty lines. Per my own personal fantasy, she was wearing exactly that and as she leaned forward, the waist band of her thong, a fire-engine red satin color, rode up nicely above her pants’ slim waist line. My God, her ass was tight. I remember growing numb in disbelief as she turned around and barely caught my heavy stare. Making split-second eye contact with her, I looked away as she said, “Oh, hi there, Dan!” Although I didn’t at all mind the position I was in at the time, seeing the remarkable site I had just seen, I also felt about two inches tall for almost getting caught.

“How does that feel?” Martha asked, snapping me back into the present moment.

“Fantastic,” I murmured.

“Good. Now turn over on your stomach.”

Obediently, I rolled over and placed my face into the void of the table and rested, taking a few deep breaths as her hands went to work on the back of my neck and down my back. She paused every few inches to work-out some tight knots every now and then as our conversation continued.

“So, what’s new with you?” she asked.

“Not much; same old stuff,” I replied.

We talked about my job and the weather, along with some upcoming road trip plans that I had made with some friends. Most of it was the usual small talk that we usually carry on together, nothing out of the ordinary. Of course, this is when the atmosphere in the room changed dramatically.

“How’s everything with you?” I asked.

“Pretty good.”

“How are things at the house?”

There was an unusual delay in response, so I waited a couple of moments and asked, “Martha?” I didn’t feel her touch on my back any longer.

There was no answer. I got a little concerned, so I rolled over and looked about the room. She was in the far corner of the room with her face buried in her hands.

“Oh my God, Martha–Is everything okay?”

She whimpered a bit and shook her head in response. I was shocked to see her in this state and for a quick moment, I had no idea what to say. I slid off the table and calmly approached her quivering body as she hid her eyes in her hands. When I got closer, she moved her fingers away from her eyes, still covering her nose. Martha’s beautiful brown eyes were filled with tears.


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