Boating Holiday by islandic

Boating Holiday by islandic A good part of this story is true and what occurred on the trip has been slightly improved. The girls were a little younger than what is portrayed here. , Boating Holiday A good part of this story is true and what occurred on the trip has been slightly improved. Chapter … Read more

One Wild Fire Island Weekend by EllenMelville,EllenMelville

I am sorry for this poor guy. Maybe because I am a woman in a room of gay guys–and the one straight guy, now struggling, groaning, and looking as though he might cry or faint. In just his underwear, BVDs, grey, with an impressive iguana inside them. Got to admit I want to see it, … Read more

The Island Ch. 02

An adult stories – The Island Ch. 02 by stawri,stawri I stood in the shower letting the hot water pound against my forehead as I slowly began to feel fully conscious. I was not a morning person and it always took me a while to come around after waking up. I began to be able … Read more