Possession: Christmas Vengeance – Chapter 4 – Cookies & Milk – edited by SKOLL

Villain uses supernatural powers to possess and control a husband, wife, and daughter in their home to get sick and extreme vengeance. Older story, 9-parts, all smut, each chapter more extreme with more kinks. Ridiculous shock horror fantasy. Don’t take it too seriously. In this chapter, still possessing the husband, he makes the wife clean


How I met a cam girl that changed my life. Part 1 by BadGirlFriends69

How I met a cam girl that changed my life. Part 1 by BadGirlFriends69 <br/> While this is based on my real life, I have changed all names, locations and time lines to protect all parties privacy. If you like this story and want me to continue to writing the rest of it please consider … Read more


My Dear Sweet Slave: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path

My Dear Sweet Slave: The Series by Sage_of_the_Forlorn_Path <br/> An honest guy meets the ultimate masochist. , Chapter One Her sweet smile, that was the first thing Isaac noticed about her. Having just stepped into his favorite diner, he found his eyes drawn to the cute waitress maneuvering through the tables with a pot of … Read more


Gabriella part two – servitude by PkmnDave

Gabriella is being used as a sex slave by Dave. Dave heard the door slam shut and could not believe what he just did. He looked out of the window of his bedroom. Gabriella was standing there still crying and hugging herself. He was certain she would not go to the police or tell her


A bet is a bet by Royal_Nightshade

A bet is a bet by Royal_Nightshade <br/> A story of mine, loosely based on fantasies about myself and my P.E. teacher. Enjoy 🙂 , Robert Foss knew there were reputations about him circulating in the school. It had started a couple of years ago, when he stupidly had said that he didn’t think that … Read more


Getting Married Set Me Free Pt 01 by vanessa.evans

Getting Married Set Me Free from my strict Catholic upbringing Getting Married Set Me Free by Vanessa Evans Introduction Before I got married I used to be so shy and I’d considered myself to be a bit of an introvert. This was mainly caused by my mother and the Catholic church, but my new husband



I am Sarah, of French descent, bilingual, fluent in both French and English and as I recently discovered with a little prompting from my man, bi-sexual, though I didn’t need a great deal of prompting. I am to please and be pleased sexually. And I love having sex with an audience. My man Roger and


Love at first sight…. For one by Loverbr

Love at first sight… . For one by Loverbr This story contains themes that may be offensive to some, please do not read if you do not like the themes listed above! Also I am aware that this story probably contains typos and grammar errors, Thank you. , Luke lived in a small town in … Read more



“One of my bi-sex lipstick lesbian friends wants to do to me what you are doing to me right now with your tongue,” Sarah told me as we engaged in wonderful cunnilingus. “You mean she wants to tongue fuck you?” “One of my bi-sex lipstick lesbian friends wants to do to me what you are


Stallion Trainer by JenniferKline

Stallion Trainer by JenniferKline Madame French thinks she is the best horse-trainer there is. When she tries to assert her dominance over Amistad, she soon learns that cracking a whip won’t break every horse. , Heya XNXX! I’m a writer of erotica that includes not only humans but animals and furries. Let me know it … Read more