Club Fatale Pt. 7 by nightscribe | Violence

Lifting her, I brought her to the indoor pool. I set her on her feet and, very carefully, stripped her nude. It was like unwrapping a treasure. Smooth, athletic arms and firm, proportioned breasts; trim and toned abs and lean hips… and those utterly magnificent legs. She seemed clean and fresh. Fresher than any woman I had ever met.

I lowered her into the pool and dove in after her. We swam together and kissed until I couldn’t wait any longer.

Bending Athena over the side of the pool, I took her from behind, splashing in the water as I reamed her burning pussy. My hands gripped her shoulders and I pounded into her with all my strength, listening to her high-pitched cries as pleasured her. I wrapped my hand around her neck and squeezed softly, my other hand locked in her golden tresses.

I pulled out of her, spun her around and pushed her down in the water. My cock pressed to her lips and she took me in. I fucked her face underwater for several long minutes until finally she came up for air.

I studied her features as I rubbed my cock on her face. High forehead and cheekbones, a chiseled aquiline nose, a strong jaw and a small, delicate mouth. Athena gave off an impression of aristocratic grace coupled with physical vitality. It was glorious to have her face as my toy.

I jerked off over her and blew a load, showering her features with my semen. She licked it up and swallowed, staring into my eyes as my come raced down into her belly.

I caressed her face.

“Please,” she begged, “take me to bed, master. I can feel that it’s my time. I’m so ripe and ready for you. You must breed with me and make me a mother. Please. I may not have another chance.”

Catching her up in my arms, I carried her off.

We made vigorous love in the Commodore’s bedroom. So many times I had dreamt of making love to Emmanuelle here, in her own bed, and now I was bedding a woman no less exciting than my blonde lover. For several hours we tested various positions. I must have come a half-dozen times. In the end, she lay atop me as I gasped for breath. She was perfectly calm and composed. Still, she glowed as she had earlier. But, even in our exertions, I had rarely found her out of breath.

“I must not be as youthful as I thought,” I said. “You’ve taken everything I have and you’re not even winded.”

“Mmm,” she murmured. “You’ve gone longer than any man I’ve ever been with. I didn’t know a man could ejaculate so much.”

Then she propped herself up on one elbow. “How old are you, anyway?” she asked, curiously.

“Turned forty last month,” I said.

Athena’s mouth fell open, as if in surprise and she turned away.

“What is it?” I asked.

“It’s just that…” she began, “I’ve never met someone of your age.”

I blinked. “Have you been on the island a long time?”

She nodded. “All my life,” she said.

“Really?” I said, unsure if I was hearing right. “Well, you must have met the Commodore and he’s a good deal older than me.”

Athena shook her head and laid it back down on my chest. “I’m tired,” she said. “So dreadfully tired.”

“Me, too,” I confided.

A few minutes later we drifted off together.

Chapter Thirteen – Secrets that We Keep

My hardening cock brought me back to the waking world. Dim morning light met my eyes and I blinked the sleep from them.

There was a pressure in my groin and I looked down.

Full blonde hair covered my waist and shook as my cock was taken deep inside a moist, warm mouth. I pushed the blonde mane aside and sparkling blue eyes and a gorgeous mature face met my gaze.

“Oh, fuck!” I cried out in surprise. “Emmanuelle!” And I came, hard. Full lips and puckered cheeks sucked and my semen disappeared down Emma’s tight throat, never to see the light of day. My head fell back to the pillow and I luxuriated in a few more minutes of post-ejaculation pleasure. Finally the sucking subsided and Emmanuelle pulled her lithe body up to lay atop my chest.

“Mmm,” she sighed. “Was your night enjoyable, Evan?”

“Not as much as this morning,” I said.

“I don’t believe that,” Emma said. “I think that girl would be most satisfying. If not, then the Commodore would want to know…”

“She was,” I assured her. “But I do enjoy your presence here, Emmanuelle, at least as much.”

She smiled, Cheshire-like.

“How much time do we have?” I asked.

“The Commodore doesn’t return for days,” she confided. “But our relationship might grow suspicious if you linger too long.”

“Do we have time for you to show me around?” I asked. “I’ve wanted to see this place, but I wanted to share it with you.”

She smiled. “We have at least a few hours. Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Two kitchens, a library, a billiards room, an armory, an indoor pool, a smoking room, a ladies suite, two offices, a garage, a terrace, a helipad, seven sex chambers, three living rooms, four dining rooms, thirteen baths and twenty-one bedrooms. That was the grand total of the Commodore’s mansion. Unless I missed anything. Which I was sure I had.

“And this room,” I asked, pointing at the next door on the third floor.

“Jenn’s and Jordan’s room,” she said. “They’re the Commodore’s first daughters, by Linda, whose room this originally was.”

“And what happened to this Linda?” I asked.

Emma hesitated. “She was snuffed…” was the final reply.

“By the Commodore?”

“No,” Emmanuelle said quietly. “Linda attempted to escape from the Forbidden Island and was caught by officers of the Coast Patrol. As I told you, by tradition, the Patrol is vested with the power to determine punishment for a Femme so caught. Even the Commodore could not break that tradition and so Linda… paid the penalty…”

“You were friends with her,” I said.

Emmanuelle nodded and looked down. I lifted her chin. “I am sorry,” I said.

I took her hand and walked on. Arm-in-arm until we reached the hallway’s end. It was there that I spotted a pair of mahogany double-doors that were decorated with a large golden ‘S’ in a severe, stylized font.

I stopped. “What’s this room?” I asked.

Emmanuelle hesitated.

“Well?” I asked.

“I — I don’t know what’s behind those doors,” she admitted.

“You’re joking, Emma,” I said.

“Please, Evan,” she said, quickly, “let’s move along.”

“You’re not kidding,” I said. “You’ve really never been past these doors? Hmm. I wonder what could be so exclusive that the Commodore wouldn’t let one of his own wives see. Does anyone go inside, ever?”

“Just Matilda, the head housekeeper.”

“And how does she get inside?” I asked.

“She has a golden key with a metal ‘S’ carved into the grip,” Emma said. “She only goes in when no one is looking. Please, Evan, let’s go.”

“And how do you know what this key looks like, so precisely?”

“Because… well, I’ve seen where the Commodore hides his.”

“Get it for me,” I ordered.

“No! Evan, you mustn’t! No one is allowed in there on pain of –!”

“He’s never going to know, Emma,” I said. “You told me, yourself. No one is here today. Now, get the key for me, this instant.”

Hanging her head, Emma led me to the key’s hiding place.

I took the ornate object from her delicate hand. It was as she said: a large, carved golden key. I returned to the double-doors and fit the key into the lock. It opened with a heavy, unnerving CLUNK. I slowly pushed the door open and it swung back to reveal a long, dark passageway.

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