Where the fuck are those God damn condoms chap 3 by Darkone82

I know I was literally torturing the shit of her. This when Jackie took a hold of my hand and forcefully shoved my hand down between her legs as she was spreading her long thighs up open wide. I moved down toward the bottom of her torso stopping just at edge of her Crotch. Just from where I was I could feel the seething heat that was radiating out from her pussy. I reach down and ran just very tip of my finger over her inflamed lips of her cunt. Oh God I thought she was going blow her load right there and then.

When I saw her Scorching hot female juice begin to seeping

down out her canal of her cunt and were just starting seep over her inflamed lips of her pussy I stopped and said to her “ this isn’t our bed baby so we can’t be just going messing it up” she just look at me with an look of full of primal blood lust could clearly been seen in her eyes she said “mmmmmmm aaaahhh (very deep breathing) your right baby we mess up Cindy bed with my cunt juice she would kill us both quickly go graph … mmmmmmm aaaahh…damn baby that fucking feel good … get a towel put up under me and make it quick damn it…So I rolled off edge of the bed and quickly had I could made way across the room and retrieved my swimming towel that semi wet from drying off earlier from the pool and rushed back over to bed.

Jackie didn’t waste second bend her body up towards be a our lips Connected and once again both of our tongues wrestle about in our mouth just long enough me spread towel down on bed so we wouldn’t mess up Diana sister Cindy with her scorching juice that by now were heavily flowing out from her cunt canal rushing over edges of her inflamed lips. I just wanted stick my head down there and suck in every drop of her juices.

But I guess she other ideas in mind she roll her body over and firmly press my body down on bed and started to pay me back for all time I spent torturing her moment before starting by kissing the side of my neck and working her way down my throat. “ oooooooooo ahhhhhh ooooohh” slipped from my lips has tossed my head back as she continued make her way down my body.

By now I had full fledge boner that kind starting hurt slightly now to it pressing firmly up against the roof my my swimming suit. I guess she noticed the expression on my face change slightly because she immediately lower herself down to towards my waist and set about untiring my strings on swimming suit and loose up my swimming suit to relieve the pressure slightly. As she was looking up at me she smile and told me in very hyper and excited tone of voice “ Baby I cannot believe we are actually going to do it this time .. I been waiting for this day to come” as she started to slip my swimming suit down off my waist and lower them to the floor

I surely thought she was going take my rock harder dick in her mouth. At least that what way it was looking when move her head just inch away from my swollen dick. “ that right baby take my massive swollen throbbing dick in your mouth … please I want feel it expand farther as it enter your mouth”I bellowed out in preparation for my first ever blow job.

Instead She lend forward and ran her tongue up the shaft of my dick only stop and leaned in towards me with yeah right look on her face and said “ Yeah so you blow you massive load in my mouth instead of my hungry ass pussy’ Diana told that guy are highly like to blow their pent up load quickly the first time … sorry baby I but I want feel your muscles contract Violently in my cunt as my muscles of my cunt causing you to violently spewing your sticky streamy massive load into tip of your condom inside me… (graphs me by head ) and I want it now ! Hurry up get the condom I can’t wait another fucking min to have your fucking dick deep inside my tight Virgin pussy”

“ Yes ma’am you don’t have tell me twice be right back” I said as rolled off bed and head straight for bag that sitting at fall left hand side of bed . I bend down and started to go though the ideas in my bag. I was finding everything except the item that I was desperately searching for. my heart started to race and sweat appear on my forehead and not for good reason either. I rummaged though my bag moving all items that I had in my bag by now the sweat rolling down my face starting to get into my eyes which burns like motherfucker. And Jackie continuously tell me hurry up didn’t help things much

Jackie call from bed over to me “ Baby please hurry the hell up we only have a hour before my grandma show up” from across the room I mumbled softly “ where hell are those GOD DAMN CONDOMS…. I know I fucking put them in this fucking BAG!”

I guess I didn’t say it soft enough because Jackie Sprain up off the bed and grabbed the bag from my hand I was sweeting bullets by now, my heart was beating a mile a second. I could literally see this opportunity for us to make love slipping away. Jackie literally dumped all the contents of bag into the floor and my jaw drop and hit the flood. They were a GONE!

Jackie bend down and got on her knee shuffle through the contents that just came out of the bag . She look up at me oh dear God the look of scheer anger appeared in her eyes . There was nothing I could do but brace myself from her firely fury that was surely was to come of this. Jackie literally started to shake and tossed the bag directly in my lap. “ where the hell are they Scott you told me you has put them in bag”

I quickly got up from floor and hurry over to where she was standing and she literally starting to cry. “ I swear Jackie I did put them in there and even check five time before I left the house” I said to her . She push me away now fully in tear walking back over to my bag. And pick it up from ground and toss it to me “ Then where the hell are they Scott (point at bag) they not in bag like you swore to me. (Crying uncontrollably she goes sit back on Diana sister bed) NO NO

NO we had fool proof plan . This can’t be happening to me again!”

I start to walk over to her and by now she was pull up her one piece just shacking her head no “ Baby they were in bag I swear to God… maybe they fell out at pool or something. It doesn’t mean we can’t make love. I mean you wanted me go in earlier without one … come baby please talk to me .. this Silents is killing me . She turned her head towards me still cry her eyes out “ we can’t ok if we do it that now my grandma would surely find out if had done it in pool it would wash away any evidence of our making love . (Place her head in her hand crying uncontrollably) why does this continue to happen to us Scott” I race over to bed to comfort her Jackie buries her head into my chest. I run my hand across her head trying calm her down “I swear they in bag when I left the house and now they gone ( I lifted up her head from chest) calm yourself baby.

I swear to we will soon be lovers… just not going to be today. Go get change and clean yourself up we wouldn’t want your grandma noticed that you had been crying” “ ok baby I’m your not mad at me are you? “She ask as walked across the room head toward bathroom to change out of swimming suit and back into her regular clothes. She stop right at bathroom door looking back at me “Baby why in world would I be mad at you for… here I am worried out my mind and I’m the on afraid your going dump me for screwing up an Golden opportunity like this .” Then we both hear it coming from other room the tell tell sound of Jay moaning . I look at Jackie and said “‘look like we know where those damn condoms when off to after all” I said slamming my fist on bed

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