Why I am a Bull Ch. 02 by BullNumber1,BullNumber1

“I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about. There’s no ‘script’, no ‘performance’. I wasn’t doing anything to please you. I was doing what I wanted to please me…. and from the look of her, Eva. If you think I’m just some hired help here to fill some void in your psyche, you’re totally crazy. I can’t understand you at all. You actually disgust me, with your tiny dick issues and your ‘needs and fetishes’. I’m here for one reason and one reason only, to have a fucking fantastic time with a fucking fantastic women, fucking. You’re only here because Eva seems to think it’s necessary for her – though, given her appearance, I doubt it. If it were up to me, I’d have you chemically castrated so no poor woman ever has to be bothered by that streak of gristle you’re packing.”

His erection returned. He really did get off on being humiliated. But as it turns out, I got off on humiliating him. Once again, I could feel a stirring as I gave him my speech. Surprisingly, taking this man’s betrothed excited me. It wasn’t as I expected – no sneaking around, no jealous threats or anguish and I think I’d made it clear; no need to share – that cunt was mine now.

And he’d paid for the privilege. This was working out far better than I’d thought it might when I’d entered the bar and seen his pathetic form next to Eva.

As a man of modest means, I could see what an opportunity this was. I get to fuck a beautiful woman on my terms. No expenses, no insisting on ‘going back to hers’ to hide my simple existence.

“Eva?” I softly asked. “What are your plans?”

“Sleep,” she said softly through a smile. “I’ll call you and invite you over so we don’t have to bump into Dan and Gabby.”

“Can’t wait,” I said. “You’re amazingly sexy.”

I got dressed and picked up my phone, The message from Eva with our photo made me want to stay. Even though she was only on the other side of the room, I remembered the event with nostalgia, as if it had been destined in some way.

I went over to her and kissed her. Ian was by now lying on the bed.

“You can’t touch what’s mine,” I said to Ian. He opened his mouth as if to reply, but there was nothing came out. “To make sure, just remember I have this,” and I reminded him of the picture of me fucking his bride-to-be, “and if I even think you’ve been touching what’s mine, I might just show Dan and Gabby, since you seem so keen to keep them out of this.”

He remembered the party, and how they’d all been showing off and comparing their trophy careers, trophy houses and trophy wives.

“I won’t, Steven. Please – Dan works for me, I can’t have that.”

“Then behave. After all, if you can’t provide for Eva, what’s the point of you?”

His erection returned, and I left.


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