Lost Empire 15 by pars001

“Oh you’re right Derrick she should be emerging very soon, you also have that execution tomorrow,” she reminded him.

Though the look on her face let him know she wasn’t that pleased about it, she knew it was necessary. Derrick could see that it was upsetting her but he knew that he had to do this he just hoped that she realized it also.

“How many are you going to need Shelby? I thought three in order to triangulate the exact position of the box.” Derrick asked her.

“At first I thought of that but we need a fourth to ensure that the readings are even more exact,” Shelby advised him.

“Alright we need to stop the box and then get back there, I realize that it is far more difficult to put your hologram elsewhere at such great distances.” Derrick told her, not seeing her smile at the consideration he was showing for Zan and his wing mate.

“Moving into position Derrick,” Shelby reported as Derrick watched Shelby maneuver. Barely much distance from it, Shelby emitted the energy tow beam though at a lower power setting. A minute later Shelby reported that the box was now stationary and there were no changes in the signals she was reading from the devices. Breathing a sigh of relief, Derrick had her set up a small beacon to find the area again faster.

“Alright Shelby we haven’t that much time I believe she is about to emerge?” Derrick questioned her.

“Yes derrick it shouldn’t be that long now.” Shelby replied. Derrick sat back as the now familiar whine of the trans-warp sounded, then they were back at the Imperial planet they were quickly joined by Zan and Conner.

Both male holograms appeared on board Shelby, “There has been no new activity from the Republic fleet, other than those that left. We have been watching everything ’til further orders sire.” They both reported.

“Alright standby, Tempro I want you in place behind us I know your defenses aren’t as good but you can still be a good deterrent.” Derrick told them.

It wasn’t even a half hour later when an alarm went off, “I am detecting her imminent emergence.” Shelby advised as they all waited.

A few moments later the speakers let off static, then they heard a low then louder female voice. “Hello? Is there anyone there?” The scared sounding voice said.

“Hello 1000, starting to feel better my wing mate?” Zan said.

“0999 you are still functioning,” came the excited voice.

Chuckling Zan told the voice, “In a way I have, I am also here with the new emperor. He is extremely pleased that you are going to be functioning again soon.”

“Please excuse me sire, it is such good news to know my wing mate is still whole!” the voice explained.

“That is fine 1000 grow and become whole again, there are still enemies of the empire out there; we need you as well as you other brothers and sisters.” Derrick told her.

“Yes sire I will serve to the best of my ability for you.” The excited voice told Derrick.

“Alright I don’t want to separate what there is of this fleet again if possible. We are all going to retrieve the other brain box, Shelby supply the coordinates. We jump in 5 minutes, Mary advise me of any changes with the Republic fleet, we’ll be back before time for the execution. Oh yes, did you locate the imperial boring sand worms?” Derrick asked Mary.

My, my, Mary thought so the man had really pissed the emperor off, the boring worms were the most painful and slow way to die, it usually took a day and once they were in a person they were as good as dead.

“Yes sire, I had to cut the number down to 20 though we had well over 100, as I thought you didn’t want the execution over that quick. They are ready and standing by shall I have the rangers bring him?” Mary smiled sweetly.

“Yes, I also want this shown to almost all, I want them to know the price for betrayal.” Derrick told her looking over the specifications of the enhancers again. “’til tomorrow Mary.”

Three minutes later all four of the ships jumped, Mary watched them as they crossed the galaxy. With a smile she started to clear an area for the execution in the courtyard, checking the imperial worms, and lastly preparing everything that the emperor might want while he was here. Sighing she knew now that this one wasn’t going to be a sit around and rule man, the problems she could see coming, well she would just have to up her security. Reaching deep inside the palace she started the sentry production line, goodness it hadn’t run in two centuries, but she’d kept it like new. Smiling she knew that it would take a while but in two hours she’d have 20 new sentries, not a lot yet but by tomorrow she could have well over 200, a small but still powerful force.

The ships emerged not that far from the beacon that Derrick had Shelby leave behind. Looking around Derrick could see that the box hadn’t moved. Having the others keep watch Derrick had Shelby deploy the first, slowly moving it into position, for many tense minutes Derrick tracked the enhancer ’til it was finally stationary. For the next hour Derrick watched nervous as each moved into position.

“Shelby, are we getting any drift or movement of any kind,” Derrick asked.

“Nothing at present Derrick, I should be able to use the IMT in a few moments.” Shelby answered Derrick.

Derrick nodded watching as the last enhancer moved into place.
“I am seeing excellent tone, all pattern enhancers online, no trace of the explosives patterns are showing. When you are ready Shelby,” Derrick advised her.

“Commencing,” Shelby started.

“Shelby wait, I want all ships to go to full shields, I need a ship to standby in front of Shelby ’til her shields are up.” Derrick ordered.

“I will be happy to assist,” Conner said a moment later.

“Alright Shelby I want your shields up as fast and as soon as you can.” Derrick told her.

“I will Derrick,” Shelby said with a smile. “Commencing again.”

For a few moments there was hardly a sound then there was a titanic explosion, from what Derrick could see Shelby barely got her shields up in time, Derrick in the mean time almost bounced off the hull before he ended up on the deck.

It took a few moments for the area to clear then Derrick tried to pick his self off the deck.

It was a moment before he realized that his arm was bent at an odd angle, just before the pain set in and the world turned black. Derrick thought he heard Shelby scream out, “My god Derrick I was only joking about letting me be there if you fell, DERRICK!”

Derrick could only smile as he fell, crap! This was going to mess up his whole week, he thought he felt something catch him. Thudding onto something soft he tried to smile again, ah Shelby good girl he thought.

Shelby and Mary were scared Derrick’s readings weren’t that good. Shelby was blaming herself for not telling Derrick to secure himself before the blast, Mary was blaming herself for not having been there as she usually was.

They were both worried that the nanomites wouldn’t be able to heal him fast enough and it seemed that they were in decline.

“Shelby,” Mary said after another vial appeared on the table next to Derrick, “Please inject this into him they are a stronger updated version, they should effect repairs to his system faster.”

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