House Slut 42: Leaving Home by phenylalanine

House Slut 42: Leaving Home by phenylalanine ,Introduction: Introduction: Tegan makes a big decision about her future , Tegan had gone home that evening after closing out her threeway with Jackson and Candy. It was rather unceremonious with some lingering awkwardness, more on Jackson’s part than her own. She fell into bed and stayed there. … Read more


House Slut in the Bahamas – part 6: Equipe de tag by phenylalanine

House Slut in the Bahamas – part 6: Equipe de tag by phenylalanine Tegan and Sarah get a taste of France as the social mixer heats up , At the indoor bar Sally grabbed herself a drink and Tegan grabbed two, assuming Jennifer would appreciate a refill. “Rose and Jake huh.” Sally observed. “Yeah, she … Read more