Potential Part 24 by BiStander

The trip down memory lane ended. Actually, it had been more like a trip down the road to Mississippi, the one they called, Bloody 98. Candy had climbed the stairs to Evan’s room while his mattress grunted under Deana’s impaled body. She turned the doorknob. Her flooded pussy leaked down her inner thighs. Nothing would be more satisfying than to burst in on them at the moment Evan started unloading his balls inside his sister’s body, but Candy restrained herself. It wasn’t the right time for that. She held the unlatched door closed.

Once the bed started thumping against the wall, Candy inched the door forward and looked through the gap with one eye. It reminded her of hiding in the closet, peeking between the slants while Sally got plowed by various boys. Deana was spread wide, pulling at her brother, demanding more. Evan held nothing back. Candy wanted to wait until Evan stiffened and pumped his orgasm into Deana, but she knew the dead silence that followed great sex, so she fled when the hammering headboard reached full volume.

At the bottom of the stairs, Candy closed her eyes. There was one final slam from the wood against the wall and a loud grunt, then nothing except their panting breaths. Candy pictured her little man’s face at the moment he finished fucking her in the kitchen. His pleasure, his lust, his love, and his life had flowed into her being.

Candy eased the hallway door closed and went to bed, lonely and sad, but she had an idea, too. It might be the only way to end this insanity, she thought.

“Have you ever felt more fresh or wonderful

As when you wake

By the side of that boy or girl

Who has pledged their love to you?”

When Evan awoke, he was disappointed that Deana wasn’t there. He pressed his face into the pillow where her head had been. The scent of his sister’s hair proved the previous day hadn’t been a dream. It would have been wonderful to wake up with Deana staring into his eyes, pledging her love to him. She would have welcomed his morning erection. They could have made love again. Was there anything better than morning sex? In Evan’s imagination, the answer was no, but other than Gloria, he’d never woken up with a girl. At least Deana has enough sense to avoid getting caught in bed, he thought.

In Evan’s book of rules, sister fucking might have been worse than stepmother fucking, but the previous night with Deana made him uncomfortable about being with Candy. He didn’t love her the way he loved Deana. Sex with Candy was a tranquilizer for his conscience, but something was amiss. Maybe he was mourning the loss of his mother. He needed to talk to Deana about it.

It was late enough that Deana would have been up for a while, so Evan sent her a text: Come upstairs. Need to talk.

To Evan’s surprise, his phone beeped before a minute had passed. He smiled, expecting the stairs to start squeaking. The reply was: Can’t. On the way to mall with Reb and Gloria.

Great, Deana and Rebecca are influencing Gloria, Evan thought, it can’t get any worse than that. His phone beeped again: We’re getting new bikinis. Reb said no excuses; you have to choose. Evan thought about that day in the school parking lot. Did he say something about bikinis? That was two lifetimes ago, before fucking his mother and his sister.

Evan reached for the MP3 player on his nightstand. Thanks to Cindy, he knew what he wanted to hear. After piling Deana’s pillow on top his, Evan laid against them and selected, Pale Sun, Crescent Moon, by the Cowboy Junkies. His cousin never said that was her favorite group, but she listened to them a lot. So did Evan, even though he’d never admit to liking them. Crescent Moon was an album filled with beautiful, happy, sad and meaningful lyrics. He cursed Cindy, knowing he would be more twisted up with conflicting emotions before long.

“Oh, love it’s so hard to explain

It’ll make you forget your name

It’ll turn you upside down

It’ll make you wish that you’d never been found.”

Songs paint a picture of real-life, Evan thought. If anybody was upside down, it was him. Was there any point in trying to turn his life right side up, if that was even possible? Of course, Evan had to figure it out. That was the right thing to do, wasn’t it?

On the way to the mall, Rebecca was riding shotgun; Deana and Gloria were in the back. Rebecca made a fuss, but Deana refused to make Gloria sit up front with Mrs. Stevens. It would have been weird, plus, she didn’t trust her girlfriend. Rebecca would try something right behind her mother just for the fun of it. Deana didn’t trust herself, either, not the way she had been acting lately. She let Evan fuck her after a firm decision had been made. Ten minutes later, she let him do her again. Then, she went to his room, asked him to fuck her again and fell asleep in his bed. How was that being careful?

Deana looked out the side window. In her mind, she was rehearsing her explanation. At the perfect moment, she’d tell Rebecca what happened. Even though Rebecca claimed she wanted it to happen, it still felt like cheating. Why had Deana changed her mind?

Mrs. Stevens pulled up to the curb in front of the mall. Rebecca opened her door and said, “Thanks, Mom.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Stevens,” Deana and Gloria echoed from the back.

“Remember, I’m going to be at Deana’s tonight, Mom.”

“Okay, but give me a call later,” Mrs. Stevens said. “Have fun, girls.” She pulled away.

The three girls entered the mall, and Rebecca whispered, “You have to tell me.”

So much for the perfect moment, Deana thought. “Shh.” She gestured at Gloria in front of them. “Later,” Deana said, hoping Gloria would run into one of her friends and go off with them for a while.

“The mall is dead on Mondays,” Gloria said.

Rebecca agreed, and Deana thought, fat chance we’ll get any alone time.

They stopped at the map in the middle of the main corridor. “Let’s see, we could go here first,” Rebecca said, pointing at number twelve, Victoria Secret.

“Yeah, let’s,” Gloria said. “I bet they have—”

“No,” Deana said. It was stupid being embarrassed in front of Gloria, but her cheeks flushed. “Your mother would kill me if I brought you home with lingerie.”

The odd expression on Rebecca’s face made Deana replay her words. Is that how she saw Candy now, as Gloria’s mother?

“Look,” Rebecca said, pointing behind Deana. “It’s your friend from gym class.”

She turned around. “You mean Evan’s wet dream from Social Studies.”

“Evan’s—” Gloria saw who they were talking about. “That’s Darlene.”

“You know her?” Deana asked.

“Everybody knows her,” Gloria said. “You had gym with her?”

“Twice,” Rebecca said with a smirk.

“How do you know her?” Deana asked.

“Seen her at the ballpark.”

“The ballpark—Whose game was she there for?” Deana asked.

“Not sure. She could have been watching my games, but she never sat in the bleachers. She always stayed off at a distance, walking around. Seen her with Becky, too. They’re friends.”

“She’s waving,” Rebecca said. “Here she comes.”

Deana nodded and watched. Darlene had a unique stride. If Deana didn’t know the redhead always walk that way, even naked in the shower room, she would have thought Darlene was trying to get everybody in the mall to notice her. The girl’s dense, curls bounced on her shoulders, and her chest danced in rhythm with the swish of her hips. Darlene’s pants looked like a two-hundred dollar pair of pre-worn jeans, but they were Levis that had been relentlessly abused by her thick thighs. From the girl’s knees to her groin, threadbare white slices expanded and contracted, revealing pale flesh. Deana knew the back was going to look like Candy’s Lee jeans, and she was already looking forward to seeing Darlene walk away. Why had she become so fascinated with her mother?

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