Why We Fight by mirafrida,mirafrida

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This is a work of sheer fantasy in all respects, and is intended for the purposes of erotic entertainment only. All characters are over the age of 18.

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Taliya peeked over the window-sill. Dawn was near, and the last of the enemy were pulling back–shadowy black silhouettes disappearing into the mist. The snow-dusted street and pock-marked buildings were lit by the garish orange light of burning vehicles, but otherwise the scene was quiet now.

The woman checked how many rounds were left in her clip, then rested her rifle against the wall–moving with the exaggerated caution of a 48-hour veteran to avoid touching the searing-hot metal to any bare skin. The radio crackled. “Taliya, spotters say you’re clear. No sign of another attack. Nice shooting druzi.”

Acknowledging the message, she stretched and breathed a long sigh, releasing a knot of tension in her stomach that she hadn’t realized was there. The whole situation felt unreal–somewhere between a hallucination and a nightmare. A week ago, she’d worked in an office-tower as PR rep for a big multinational. Now she was a territorial soldier, hunkered down in a gutted storefront. When she’d sent her mother off to safety, the old woman had begged her to come too, saying that war was no place for a professional, a civilian, a woman. But Taliya had picked up a gun instead. She was strong and able. If she wasn’t willing to defend her country, why should anyone else?

She shouted the all-clear to her team; and one by one, they emerged from their places of concealment. She glanced around at their faces. ‘Her team.’ More like her family. Two days ago they’d all been strangers to each other. Now, she felt like she’d known them forever.

Kyryl spoke up. In real life, he’d probably been a bricklayer or a sanitation worker. The least among them, if judged by the hard logic of dollars and euros. In this upside-down world, however, he’d become their informal leader. For one thing, he was a bit older; late 40s probably. Physically, he was the strongest. And most of all, his sharp features, stony gaze, and ruddy, wind-chapped skin inspired respect. In the midst of life-and-death tumult, he felt like a reliable anchor. “Let’s rest while we can,” he grunted. “Danilo and I’ll keep watch. Taliya and Olek, get some sleep.”

She and Olek retired to one of the back rooms, hunkering down against opposite walls of the small space. She appraised him candidly as he took off his helmet and loosened his flak-jacket. The lad was really still a stranger to her; and yet already more of an intimate than anyone in her old life had been. She’d learned he was a student at university: chemistry or engineering or some such. Barely more than 20, she guessed–a mere infant. Even so, she found his round face, his wire-frame glasses, and his unruly shock of sandy hair to be endearing.

At the moment, however, the boy’s soot-streaked expression was troubled. The strain of combat, the fear, the sleeplessness, the cold–it was all wearing on him. His jaw trembled slightly, and his eyes were unfocused. “Do you think we’ll survive this?” he asked in a low voice.

She knew the kid wasn’t a coward. It was just a difficult moment. It would pass. What he needed was encouragement–that’s what soldiers did for each other. “Fuck yes we’ll survive!” she said, forcing a degree of confidence into her voice that she didn’t feel. “You know why we’ll survive? So we can fuck these invaders over and send them straight back to hell!”

Olek mustered a weak grin. “Sorry–you’re right.” He stared off into space for a bit, and when he spoke again, his voice had a musing quality. “You know, in a couple of years, I figured I’d have a great job. And the funny thing is, I guess I thought it would be in Germany. Or America…”

“You will have a great job one day Oly. And you’ll go wherever you want. But this here will always be your homeland.”

“Yeah. As soon as all this started, I realized that. I love this country, and I had to do what I could to help. I only wish… well, you know, I was so focused on school, and the future, that I never really started living.” He glanced at her with a sheepish grin. “I mean, I never even had se- uh, a girlfriend…”

Taliya wilted a little inside to hear that. She knew she should be bone-tired; but instead she felt wide-awake, overcome by a surge of tender compassion for this shy, studious, romantic youth. And it occurred to her suddenly that there was something more she could offer dear Oly than just soldierly boasts. Of course, the sane part of her knew that doing what she had in mind–here? now?–it was crazy! But then, these weren’t sane times. At a moment when she had control over almost nothing, this was something real, something meaningful, she could do.

Rising, she crossed the room and sat down next to him, pressing her body up against his. Then, reaching down, she started undoing his combat belt. He glanced at her with a startled look. “Oly,” she said gently, “I’m your comrade. I can’t become your girlfriend. But I can take care of that other thing…”

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Olek blushed slightly, clearly struggling to decide if he had understood her properly. Reaching her arms around him, she squeezed him clumsily for a moment, as if to say that it would all be ok. Then, kneeling between his legs, she pulled his dungarees down around his thighs. The lad’s cock was already half-erect as she brought it forth into the early-morning light, and it perked up still further in the chill air and electric atmosphere of the small room. Leaning over, Taliya took him in her mouth.

Slowly and hypnotically, she bobbed her head–running her lips up and down the shaft and massaging the velvety skin of the glans with her tongue. She was thrilled by how eagerly he twitched in response to her movements. In no time, the fleshy rod had solidified to a stony hardness. Cradling his testicles in her hand, she ran her fingers possessively through the tickly yellow curls at his groin. She was so focused on him, in fact, that it came as a surprise when she noticed the growing wetness between her thighs. Perhaps both of them had needed to release some tension, she thought wryly…

Tasting a salty-metallic hint of pre-cum, she slowed and pulled away. Olek was inexperienced, and she didn’t want to set him off prematurely. She didn’t know what the future would bring, but she was determined the boy wouldn’t face the days to come as a virgin. Standing again, she undid her webbing and dropped her pants around her ankles. The winter air was chill on her flesh, but she was warmed by the slow, insistent fire burning in her crotch. As for Olek, his blue eyes were as wide as saucers, and aimed squarely at the trim auburn fur of her pubic mound.

Motioning her comrade to lean sideways, Taliya lay down on her side too, so that her back pressed up against his chest. She closed her eyes, and for a few moments simply ground her bare ass backward against the throbbing mass of his cock. God it felt good. Continuing to work her pelvis, she reached a hand between her thighs as well, pulling her labia apart, massaging her clit, spreading around the fluids that welled up freely within her now.


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