The Conference by robdcruz

The Conference by robdcruz Immerse yourself in the tantalizing world of ‘The Conference’ by robdcruz, where temptation ignites and passions collide in a steamy tale of desire and seduction. Join the characters as they navigate lust and power dynamics in a thrilling adult erotic adventure that will leave you breathless. Explore the depths of intimacy … Read more


While I'm on a Business Trip by Jb0664,Jb0664

Author’s note: The last story I wrote, “Business Trip Hotwife,” was based on an actual business trip that I took a few years ago. It’s “mostly” true up to the point where I wrote on the napkin. Go read it if you don’t know what I’m talking about. Anyway, I liked the opening enough to … Read more


Love in an Elevator by astralkiss,astralkiss

I feel your hand suggestively brush the top of my ass as we board the elevator. Normally crowded, it’s fairly late at night, and by chance, it’s empty except for us. I shiver slightly in anticipation thinking of what to do when we finally get to our hotel room. Inwardly grinning, knowing you want the … Read more