Gray Jedi – chap 5 – by auguy86

“Such a pathetic excuse for a Jedi,” Anakin sneered, at last releasing Serra from his Force Lightning. “All this… your fault.”

As painful as his words were, Serra tried to regain focus. She pulled on all her knowledge and experience, drew on the Force to illuminate the truth behind Anakin’s words. Finally, she realized how she could escape this pain.

“No… you are the one who is pathetic,” she gasped from the floor.


You turned on Master Windu. You killed these younglings! YOU! NOT ME!”

Finding the strength to roll on to her side and face her attacker, Serra smiled at seeing his expression of rage.

“You were so weak, Anakin. You had it all. Talent. Respect. Friendship. Hell, you even had love. And you threw it all away… because of empty promises.”

“Shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!!”

“I am not the disgrace… you are. You’re pitiful. Insecure. And…”

Anakin charged for her, preparing to run her through with his lightsaber.

“…I feel sorry for you,” Serra finally whispered.

Just as he was about to finish her, Skywalker disappeared in a cloud of black smoke. In his place stood her beloved Malik, his face one of shock and surprise.

“Malik…” Serra managed before passing out from exhaustion.

“No… no, Serra!” Malik screamed, rushing to her side.

Serra’s breathing was heavy and labored. He had seen this before. This time, there was no desperation, no hesitation. This time, Malik knew what to do. Placing both his hands on her chest, he pressed down and delivered a weak electric shock into her body, springing her back awake once again.

“Serra, you’re alright!” Malik exclaimed, helping her sit up.

“Yeah… looks like you saved my ass again,” she retorted.

“And I always will.”

Sharing a moment of silent admiration, Malik and Serra locked eyes for what seemed like ages before falling into a long, loving kiss. But as they opened their eyes and parted, the couple found that they were now surrounded by the figures of Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cin Drallig, and Anakin Skywalker before his fall. Each one of them had cross, disapproving expressions on their faces.

“You’re better than this,” said Obi-Wan.

“We must hold ourselves to a higher standard,” said Windu.

“I had such expectations for you, Serra,” said Drallig.

“You’re no better than me,” said Anakin.

On and on it went, the Jedi all taunting Malik and Serra, trying to instill doubt in their minds. At first, Serra was close to tears, tormented by their sharp disapproval. But soon, Malik’s reassuring hand on her shoulder began to calm her down. Gazing into his eyes, everything in the galaxy made sense to her.

“They’re wrong, Serra,” Malik whispered to her over the taunting. “We are better than Anakin; Yoda himself said so. Together, we are stronger in the Force than either of us could ever be on our own. Our whole is greater than the sum of our parts. That is why this is the will of the Force. I finally understand. Serra…”

The voices around them now rose to a crescendo, seeming to shout insult after insult at the pair. Still, they paid them no mind. Serra could only hear the voice of her beloved in those moments. She hung on every word from his lips.

“…Will you marry me?”

Serra’s eyes widened at hearing those words. Her heart pounded, her brow perspired. It was everything she had ever dreamed of, yet she could not find the words to reply. At last, with joyful tears streaming down her cheeks, she managed to speak her answer.


The voices began to quiet as Malik took Serra’s hand, kissing it sweetly.

“Serra Keto, I take you to be my wife. From this day on, I pledge myself to you, to the good we can do together, and to the will of the Force. Whether our days be numerous or few, I am yours to the end.”

Smiling through her tears, Serra cupped Malik’s face in her hands.

“Malik Ran, I take you to be my husband. I love you with all my heart because you are the kindest, bravest man I have ever known. I will be your ever devoted partner, a loving wife, and if the Force is willing, the mother of your children.”

Falling into each other’s arms, the couple sealed their union with a long, tender kiss. No amount of disapproval could ever affect them now; they knew this to be right. As they parted, they now saw that they were once again alone in the cave, not a sound to be heard. Arm-in-arm, they walked out of the cave together.


As they exited, Yoda stood on the nearby tree stump, their lightsabers still resting on the ground in front of him. He wore an enormous grin on his face, and his ears pointed skyward, indicating his joy at seeing them.

“Malik Ran, Serra Keto, step forward.”

The pair moved towards him slowly, their anticipation building. Both knew what was about to happen. Reaching Master Yoda, they each went down on one knee before him. He placed a hand on each of their heads, his eyes closing as he sunk into meditation. After several minutes, he spoke.

“Strong is the Force with you. A difficult path you have chosen, yet proven you have your capabilities to walk it without straying. And so, by the will of the Force, dub thee I do, Jedi Masters… and husband and wife.”

Both looked up in surprise at his last words.

“You saw that?” Malik asked.

“Of course. Impossible to miss, it was,” Yoda replied with a chuckle. “Master Keto, Master Ran, rise.” As they stood, he continued, “Pleased I am to no end at seeing your growth. Known for years I have that this day would come. The day that we no longer exist as master and student, but as equals.”

Serra choked back a tear as she smiled and replied, “In your mind we may be equals, but to us, you will always be our teacher, Master Yoda.”

“Now, celebrate we must! Come, saved the last of my lifeboat’s rations for a special occasion I have.”

“Master Yoda, we couldn’t eat your best remaining food. It would be… impolite,” Malik protested.

Laughing, Yoda merely replied, “Wriggle out of this one you will not, Master Malik. Come, we eat.”

Seeing they could not change his mind, the pair followed Yoda back to his makeshift home. They laughed and joked as he prepared the food, clearly in a great mood following their promotions. Of course, Serra had a powerful urge to pounce on her husband right then and there, but she managed to refrain. Soon, Yoda brought them each a plate of food.

“Sit. Eat. Much to be happy for we have.”

Taking his first bites, Malik replied, “Master, you never cease to amaze me. Even after everything that’s happened in the last few weeks, you still manage to keep your optimism.”

“Keeps me going it does.”

“That’s true, I suppose,” Serra said. “It’d be so easy to just give up…”

“Worry not, Master Serra. Good you can still do in your life. Besides, last forever nothing does, not even the Empire. One day, years from now, a new hope will rise to oppose it.”

Malik eyed Yoda for several seconds. “You’re plotting something, aren’t you?”

“Heheh, hide things from you I cannot. Indeed, a plan is in the works. But for you two, best not to know the details it is.”

“That makes sense, in the event we were captured and tortured for information. I mean we would never betray your secrets, but…”

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