I Meet Alex part 3 by Dolman69

I Meet Alex part 3 by Dolman69

Discover the tantalizing continuation of 'I Meet Alex Part 3' by Dolman69, where passion ignites and desires unfold in an erotic journey like no other. Dive into steamy encounters and captivating storytelling that will leave you breathless. Perfect for lovers of sensual tales, this post promises to captivate your imagination and satisfy your cravings.<br/>

More of the gay relationship between me and Alex , Hi I’m Joe and I’m bisexual. This is more about the gay relationship between me and an Australian guy named Alex. Anyone who read part 1 will recall that I was dating Sue, an office girl from the factory, and that I dropped her when I found she seemed to have absolutely no interest in sex. Well Sue appears again in this part of the story and reveals her true colours.

Before continuing, there’s just one further point to explain. I don’t advocate unprotected sex and so it may appear surprising that condoms do not get a mention in this part of the story. The truth is that all this happened a long time ago, several years before the AIDS virus made its appearance

True to her word Mrs Sharp arrived back at 11 o’clock on Sunday morning.

She was pleasantly surprised to find the kitchen clean and tidy and that we hadn’t broken anything, but she was obviously concerned about her sister who may have to go to hospital.

On Monday morning at the factory I was greeted with a message that Sue wanted to see me in the office as soon as possible. There’s no escape this time, I thought, so I made my way to the office.

Sue greeted me in a business like way, “take a seat “she said, “There are just a few details I need for the records”. Then she started to ask for information which I knew she already had. After a minute she said it was a bit noisy in the main office and it would be better if we moved into the side office where we wouldn’t have to shout. I followed her into a small side office and she closed the door. “Now to the real reason I’ve got you here” she said.

“First, If any one comes into the office, we go straight back to this form”. Then she started to explain, saying she was sorry for leading me on and that she didn’t have sex with guys because she was lesbian. She occasionally went out with a boy for the sake of appearances, it being very important to her and her female lover to hide their true sexual identity.

She apologised again for using me but said that she thought she had more than made it up to me.

She said that she had accidentally discovered the feelings that Alex and I had for each other and had pulled the strings to get us both into the same lodging. I asked how she knew about Alex and me as I thought we had covered our tracks most carefully and she said “You remember the third night you took me out you stopped at a garage for petrol. While you were paying for it I found a diary on the floor of your car; it was Alex’s.

I know I shouldn’t have, but I opened it straight to a very revealing entry. Need I say more”?

I thanked Sue for putting the record straight and asked her where the diary was now. She told me that it was in the glove pocket in my car and then said “I suppose you’re wondering why I’m telling you this now. Well Jane (that’s my lady friend) and I need male partners for a party on Saturday evening and I was wondering if you and Alex would oblige.

Its Jane’s brother’s 21st birthday so it will be a best suit and best behaviour affair as Jane’s father is a magistrate and the whole family are pretty straight laced. Apart from that it should be a pretty good evening”. I said I would put it to Alex and let her know. Sue said “Right, then, it’s time we both got back to work”

I related all this to Alex in the lunch break and after a little thought he said “Could be a bit of a laugh, let’s go for it”.

Then he added as an afterthought “I’d forgotten all about my diary; it’s a good job that it was Sue who found it”. I reported back to Sue and she asked if I would drive as it was 30 miles away and Jane didn’t like driving after dark.

Saturday evening arrived and we picked the girls up from a café in town and set off for Jane’s family home. Now Sue was a good looker and had a fabulous figure and Jane was absolutely stunning.

Alex dug me in the ribs and whispered “what a pity this is only pretend”. We arrived at our destination about 5 minutes before the party was due to start, which pleased Jane as her father was a stickler for punctuality. It was a large impressive house with massive gardens. To the right of the front entrance there were two Jags and a Merc parked and to the left a minibus. I parked my old banger on the far side of the minibus to hide it and we went into the house.

Jane was immediately greeted by her brother, Roy, and then a whole series of introductions took place after which I immediately forgot everyone’s names. Then the party got under way.

It was worth being there if only for the food; no expense had been spared and there was a large bowl of punch which had quite a kick. Things started in a pretty starchy manner but as the punch took effect people got happy and soon were laughing at not very funny jokes.

Then the cake arrived, which was my chance to shine because they needed someone to play the piano for “happy birthday”. Now I was made to learn the piano from the age of 6 so on their beautiful grand piano in the large drawing room I bashed out “Happy Birthday and “For he’s a jolly good fellow” which quite impressed Jane’s dad. A few party games followed then things started to drag.

About 2 am things came to a close so we piled into my car and set of for home.

The girls were giggling in the back to begin with but after a while they went quiet and I thought they’d gone to sleep. Then I heard rhythmic heavy breathing behind me and felt knees being pushed rhythmically into the back of my driving seat. Alex leant over and whispered in my ear “They’re making out in the back”. I replied “They’re doing a bit more than that”.

Now the girls were lesbian and not the least interested in Alex or I, but although we were in a gay relationship we were both bi-sexual and very interested in what was going on in the back. Alex swivelled my rear view mirror around so that he could see what was happening without making it obvious. Of course there was very little light in the car but every time a vehicle came the other way he was treated to a snap shot of what was going on in the rear seat.

As I couldn’t see any of this Alex decided to give me a running commentary. “Sue’s fingering Jane’s pussy” he said “and it looks as though Jane’s trying to get a hand up Sue’s dress but she can’t quite reach. During the first 10 miles I estimated that Jane had 4 orgasms and then there was a lot of movement in the back as the girls rearranged themselves.

I took a quick look over my shoulder to see Sue lying on the seat with her knees pulled up.

Alex said “Now Jane’s tonguing Sue’s cunt”. I didn’t have the benefit of feeling anything through my seat this time but Sue was quite vocal and with the slurping sounds which Jane was making, there was very little left to the imagination. This went on for the next half hour and I looked at Alex to see him frantically trying to make more room in his trousers. At one stage I thought he was going to jack off, but he didn’t.

He did ask me how much longer the journey would be and I told him about 5 minutes. He said he hoped he could hold out that long.

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