Mental and Physical Asylum by wanderer123

Mental and Physical Asylum by wanderer123 <br/> Please comment and rate and tell me if I should write more, what to focus on, what to improve, what to not include etc… Thank you. , Jeniffer woke up in her room by a doctor. It was time for her quick physical. She was about 5″8 with … Read more

Just Relax

An adult stories – Just Relax by lioness13,lioness13 There she (Cindy) is all alone again, just her and her daughter. Her husband (John) is working at night and sleeping during the day. When she provokes him into sex it’s a rush rush situation so he can get to work. What’s a woman to do? She … Read more

Pressing Matters with Sister Pt. 03 – Holiday Break by Spector_Dugan,Spector_Dugan

Brother, sisters, and more exp lore self-pleasure together [Check for just, then, really, still, overused words… , –, ] Last time, Dylan and his older sister Lucy started masturbating together. Then their younger sister Lindsay and Lucy’s best friend, Kara, joined in. But now that they’ve finally been caught, what will come of their conspiracy? … Read more