Demonology by Drusilla

Demonology by Drusilla..,

Part one , Amanda stood up satisfied. Looking around her house she was making some progress unpacking but she was starting to get tired. Stretching her back she rubbed her breasts, even they were sore and tired from the move. Picking up her glass of wine, she decided that she wanted a little fresh air before she attempted making the bed and so, stepped out into the night air.

Her new home sat on several acres of land in the middle of nowhere. Listening all she could hear was the night creatures singing their song to the moon and the gurgle of the stream that fed into the larger river and the very back of her land. The stream was on her property but it was the unofficial boundary with her neighbors to the North. She hadn’t met them yet, but they were the closest people to her. The next closest neighbor was across the street and over a mile away. Sipping her wine, she stepped off the porch and into the warm humidity that only the South could offer. Smiling, she watched fireflies dance their mating dance, lighting up to attract their potential mates. Amanda sighed. Divorced. Twice. Shaking her head, she turned to check out the stream.

Walking slowly, she could hear things slink off into the dark of night. Despite the full moon, she was certain that shadows followed her. She was beginning to think she should turn around when she noticed a red glow in the direction of the neighbors land. Walking closer but with more caution she smelled smoke. Nervous that it was a fire but trying to keep calm about it she pressed on to check.

The bushes and trees grew thick in the area around the stream, blocking her view of the neighbor’s land (and their view of her), causing her to do a little unprepared trekking. Stopping at the banks of the stream, she was shocked to see how deep the ravine was. From her feet to the top of the water was about ten feet and who knew how deep it was once you got in. Deciding that she would not be swimming, she looked up and found that while there was trees and brush on the far bank, it was not nearly as thick. She was able to move down the bank to a thinner spot and saw a group of people around a campfire.

‘Maybe they’re pagans.’ Amanda thought eagerly.

Being a practicing witch herself, she could make a mean tea with catnip but that was the extent of her powers. She instead chose to focus on the religion aspect of paganism. So a group of people around a fire chanting, did not frighten Amanda, only make her more curious. It wasn’t until she heard the roar of something both human and animalistic that her blood ran cold. Looking around in the night, she realized how exposed she really was. Wearing a pair of running shorts and long cotton tank top, long red hair loose and a glass of red wine in hand, she could hardly battle an animal, or a mob.

‘When could I have ever battled anything other than a hangover?’ She thought pointedly to herself.

The roar, this time closer, caused her to focus on her situation and wonder who or what her neighbors were.

‘Maybe they keep lions?’

Even Amanda scowled her face at herself. Looking around quickly, she realized she would have to follow the edge of the stream back to where she was able to get through the brush, it was far too thick until there. She began to move slowly, hoping to not attract attention, when the group around the fire began to run away from the fire and into every direction. Amanda froze and watched the group slowly, cautiously walk back towards the fire. In the far distance she could hear the occasional rumbling of a speaker, though he spoke as if he had a deep and commanding voice. The people in the group began removing their clothing slowly as if they were entranced. Standing around the fire the flicker of the fire light created interesting shadows across their bodies. Amanda wasn’t sure if it was the long day or wine, but she could have sworn the shadows moved and undulated on their own as if alive.

Slowly people began grouping off, some coupling where they stood, others moving off to other places to take advantage of the terrain and surroundings. Men with Women, men with men, women with women, and everything in between. They all started to fuck. Slowly at first, some even with what looked to be gentleness and love but slowly began to grow more frantic and crazed. Amanda stood still again, this time turned on. She had never been voyeuristic but now she felt a thrill watching these people go at it.

A dull ache began to rise in between her legs and Amanda shifted her weight, inadvertently rubbing her swelling lips and clit against her little shorts. Amanda bit her lip to keep from moaning. Slowly she crouched down, taking another sip of her wine. She waivered on the steep bank, her footing was not so good here, so she grabbed the trunk of a little tree nearby to keep from falling in the drink. She wanted desperately to get in the midst of that orgy. It had been a long time since she had been with anyone and she had just began to think that she could go without a man and now, she was realizing how much she did miss cock. Her last husband had been a totally ass, but what he lacked as a husband and a decent human being he more than made up for it in the bedroom. Crazy people were just better in bed.

Frustrated and totally horny, Amanda set down her glass of wine and began rubbing her hand between her legs. The cotton of her shorts and her thong were thin enough that she could feel her clit swell beneath the fabric. She was so sensitive so quickly, it caught her off guard, but she silently watched, trying to curb her lust.

A couple not terribly far away on the far bank were in the middle of a beautiful love making session when suddenly the man sat up. The woman slapped him hard across the face. Amanda winced and stopped her pleasuring. The man did not react but to look at her as he slapped her back. Rotating her around so that she was on her hands and knees the man continued the sex. The woman, not trying to get away suddenly swung her right fist back and hard, hitting the man in the temple. Grabbing her wrist, he yanked back on her causing her to slide further back on his dick. A man walked up to this couple and laid down on his back in front of the woman who took her other hand and began sucking the man off with skill. Resting on her left elbow, she still managed to handle the prick with her left hand and mouth. As soon as the new man laid down a woman squatted over his face having dragged another girl with her. The two women began kissing and caressing one another, while another man crawled up behind the second woman and began to fuck her hand from behind. One by one, the people began creating the fuck chain. Some were gentle but most of the people were violent, punching or slapping or twisting various body parts as they undulated and writhed in the shadows of the campfire.

Amanda decided she had finally seen enough when she noticed the shadow of a person standing on the far side of the campfire. She could not see much of the person, only that it was a man and that he seemed very tall. Arms crossed his chest as he stood watching the orgy. Raising his hands over his head she let out the animal howl she had heard before. Startled Amanda sat down and began to skid into the ravine. Tightening her grip on the little tree saved her from going in, but not before she made a lot more noise then she had cared to. Pulling herself onto the bank of the stream she looked back at the scene. The man at the fire was gone, though the fuck fest continued on. Relieved, Amanda began making haste for the opening in the brush when she heard a light splashing. Looking to her left, she saw two yellow eyes in the darkness stare at her. Her knees starting to go weak, she bolted for the break in the trees and got tangled up in the underbrush and fell.

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