Awakenings 8 by pars001

My eyes they close, the feeling fleet, To journey’s end, but I have miles before I sleep.” The leader smiled at what came next. On the other end a young woman her eyes glazed over, spoke in monotone, “Yes master I await your command,” The leader started issuing different commands for the many situations she might come up against. Hanging up the phone, the leader knew that by the time the chaos was over there, he and his army would control the city. Laughing evilly, he thought of the many tender young cunts that he’d fuck tonight and maybe for once his hunger might be slated.

Preparing to move out he called the doctor and told him that Natasha would be helping him for a time and to make do without her. Tahir, Kim, Helena and her daughters were sitting and eating when Tina came in from outside screaming that there was a crazy woman out there. She had explosives all over her and was saying that all of the capitalists pig were going to die. Tahir reached out to touch her and felt her tighten up on the bombs release. She obviously had abilities as each time he went a little deep she tightened more.

He gently looked around finding that she was a sleeper agent from the old cold war. After an hour Tahir had only began to get her to relax. After two hours he was finally starting to get somewhere. He had eliminated some of the deep Commands but it was the deep, deep commands that he was worried about. Plus he found that if she held the releases too tight she went boom.

If she relaxed too much or let them go, she went boom. Estimating from the amount around her body she had enough to take out several city blocks possibly more. Finally after along three hours Tahir had frozen her, thinking of the bombs or any explosives on her they vanished. Laughing the woman said,” Before you destroy me I have a message from Romotine” “I wish to tell you that you have lost and the city is mine! You will never win now And with all the cunts here I may never be hungry again.

“ Laughing a half crazed laugh the woman started in on her tirade, “you will never win! The leader is all he is AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!

”The dying personality could be heard all over the block. Tahir’s face held a look of disgust at what he had seen and heard in her mind. “Captain,” Tahir started, “Can you confirm what she said?” Grim faced the Captain started the report he had just received, “They are reporting 30,000 missing, that’s a lot of minds he has to play with” “What of the casualties?” Tahir wasn’t too sure he was going to like the answer to this.

“Of the 150,000 there, it was reported that 100,000 got out. Of those left 20,000 fought back, They took the city with just 3000, maybe 200 at the most were killed on Romotine’s side.” Tahir was steamed at his self he should have seen this coming. Vanishing he appeared near a road out of the city looking at the 20 or 30 men they had there, his anger high he walked toward them. The whole lot of them began to laugh at him pointing, saying he had a death wish.

That was till the first one died in a fiery plume of smoke. They all got serious faced and began to fire at him. Tahir just smiled as he cut each down , their cries of agony and screams of death were music to Tahir’s ears.Finding a group of about 60 people he pointed and they were gone to the other side near the army posted there. Walkingon further he found another 40 and sent them.

After an hour he had sent over 10,000 people outside ofthe city, but he had only had to kill maybe 200 of Romotine’s men.Shaking his head something wasn’t right here. Nearing his old house not too far from the doctor’s old and new place he felt them before they attacked. There were only about 500 of them not really that many, so Tahir knew that something was different this time. As they started to send their waves at him he felt a very strong presence, it was almost as strong as the woman they had sent out at the battle not long ago.

Reaching out he felt Natasha, ah! < so you have finally figured out what you did to me and repeated it in yourself I see> did on you. I didn’t want to die from a second dose of the radiation. By the way the doctor has a device that can take abilities away you might want to avoid it> Surprised that she was turning on the doctor he felt and saw the machine, the energy it held was different than anything he had ever felt. Raising it the doctor fired at what looked to be Tahir.

The beam merely sliced through him as he faded. Tahir standing nearby had felt theenergy go through his image.It almost felt like the energy he used to seal areas where a power was. Snapping his fingers, he knew just what to do. The doctor was a little confused but considering how strong Tahir was he wasn’t surprised.

Looking for his target , the doctor vowed not to miss again. The 500 began to fire everywhere trying to flush him out. AH! There he was firing, the doctor was shocked when the beam split then double split, soon there were too many to tell the hit Tahir and began to bounce back. Each man was hit precisely each and every one!

Holy SHIT! What the hell was it going to take to kill this little bastard.While each man was screaming after the beam hit them, the doctor once again ran. Dragging Natasha after him he jumped into his car and sped away. <Don’t you dare forget that I helped you> Natasha thought to Tahir.

He asked more curious than just wanting information. my head to get my cooperation> she had spoken this low almost as if she was afraid that someone else might hear. Watching them speed away Tahir was extremely intrigued now. Turning his attention to the 500 men he soon found that 400 of them had been drugged and made to help as soon as the beam had hit them they had been freed taking them he sent them also to the army camp. Walking on for another hour getting as close as he dared to the headquarters of the doctor’s army he had saved another 5000,Sighing he was happy that he had eliminated at least half.

Pulling back to the west coast office, the Captain was waiting, he really wanted to scream at Him but after the reports he had gotten he was thinking more a medal. Plopping down Tahir rubbed his temples, suddenly he felt the presence of 6 females. Too tired to even look up he felt each as they began to rub his temples and neck. Finally looking up at the woman from the battle.“You know in all the excitement, even though I have been inside, I still don’t know your name”Laughing, a fabulous sound from her lips, she replied, “It’s May, I am glad you are alright.

It wouldn’t do to have the man who saved my life and all those here, die when I could have helped.” “How?” he queried, “You can’t move like I can” “True,” she said, “but I could go with you I am as strong as you in different aspects, you know I can hold my own in a fight.” “That’s not why I didn’t take you” he stated, “Your energy was so slow to rebuild especially after the battle and healing yourself, I finally figured out how you did it and that was why you were so drained” “Oh, I thought I had hidden that fact away deep enough, that even you couldn’t find it.” She replied biting her lip.

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