Alistaire Ch. 05: Carla and Beth by Publius68,Publius68

One of my favorite sub-genres on Literotica is what I call the “Shy Nerd Harem”, where a young virgin utterly improbably discovers his inner sex-beast prowess, and that prowess is in turn discovered by a series and/or group of his fellow students. This is my first shot at the trope. Please remember (as is the … Read more


Guilty Pleasures Ch. 04 by Publius68,Publius68

Welcome to my latest series, mashing up a few more tropes. This one turned out to be a crazy ride, so get ready for something that ends quite unlike it begins. One thing you can be sure of, even though this is Literotica, and this story could easy veer off into… THERE, it does not … Read more