Potential Part 24 by BiStander

Rebecca giggled. “Or she might wanna go in the back with me.”

Deana pointed. “Go.”

“Okay, but hurry up. I need you to tell me which suit you like best.”

“I’ll be right there,” Deana said and watched her girlfriend’s butt until she turned into the fitting room area. It was a good thing they were the only customers in the store.

When Deana had a few choices, she went back to the dressing rooms. Only one stall door was closed, and she saw Rebecca’s feet under it. “I’ll be right next-door.”

“Good, get a bikini on,” Rebecca said. “I’ll be over in a minute to see that bubble-butt.”

“I’m sure you will.” She took off her clothes quickly so Rebecca wouldn’t catch her naked. It would be hard to tell her girlfriend no after what happened.

A tap, tap, tap was immediately followed by a squeak from the doors hinge. Rebecca looked her up and down. “Ooh, that one looks like an arm across your boobs and a hand over your crotch. What’s the back look like?”

“Close the door! Get in here and close it. You might want the whole world to see you naked, but I’m modest.”

“Not for long, if I can help it,” Rebecca said and closed the door.

She turned her back to Rebecca and positioned the top over her tits. “Tie it for me.” Once the top was snug, Deana faced Rebecca.

“Nice, two triangles and a string; it’s definitely gonna test the limits. Aren’t you afraid it will fall without shoulder straps?”

Deana laughed and jostled her chest. “There isn’t much bouncing going on here.”

“More than I got.”

“Imagine Darlene wearing one of these,” Deana said and picked up the bottoms. “Why aren’t you wearing a bathing suit?”

“Or Gloria,” Rebecca said. “I can’t wait to see the bikini Darlene helps her pick.”

“Should I be worried?”

“Not a chance,” Rebecca said and lifted her T-shirt. “I got these for you at Victoria Secret.”

She nodded slowly. “Mmmm.” Rebecca’s white panties were transparent except for the pink butterfly wrapped around her pubic bone. “Very nice, but I thought you got them for me.”

“This pair is for you,” Rebecca said and sat on the bench and leaned against the mirror. “I got another pair in your size, too.” She lifted and spread her legs. The underwear was split from Rebecca’s clit to her asshole. “They’re perfect when you need a quickie in public.” Rebecca dropped her legs and sat up.

“I’m not going down on you in here.”

“No, you’re not,” Rebecca said and yanked Deana forward.

She threw her knee on the bench to keep from crashing face first into the mirror. “Easy.” She put her other knee up and sat on Rebecca’s legs.

Rebecca gently stroked Deana’s crotch. “Is it sore?”

She held Rebecca’s face, tipped her head back and kissed her. “You’re upset, jealous.”

“Only because I don’t know what it’s like. Once you give me my birthday present, I’ll know, and I won’t be thinking about it anymore.”

“Not tonight,” Deana said. “You can get him to give you his present, but not mine. Okay?”

“Okay,” Rebecca said and squeezed Deana’s ass, pulling her forward.

Deana knew what her girlfriend was trying to do, so she arched her back and offered Rebecca her stomach. “I just wanna make sure he didn’t hurt it,” Rebecca said and slumped.

“No, you shouldn’t—” Rebecca’s lips on Deana’s crotch cut her off. She whimpered.

“It’s still perfect,” Rebecca said. “Perfect.”

“We, ah, you better stop.” She gasped when Rebecca’s hot tongue sliced between her pussy lips. “Never mind.” She grabbed her ass, arched her back, and humped her lover’s mouth. “Oh, Reb, ah, you…you’re, ah, fuck me.”

“Deana, are y’all in here?”

Deana’s eyes opened. She saw her crimson face in the mirror. Rebecca’s tongue kept on thrashing her clit. Would Gloria open the door if they didn’t answer?

“The clerk said you were,” Gloria said.

The stall door is locked. “Yes, yes, we are.” Please don’t look under the door. “One second, I’m, um, helping, ah, helping Rebecca—Ah, Reb, please don’t…ah, don’t stop.”

When Deana’s orgasm subsided, she stood up on trembling legs. Rebecca gave her a sloppy kiss that tasted like girl cum. “Oh, shit, you’re the best, Reb, the fuckin’ best!”

“Baby, it’s okay if you liked it,” Rebecca said.

“I loved it.”

“That’s obvious,” Rebecca said, “but not what I meant. It doesn’t bother me if you enjoyed it. I’m not jealous.”

She nodded, wishing she hadn’t loved having Evan’s cock in her. “I love you.”

“I love you, too,” Rebecca said and handed her the bottoms. “Better put these on.”

“Drumroll, please,” Rebecca said and opened the stall door.

Darlene and Gloria carefully looked Deana over. “Turn around,” Gloria said.

Darlene leaned close to Gloria and said, “Uh-oh, you might have some competition. Your sister has got an ass on her.”

Gloria nodded at Darlene. “Yeah, I know,” then she said, “Dee, you got a butt from bubble-butt heaven.”

“See, I told you,” Rebecca said with a wink. “All that, ‘No, please, don’t make me,’ and they love it, too.”

Deana added a dumb grin to the post orgasm joyous glow, and said, “Too bad my tits forgot to keep up with my butt.”

Gloria and Darlene smirked at each other.

“What about you, Rebecca, you gonna show us yours?” Darlene asked.

“Yeah,” Rebecca said and went into the next stall. “I might need help figuring out how to put these on.”

Deana, Darlene, and Gloria all exchanged a curious look, then turned back to Rebecca. She was already naked. “Don’t mind her,” Deana said, “she’s an exhibitionist. She was walking around the store in a see-through wrap with nothing under it”

Darlene and Gloria exchanged a conspiratorial nod and Darlene said, “She’s a sexy little thing.”

Gloria whispered, “Sure is.”

When Rebecca had a bikini on, the other girls stared in amazement. Wide strings went around her neck, fanned out just enough to hide her nipples, joined together over her belly and vanished between her legs. “Turn around,” Deana said. “I gotta see the back.”

The string reappeared, emerging from between Rebecca’s ass cheeks, and went up her back to connect with the part that was around her neck.

“I could cover more with my shoelaces,” Darlene said.

“Okay, so it’s over the top even for me,” Rebecca said. “I just wanted to try it.”

“Or model it,” Deana said. “Show off.”

“I’ll try on another one,” Rebecca said and quickly got naked again.

“Did you find one you liked?” Deana asked Gloria.

“I did, but you’ll have to wait until later to see it,” Gloria said. “I hope you don’t mind, it’s yellow, like yours.”

“No,” Rebecca said. “That’s perfect. I’ll get the yellow one too. We’ll be a matching set. What about you, Darlene?”

“I didn’t bother,” Darlene said. “It seemed like too much money when I’d rather swim naked.”

“Me too,” Rebecca said and came out of the changing stall with a two-piece bikini. “What do you think?”

Darlene turned Rebecca around and adjusted the bottoms. Rebecca’s eyes widened, and Deana’s narrowed. “There,” Darlene said and swatted Rebecca’s ass. “Perfect.”

“Thanks,” Rebecca said.

“Great, we all found something,” Deana said. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving.”

“You better put your clothes on, Dee or that ass will cause a commotion,” Darlene said and moved close to Deana’s ear. “Girl, you’re fuckin’ gorgeous.”

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