With a mischievous grin, Jeff told her, “Well, if you are interested, I can arrange a shoot.”
She laughed, “No way. He is married to my best friend.” Then she added, “But he does have a nice cock.”
Jeff offered her a couple of photographs to take with her. She was tempted but wondered what Chris’s reaction would be if he found pictures of Sean’s cock in their private collection. She demurred.
Jeff pressed her, “Come on Steph, Chris doesn’t need to know you like looking at his friend’s cock.”
Stephanie relented and took a couple.
The couples got together for dinner shortly after Maggie’s shoot. Both wives were showing some nice deep cleavage. Chris noticed Maggie was dressed more provocatively than usual. He was enjoying the view of Maggie’s full breasts. He could tell Sean was spending some time glazing at Stephanie’s body. Both women were getting appreciative looks from other men and even a few women.
As soon as the waitress brought their wine, Sean lifted his glass in a toast, “Here’s to a couple of very sexy models.”
The two couples clinked their glasses in salute. They made small talk through dinner. After settling the bill, they decided to go back to Chris and Stephanie’s for drinks instead of heading out to a club.
When they arrived, as Chris went to the kitchen to get their drinks, he caught Stephanie stealing a glance a Sean’s crotch.
He and Sean grabbed their beers and went downstairs.
Chris asked if Sean brought any pictures of Maggie’s shoot. He was disappointed when Sean told him he had left them at home. He asked how the shoot went.
Sean told him, “She really enjoyed it. You were right about how horny it would make her. She was really turned on when she got home.”
“What about you? Did you get jealous?”
“Not even. I was turned on thinking about another guy taking nude photographs of my wife. When she brought the pictures home it was even better.”
“I know what you mean. So she is going to pose some more?”
“Yeah. She has already scheduled another shoot. But there is something you didn’t tell me.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s those other photographs. The ones of people having sex.”
“I thought I would let you find out for yourself. Do you mean the ones of couples having sex?”
“No man. The ones of married women fucking other guys.”
“Those are pretty hot. Which ones did you see?”
“I saw a couple, but the best ones were of a blonde married woman.”
“How do you know she was married?”
“Are you kidding? She was sucking a black cock with her hand wrapped around it. You could see her wedding ring. It must have been the same guy because there was a close-up of her guiding his dick into her pussy. And Jeff showed me some of the same woman with some other guys. If Maggie wasn’t so hot, I would really like to get some of that pussy myself.”
Chris thought of Sean looking at Stephanie fucking other men. “Well Jeff does have some pretty hot scenes.”
“Yeah. Well not only that, but Jeff said it was the husbands who set up some of the sessions and even suggested some of the shots. Can you imagine somebody setting up his wife to fuck another guy?”
“No I can’t. But I guess it takes all kinds.” He shifted the subject. “Since you didn’t bring any shots of Maggie, would you like to see some more of Stephanie?”
“You bet. I was just about to ask you. But I didn’t know if you’d be pissed because I didn’t bring any of Maggie.”
“That’s ok. I can see them later.”
He went and brought out some more of Stephanie’s photographs. He pick out some ones of her second shoot of posing in stockings and heels.
Sean looked at a couple. “Man, these are really great. What an ass. She really looks hot stretched out on the couch like that. This one looks like she is getting ready to play with her pussy. Do you have any of those?”
Chris handed him a couple of black and whites showing Stephanie with her finger in her slit. One was a close-up and another was a full shot showing a look of passion on her face.
“Fuck! What a pussy. I looks like she was cumming. Man you are a lucky guy.”
“If you like them, why don’t you get Maggie to pose like that?’
“Yeah, those are really hot. I think I will.”
Sean kept looking at Stephanie’s sessions and continued to make comments about her ass and pussy. Chris was getting turned on as Sean made more lewd comments about Stephanie. After a few minutes, Maggie called to Sean that it was time for them to leave. Chris noticed Sean scanning Stephanie’s body as they came upstairs.
The two husbands gave the wives a hug goodbye. Sean pulled Stephanie a little closer than just the usual friendly hug. She held her breasts against his chest. She wondered if Chris showed him more of her pictures. When they parted, Sean let his hand caress along her rib cage just under her breasts. She couldn’t help but glance down at his crotch.
Chris felt Maggie’s full breasts against his chest. He couldn’t wait to see some of her pictures. But for some reason, he was thinking more about Sean looking at Stephanie’s shots and the comments he made.
(to be continued)