Potential Part 24 by BiStander

Evan shook his head, thinking about the conversation he had that morning with Jason. Why had it surprised him? After all, it was Becky and Jason. Evan put his feet up on the desk and balanced the chair on two legs. Jeez, not only had Becky been performing, Jason was in on it. That’s what he meant on the way home from the races when he said, “One of these days, very soon, I’m gonna pay you back.”

Jason had continued, admitting that he had been banging his sister for a while, and he didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. He said it started when they were little, playing doctor, then walked Evan through the progression. It was similar to what Evan went through with Deana, except she never pissed on the kitchen floor and he never jerked off on her while she was sleeping. Jason and Becky were perfect for each other; neither was interested in anything other than sex. Jason tried to convince him that fucking your sister wasn’t a big deal. He supported his argument with facts about sites like Family Strokes, Taboo Family, Family Fucking and dozens more. When Evan told him that was all fake shit and fantasies, Jason said, “Tell me porn doesn’t imitate real-life and watch Taboo two, one of the most popular porno movies ever.”

Evan had watched some of it, and it gave him a huge boner before he turned it off. He loved the redheaded sister in it, but he wasn’t like Jason. His best friend was the guy who got naked at the Creek and let somebody’s dog lick his balls while he beat off. Although, after having Miss Tonya suck his balls, Evan could understand why Jason went back for more, even though he had always said it was a one-time thing.

Right before they finished their talk, Jason wanted to know if Evan was going to do Deana now that he knew what was happening at Jason’s house. Not only hadn’t Evan confessed, he maintained that he didn’t want to have sex with Deana. The most honest he could be with Jason was saying, “I’d fuck my mother before my twin sister.”

Jason’s reply was one of the smartest things Evan had ever heard him say about sex, “Fuck your mother, that sounds a lot more dangerous to me.”

Evan laughed it off and asked Jason if he would do his mother. Jason said, “Wouldn’t you?”

There was something fascinating about Ms. Mary Barnes, and Evan had already been fantasizing about her. It usually started with Mary catching him and Becky, then spiraled into a threesome or him fucking Mary in the kitchen and Becky catching them.

Evan’s phone chirped with a text alert. He figured Jason wanted to add some perverse detail, but it was from Rebecca.  She wanted him in Deana’s room to, “Settle the butt thing.” He smiled and pictured Deana’s bubble-butt in a bikini. Way back when, in the school parking lot, he had felt up his sister’s and Rebecca’s ass, but that was before Rebecca was Deana’s girlfriend. Today it was going to be more like the morning he got in bed with them. The tumbler had sucked his finger in front of an unaware Deana, and it aroused him a wicked way. Wow, what if I finger my sister’s girlfriend while she’s right next to me? That was something Evan could admit to Jason. “I swear, I was messing around with Rebecca and somehow it turned into a threesome! I didn’t plan it.”

He replied, “Jeez, if I have to,” then he lowered his sweats and applied the cream that was supposed to, “Make you harder, for longer, like a porn star.” It was unlikely that a threesome was pending, but no harm in being prepared. How much did Rebecca know about him and Deana?

The door was closed, and Evan knew the rule, but he entered Deana’s room without knocking. Yes, he was hoping to catch them doing something. The only thing he thought about as much as sex, was what Deana and Rebecca did together behind closed doors. In his mind, there wasn’t anything hotter than girls getting it on.

Evan started to speak, but the sight of three girls, not two, shut him up. Shit, Gloria can’t be here. He couldn’t inappropriately fondle Deana and Rebecca’s butts in front of her. Not that Evan hadn’t already been more than inappropriate with Gloria’s ass, but she’d get jealous. He couldn’t let that happen.

“You forgot to knock,” Deana said.

“I know, but you knew I was coming.” Ooh, that sounded bad.

“It’s always better to knock,” Deana said.

All of them were wearing T-shirts, and matching cover-ups which were transparent enough to pique his interest. “Okay, knock-knock.”

“Who’s there?” Rebecca asked.

“Funny,” he said. “What happened to the bikini tops?”

Deana said, “You’re here for the bottoms.”

Rebecca said, “We didn’t think you could handle seeing Gloria in a teeny-weeny bikini top.”

Gloria beamed with pride. Evan wished he hadn’t felt her up yesterday. “You’re right,” he said and gave his little sister a knowing smirk, then he turned to Rebecca, “especially if you helped her pick it out.”

“Nope, not me,” Rebecca said. “Darlene’s responsible for that.” She pointed at Gloria’s butt.

Something snapped in Evan’s mind. “Darlene?” That was worse that Deana and Rebecca. “You went to the mall with Darlene?”

“No,” Deana said, “we ran into her. She was shopping for a bikini, too.”

Evan tried to remember if he told Jason where his sisters were. “Who was she with?” he asked.

“Nobody,” Rebecca said. “She took Gloria while me and Dee went to Victoria Secret for something naughty.”

“Rebecca!” Deana held up a fist. “Gloria and Darlene wanted a different style bathing suit than we did.”

His sister didn’t deny going to Victoria Secret, but Evan let it go because Gloria being alone with Darlene was more critical. “So, Darlene was alone?”

“Yeah, that’s what nobody means,” Gloria said.

Evan glared at Gloria for her retort, but his brain was processing the facts. Girls went to the bathroom together. Did that mean they went into the fitting room together? “Um, you and Darlene…ah—”How could he ask Gloria that?—“she helped you?”

“Yup, that’s right,” Deana said. “Gloria saw what you fantasized about all year in Mrs. Becky’s class.”

“I’ve seen Darlene in a bikini already,” Evan said, trying to sound matter of fact about a sight that he’d still remember when he was old and couldn’t sport wood anymore.

Gloria sounded matter of fact when she said, “Naked, she was naked.”

A surge of lust chemicals made Evan’s brain spasm, flashing perverse images of his little sister getting it on with the fuckin’ redhead in a dressing room. The tingle from the boner cream turned to fire, and his balls jerked. That was cause for him to run, but Evan’s eyes remained on Gloria. Play it cool he told himself and said, “Whatever.” He pointed at Deana and Rebecca. “Let’s get this over with. I got other things to do.” Like jerking off while picturing Gloria and Darlene getting it on.

“Me too,” Gloria said.

Me too, he wondered if she had things to do or—His dick extended into the leg of his sweatpants. “What?”

“We don’t mind,” Deana said.

“We know we’ll lose to Candy’s clone, but you still have to decide between me and Dee,” Rebecca said.

Shit, what he wouldn’t give to see his mother in a tiny bikini. “Fine, turn around.”

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