Potential Part 24 by BiStander

Candy put her hands on his chest. “It’s okay, Evan.” She pushed the robe off his shoulder and watched it fall. “You can still say it, call me Mom.”

Evan held Candy by her neck and pulled her mouth to his. The kiss was hungry and lustful. In Evan’s mind, he said it over and over, until it finally came out, “Mom.” The word excited him so much he wanted to say, Mom, I’m going to fuck you, but he settled for, “Oh, Mom, Mom.” He squeezed her ass and started lifting her.

“No, not here,” she said.

Good, Evan thought, I wanna do everything to you that I did to Miss. Tonya, and more. He started towards her room, but she stopped him. “Follow me,” she said.

Gloria’s need to know if Evan and Darlene had ever dated, made her jump at the suggestion, however, before they reached rue21, Gloria had realized it had been a rash decision. She didn’t know Darlene, and Darlene certainly didn’t know her. It was a surprise that the older girl even knew her name. Now, Gloria had to make conversation with an intimidating stranger. Talking to Deana, who was also four years Gloria’s senior, was easy, but Darlene wasn’t Deana. She wasn’t like anybody Gloria knew. The redhead was fascinating.

In the woman’s apparel store, Gloria and Darlene took their time picking through the bathing suits. Gloria was feeling more comfortable. The girl’s reputation for having the best body in school couldn’t be denied, but the part about her being unfriendly was questionable. Darlene was going to be a senior, but she didn’t talk to Gloria like a freshman, and she sensed the redhead had taken a genuine interest in her. Why, she had no idea.

Five of the six fitting room doors were open. Gloria started for the one closest to her, but Darlene stopped her. “I’m gonna need your help, so why don’t we use that one,” Darlene said. “I haven’t seen anybody in a wheelchair.”

Gloria stared at the large change room in the corner. “Um.”

“What’s wrong?” Darlene asked.

“Nothing,” Gloria said, acting as if she’d be comfortable getting naked in front of the older girl. “That makes sense. I’ll need your help, too.”

Darlene followed her in, closed the door behind them and immediately kicked off her untied, Pro Keds. Gloria laid the bathing suits on a bench. There are mirrors everywhere, Gloria thought while trying not to see Darlene wiggling out of her Levis, no underwear. Gloria couldn’t believe the girl had gone commando in those jeans. Darlene dropped the pants in a pile. Gloria turned, now trying not to stare at the strawberry bush. Unfortunately, the mirror on the side wall gave her a profile view of the redhead, so she looked straight ahead. The mirror in front of her looked into the one on the back wall. Shit, the bodacious white orbs of Darlene’s ass weren’t going to be easy to ignore.

“I hope you’re not uncomfortable,” Darlene said while lifting the double trouble T-shirt. “You know, next year you’ll have to change and shower with thirty girls in gym.”

Gloria realized she had only pulled her zipper down and Darlene was naked except for the bra that her tits were overflowing. “Is that how you know my sister, gym class?” Gloria asked and shoved her pants and underwear down with feigned confidence.

Darlene nodded. “Yeah, gym.” Her bra opened like a snapping rubber band. “School stuff, too.” She shrugged the straps off her shoulders. The girl’s breasts rested on each other. Gloria swallowed hard. Giant red nipples swelled. The dark centers stiffened. “Mmm, it’s always good to get that off. It’s too small.”

Gloria hated having the biggest boobs in her class and needing a bra before everyone else, but if there were a chance her tits might turn out like Darlene’s, it would be worth what she had been through. Evan wouldn’t be able to resist them. “What about Evan, you know him?” Gloria asked and quickly got her shirt off.

“Sure,” Darlene said.

She tossed her bra and picked up a yellow bikini top. Her eyes kept moving, but Darlene stayed in her sights. The redhead’s body was unreal like one of the drawings of her mother. “You ever go out?”

“Nope,” Darlene said. “Let me help with that.”

Gloria released the strings and lifted her arms while Darlene tied a bow behind her back. When she finished, the redhead’s fingertips swept the sides of Gloria’s breasts and tucked the excess into the yellow triangles. Gloria’s heart raced, and her cheeks flushed. The fingers were gone, but their touch lingered.

Twenty minutes earlier, Gloria hadn’t spoken to Darlene; now, she was looking over Gloria’s shoulder, staring at her in the mirror. She was practically naked, and the older girl had just touched her tits. Gloria felt her nipples stiffened. She should have wanted to cover her exposed crotch or at least cross her arms, but Darlene’s mesmerizing blue eyes held Gloria captive and disarmed her defenses. She was at the redhead’s mercy, and that didn’t bother Gloria. Darlene’s hands rested on Gloria’s hips. The buzz they created reached Gloria’s toes.

“Do you like it?” The stiff points of Darlene’s nipples sliced across Gloria’s shoulder blades.

She jerked. “What?”

“The top, do you like it?”

“Oh, yeah, it’s okay.” Her cheeks flashed red with embarrassment. “What do you think?”

“Try on the bottoms,” Darlene said.

Gloria stopped staring into Darlene’s eyes and grabbed the other half of the bikini. The redhead pressed her fists into her sides and watched Gloria put on the briefs with intense interest. Gloria had the impression that Darlene was like a peach, soft on the outside with a hard core. As soon as the bottoms were on, Darlene’s hands went to Gloria’s ass, adjusting the tight material with her fingers inside the leg holes.

“You have a beautiful body,” Darlene said. “You’re gonna turn out just like your mother.”

Gloria shivered, but it wasn’t because Darlene’s hands were cold. “You know my mother?”

“Um, no, not really,” Darlene said. “I’ve seen her at Deana’s games. She’s always the best looking woman there. You’re lucky.”

“Thank you,” Gloria said and adjusted the front of the bikini by running her thumbs down the inside of the leg openings.

“Do the other girls give you a hard time?” Darlene asked.

She turned around and faced unabashed naked Darlene. The mirror hadn’t done the girl’s body justice. “Yeah, they do, they have since I was ten. The boys, too.”

“Me too,” Darlene said, “but don’t let it bother you. They’re jealous. Be proud of what you got and learn to use it to your advantage.”

Gloria couldn’t imagine anybody giving Darlene a hard time. She could be scary, but Gloria didn’t think she’d ever had to be afraid of this senior. Gloria didn’t understand why, but they were making a connection. “I might need your help with that, but I learn fast,” Gloria said.

“Good. You wanna try a different one on?”

“Yes,” she said and got naked again. This time, Gloria’s confidence was genuine, and she wanted Darlene to stare at her.

When Evan and Candy reached the bathroom, he looked at her with a questioning expression. That was when he noticed what was on the front of his mother’s shirt. They were words his father should have paid attention to, Needs Constant Attention. He smirked and locked the bathroom door behind them.

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