One in a Million (edited ver.) by Redthorn

“J.P! Are you here?

” I groaned and covered my head with the pillow. Eventually, she found me on the bed and breathe a sigh of relief. “There you are, I was worried sick!

you had just disappeared and nobody knew where-” She stopped and I heard a sharp intake of breath. she must’ve seen my bruises. “Oh my god, what happened to you?

” she asked silently. I moved my head out of the pillow slightly so she could understand me. “Derrick caught me at my hideout.

Somebody told him where I went during lunch.” “Who would?.


oh my god” I couldn’t see her face but I could hear her tone well enough that it made me pull of my pillow, despite my pounding headache, and look at her face. Now, keep in mind that twin telepathy stuff is utter bull, but since we know each other so well, we can still read each other like a book so when I saw her face, It didn’t look like a surprised face or a i’m-going-to-kill-someone face, It looked like a guilty face. “Jo,” I said keeping my anger in check “You wouldn’t happen to know who told Derrick where I was, do you?

” she kept her head down and refused to look at me. “Josephine,” now she glanced up, because we only used each others full name when we’re pissed and right now, I think I qualify as pissed. “Did you tell Derrick where I was?

” Jo said nothing and kept her head down for awhile and all you could hear was the rain that was pouring down heavily. Finally Jo looked up with tears in her eyes and spoke. “I-I came to him during gym and-and I had asked him to let me-let me sign up for-for football, and he-he said he would talk to his coach if I would tell where was you we-went during lunch so he-he could ask for help on a report he was doing for english.

” She stopped there and burst into tears. I was so mad, I was seeing red. Instead of comforting my little sister, I grabbed my hoodie and stormed down stairs where I grabbed my boots and headed for the front door, Jo on my heels babbling about how sorry she was and how she didn’t mean for this to happen.

She paused when she saw where I was heading. “W-Wait where are you going?” she asked her eyes still swimming in unshed tears “Out.

” was the only reply I gave. Before I stepped outside, I turned back to face her, fury written all on my face. “I would have rather been beaten to death by Derrick and his pack of thugs then you stabbing me in the back.

” I went outside and slammed the door in her face and started running from the house, not really going anywhere, just running away from the hurt, from the pain, from the betrayal. I kept running, past the houses, past the shops until I couldn’t run anymore. I stood in an open field heaving and huffing til I could catch my breath.

Once I did, I screamed. I screamed into the open air, into the storm yelling until I was left empty. I just collasped in the field on my knees, looking up at the sky.

“I’m done with it all,” I said the the clouds ” You wanna make life for me so unbearable, just end it already, please.” The storm grumbled and rumbled, almost as if it didn’t like what was going to happen next. I stayed there, tears falling from my face as I wished the world would just disappear.

Suddenly, the sky glowed with white light as a bolt of lightning struck down and hit me directly on the head. Once again I opened my mouth and screamed, not in anger, but in pain, as every part of my being felt it was being tortured cruelly and then melted. I kept screaming even when the lightning had long faded from the sky and I sat in a circle of flames.

Finally I just collasped into the ground as my vision faded into blackness. The last thing I remember was hearing someone call out my name as I faded into nothingness.

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