Virgin Hooked On An Older Man by sleepyhousewife

Virgin Hooked On An Older Man by sleepyhousewife

**This is a true story, which yes, is long and slow a bit in the beginning but, it does get better.**

I was brought up with strick parents. Sex was taboo, wasn’t allowed to watch movies rated over PG-13, wasn’t allowed to have a boyfriend, had to be inside the house by dark. Being the only child, this made it more rough on me. There wasn’t anyone to talk to. I was daddy’s girl and he didn’t want anything bad happening to me.

At the age of 18, I met George, who was 24. I couldn’t believe that I still had a curfew. I had to be home by midnight. This continued on til I was 19. We met at the drug store down the street from where I lived.

When we met, he was right behind me in line at the check-out counter. He got really close to the back of my neck and whispered in my ear “your beautiful!” This scared me, I jumped away from him. I looked at him and replied, “thank you, but I am not interested.” He was gorgeous. My heart fluttered, the butterflies were flying in my abdomen. I gathered my purchases and started walking home.

A few minutes into my walk, he approached me again, this time he was on his bike. He offered to accompany me home. “No, thank you, I can manage on my own.” This didn’t stop him, he continued to walk with me. We passed one particular street and he mentioned that he lived on that block. This was only 4 blocks away from where I lived. “That is nice.” I said. My name is George. I would glance at him from time to time, I knew he could tell that I was blushing. When we approached my block, he stopped and said, “Well, your home safe”. I looked at him and asked “how do you know I am home?” He replied “I only live down the street and I have seen you many times, your either on your bike, walking and I have also been watching your swim meets at the pool. This freaked me out even more. Because, I never knew he had been following me. “Well, George have a nice evening.” I walked up to my house. I turned and he was still at the corner sitting on his bike.

After that night, he would ride by my house every evening and around the same time. One night, about a half hour before his normal time, I decided to go across the street and talk with my girlfriend Jenny. She stood on the inside of her fence and I was leaning on the fence from the outside. She had 7 taco bell dogs and they were the meanest little guys I have ever seen. I told her about George and that he should be riding around in a few minutes.

Sure enough, there he was coming around the corner, but he was focused on my house and didn’t see me standing across the street. Jenny took one look at him and said….”Oh my god!”…”He is gorgeous!” He passed by, not noticing me at all. He turned the corner at the other end of the street. A few minutes past and here he came again. This time Jenny let out a sexy whistle, he looked over, I was embarrassed. I put my head down on her fence and mumbled to her “why did you do that for?” She laughed and remarked….”we are finally going to get you a boyfriend!”

He turned around and approached us. “Hi ladies!” As he neared. My head not lifting from that fence. “Are you praying?” He asked. Jenny replied…”Maria pray?….Never!….Maria is shy.”

“Shut up, Jenny!” As I lifted my head, looking at her.

So your name is Maria? He smirked.

Jenny at that point, took over the conversation and said…”This is Maria and she is (very) single, she’s also very athletic…she plays volleyball, softball, skates, rides bikes, she competes in swim meets and is hoping to make the olympics, and a very good friend!”….”Now, who are you and what do you do and do you have a girlfriend?” I wanted to kill her.

“I am George, I am a professional cyclist, I am also a mechanic, and no not yet,… but, I am still working on the girlfriend part here!” As he looked my way.

His brown eyes melted my heart. He was 6′ tall about 180lbs, long layered black hair, his body was firm, not an ounce of fat on him. He looked like a latin version of John Travolta in the movie Saturday Night Fever.

“Do you have a car?” I asked.

“Yeah!…why?” He asked.

“Is it broken?” I asked.

“No!…why?” He asked.

“Just wondering, because it seems that your only means of transportation is that bike.” I responded.

He laughed and replied, “yeah, I am a lousy mechanic!”

“So… Maria can I take you out for dinner or even a movie?” He asked.

“Maybe!” I replied.

Maybe? He responded.

“Well, yeah, even though I am 18 now, my parents are still strick, with me. They don’t want nothing to interfere with graduation in 3 months. And since, I still live there… I have to follow their rules.

Jenny then butted in and said…”you don’t want to mess with pops, it took him awhile to get use to me!”

“Your joking?” He asked.

“No, man!….The man don’t play!” Jenny said.

“If you want to start dating her, you need to work on {pops} now….and if your lucky maybe you can start dating her before she moves off on her own!” Jenny said laughing.

George was silent for awhile. Then he chuckled and said….”I don’t think he would give me a problem, I can talk anyone into anything!”

“Okay then, Mr. George….here’s your chance to show us ladies your charming affect you have on people!” As Jenny nodded her head down the street as my father was coming home from work.

My father pulled up to the driveway and looked over in our direction. He got out of the car as George headed over into his direction. In the meantime, my heart fluttered. I couldn’t move. I noticed that George extended his arm, and my father looked down at it and looked back up. My father didn’t return the handshake. George stuck his hand in his pocket. My father just looked at him as he talked, then he looked over at me. He had a mad look on his face. Then my father shook his head no and walked away. But, when he got to the door of the house he turned and called me home.

George walked back over, with a disappointed look on his face. “You were right.” He said as he mounted his bike. “I will see you tomorrow, Maria.” He said to me. I told him that I was sorry. He smiled and told me not to sweat it a bit.

When I got home, I told my father that he was rude and didn’t have to act that way. All he told me was…”No boyfriends until you finish school, no ands, ifs, or buts about it!” As soon as my mother got home, she heard all about it. To my shock she wasn’t upset. As a matter of fact, she came up to me and told me that later she would talk to him, once he absorbed it.

Within a few days, they finally met George. George told them that he was 20, he fooled them with that age. Finally, I was able to go out with him to the movies and so forth. I would never let him go any further than kissing.

I finally graduated from high school, and I had turned 19 a couple of months after. For my birthday, George took me to the mall so I could pick out my birthday present. I picked out a bikini, shorts and tank top. (Since my life was swimming) Walking through the mall, he came across this outfit on a mannequin. “That would look really great on you!”

“Too sexy, my parents would never allow me to wear that.” I replied.

“Just like they would never let you have a boyfriend before you graduated!” He replied. “Come on, go try it on!” As he pulled me into the store.

I grabbed the outfit and changed into it. I went outside of the dressing room to where he was at.

“You look half beautiful.” He said when he looked at me.


“It doesn’t go with those sneakers, come on, shoe store!”

“Well, can I change back into my clothes?”

“No, just go and get your clothes!”

I ran back in the dressing room, picked up my stuff and walked up to him at the cashier.

“I need to wash it before wearing, George.”

“You’ll be fine!” He replied.

We got to the shoe store, he picked out a pair of shoes for me to try on. I sat on the chair and kept my legs closed since the outfit he bought me. It was really short black mini-skirt with a half length white silk blouse with spaghetti straps and a white shear jacket. George stood in front of me as we waited for the older salesman to come with the shoes.

The man kneeled in front of me to pick up my foot. My legs spreaded a bit and I caught him looking up my skirt. I closed my legs really quick. I looked up at George, he had a smile on his face. George motioned that I open my legs. I shook my head no.

“You need a smaller size shoe, miss…let me go and get you a 6.”

George came to me and whispered….”don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen to you, let’s have some fun with him……now, go to the bathroom and remove your panties.”

“But George, I um…um can’t do that, I mean….”

“Shhhhh, trust me!

I was so in love with him that I did trust him. So when the man came back out with the other pair of shoes, I asked him….”excuse me, where is the ladies room?”

“Just back there.” As he pointed.

I got up and headed to the ladies room. When I got in there, I looked at myself in the mirror and exhaled a couple of times. I took off my panties and stuffed them in my purse. I walked back to the chair and sat down. Justin again was in front of me behind the man.

“Okay, miss let me have your foot again.”

I opened my legs giving the man a nice show of my young virgin pussy. I just looked up at George, as he was having difficulties putting on that shoe. It finally went on and he took my other foot to place that shoe on it.

“Okay, try walking.”

I got up and not used to heels, I walked slowly and wobbly. Afraid I was going to break my ass with those shoes.

“No, not for you.” George remarked. “How about those there?

“Okay sir, I will be right back!” The clerk said.

I sat back down and waited for the guy to return.
This continued for 5 different shoes. I ended up with the second pair I tried on. As the clerk finished with us, we heard him say….”Joe, I am going on break…can you cover?” As he headed towards the bathroom.

George laughed as he said, that man is going to whack his meat off.

“What?” I asked.

“You really don’t know do you?” George said.

“Know what?”


“No, I don’t know.”

“Well, I just have to teach you!” George said.

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