Wife's Erotic Photography Ch. 02 by TuWatchu,TuWatchu

Sean couldn’t believe it. He feasted on Chris’s wife’s firm full breasts. “Man this is something else. I’ve always thought Stephanie was sexy but this is too much.” He continued to look at Stephanie’s sexy demeanor, “Jeez Chris that is one ‘come fuck me look.’ I bet she got horny posing like that.”

Chris overlooked Sean talking about Stephanie so explicitly. He just replied, “Well yeah, I guess you could say she did.”

He handed one of Stephanie in her bra and panties laying on her side. It was the one of her looking at the camera and hooking a finger in her panties pulling them off of her hip.

Sean thought about Stephanie taking off her panties. “This is really great. But didn’t you say she posed nude? I would really like to see some of those.”

Sean could be a little alpha. Chris decided to get Sean going. He went back to his office and returned with some more photographs. He handed them to Sean. One was of his wife on her stomach, one was one her back stretched out, and the other was one of her kneeling with her arms stretched out above her head.

Sean couldn’t believe that Chris was showing him nude pictures of Stephanie. He studied the one showing her succulent ass and the other showing her pussy. He had seen Stephanie in a bikini, but this was different.

Chris was getting a kick out of Sean looking at Stephanie’s nude body. He remarked, “As you can see, these are all real tasteful. It’s like posing for Playboy, not a skin mag like Hustler.”

“I can see that. It looks like she’s getting ready to fuck.”

“That is the whole fantasy aspect. Why don’t you get Maggie to pose? She’ll probably like it.”

“I think she will. Man, I know I’d like seeing Maggie stretched out like this. How did you set this up?”

Chris told him about Jeff and the fact he was very discrete. He suggested that Sean meet with him first to satisfy that everything was legit. He gave him Jeff’s phone number.

“Thanks man. I’ll call him this week. Maggie will really like this.”

“Glad you are excited. If she poses, you can show me some nudes of Maggie.” He brought out a couple of black and whites. “Here take a look at these.”

He handed him a couple of Stephanie’s anonymous black and whites.

“Fuck! Look at that ass. And the close-up pussy shots. Are these of Stephanie?”

Chris was tempted to tell him about Stephanie’s black and whites. He told Sean it was another model. He explained that Jeff let him use his darkroom to develop his own photographs. So he was over there a couple of times a month. He told Sean about some of Jeff’s other photos.

“Jeff and I really like black and white photography. He has a lot of different types of photographs. When you talk to him about Maggie’s shoot, he will probably show you a variety of shots. Just ask him to show you some of these.”

Sean put those down and looked at Stephanie’s nudes again.

He said to Chris, “Those are pretty hot. Real artistic looking. But these nudes of Stephanie are a real turn on. Come on man, show me another one.”

Chris was getting aroused with Sean’s comments about his wife. He brought out a couple of Stephanie on her knees with her ass in the air. Her head was down resting on her forearms. One showed her looking at the camera and the other was anonymous. Both had her knees apart showing her slit. The even showed her puffy lips.

Sean couldn’t believe how blatantly his wife’s friend was posing. He always thought Stephanie was hot, but never realized she could be this uninhibited.

While continuing to look at Stephanie’s nudes, he practically forgot Chris was there. He said out loud, “Man, she has a hot looking pussy. And look how hard her nipples are. It really looks like she is waiting to take a nice big dick. Have you shown these to anyone else?”

Chris couldn’t believe the way Sean was talking about his wife. He answered, “No. I have kept those just for me and Stephanie. I thought you would like them.”

“You’re right. Stephanie really is a sexy model.”

He told Chris he couldn’t wait for Maggie to start posing. The two husbands went back upstairs. After the couples bid their farewells, Stephanie and Chris relaxed in their family room.

She asked Chris, “Well, did Sean ask you about my posing?”

“Yeah he did.”

He told her about her boudoir shots he showed Sean.

“No way! You showed him the nudes of me stretched out?”

Chris confirmed he did.

‘No wonder he gave a funny kind of look when you guys came back upstairs. I thought he was scanning my body more than usual. Although it is kind of exciting that you showed my pictures to somebody else. What did he say?”

Chris told her their conversation.

“He really said I looked like I was ready to fuck?”

“I was surprised when he was that explicit. But that just shows what a hot model you are.”

Chris went on to tell her about the other shots he showed Sean.

“Oh my god Chris! Did you tell him it was me?”

“Relax. They were the close-ups. He didn’t recognize you.”

Stephanie thought about Sean looking at close-ups of her pussy. They discussed what types of sessions Maggie would pose for.

Chris pictured Maggie with Randall or Ron. He conjectured, “Do you think she will end up having sex sessions?”

“Probably not. I certainly didn’t start posing with that in mind. I just thought I would pose for some boudoir type shots.” She teasingly added, “Until I started getting encouragement from a certain husband.”

Chris responded in the dame manner, “It certainly didn’t take that much encouragement. As I recall, there wasn’t any resistance on your part.”

He switched back talking about Maggie, “Maybe if Jeff showed Sean pictures of wives with hung men he would be interested.”

“Maybe. But from what Maggie has told me, she gets that at home. I still cannot believe you showed him the black and whites. Tell me again what he said about them.”

Her husband replied, “He talked about the model’s pussy and ass. He liked the black and whites, but he wanted to see more of your nudes.”

He told her about the photographs of her on her knees. He described Sean’s lewd talk.

Stephanie was stunned, but aroused at the same time, “You showed him those?” She kissed Chris’s ear and said in her sultry voice, “He was right, I was thinking about taking a big dick.”

Stephanie reached down and stroked her husband’s cock. He was getting semi erect. She continued stroking him and whispered, “If showing Sean my nudes is turning you on, let’s see how turned on you get when the married woman takes on two guys.”

Chris agreed. Stephanie told him to meet her in the bedroom after closing up.

Chris countered, “Why don’t you bring them down here? I’ll put on one of our XXX films for more inspiration.”

Stephanie thought that was a good idea. While waiting for Stephanie to return, he located one of their favorite John Holmes tapes and put it in the VCR.

Stephanie returned wearing a short robe and holding an envelope. Chris started the tape. The action took place in a nightclub. He left the sound on because there wasn’t any real dialogue to interfere with their conversation.

Chris took the photographs out of the envelope and asked, “What was the scenario?”


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