Potential Part 24 by BiStander

Evan crashed down hard, and the old sofa creaked. Rebecca sat sideways, facing him, with one leg under her. She smiled, nervously, and asked, “Do you remember the last time you kissed me for my birthday?”

It had been Rebecca’s eleventh birthday, and she wanted a kiss from Evan. Deana had gone upstairs, and Evan leaned over Rebecca’s slumped body. He was so nervous he almost missed. His body ended up on top of Rebecca’s. She opened her legs, and Evan fell between them. It was awkward when their lips touched together. They bumped noses and stared, both waiting for the other to do something. An unseen force of nature took over, and their eyes closed. Evan hadn’t expected it, nor could he prevent his dick from getting hard. It lined up with Rebecca’s crotch. He didn’t remember deciding to do it, but he hunched, humping and grinding his boner across Rebecca’s pussy. It excited him and made him want more.

When Deana opened the door at the top of the stairs, Evan jumped up, turning away from Rebecca to hide his erection. As soon as his sister got to them, Evan fled to the bathroom. He was embarrassed by the sticky mess in his underwear, and he avoided Rebecca for a long time after.

“Oh, God,” Evan said. “It was right here on this couch. I’m sorry. That was probably the worst present, kiss you have ever gotten.”

Rebecca stared at him, thoughtfully. “Evan, it was my first serious boy kiss. It scared the shit out of me, but it wasn’t bad. Something happened in here.” She pointed at her groin. “That scared me, more. We were so close to having sex.”

“We had our clothes on,” he said.

“I know, but I could feel your thing right there on me. It felt great. I would have let you if you tried.”

He sighed. “I wanted to, but I was scared. I came…in my pants. How embarrassing is that?”

“Me too,” Rebecca said. “That was a great present.”

“Wow, you want me to dry hump you again for this birthday?”

With deliberate, sensual movements, Rebecca knelt over his lap. “I’d rather get naked next time.”


“She knows I’m not trying to steal you, just fuck you.” Rebecca kissed him and got up. “I better go. Dee must be done showering by now.”

“One second,” Evan said and sprang to his feet.


“Can you do a handstand?”

“Of course,” Rebecca said and took a step toward him. Evan watched in amazement as the tumbler’s hands hit the floor and her backside, legs, and feet rose into the air. “Whoops, catch my feet.”

He grabbed Rebecca’s ankles. She didn’t resist when he parted her legs and looked down her arched body. The front of Rebecca’s shirt fell, exposing her small, firm tits. She strained to look up at him, turning her face red. Evan smiled and rested her ankles on his shoulders. He squeezed her rump, pulling the spandex further into the tumbler’s crotch. It definitely could be done. “You better get upstairs,” Evan said and held Rebecca’s hips while she folded her legs down and got her feet on the floor. “I’m sure Deana is wondering what you’re doing.”

“That was fun,” Rebecca said and straightened her shirt. “See ya later.”

Evan watched the tight, muscled ass ascend the stairs. Would things be different now if Evan had fucked Rebecca before she became his sister’s lover? Woulda, shoulda, coulda, it didn’t matter now; the tumbler was Deana’s girlfriend. He had rejected Becky and Rebecca because they were younger than him. Now, they were both so fuckable. What was that his mother said after Becky had been flirting with him at the ballpark? “Evan, kids, girls, they turn into young ladies, women before you know it. Don’t overlook what’s right in front of you for someone out there who you think is what you want.”

His mother didn’t know he had a thing for Darlene, so that couldn’t have been the, who you think is what you want, that she was referring to. Candy would never suggest he should be with Deana, so who was right under his nose? His mother must have been telling him back then, that she was available. Who else could be right in front of him that Candy thought he was overlooking?

Evan didn’t understand any better now than he had that day. What he did know, though, was that he would take a shower, have a snack, and go upstairs to watch the upside down fuck video, again. It might not be okay to fuck his sister’s girlfriend, but there wasn’t anything wrong with pretending he was. His balls had never been more ready to blow a load.

At the Anderson’s, after Jordan had fallen asleep, Darlene had nothing to distract her from her feelings. Anger and hate had always been useful for building walls to protect her from the abandonment issue. Now, thanks to Gloria, Darlene was thinking about her mother. What if the woman wasn’t the horrible crackhead that she envisioned? Darlene had seen so much of herself in Gloria. Did that mean her mother could be like Candy? No, Darlene thought, wondering leads to longing, and I won’t go there, not again.

Darlene got up and turned in a slow circle, trying to decide which room she’d use to annihilate her strange emotions. She could go in their bedroom and fantasize about Mrs. Anderson spread eagle on the bed. Mr. Anderson would burst in and catch Darlene eating her out. He’d teach his wife a lesson and make her watch him fuck Darlene.

That was the fantasy I used last time, Darlene thought. It had been sufficient, and she came all over their bedspread, but in Mr. Anderson’s office, she could cum on his chair. Over the next few days, Darlene could imagine him sitting in her dried up mess. Mr. Anderson would be able to smell her. He’d want her; his urges would become too much to deny. He’d invite Darlene over while his wife took Jordan shopping. She’d sit on his desk and put her feet on the arms of his chair, exposing her pantyless crotch. The man would stare between her legs, contemplating for a minute, then he’d finally give in and lean forward for a taste. The only question was whether or not Mrs. Anderson should catch them so that they could have a threesome. Nah, Darlene thought, a threesome is nice, but secretly fucking Mr. Anderson had more potential. After the illicit act, she’d have to be in the same room with the Anderson family, knowing she’d been fucked by Mrs. Anderson’s husband. The thought gave Darlene chills. She’d have a secret that would make her nerves tingle, and her adrenaline flow. It would give her a sense of control, and, oddly, a family connection.

Darlene left the office door ajar so she could hear Jordan if she awoke. After taking off her pants and panties, she sat at Mr. Anderson’s desk. The crisp, black leather on her warm skin sent goosebumps down Darlene’s legs and up her spine. She leaned forward to turn on the computer. Her fat pussy lips flattened out on the seat.

After a few minutes, Darlene was watching Taboo II, one of her favorite porn movies. She would make an excellent Sherry, except her tits were much bigger. Darlene had advanced to the best scene; the part when the mother walks in on Sherry and Junior, fucking. Darlene loved the expression on the woman’s face. She wanted her mother to step in while she was fucking her brother, if she had one. The only thing she’d change would be when the mother shouts, stop, Darlene would glare at the woman and say, Don’t stop, keep fucking me, big brother.

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