Why We Fight by mirafrida,mirafrida

When she felt ready, she opened her knees as far as she could, given the pants bunched around her ankles. Then, reaching between her legs, she guided Olek’s penis inside her. Her vagina clung onto him deliciously. If she wasn’t so slick, it might have been slow going; but as it was, he slid in readily enough. The minute he hit bottom, his male instincts took over, and he began thrusting into her, clumsily, haphazardly, impatiently. She had to suppress a little smile. He was a novice, after all. She couldn’t expect a Cassanova. Still, it was sweet to be close to another person like this; sweet to be wanted so much; sweet to be the lad’s first. Conscious that this wouldn’t take long, she resolved to enjoy it while she could.

Just then, a small sound caught Taliya’s attention (Olek was far too distracted to notice). Fluttering her eyes open, she gave a start. Danilo was there, in the doorway, watching. When he caught her glance, the man grinned and put a finger to his lips.

Taliya reddened to think how she must look. She’d always been told she was a beauty–certainly she’d never had a problem attracting guys. But now? Grimy from the battlefield, hair scattered, clad in army fatigues? Danilo didn’t appear to mind, however. And anyway, his gaze was largely directed toward her crotch, and the spot where Olek’s cock could be seen pistoning into her from behind. The image of that in her mind was mortifying. She was no saint, but she wasn’t a slut either. She’d never done anything remotely this compromising before. A part of her was ashamed to be seen this way now, and yet… somehow it only served to make her hotter.

Then she was distracted from these thoughts, because Olek unexpectedly jerked and grunted, and she felt a hot gush of liquid in her tract. The boy held her in an awkward embrace, kissing the nape of her neck sloppily, while his glutes spasmed in an urgent, frantic effort to pour his seed into her body. Sharing a secret, amused look with Dani, she clutched onto Oly’s arm, and rotated her hips to help work his cock.

Soon enough he was spent, and his muscles relaxed. Tenderly, he stroked Taliya’s hair, and she felt a warm glow rising up in her chest. She hadn’t come, but still it felt nice. And she knew she had given the kid a gift he would always cherish.

After a bit, he pulled out and sat up. She sat too, and cuddled up against him. He continued to caress her with a gentle touch. “God Tal,” he murmured huskily, “that was… thank you…”

* * * * *

Poor Olek never had noticed that Danilo was spying on them, so he jumped when the older man abruptly saluted them with a round of wry applause. “Bravo, khloptsi! Our Tal has made a man of you, eh? Good for you!”

Oly grinned, half good-natured, half self-satisfied. Taliya smiled too–a cautious smile directed Danilo’s way. The fellow was in his early-30s, like her. She hadn’t thought much of him at first. He had struck her as a bit of a shark: smirk too quick and dazzling; eyes dark and a little shifty; face a bit too thin; hair just a shade too black. When they’d met, he’d told her evasively that he did ‘import-export,’ so she figured he was into something shady.

Yet… first impressions don’t always stick. For, two days later, here he was–fighting shoulder to shoulder with her. After only a few scant hours of combat, she felt she’d known him for years. And in that time, she had learned that he was not only a man of useful talents, but also one you could rely on when the chips were down.

Abruptly, a crazy notion popped into her head. She nearly dismissed it… but then thought–why not? Tomorrow we may all be dead. “So, Dani,” she tossed off with a boldness she didn’t quite feel, “are you just going to watch? Or do you want to have a go too?”

The man didn’t need to be asked twice. Smiling broadly, he undid his fly and pulled his dick out of his trousers. He’d obviously enjoyed the show the other two had put on, and was raring to get in on the action. And although his brownish-red pole may have been on the shorter-side, it more than made up for it with a mouth-wateringly impressive girth.

Standing, Taliya beckoned Danilo over. Fortunately, Olek didn’t seem to have any problem sharing. He was content to lean against the wall and watch them, prick damp and flaccid now, a dreamy look pasted on his face.

Danilo approached, exuding an easy assurance. Deftly, he unfastened her kevlar vest and slid it from her shoulders. Then, unzipping the front of her fatigues, he reached inside. She was transported by the feel of his fingers running over her taut flanks and shapely back. The sensation of skin on skin was especially electric when set against the cold, inhumane backdrop of war.

Soon he pushed her sports-bra up, allowing him to massage her breasts as well. This sent a fresh thrill of excitement buzzing through her nerves. Next, he kissed her, lingeringly, assertively. As their lips remained locked, tongues lunging and parrying with athletic grace, his fingers kneaded her tits beguilingly, and traced tingling circles around her generous, pale-pink areolae.

Suddenly, Taliya was too hot to wait any longer–she needed him inside her. Tearing free, she turned and got down on hands and knees. Shamelessly, she presented the round curve of her ass to the man, tilting her pelvis so that her cunt was as accessible and enticing as possible. She knew she must look like a bitch in heat, but she didn’t care a bit. It was exactly what she felt like at that moment. She didn’t even care that Oly was there to take in the whole lurid spectacle.

“Well Dani?” she said, with a growl that was more command than request, “Let’s go!”

That was one order that he was happy to follow. Moving fluidly, he crouched behind her, and pressed his cock into her opening. Even though she was slippery and relaxed, the man was a tight fit. He was so wide, in fact, that he would have stretched her in any position; and at this angle the friction was even greater. The feel of it was heavenly, though. Somehow, his thick, meaty pole seemed to rub all the right parts of her canal–including parts she wasn’t sure she’d even known about before.

Adroitly, rhythmically he fucked her, and her body ground back against him in time. She lowered her head and set her shoulders as he thudded exquisitely up against her ass. Each time he hammered home, her dangling teats wobbled and swayed, his ball-sac slapped impudently against her clit, and the ache of desire between her thighs grew more intense.

After a while, he reached below her torso to roll her nipples aggressively between his fingers. This sent a jolt of energy running down her spine, merging into the cacophony of sensation at her crotch. And that’s right about when Taliya lost it–her consciousness overwhelmed by a sharp, jangling, uncontrollable rush of orgasm. Her muscles shook, and her eyes rolled back in her head, and a rasping animal groan escaped from deep in her throat. “Oh… oh God… oh ah ah ah ah… oh yessss Dani…”

For a minute or two longer he managed to hold out, penetrating her with an ever-increasing tempo and urgency, each thrust serving to sustain and amplify the cymbals crashing in her brain. Then he tipped over the edge too–abruptly jamming himself as deep in her as he could go, and spraying every last drop of sperm that he had into her uterus in a rapid staccato of short, sharp lunges.


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